Xu Chao asked around, not only did he return without success, but he was also half-dead from popularity.

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He thought about it for a while, and felt that he might have been influenced by those remarks. It was quite normal for the two little boys to stick together.

In order to get rid of his doubts completely, he hid in the back door and peeked at the two of them getting along.

Lu Xiao took “Five Three” and went over to ask Ye Cheng a question. Ye Cheng explained it to him for a long time, but he was still unclear.

In the end, Ye Cheng got impatient and let him go to the side to think about it, and even dropped the pen.

Xu Chao left embarrassedly, and it didn’t look like there was any situation.

Moreover, Ye Cheng seemed to really annoy that kid, so he must have thought too much.

Lu Xiao saw that there was no one at the back door in the mirror, threw a quit smoking candy into his mouth, and touched Ye Cheng with his elbow.

“Hey, don’t be angry, I’m joking.”

Ye Cheng moved his hand away and ignored him.

He said again, “Don’t be angry, Mr. Monitor.”

Ye Cheng couldn’t bear it and said: “Can you listen to the topic carefully next time, don’t talk nonsense, and suddenly ask me what it means to like black silk or white silk?”

Lu Xiao’s eyes flickered, and he said vaguely, “Cough, I asked if you like black or white silk for game characters, um.”

“You fart.” Ye Cheng said coldly.

Lu Xiao peeled off a lollipop and stuffed it into his mouth: “Come on, please have some candy.”

There was an orange smell in the mouth, and Ye Cheng’s anger instantly disappeared.

On the one hand, he was unhappy that the other party didn’t listen carefully, and on the other hand, he had a deep sense of shame towards the black silk and the white silk.

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The sweet and fruity fragrance fills the mouth, and the tolerance for the little boyfriend is also infinitely increased.

“Want to go to your house to watch a movie at night?” he asked with candy.

Today is Friday, so it’s time to relax after a week of study.

Lu Xiao’s room has a projector, and only last week the two watched a few sci-fi movies together. They are surprisingly consistent in their favorite movies, and they both like to watch big-budget and exciting movies.

According to Lu Xiao’s idea, maybe in the future, they can watch some unspeakable little movies. If he had changed to before, he would have agreed quickly, but now he feels awkward.

“I…have other things to do tonight,” he faltered.

Lu Xiao rarely refuses him, Ye Cheng looked at him suspiciously, “What’s the matter with you? What’s the matter?”

Lu Xiao looked away, rubbed the corner of his mouth with the back of his left hand unconsciously, and said, “Jiang Jin’s friend encountered a situation, I’ll help him with a favor.”

This action Ye Cheng was too familiar with, it was what he used to do when he lied.

Ye Cheng stared at him for a few seconds, then calmly said: “Oh, then you go.”

Lu Xiao suggested: “If you come to my house tomorrow, let’s watch a movie together.”

“No, you are busy with your own business.” Ye Cheng said blankly.

Lu Xiao is very sensitive to his emotional changes, and tilted his head to look at him, “Are you upset?”


The air was quiet for a while.

Lu Xiao held back for a while, but couldn’t help but explain: “It’s really Jiang Jin’s friend who has something to do. I’ll just do a little favor. Don’t worry, we won’t go to entertainment venues, and there are no girls.”

What Ye Cheng cares about is not where he goes, but why he lied to him.

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He didn’t say anything more, nodded and said, “Got it.”

The two did not speak to each other for the entire morning.

It seems that they are caught in some kind of strange confrontation, and no one wants to bow their heads first.

Lu Xiao felt that he was right, he had already said what he had to say, and tonight, no matter what, he was going to teach that bastard Zhang Qi a lesson.

As for Ye Cheng, he can only be coaxed in a few days.

At noon, the group went out to eat, and along the way, they called Zhou Minhao and the basketball team to discuss how to clean up that guy at night.

Ye Cheng and Li Junxiao bought a meal and went back to the classroom, and happened to meet Tan Xiaoqi.

Tan Xiaoqi waved to him and said, “Brother Cheng, let’s go out to eat, let me tell you something.”

Li Junxiao looked at them strangely.

Ye Cheng took the lunch box and ate with her on the small table in the corridor.

Since the beginning of this semester, in order to facilitate everyone’s afternoon self-study study without affecting other people, Xu Chao specially set up a few desks outside.

Tan Xiaoqi smiled and asked for credit: “How about it, I performed well in the morning, right? Are there any rewards?”

Ye Cheng looked at her puzzled.

She said, “Isn’t that what Brother Xiao taught me to say, you two have not discussed it?”

Ye Cheng was even more confused: “What to discuss, I don’t understand you.”

Tan Xiaoqi was shocked: “Damn, don’t you know what Old Xu asked us to talk to? It was because of yesterday’s post that he suspected that you had an improper relationship, so he found a few people in private to ask.”

It was only then that Ye Cheng remembered that Xu Chao had indeed called a few people out during his early self-study, but he didn’t expect it to be for this reason.

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He frowned, an ominous premonition surged in his heart, and asked, “Which post?”

He hasn’t seen the joint school forum for a long time, and he doesn’t know any posts at all.

Tan Xiaoqi covered her mouth: “My God, you don’t even know! Brother Xiao didn’t tell you, woo woo, he is too protective of you. I… I’m so damned, I didn’t mean to say this!”

Ye Cheng was already suspicious and asked her to turn over the post for herself.

Tan Xiaoqi cried while rummaging: “Don’t tell Brother Xiao that I told you, I really didn’t mean it…”

Five minutes later, she stared at Ye Cheng, who was holding the phone without saying a word.

“Brother Cheng, are you alright?” Tan Xiaoqi said pitifully, “Don’t worry too much, anyway, that person didn’t take a real hammer, and Lao Xu couldn’t ask anything.”

Ye Cheng was silent, carefully recalling who he knew on the day of supper, who was in the same store as them.

Tan Xiaoqi said with sincerity and sincerity: “The person who secretly filmed is simply lacking in virtue, I wish him never to be admitted to university! But don’t take it too seriously, everyone’s discussion is only for a while, and no one mentions it after a while. They all think that it is nothing, and the teacher will not treat you badly.”

She thought that Ye Cheng’s expression was so ugly because she was worried that Xu Chao would notice them.

Ye Cheng looked at it for a long time and finally remembered it.

He put down his phone and stood up.

“Brother Cheng, what are you doing?” Tan Xiaoqi asked fearfully, “Don’t be impulsive.”

Ye Cheng expected that 80% of Lu Xiao’s “something” had something to do with this matter, so he perfunctorily said, “Go to the toilet.”

Then he left without looking back, and Tan Xiaoqi stuffed a mouthful of rice with a worried face.

Ye Cheng went directly to class 18 and asked Zhou Kai to be called out.

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But the man said that Zhou Kai was not there, so he put his hands in his pocket and waited at the door.

After about ten minutes, Zhou Kai came over chewing gum.

“Let me tell you, that girl was so energetic, she almost twisted Lao Tzu down…”

Zhou Kai was halfway through bragging, and when he saw the person standing at the door, he immediately smeared oil on the soles of his feet, turned around and wanted to run.

Ye Cheng stepped forward in three or two steps, grabbed his back collar and said, “Stop, I have something to ask you.”

Zhou Kai’s companion hurried to hide in the class. He turned his head and begged with a bitter face: “Brother Cheng, this matter has nothing to do with me, I’m being wrongly accused.”

Ye Cheng dragged him to the corner of the stairs, and said solemnly, “Who asked you to shoot?”

Zhou Kai thought he knew it all, and said without asking himself, “It’s Brother Qi, and he found someone to get the post. It’s really none of my business.”

He was frightened by Lu Xiao’s tossing, and added: “If you are wronged, you go to Brother Qi, and he said that the night will pass, so don’t make it difficult for me.”

“Where did he say he was going at night?” Ye Cheng caught the key words and asked him.

Zhou Kai was startled, “Wait a minute, don’t you know? Fuck, how did I say it…”

Ye Cheng asked, “What time and where?”

“I-I can’t say.” Zhou Kai stepped back in a panic.

Ye Cheng said indifferently and decisively: “I’ll give you two choices, either tell me now, or tell me after I beat you.”

Zhou Kai looked at him in horror. He didn’t expect the first in the grade to be so violent, and he was indeed Lu Xiao’s good brother.

He had to tell the truth: “At seven o’clock in the evening,… on the basketball court, not the one on the playground, but the abandoned one.”

That basketball court is a place where they often go to make appointments. At night, the lights are dark and there is no one monitoring. It is very suitable for solving some problems that cannot be put on the table.

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