Ye Cheng with his half-closed eyes feels gentle breath across the tip of his nose.

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He heard the sound of fireworks explosion and the frolicking of friends and the flowers in the corner of the room released their fragrance and quietly flowed in the night.

Considering the many people around, Lu Xiao only kissed him gently and let him go.

As soon as he let go, Zhou Minhao slammed in and pulled Lu Xiao: “Look, look, is that a parachute? The person who planned this fireworks show is too fun. ”

“Yes.” Lu Xiao allowed him to pull him.

Ye Cheng also turned away from his eyes, unconsciously putting his glasses on his lips and nibbling.

“Is it really useful to wish on fireworks?” Zhou Minhao asked .

Lu Xiao looked at the Ye Cheng, and the two men’s eyes collided. Obviously, they both understood each other’s aftertaste of the kiss just now.

Lu Xiao raised his lips and answered him absently, “Only fools believe.”

Jiang Jinyou, who was next to him, felt attacked and shouted discontentedly, “Brother Xiao, don’t turn around and swear.”

“Who did I scold?” Lu Xiao raised his eyebrows and looked like “you have no handle”.
Jiang Yirong saw her boyfriend being bullied and smiled pointedly, “Why is Brother Cheng suddenly quiet?”

Hearing this, Zhou Minhao looked over and asked anxiously, “What’s the matter, is Brother Cheng unhappy?”

“He’s embarrassed.”Lu Xiao leaned back and said casually.

Jiang Yirong and Jiang Jin glances and laughed.

Only Zhou Minhao is still struggling stupidly: “Why are you embarrassed? What happened? ”

After watching the fireworks, everyone gathered to chat again.

From high school career to college planning, from the activities of the second grade to all kinds of old gossip in the school.
Most people choose to stay in Nandu. As a big province of college entrance examinations, there are also many colleges and universities in Nandu. Only Ye Cheng, Lu Xiao, Jiang Jin and Yu Kun are going to A province, Jiang Yirong is going abroad to study design, and everyone else wants to be admitted to a local school in Nandu.

Jiang Jin said, “Let me break the news. After knowing that Brother Xiao was going to take the exam at Polytechnic University, many girls in our grade came to confess to him and stuffed him with dozens of love letters, saying they couldn’t bear him …”

Before he finished speaking, he was punched several times by Lu Xiao. “You fart!”

Jiang Jin ducked and said to Ye Cheng, “It’s true, and a girl even cried.”

Everyone laughed, and Ye Cheng also smiled.

“I don’t think it’s an exaggeration. My brother’s heterosexual relationship has always been top.”

“Shit, I’m so envious. I also want dozens of girls who can’t bear me to leave.”

Xiao Lu looked at Ye Cheng with a toothache, but he couldn’t get up at all.

Ye Cheng made a lip-syncing to him, “I’ll settle accounts with you later”.

“Why are you unhappy? Didn’t you always like to show off these things before?” Zhou Minhao poked fun at Lu Xiao’s shoulder.

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“Show off your mother, when have I ever shown off?”

A group of people quarreled in the yard until two o’clock, until the owner called to say that someone had complained, then turned off the fire and went back to the room to sleep.

There are three big bed rooms in the villa, and a big room for four or five people.

Zhou Minhao couldn’t sleep. He went to Lu Xiao to play cards with wine, but he grabbed his
collar and threw his out.

And got a sentence, “Play cards after two o’clock, and stay single all your life.”

Zhou Minhao stood in the hallway, thinking for ten minutes, but he didn’t understand. What is the relationship between playing cards at two o’clock and being single?

Didn’t they play all night before? !
He spoke a few words in the party group and asked if anyone was drinking and playing cards.

However, no one paid any attention to him. After five minutes, a girl named Tan Mengmeng

replied to him: [You still want to play cards with Brother Xiao at two o ‘clock. You deserve to be thrown out. 】

Zhou Minhao: [? ]

After Lu Xiao closed the door, he threw himself on the bed.

Ye Cheng was looking at the screen with his mobile phone. Without hesitation, he pulled it out and threw it away, smashing it on the floor with a clash.

“Why are you playing with your phone? Stay with me and play mobile phone?” He suppressed him.

Ye Cheng ducked with a smile: “You asked me to check my mobile phone yourself. You said you didn’t add those girls.”

“You check it when I tell you to, so you don’t believe me?” Lu Xiao started to move, reaching out to lift his clothes. “Don’t move, I’ll look at your abdominal muscles.”

“Fuck, it’s there is no person that jumps as fast as you.” Cheng can’t help but scold away.

He tried to hold down his clothes,

but his fingers were forcibly removed one by one.

“Tut, didn’t you say you had six pieces? I’ll count them.” Lu Xiao’s fingertips crossed from bottom to top, which made him shiver.

Ye Cheng felt a burst of shame, blushing and struggling: “Are you crazy? There are five people living next door! ”

Unfortunately, he can’t struggle it at all, and the disadvantage of studying indoors all the year round is revealed at this time. Just a good student is no match for a bully, and he imprisons him now.

“You also know that there are five people living next door, so be good and don’t cry out.” Lu Xiao’s eyes darkened, and his right hand moved up a few centimeters again. At the same time, he took a bite on his earlobe lightly, with punishment and threats.
Ye Cheng bit her lip and said, “You are a fucking dog.”

“Just say yes, do you want me to give you two woofs?” Lu Xiao is completely shameless.

The lips and teeth worked hard again, and Ye Cheng was completely speechless.

After looking at his abdominal muscles, he insisted that he touch his own, then take off his pants and compare them, as if he felt at home here.

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Lu Xiao also knew that this was not his own home, and finally he restrained himself. Until it was nearly five o’clock, he fell asleep with his hands and feet entangled in Ye Cheng.

Originally, everyone made an appointment to go fishing by the lake at nine o ‘clock in the morning, but by nine o’clock, no one could get up.

After eleven o’clock, they got up one after another.

To be precise, Ye Cheng didn’t wake up naturally, but was awakened by heat.

Twenty-seven-year-old General Manager Lu also likes to sleep with him. In most cases, he holds him from behind or puts him in his arms.

Lu Xiao, eighteen, not only held him firmly in his arms but also put his legs on his legs. Stick it from head to toe, without any gaps.

When Ye Cheng woke up and wanted to move him, he was pulled back.

The man who gets up in the morning is the most annoying. He looked down and sure enough …
After getting up, a group of people ordered take-out and sat in the restaurant in their pajamas unkempt.


Tan Mengmeng sends a message to the little sisters under the table: [Yes, we’re up. God, I really can’t believe someone who just got up can be so handsome! Brother Ye’s hair is a mess, but it’s awesome! ! 】

They are now talking about going fishing in the afternoon. After fishing, we will go back to the city. 】

[Ahhh, that idiot basketball team member said that Brother Cheng’s neck was red, but I didn’t find it! ! 】
[Ha, ha, ha, of course, he won’t admit it. He said that there were mosquitoes last night, which killed me. 】

Jiang Jin chewed a hamburger and asked Lu Xiao, “Brother Xiao, Rong Rong and I are going to travel in a few days. Shall we go together?”

Because Traveling means having a room. Lu Xiao turned to Ye Cheng expectantly: “Do you have any places you want to go?”

The four discussed it and planned to visit most of the motherland in the summer vacation.

They were too indifferent, Zhou Minhao asked, “Why didn’t you ask me? I have nothing to do during the summer vacation, and I want to go out to play with you. ”

Tan Mengmeng couldn’t resist, saying smoothly, “Are you sure you want to be with them?”

“Why, what’s the problem?” Zhou Minhao turned his head and looked this simple little girl up and down.

He doesn’t seem to know her well. Why does this girl always target him?!


Tan Mengmeng coughed, picked up the chicken roll, and chewed it up. “… no problem, as long as you are happy.”

After returning from the villa, Lu Xiao really organized a trip.

Zhou Minhao was unwilling and resolutely followed four people.

Three days passed, and he began to realize that Tan Mengmeng was not being sarcastic at that time.

Five days passed, and he began to want to go home.

Ten days passed, and he felt that the girl said it for his own good, so he regretted not listening to her advice!

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What is the most annoying thing about going out with couples?

You always have to sleep alone, the four of them play mahjong, and you can only be in the atmosphere group. You are the only one who meets girls in Lijiang’s bar, but you are lonely. You have to take photos and videos for them wherever you go, and you will feel redundant every time they buy a souvenir for two.

Although Zhou Minhao doesn’t know the relationship between Lu Xiao and Ye Cheng, he can clearly perceive that he is no longer the best person to play with Lu Xiao.

That God-learning man robbed his brother.

The last person with such a retarded idea was Jiang Jin.

They traveled around and got a lot of tan.

Only Ye Cheng can be seen. Because he is not exposed to the sun, he has to be covered with sunscreen by Lu Xiao every day when he goes out.

They returned to Nandu just the day before the result came out.

Meng Li personally drove to the airport to meet them, laughing and teasing, “You know that you will check the scores tomorrow, so you came back today on purpose, right?”

Ye Cheng sat in the passenger seat and looked back at Lu Xiao in a funny way. “He is the one who wants to come back today.”

A few days ago, Lu Xiao gradually entered a tense mood and asked what date it was today.

In fact, this kind of psychology is easy to understand. Before, when he didn’t work hard, he always felt that it didn’t matter, so he never cared about his grades, even though he didn’t fear the countdown.

But this year, the college entrance examination is his most serious study year.

Everyone said that it was a blessing that Lu Xiao met Ye Cheng, a deskmate who was more patient than his teacher. But only Ye Cheng knows how much time and energy he has spent in private in order to score more points.

The boy who used to sleep in class all day, didn’t do his homework, and confronted his teacher, sent him questions about his inability in the early morning of that year to prevent him from forgetting to ask him the next day.

Ye Cheng couldn’t remember how many one or two messages he had received.

[Neither can this question, wife qaq]

[I’m so sleepy, wife, but there are still two pages left unfinished. 】

[Tired of studying, I want to kiss you. 】

[What to eat tomorrow morning, I’ll bring it to you. I suddenly want to have breakfast in the middle of the night. 】

[Wife, this song is so nice that it is suitable for listening to when writing a composition. 】

[ Today’s physics problem is so difficult, I even doubt if I’m cut out for science, damn it. 】

[………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 】

[It’s so fucking annoying that I can’t learn anymore, but I really want to go to A province with you. ]

The Polytechnic University that Lu Xiao wants to sign up for is next door to A University, just across the street.

Most of those messages were not answered by Ye Cheng in time, because he basically fell asleep at that point, and he would only see them the next morning.

Every day when he sees this, he can feel Lu Xiao’s expectations and anxiety. In the past, Lu Xiao was so arrogant that he didn’t care about the problem of them being together, but later in his words, every sentence revealed that he wanted to be with him.

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Over time, the college entrance examination has become a symbol of his efforts. Besides Ye Cheng, his study has other meanings.

No one doesn’t want to see their efforts rewarded.

No one doesn’t love the moment when they finally see success.

After returning home, Lu Xiao stayed up all day with nervousness.

The next day, Ye Cheng and Gao Qiulan came to his home to check their grades.

Meng Li greeted Gao Qiulan downstairs, and the two of them sat in front of the computer, refreshing the web page quickly.

The website for checking scores crashed for several hours, and finally, it was printed out.

Ye checked his score first, because Lu Xiao resolutely refused to check it first.

At the moment when the results came out, Lu Xiao shouted behind him and covered his eyes.

Ye Cheng felt sweaty palms, too, and slid down bit by bit, revealing his total score: 431, with a double A grade.

“Fuck, it’s steady!” Lu Xiao saw the score through his fingers and hugged him excitedly from behind.

“Hmm!” Ye Cheng was as excited as he was, though he had already expected it.

He was briefly happy for a few seconds, and immediately returned to the page to enter Lu Xiao’s admission ticket number.

When Lu Xiao saw this posture, he immediately turned around and said, “You … don’t tell me yet, let me calm down.”

Ye Cheng stared at the webpage to refresh until he saw the score, and his expression became relax.

Lu Xiao’s heart was pounding wildly, and he turned his back on him and said, “You cover my score, I’m going to turn around.”

In accordance with his wishes he covered his hand over the total score, Lu Xiao turned back, fingers trembling slightly.

“Are you ready?” Ye Cheng asked.

He looked at the screen tightly, held his breath and nodded his head.

Come on, life or death is in this moment.

After a year of re-reading, he said he didn’t want to be separated from Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng’s hand moved back an inch, revealing the first number, which is 3.

Lu Xiao couldn’t help but spit out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it wasn’t 2, and it was half the battle!

His heart beat faster, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

Last year’s book score was 335, and this year’s score will not exceed 340 at most.

He squeezed Ye Cheng’s shoulder involuntarily. It must be 4, 4, preferably 5! Then he can study in the worst major in the general election of science and technology.

Ye Cheng pinched him, it hurt a little, and he suddenly laughed, breaking the tense atmosphere with his voice.

He said, “Lu Xiao, you probably never thought that you would do so well in the exam one day.”

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