Ye Cheng said by the way: [Remember to bring homework for winter vacation, school will start in a while, I will check it for you. 】

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In addition to the school’s unified booklet, the winter vacation homework of the second year of high school also has test papers issued by teachers of various subjects.

Lu Xiao was awakened by this news, and hesitantly typed: [But I haven’t finished writing the paper yet. 】

After two minutes, Ye Cheng replied to him: [Take it with you. 】

Lu Xiao was forced to put the paper into the bag, and then remembered that his booklet was not finished yet.

In order to make a good impression on Ye Cheng, he had to fight until two o’clock at night.

Since the winter vacation, Lu Xiao has become more and more a night owl.

Either he can’t sleep because of the itching, or he can’t sleep because of anxiety like today.

Damn, whoever is in love still has to bring a paper.

——He wants to bring it, because his boyfriend is a scholar.

So painful and so happy.

In the end, Lu Xiao fell asleep holding his math homework.

In the morning, Meng Li came over to wake him up, patted his face and said, “It’s eight o’clock, you asked me to wake you so early, are you going out?”

Lu Xiao was afraid that he would miss the appointment if he woke up late, so he said in a daze, “Well, I have an appointment with a friend today.”

“Girlfriend?” Meng Li teased him.

Lu Xiao coughed: “Ye Cheng.”

Meng Li nodded: “Will you go to study? Xiao Cheng took care of you too much, so invite him home for dinner another day.”

Lu Xiao pulled out the clothes he picked out last night and replied casually, “Mom, please help me find an aunt who is good at Sichuan cuisine. I want to learn it.”

“Yo, did my son has changed sex?” Meng Li said in surprise.

Lu Xiao pushed her out embarrassedly, “I’m going to change my clothes.”

He used to be a lover of clothes, and after falling in love, he became even more out of control.

When he went out to dinner with Ye Cheng last semester, he would secretly compare whether passing girls looked at him more or Ye Cheng.

Although they don’t care on the surface, boys are more or less interested in being more handsome than other.

Back then he was simply trying to compare who was more handsome, but now it’s different.

If passersby looked at Ye Cheng more often, he seemed to be missing a piece of meat. This is Laozi’s person, how dare they try and see.

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They met on Shanhai Road at ten o’clock, planning to stroll around the area and then eat.

When they met face to face again, Lu Xiao was even more nervous than he thought.

He didn’t dare to look directly into Ye Cheng’s eyes, and he didn’t dare to stick close to him, even a little further away than before.

Ye Cheng was talking beside him, his voice was as beautiful as a lark, but he couldn’t hear a word.

Damn, Lu Xiao thought to himself, he couldn’t concentrate and listen to what he was saying.

All his attention was on his voice, his smell, and the occasional peek at those rosy lips.

His gaze moved down and landed on the back of Ye Cheng’s hand half tucked into his cuff.
How can he hold his hand quietly?

Wouldn’t it be too deliberate if you pulled it up directly.

Ye Cheng said, “That’s settled, I can rest for a while while writing.”

“Ah? What’s settled?” Lu Xiao finally came back to his senses.

Ye Cheng said speechlessly: “I said to find a private cinema in the afternoon and watch movies while studying.”

Lu Xiao hurriedly said, “Oh, well, I didn’t hear it clearly just now.”

Ye Cheng noticed that his ears were a little red, and slowly understood.

He raised his lips, looked Lu Xiao up and down, and said, “Are you nervous? Because of the date with me?”

Lu Xiao’s self-esteem was poked, and he immediately said, “I’m not nervous, isn’t it just a date?”

“Really,” Ye Cheng glanced at his hand, “Then why are you shaking?”

Lu Xiao’s face flushed red.

The smile at the corner of Ye Cheng’s mouth became more and more obvious, and he thought to himself.

“Do you want to hold hands?” he asked in a low voice.

Shanhai Road is full of people, and many shops in the commercial street are already open for business.

From time to time, passing girls peeked at them, some looked at Lu Xiao, some looked at Ye Cheng, and some eagerly came up to ask for contact information.

In front of the public, Lu Xiao’s face turned even redder.

But he wanted to hold hands, very, very much.

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So he bowed his head and asked tentatively, “Is it okay?”

Ye Cheng looked at him with a smile, “Of course you can.”

Lu Xiao looked around and said seriously, “You don’t mind holding hands here?”

He subconsciously felt that Ye Cheng was a bit arrogant, and he would understand if he didn’t want to hold hands in front of so many people.

But Ye Cheng shook his head and quietly put his left hand out of his cuff.

The thin white fingers were fully exposed and slowly hooked at him.

In an instant, Lu Xiao felt that his soul had been hooked away.

He felt a pounding in his heart.

Lu Xiao swallowed, held his breath, and reached out to wrap his hand.

The slightly cold back of the hand has distinct bones, and the raw flesh is extremely soft and tender.

Holding it in the palm of your hand is like holding a fledgling chick.

Ye Cheng squinted his eyes, pulled down the cuff with his right hand, and hid his hand in his sleeve.

Their arms were close together, and if you didn’t look closely, you wouldn’t be able to tell that they were holding hands under their sleeves.

Lu Xiao’s heartbeat stopped for a moment, and then began to thump and rush frantically.

Ah, ah, why does his little action make people so excited?

His heart was crumpled into a ball, but he didn’t dare to exert any force on his hands.

He was worried that holding it too tightly would make Ye Cheng feel uncomfortable.

He licked his lips and tried to remain calm: “Do you want to drink milk tea? I’ll buy it.”

Ye Cheng is not interested in sweet ones, “Buy a cup.”

Lu Xiao almost fainted – fuck! The magic weapon for love that Tan Xiaoqi sent him was really true, Ye Cheng wanted to drink in the same cup with him.

He placed an order for a cup of milk tea with his mobile phone, and the two waited for the store to call, while holding hands.

Lu Xiao’s palms were sweating a little, and he said softly, “I’ll wipe it and then hold it.”

Ye Cheng didn’t let him go, but smiled and said, “No.”

“Huh?” Lu Xiao didn’t know why.

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Ye Cheng whispered, “I don’t want to let go.”

Both of them spoke softly, as if they had exhausted the gentleness of their entire lives.

Many students come to play in this area of ​​Shanhai Road, and there are classmates from the same school not far from them, but they don’t notice it.

The two girls who were waiting for the milk tea covered their mouths and whispered.

“Damn it, that’s the first brother and Ye Meimei?”

“Help, help, what are their hands doing? Are they holding hands??”

“Ah, ah, just talk, what is it like to be so close!”

“Today the forum is still talking about be, but who can bear it and not kowtow.”

“Not to mention, the two of them have a really good relationship.”

Lu Xiao didn’t know that he saved him and Ye Cheng’s crumbling CP. He took the milk tea, and the two walked away holding hands.

The two girls finally realized what was wrong.

“Didn’t you say there is a real sister-in-law? Why did they come out alone? What about the sister-in-law?”

“…Is it possible to wait for them elsewhere? Look at the two of them, it’s impossible to buy a cup of milk tea. Eighty percent of it is for my sister-in-law.”

“Okay, damn, I envy my sister-in-law.”

They strolled in the mall for a while, and when they walked to the accessories store, they met a pair of people in yellow couple outfits.

Lu Xiao’s eyes were immediately attracted, and he followed them until they disappeared.

“Go in and have a look, Ye Qiaoqiao asked me to buy her hairpins.” Ye Cheng said.

He was picking in the hairpin area, and the shopping guide lady stared at him and said, “Did the handsome guy buy it for his girlfriend? Why don’t you take a look at our new style?”

Ye Cheng picked up two hair ties and clips and put them in the basket given by the shopping guide. She hurriedly boasted: “You have such a good eye, your girlfriend must be very happy.”

A voice interjected, “That’s for sure, but he bought it for me.”

Lu Xiao picked up a black rubber band and shook it in front of Ye Cheng: “I want this.”

The shopping guide was dumbfounded and looked between them.

Ye Cheng smiled and said, “Don’t make trouble.”

Lu Xiao approached him and said, “Don’t you know that wearing a small rubber band means ‘owning the other’, buy it quickly, one for you and one for me.”

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Ye Cheng thought to himself that God “has the ****”, that it was obviously worn by his girlfriend for her boyfriend, and it was used to swear sovereignty.

However, he didn’t stop Lu Xiao’s unreasonable behavior, and put the two rubber bands into the basket with a smile.

After buying the hair clips and rubber bands, Lu Xiao took him to buy a phone case. Their phone models were the same, so they could just use a couple phone cases.

“I want to buy a pair with you.” Lu Xiao said.

Ye Cheng deliberately teased him, picked up a pair of red and blue and said, “Then you use the red one.”

Lu Xiao stared at the phone case for two seconds with a stinky face, and had to compromise: “Okay.”

Ye Cheng couldn’t laugh, this person is really too tangled and too funny.

They took a bunch of stuff, all of them for couples.

From the power bank to the slippers, from the aromatherapy lamp to the toothbrush, if Ye Cheng hadn’t stopped him, Lu Xiao would probably have bought the entire jewelry store.

He clamored for Ye Cheng to help him buy this and that, and when he finally paid, he decisively opened his QR code.

At a young age, he was very conscious.

While waiting for lunch, Ye Cheng sat at the table to help him check his homework.

Lu Xiao poked the milk tea straw, pushed it to Ye Cheng and said, “Try it, it’s not sweet.”

Ye Cheng flipped through the booklet, took it over, and took a sip from the straw.

Sure enough, as he said, it is not very sweet.

He read the topic while drinking, and when he was thinking about the problem, he involuntarily bit the straw a few times.

After taking a few sips, Ye Cheng pushed back to him and said, “You drink it.”

Lu Xiao looked at the small tooth mark on the straw, and his face suddenly became hot.

Ye Cheng looked up at him: “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He put the straw into his mouth disguisedly.

The tip of the tongue rolled over the shallow depression on the straw, with a faint fragrance of white peach, which was exactly where the tooth stayed.

Lu Xiao couldn’t help licking it again.

It’s over, I really want to kiss him, what should I do?

T/N: Finally they are together, I think I keep praising how they are together but I’m just happy.

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