Meng Li, with a posture of not letting go, sat down on a chair with her arms crossed.

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Lu Xiao was about to sit opposite her, but she said in a cold voice, “Stand.”

He just touched the stool and had to stand up again.

“Say, when did you two start?” Meng Li asked.

Lu Xiao pretended to be stupid, “ah? Start what? ”

Meng Li looked at him and asked again, “You and Ye Cheng, when did you get together?”

Lu Xiao was shocked. “What are you talking about, Mom? He’s my brother. Don’t talk nonsense.”

Meng Li sneered, “You’re just like your dad when you lie. First you play dumb, then you bite back. Come on, if you really didn’t like him, you would have slammed the door and gone out by now instead of standing here acting for me.”

Lu Xiao: “…”

He was really nervous at the moment, and gradually clenched the Math book in his hand.

Meng Li knows that things are small, and if she wants to find Ye Cheng, she will be in trouble.

Before he officially came clean, he didn’t want anyone to harass Ye Cheng, especially Meng Li and Gao Qiulan to obstruct it. Ye Chengis very concerned about them, and will inevitably be influenced by their thoughts.

At that moment, Lu Xiao even thought about Meng Li’s offer.

“Here’s ten million, leave my son.”

How will Ye Cheng react?

“No, auntie, he and I are true love”, which is impossible. It’s too corny.

He will probably say, “No, auntie, I want 20 million.” Then turn around and share it with him and maybe even have a fight with him because of 50/50 or 46/60.

Lu Xiao was almost amused by this idea, and then realized that he was in crisis now, and quickly held back his smile.

He cleared his throat and said seriously, “Mom, don’t be angry. It’s all my fault, none of it is his business.”

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“Oh? What did you do wrong? ” Meng Li looked at him strangely.

Lu Xiao said, “I chased him. Yes, he is the’ favorite person’ I told you about. If you can’t accept it … I’ll separate from him and promise not to be distracted and fall in love before going to college.”

Fooling Meng Li is the same as fooling Hua Wangchun. As long as he is not too arrogant in front of her, he generally won’t get too involved in Lu Xiao’s private affairs. He used to fool around with a bunch of people all the time. At that time, she only reminded him occasionally.

Lu Xiao’s wishful thinking played very well, he just wanted to put it down for the time being, at least before the college entrance examination, no one should bother Ye Cheng.

His boyfriend is going to take the A University’s exam, and nothing should distract him.

Meng Li was so angry with him that he said in disbelief, “Is that your plan? I just asked a few words, and you’re going to break up with him? ”

Lu Xiao blinked, and said, “It’s not … break up, it’s just a temporary separation.”

Meng Li stood up, walked over and raised his hand to slap him, Lu Xiao hurriedly stretched out his hand to block.

She was so angry that her chest went up and down that she hit him and scolded him, “How did you become so irresponsible as a child? Maybe this is how you are the same with your dad? Xiao Cheng worked hard to make up a missed lesson for you, and within a year, you mentioned your scrap-metal achievements so well, and you actually want to leave him because of someone else’s words? ! If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t know which corner you’re living in now ! ”

Lu Xiao became so stupid that he even forget to resist.

Meng Li glared at him angrily and said, “Go out and don’t say you are my son. It’s too embarrassing!”

Still not moving, she dragged Lu Xiao to the door and said, “Come with me and apologize to Xiao Cheng!”

Lu Xiao was stunned by her whole reaction, and was dragged all the way to the door of Ye Cheng.

Knock knock-

Meng Li knocked on the door and glanced at Lu Xiao in disgust and anger.

In a short time, Ye Cheng opened the door.

He thought it was Lu Xiao’s visit, and casually said, “Don’t …”

Halfway through the words, he saw an angry Meng Li and Lu Xiao with a blank face.

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He froze and subconsciously said, “Aunt, what can I do for you?”

Meng Li reluctantly smiled at him, shoved Lu Xiao, and said gently, “Xiao Cheng, you haven’t slept yet. He has something to tell you.”

Ye Cheng saw the math in his hand and said, “I know, he came to ask questions.”

“No, no, he made a mistake and came to apologize to you.” Meng Li said seriously, “Lu Xiao, explain yourself to him.”

Lu Xiao didn’t know whether to nod or shake his head.

Meng Li took Ye Cheng’s hand and said, “Xiao Cheng, never be soft-hearted when you should be cruel. This is my only advice to you.”

Ye Cheng is very confused, but still nods his head.

Meng looked at Lu Xiao coldly and snorted again then turned and left.

“What’s the matter?” Ye Cheng let him into the room and asked.

Lu Xiao’s eyes flickered and told him, “My mother knows about us.”

Ye Cheng’s eyes widened slightly. He hadn’t even seen Meng Li’s face several times in the last life, so he didn’t know what kind of attitude she had towards their feelings. No wonder she looked so ugly just now. She found out .

Seeing his frown, Lu Xiao said, “Don’t worry, she doesn’t seem … like, like, very opposed.”

“Really?” Ye asked suspiciously, “What did she mean by apology? Did you make other mistakes?”

Lu Xiao was awkward. “… it’s hard to explain. Let’s solve the problem, hurry up.”

Ye Cheng pulled to the desk and began to read the topic.

Lu Xiao pressed his shoulder to let him sit down, while he stood behind him, turned to a page and pointed to the wrong question, saying, “I’m not very good at this question.”

Ye Cheng put the doubt behind him for the time being. After all, the second model is about to be ushered in. It can be said that even Lu Xiao himself is more concerned about his study than Ye Cheng himself. Whenever he doesn’t know which problem, Ye Cheng will sort out all the questions in this series for him to practice dozen of times in a row.

This is also the place where Lu Xiao loves and fears him.

The teacher only talks about the topic simply, and Ye Cheng will look at him coldly, saying with great oppression, “Are you not mastering this knowledge at all?” Recite the formula and theorem to me again. Don’t read it. Recite it now. ”

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At this time, Lu Xiao’s sweat is comparable to that of playing a whole basketball game.

Ye Cheng wrote on the paper intently, and listed the knowledge points while explaining, without paying any attention to the people behind him getting closer and closer. Lu Xiao’s chest slowly sticks to him, and his arms occupy the table.

Finally, Ye Cheng realized that he was acting like a drunkard.

He gave the man an oblique look and asked, “What should I write next?”

Lu Xiao had already memorized this problem by heart, smiled, leaned up to his neck and breathed a sigh of relief, saying, “Establish a rectangular coordinate system, and ask for distance after substitution. Am I right, monitor? ”

Lu Xiao has a bit of a role-playing fetish, and likes to call him specific names on specific occasions.

For example, he will be called “monitor” when he asks questions, “Cheng” he is emotional, “Brother Cheng” when he is acting coquettish, and he will call him “Cheng Cheng”, “Wife” or “Baby” when he is excited.

Ye Cheng dropped his pen and squinted. “That’s right,” he said. “You can’t pretend.”

Lu Xiao had already restrained himself, and simply admitted with no regard for his face, “Yes, I can. Can’t you ask, who stimulated me? ”

As he spoke, his lips stuck up, and his right hand held Ye Cheng’s chin peremptorily, forcing him to raise his head and kiss him.

Although Lu Xiao usually gives in to him, when he gets close, his movements will gradually become stronger and stronger. He likes to pinch Ye Cheng’s jaw, buckle his wrist, or press him against a wall or an armchair. In a word, it is necessary to keep him firmly locked up and keep him from moving.

Several times Ye Cheng tried to hold him backhand, but he pulled him down and locked his hand.

He felt in his heart that Lu Xiao was a fucking contradiction. On the one hand, he always encouraged him to take the initiative, and on the other hand, he unreasonably suppressed his initiative, which made him crazy.

Lu Xiao kissed him carefully, and the hand holding his chin slipped slowly, from the slender and beautiful neck to the protruding collarbone. His fingertips are warm, with a little bit of current, and he touches the shoulder along the line of clavicle.

There is a small mole on the collarbone on the left side of Ye Cheng, which is usually covered by the neckline. After accidentally seeing this mole, Lu Xiao always pulls his collar down, staring at it and rubbing it for a long time.

Especially these times, his actions have gone too far.

Wet lips all the way down, finally touched the mole, and Ye Cheng felt a tickling sensation on his neck.

Lu Xiao’s hot breath was sprayed on the milky skin, and his voice was somewhat hoarse and charming. “Can I have a strawberry?” He asked expectantly, “This position makes it visible to others.”

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“Can’t … psst, it hurts!” As soon as Ye Cheng refused, he was caught in a small piece of flesh under his collarbone.

He pushed Lu Xiao’s shoulder, but did not push him away.

“Fuck you, don’t bite …” He said confusedly.

The action of refusing can stimulate people’s possessiveness the most, and Lu Xiao instantly felt hot and dry, as if a switch had been turned on, forcing him to hold tighter.

Ye Cheng blushed, but his mind remembered Meng Li’s words.

-He’s still curious about what other mistakes Lu Xiao made that needs to be apologized to him.

Years later, Ye Cheng had a tried-and-true skill, that is, asking him a question in bed. At this moment, Lu Xiao’s brain is often swallowed up by some kind of desire, and if he asks a question he would answer honestly.

His hand climbed onto Lu Xiao’s earlobe and asked softly, “What did you and your aunt say before you came? Have you done something to me? ”

Lu Xiao’s earlobe is very sensitive. He replied vaguely, “My mother said that she knew about us. I told her that I could be separated from you for some time.”

Ye Cheng’s hand stopped and sneered, “Good for you, Lu Xiao. So that’s why you’re ignoring me and refusing to tell me? ”

Lu Xiao suddenly woke up and looked up at him.

Ye Cheng watched him coldly: “Who gave you the courage to bite me?”

Lu Xiao panicked, hurriedly he said, “that’s not true, that’s just a tactic …”

He was pushed out by Ye Cheng, and the door slammed in front of his eyes.

Ye Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and finally got rid of this annoying guy, otherwise he doesn’t know what his neck will be like tomorrow. He looked anxiously in the mirror, and he couldn’t help cursing again.

One second in front of this side of the door, the next second Meng Li’s door opened.

Standing at the door a few meters away, she glanced gloatingly at Lu Xiao, then closed the door and went in.

Lu Xiao: “…”

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