Ye Cheng waited at the door for a long time, and a woman in white hurried out. She didn’t look carefully at the road and bumped into him.

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The driver standing next to him was startled.

The woman lowered her head and said “I’m sorry”, then hurriedly ran away.

After a few minutes, Lu Xiao helped Meng Li and walked out.

Meng Li leaned against him with sweat on his white forehead.

Ye Cheng thought she was ill again, so she hurried to hold her hand. The driver immediately opened the door and helped Meng Li to sit in.

Meng Li’s face was pale, with an apologetic expression on her face. He raised his head and said to Ye Cheng, “I’m sorry, Xiao Cheng, I’m a little uncomfortable, and I can’t accompany you to dinner.”

“Don’t say that, Auntie.” Ye Cheng worried, “Where are you feeling unwell? Are you going to the hospital?”

Meng Li shook his head wearily, “I’ll just rest for a while.”

The driver closed the door, and Lu Xiao sat in the back row with Ye Cheng.

“Is Auntie okay?” Ye Cheng asked him in a low voice.

Lu Xiao shook his head, afraid that Meng Li in the front row would hear it, so he approached him and said, “I’ll tell you later.”

Meng Li first asked the driver to take Ye Cheng home, and then said that he would invite him to dinner next time and then she left with Lu Xiao.

After Ye Cheng returned home, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became, so he simply called Huang Sheng’an.

After a few beeps over there, it was connected.

“Hey, is there something wrong?” Huang Sheng’an’s voice was like a thief.

Ye Cheng was stunned for a moment, then remembered that he should still be studying at night.

“I forgot you were in class, I’ll call you later,” he said.

Just as he was about to hang up, Huang Sheng’an stopped him and said, “I’m not in class, I’m in Qingshan. My dad is busy in a meeting and asked me to send him materials. Damn, he really treats me as an errand boy.”

There was a sound of the door closing on his side, and it seemed that he came out of the conference room, and the voice was much louder.

“What’s the matter, tell me, there is no one next to me.” Huang Sheng’an said.

Ye Cheng said: “It’s not a big deal, I just want to ask about Aunt Meng, can you help me ask Uncle Huang?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Sheng’an immediately said in an inviting tone: “Do you still need to mention this? Ever since I knew you… ahem, after that relationship, I’ve been asking my dad about Aunt Meng’s physical condition every now and then. Don’t worry, her illness is not serious, it seems to be caused by too much mental stress.”

Ye Cheng frowned and wondered, “How could she be so stressed, is it because of… family reasons?”

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He didn’t know what happened to Meng Li today, but he could vaguely guess what should have happened to stimulate her during that time.

Huang Sheng’an said hesitantly: “Yes… But there are other reasons. I don’t mind telling you, and I’m not trying to gossip about her behind her back, but I think she always likes to fantasize about something sometimes? She told my dad that she felt someone staring at her, someone behind her when she was eating, and someone standing beside her bed when she was sleeping, as if her every move was being watched.”

Ye Cheng couldn’t help but feel his muscles tight.

Huang Sheng’an added: “She said that maybe her husband wanted to kill her and live together with her mistress. But there are two contradictions in this statement. First, her husband is abroad and won’t come back several times a year. Two, the private detective she hired told her that her husband doesn’t have a… er, a regular mistress.”

“There is no fixed mistress, what do you mean?” Ye Cheng asked.

Huang Sheng’an tried to be euphemistic: “It’s just that he plays outside, but he doesn’t have a fixed partner.”

Ye Cheng understood, “It’s more flowery, isn’t it?”

“Well, anyway, the ‘Little San’ that Auntie imagined doesn’t exist at all.”

When he said this, Ye Cheng remembered that, in his impression, it seemed that Lu Yaoshan had never divorced Meng Li. Of course, apart from being inseparable due to mental illness, he never saw him make a second child.

Afterwards, the Lu family was bloody for a while, and the uncles in the family were not good things.

Lu Yaoshan and Lu Xiao were born not getting along that well, but according to his temperament, there is no reason not to have another child outside.

Huang Sheng’an said: “By the way, there is another thing that is very strange. My dad mentioned it during dinner a few days ago, and another doctor asked him if there were many relatives in Aunt Meng’s family. My dad didn’t know but the doctor said that while she was in the nursing home, someone came to the hospital twice to inquire about her condition, claiming to be a relative on her father’s side.”

Ye Cheng suddenly felt bad, and said to him: “Her father has no relatives there, and today I went with them to visit the tomb. Lu Xiao said that his grandfather only had Aunt Meng, as his only daughter. Because of some arguments in the early years, he had his relationship with his family broken.”

“Don’t worry,” Huang Sheng’an said, “he didn’t tell that person anything.”

He patted his chest twice, “The hospital protects the privacy of patients very well. I only learned about this by overhearing my dad and his colleagues chatting. I haven’t told anyone except you.”

Ye Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Thank you.”

Huang Sheng’an said: “Thank you, thank you, your business is also mine, who are we?”

Ye Cheng chatted with him for a few words, then hung up the phone.

He intuited that this stranger was 80% related to Lu Yaoshan, and he had to let Lu Xiao know about it as soon as possible.

After Lu Xiao brought Meng Li home, he comforted her, she drank a glass of milk and fell asleep.

Not long after, he heard someone walking outside the door.

He opened the door and saw Mrs. Wang walking past with cleaning tools, the garbage bags were jingling.

Lu Xiao asked, “My mother smashed something again?”

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Mrs. Wang said helplessly, “Madam threw the medicine bowl and refused to take the medicine.”

“Give me the medicine.” Lu Xiao said.

Mrs. Wang nodded, glanced at the corridor behind her, and said, “Madam’s mood is not stable now. She threw me a photo frame just now. Would you like to visit her?”

Lu Xiao’s eyes fell on her, “Mrs. Wang, are you not injured?”

She said with an aggrieved face: “I wasn’t injured, but Madam thought that I was sent by the master to monitor her, so she refused to drink the medicine I boiled.”

Lu Xiao patted her and comforted: “It’s okay, I’ll go talk to her, just leave the medicine at the door. My mother is always like this, and I have to trouble you to take care of her more.”

Mrs. Wang wiped the corners of her eyes and said, “It’s impossible for me to betray anyone, madam, Xiao Xiao, you know…”

“I know.” Lu Xiao couldn’t bear it, “Don’t take what my mother said in her anger.”

Mrs. Wang sighed and looked around: “Maybe it’s really not very auspicious here as Madam said.”

She took the garbage bag and left, and Lu Xiao’s eyes became complicated.

He crossed the aisle and knocked on Meng Li’s door.

There was no sound inside, he just reached out and opened the door.

There was some resistance to the door, and after walking in, it was a pillow.

Lu Xiao picked up the pillow and walked towards Meng Li who was sitting on the bed in a daze.

“Mom, you can’t you sleep?” He sat down on the edge of the bed and put the pillow in its original position.

Meng Li went crazy, but now she has calmed down. She stared blankly at the void and murmured, “Xiao Xiao, why don’t we live in another city and go to a place where no one knows us.”

Lu Xiao frowned and looked at her.

She said: “I always feel that no one around me can be trusted. When I do anything, it’s like someone is watching me. Do you feel that Mrs. Wang is very strange recently? She is always doing housework, inexplicably staring at me or forcing me to drink the black stuff.”

Meng Li didn’t realize how dazed her tone was, and she held Lu Xiao’s cuff tightly as he spoke.

“And today’s Xia Wanqing, she must have followed me to the cemetery!” She gritted her teeth.

Lu Xiao said: “Didn’t the staff member say that she is going to pay homage to her husband. Mom, she also explained that she and my dad have long since broken up, and my dad has been abroad for several years, so it should be impossible to have a relationship with her. ”

The photo in Lu Yaoshan’s study was something he saw when he was a child.

It is said that the woman was Lu Yaoshan’s first love, and then they suddenly broke up and he married his mother.

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Meng Li said unwillingly, “What about Mrs. Wang? She is always sneaky.”

“Mom.” Lu Xiao called to her in a long voice, grabbed her hand and said, “Mrs. Wang has been with you for so many years, do you still doubt her? You should listen to the doctor’s words and don’t think about it.”

Meng Li stopped talking.

Lu Xiao said, “My dad will be back in a while, don’t make trouble with him, or I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist again.”

The last time he had a conflict with Lu Yaoshan, it was because Meng Li got sick again because of him.

Meng Li said embarrassingly: “Don’t do anything with your father, so as not to make your uncle and the others laugh.”

Lu Xiao laughed indifferently, he didn’t care about those two families at all.

Meng Li added: “Don’t believe anyone on your dad’s side, including your grandfather, they are not good people.”

Lu Xiao liked his grandfather quite a bit when he was a child, and said to her, “Okay, let’s rest early.”

When he stood up, he saw the huge wedding photo on the opposite wall. The above Meng Li was beautiful, with a smile on her brows and eyes, while Lu Yaoshan’s expression was the exact opposite of hers. It could be said that he had no expression at all.

Lu Xiao’s face gradually became colder. It turned out that one side was in love and the other was disgusted.

Meng Li on the bed had closed her eyes, and his phone was held upside down by the pillow.

Lu Xiao took the phone away and prepared to put it on the bedside table.

Before the screen was turned off, a row of chat records came into view.

The WeChat of the note “Yaoshan” sent this sentence.

[Don’t go to her, or you will be at your own risk. 】

The delivery time was an hour ago, and there is a high probability that it was also the reason why Meng Li went mad.

The previous chat history was completely deleted, probably because she didn’t want to see that dialog.

Lu Xiao’s heart sank suddenly.

They had just been to the cemetery, and when they met Xia Wanqing, Lu Yaoshan knew so quickly. The driver is the third replacement this month. Is it really like what Meng Li said, Mrs. Wang is actually Lu Yaoshan’s watch dog beside her?

Not to mention how good Mrs. Wang is to Meng Li, what is the purpose of him doing this?

Meng Li had shares in several companies in the early years, but all of them fell into the hands of Lu Yaoshan. The piece of cake he is targeting now is the Lu family, not just a mentally ill woman.

Lu Xiao felt a headache. If it was changed a year ago, after discovering this chat record, he might have agreed to Meng Li to go to another city without hesitation. But now he can’t leave Ye Cheng and go to a new place to live for no reason.

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He thought about it and took Meng Li’s mobile phone away.

After walking out of the room, he sent a message to Lu Yaoshan: [When will you return to China? 】

After posting it, he deleted it.

But until noon the next day, when he put the phone back in Meng Li’s room, Lu Yaoshan didn’t reply.

The next day, Meng Li’s mood calmed down a bit.

During the break, Ye Cheng said to Lu Xiao, “I bought a pastoral style painting last week, and the painter said that hanging it in the bedroom would help the master to calm down. After school today, let’s take it to your house together, it’s okay. Let Auntie hang it in the bedroom.”

When he said this, Lu Xiao thought of that unsightly wedding photo.

So he said, “It’s time for her to change her mood.”

There was no evening self-study today. The two went to pick up the painting after school. It was 1.6 meters long, and it was big and heavy after adding the photo frame.

They found a worker to move it to the house, and it happened that Meng Li was eating bird’s nest at the dining table.

Seeing a few people walk in with a large object, she asked in surprise, “What is this?”

Lu Xiao said, “Do you want to put the painting? Ye Cheng sent you this to put in the bedroom to purify the air.”

He showed the small picture to Meng Li, and she put down the spoon and looked at it for a while.

Ye Cheng just wanted to say, if you don’t like it, forget it.

Unexpectedly, she replied with a bit of revenge: “Change it, and change it up immediately. The wedding photo was moved to your father’s room, and he just happened to be back in the past few days.”

The workers moved something and ate a mouthful of melons. It seems that the hostess and the male owner sleep separately in this house, and the male owner has been away from home for a long time. It is estimated that there are deep conflicts between husband and wife.

Several people carried the paintings upstairs.

Meng Li said, “Xiao Cheng, stay for dinner at night, and your aunt will make you delicious food to compensate you.”

“Okay, I’ll go up and do a favor and come down.” Ye Cheng smiled at her.

Everyone came to Meng Li’s bedroom, and Lu Xiao instructed the workers to take down the wedding photos.

After some loosening, the magnificent wedding photo was finally taken down.

The moment it was removed, a wire fell from the top, and a small thing was attached to the end of the wire, which snapped to the floor.

Everyone looked down, and the thing was shining brightly.

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