There were only the two of them in the elevator, and it was so quiet that even the sound of the elevator ropes running and rubbing could be heard clearly.

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Ye Cheng noticed that Chen Zhen didn’t press the floor, glanced at him and said, “You also would go to the eleventh floor?”

“Uh, I’m going to the eleventh floor to find a doctor.” Chen Zhen held the test sheet unconsciously.

The attending doctor was doing rounds on the eleventh floor and asked him to go up.

Ye Cheng watched the number of floors gradually rise, and just wanted to get out of the elevator quickly, it was really embarrassing.

After the elevator door opened, he nodded politely to Chen Zhen and walked out first.

After returning to the ward, Gao Qiulan kept thanking the donor and his family.

Ye Qiaoqiao’s bone marrow donor was a boy in his twenties. Seeing Ye Cheng come in, he smiled at him.

The boy’s mother is a member of a local volunteer association. After being contacted by the hospital, she rushed over immediately.

The doctor said he might need to gain some weight, and the boy agreed without hesitation.

Gao Qiulan was so grateful, the boy was embarrassed, so he helped her and told her not to be so polite.

Ye Cheng touched Ye Qiaoqiao’s head and said, “Thank that brother, they saved your life.”

Ye Qiaoqiao said, “Thank you. Brother, will Dad come back when I have the surgery?”

Ye Cheng didn’t speak, stayed in the room for a while, and walked to the corridor to call Ye Gaoyang.

During the Chinese New Year, Ye Gaoyang only made a video call for Gao Qiulan, and did not say when he would return to China.

After a few beeps, it was connected, “Hey, Xiao Cheng.”

Ye Cheng said, “Dad, Ye Qiaoqiao has found a bone marrow donor, and the operation will be performed after a while.”

He didn’t ask where Ye Gaoyang was now, he was silent for a while, and said, “Okay, I see.”

Ye Cheng said to himself: “You come back.”

Ye Gaoyang stopped talking again. After half a minute, he said, “I’ll go back after I’ve dealt with the matter here.”

“Better as soon as possible,” Ye Cheng didn’t give him a chance to shirk. “You have to come back and explain to Ye Qiaoqiao about his mother in person.”

Ye Gaoyang choked.

“Also, Guo Lu said that my mother’s inheritance needs you to accompany me to go through the formalities.” Ye Cheng said.

Ye Gaoyang said: “I see, I will go back this month.”

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After Ye Cheng notified him, he hung up the phone.

When he turned around, he found Chen Zhen standing behind him.

His face sank suddenly.

Chen Zhen waved his hands in a panic and said: “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to listen to your call, yes, the doctor asked me to wait for him here…”

Ye Cheng looked at him silently, and was about to leave when the ward door in front of the door was pushed open.

Ye Qiaoqiao’s attending doctor saw him and waved, “Ye Qiaoqiao’s family, help me go to the seventh floor and get a report.”

There was also an attending doctor standing next to him and said to Chen Zhen, “It’s Chen Zhen, you still have a report on the seventh floor, please bring it up.”

Ye Cheng: “…”

The two entered an elevator again, and the atmosphere was even more bizarre.

Chen Zhen apologized in a low voice: “I really didn’t mean it just now, I didn’t want to eavesdrop on you.”

Ye Cheng knew that he didn’t do it on purpose, and said uncomfortably, “It’s okay.”

“Is your family seriously ill? Chen Zhen couldn’t help but care, he heard the words “bone marrow donation”.

Ye Cheng didn’t expect him to be quite friendly, so he glanced at him and said, “Well, leukemia.”

He stayed in the hospital for a while, and found that many patients’ family members developed empathy, which was probably the same feeling of a patient in the family.

Sure enough, Chen Zhen showed sympathy: “My God, this disease is not easy to cure, don’t be too anxious, haven’t you found the right bone marrow?”

It was rare for a stranger to chat with him about Ye Qiaoqiao’s illness. Ye Cheng sighed and said, “Even if the transplant is successful, there may be a rejection reaction.”

He usually doesn’t say this to Lu Xiao, let alone to Gao Qiulan. In fact, he is very worried about this.

Some people died on the operating table during the transplant, and some people had rejection a few months after the transplant.

The doctor said before that the chemotherapy plan would not work, and the transplant would also face great risks.

After Ye Qiaoqiao came to Nandu, she seemed to know that she was under someone else’s control, and she was much more well-behaved than before, for fear that Gao Qiulan and Ye Cheng would not want her.

In any case, Ye Cheng couldn’t watch something bad happen to her.

Chen Zhen didn’t know how to comfort him, so he said sincerely, “It definitely won’t. I’ll go to pray for my grandfather tomorrow, and by the way, I’ll ask for peace and blessings for you.”

Ye Cheng was moved by his naive approach, and felt that he didn’t seem to be so unpleasant to the eye, so he smiled and said, “Thank you then.”

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Chen Zhen was different from him. From the very beginning, he thought Ye Cheng was a good person. He was so good-looking. He heard Lu Xiao say that he was still the first in his grade, although he always stared at him indifferently.

They got out of the elevator and waited at the window together for the report.

Chen Zhen summoned his courage, took out his mobile phone and said, “Why don’t you add a WeChat account, you are Lu Xiao’s… friend, so you are also my friend.”

He almost bit his tongue and swallowed the word “boyfriend”.

Ye Cheng picked up the phone to scan the code, and asked, “Lu Xiao didn’t tell you, what is our relationship?”

“…He said it.” Chen Zhen replied shyly. When he talks to people who are too bright, he can’t help being shy.

Ye Cheng touched his chin, got closer, and lowered his voice: “Hey, tell me, how did you meet?”

Chen Zhen was even more shy in an instant. He smelled a faint aroma, and secretly wondered how a boy could be so delicate and even spray perfume.

But the smell is not very strong, it seems to be integrated with his own smell, and it smells cold and gentle.

No wonder Lu Xiao likes him so much.

He told him the story: “My family lives in Qingshan. When I was young, I was bullied by the children around me. Lu Xiao rushed over to help me beat them, and then we got to know each other. He said that he will cover me in the future.”

Ye Cheng pouted, it was really something Lu Xiao could do.

“And then what?” he continued.


Ye Cheng tapped his shoulder with his fingertips, “Elementary school, junior high school, high school, what else happened?”

If the tone of this action were made by ordinary people, Chen Zhen would definitely feel that he was abrupt.

But he did it not only without being rude, but with a little intimacy between “familiar friends”.

His fingers are so beautiful, Chen Zhen thought.

Ye Cheng didn’t take much effort, and let him explain everything in one go.

“When I was in elementary school, he often called me to play basketball together. There was no basketball court in Qingshan, so we dismantled the nurse’s bicycle basket and tied it to a tree.”

Ye Cheng couldn’t help laughing, “You guys are really courageous.”

Chen Zhen’s face blushed: “I didn’t dare at that time, I was forced to do it by him. Sister nurse chased us two streets with a broom, and finally I was caught and brought to my grandfather and scolded.”

Ye Cheng didn’t expect them to be so interesting when they were young, and asked with interest, “Why did they catch you, did Lu Xiao sell you?”

When he asked this, Chen Zhen’s eyes lit up.

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“Do you know why she didn’t catch Lu Xiao?” he said mysteriously.

Ye Cheng asked cooperatively, “Huh? Why?”

“Because it was night, he was too dark and hid behind the trash can, and the nurse didn’t see him.”

Ye Cheng burst into laughter, and the two of them couldn’t straighten their backs with laughter.

Passing nurses looked at them one after another, wondering how there were such happy family members of patients.

Ye Cheng burst into tears: “Damn it, how black was he before? I think he’s pretty white now.”

Lu Xiao’s complexion belongs to the kind of normal fair skin, neither dark nor yellow, Ye Cheng found that he sometimes wears sunscreen.

Many girls in the class are very envious, saying that he is whiter than them. Of course, no onr is as white as Ye Cheng.

Chen Zhen was also dead happy, opened the album on his phone and said, “Wait, I’ll find you a picture of him when he was a child, which I took when I was sorting out the album that day.”

The two shared a common language for Lu Xiao’s dark history, and they hit it off immediately.

While waiting for him to look for photos, Ye Cheng recalled: “I also had a playmate with very dark skin when I was a child. Speaking of which, children are more likely to get tanned than adults.”

“It is possible because my cousin gets very tanned every summer vacation.” Chen Zhen said.

After looking for it for a long time, he remembered one thing: “I forgot that I changed my country’s mobile phone. Next time I will find it and send it to you.”

Ye Cheng had never seen Lu Xiao when he was a child, so he kept saying, “Be sure to send it to me.”

They were chatting happily when a very unhappy voice sounded next to them.

“What are you doing?”

As soon as Lu Xiao got out of the elevator, he saw their heads were very close together, as if they were looking at the same mobile phone.

Just now, he carried coffee and was sent to the ward like a delivery boy, and was told by Gao Qiulan to go downstairs and wait for the report.

He thought that his baby was still jealous, so he just went down to coax him.

As soon as he got to the seventh floor, he saw such a hot-eyed picture.

Lu Xiao walked up to them, grabbed Chen Zhen’s clothes and pulled him to the side, then he took advantage of the situation to stand between the two.

“What is so funny?” He squinted at Chen Zhen.

Chen Zhen was afraid that he would know that they were looking at his dark history, so he concealed it with a guilty conscience: “It’s nothing.”

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“Nothing, you guys are laughing so happily.” Lu Xiao was even more fucking upset.

Ye Cheng frowned and said, “You’re a jerk, it’s none of your business.”

Lu Xiao was silent.

Chen Zhen’s mouth twitched, and he hurriedly lowered his head to cover his smile.

Lu Xiao forcefully said in a low voice, “Don’t laugh.”

Ye Cheng ignored him, went to the window to get the report, said hello to Chen Zhen and went up.

Lu Xiao immediately followed, and Chen Zhen stopped him and said, “Hey, wait a minute.”

He stopped and looked at Chen Zhen questioningly.

“Your boyfriend is very good.” Chen Zhen said with a smile.

His original intention was that since Lu Xiao introduced Ye Cheng to him, he should have expressed his opinion and praised Ye Cheng.

Of course, this wasn’t entirely due to etiquette, but also because he felt that Ye Cheng was really good in every way.

Who knows, Lu Xiao’s face suddenly darkened.

He looked at Chen Zhen vigilantly, and said angrily, “Don’t beat him up.”

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Chen Zhen looked blank: “Huh?”

After the year, Ye Cheng started to get busy, and school was about to start soon. Xu Chao asked him to talk about the school entrance exam.

The general arrangement for the second year of high school is to finish the new courses first, and then invest in systematic review. The time is very tight.

In the next three years of high school, they will continue to review the past lessons and review it again.

On the phone, Xu Chao asked him some suggestions for review and his intention to apply for the exam.

Finally, he asked him: “Is it still a habit to sit with Yu Kun, do I need to change you to your original position?”

Ye Cheng didn’t expect that he would take the initiative to ask this, and was quite surprised.

But after thinking about it, if he was allowed to move back, Lu Xiao probably wouldn’t have the heart to study.

So he said: “This is very good, there is no need to change it.”

“Really?” Xu Chao asked hesitantly.

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