Except for the high school sports meeting, this was the first time that Lu Xiao carried Ye Cheng on his back in front of a large crowd, and walked down the street so recklessly.

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Fortunately, the two had not completely lost their minds, and temporarily asked the security guard at the door to borrow an umbrella.

Ye Cheng held an umbrella to shield him from the wind and snow, leaving a string of winding footprints in the snow behind him.

“The road to the right is my junior high school. At that time, my mother was hospitalized all the year-round, and the driver picked me up every day.”

“The wontons in this store are so delicious. I used to come here every day to eat them, and I’ll pack one for you when I go back.”

“I saw that lawn. In junior high school, I often played football with people there. If we disagreed, we would have a hard time playing.”

Ye Cheng put an arm around his neck, listening to him ramble, and boasting “really amazing” from time to time.

“I spent a few years in Baize in elementary school, and we didn’t know each other in junior high school,” Lu Xiao said.

Ye Cheng thought he was going to sigh, but he smiled and folded his hands and said, “But I met you in high school, so nice.”

For some reason, Ye Cheng suddenly remembered him many years later.

He also regrets why he didn’t meet him in high school.

Will he also regret that he didn’t find out that the “little sister” he liked since childhood was actually him.

Are you also regretting that you didn’t walk this road behind his back and say these words to him?

Lu Xiao felt the person behind him buried his face in his neck, a warm breath coming from his skin, and… a few drops of warm water.

He paused and asked, “What’s the matter, Ah Cheng?”

Ye Cheng shook his head, hugged him tighter, and said softly, “I’m sleepy, so I yawned.”

Only then did Lu Xiao’s clenched heart relax, and he said with a smile, “You scared me, I thought something made you angry and made you cry. I just thought of ten ways to apologize.”

Ye Cheng didn’t speak and put his entire face on his back.

Snowflakes slid down the transparent umbrella, bounced a few times like a slide, and then perched lightly on the zebra crossing covered with thin snow.

He heard Lu Xiao’s heartbeat, which seemed particularly clear and calm in the vast snow.

As powerful as the nights he hugged from behind after so many years.

Are you happy, these have all come true.

I will accompany you for many years later, and then personally ask you at that time.

He said silently in his heart.

Ye Cheng only pointed in a general direction, and Lu Xiao understood where he wanted to go.

A few years ago, Shanhai Road was much more deserted than before, but some small shops were still overcrowded with no shortage of customers. The proprietress of Yipin Crayfish was eating melon seeds at the door and greeted them with a smile.

The two walked through the streets and alleys and finally came to the gate of No. 13 high School.

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The gate of No. 13 high School is only two or three meters wide, and it is usually only half-open. Only vehicles entering and leaving were seen. Next to it is a gilded font with a brick red background, which reads “Nandu No. 13 high School”. The bottom of the “three” is crumbling, and it is estimated that another strong wind will turn it into “Twelfth high School”.

Compared with the door and school plaque of the affiliated middle school on the opposite side, this side is simply shabby and desolate.

The first and second years of high school are already on vacation, and only the third year of high school is still in class, and the light of incandescent lamps is not obvious during the day.

Ye Cheng patted Lu Xiao and said, “Put me down, I’ll go by myself.”

Lu Xiao said, “You still know how to be shy? I won’t let you go.”

“Don’t make trouble, it will be miserable when the guard doesn’t let us in.”

Lu Xiao is very stubborn and likes to fight against him. He goes straight to the guard’s room behind his back, and raises his voice, “Is anyone there ?”

Ye Cheng was in a hurry and kicked him on his back, trying to get him to let him go.

The door of the guard’s room was pushed open from the inside, Ye Cheng immediately stopped moving, lowered his head and muttered “He can’t see me, he can’t see me, he can’t see me”.

A full-fledged voice sounded above his head: “Yo, it’s you stinky boy again.”

Ye Cheng looked up and saw that the uncle of the guard had just finished eating the snack. He pointed at them with a toothpick in his mouth and said, “Lu Xiao, right, who is that on your back? Hehe, why is he still a boy.”

Lu Xiao said cheerfully, “Master Wei, you still remember me.”

“Of course I do. I can’t count the number of times you kid was caught skipping class. Can I not remember?” Master Wei smiled, “But I really don’t remember the one on your back, is he from our school? ”

Being carried on his back in front of a strange elder, Ye Cheng’s face flushed red.

Lu Xiao shook the wife in his hand and said, “Of course, this is the first grade in our school, and my deskmate Ye Cheng.”

Master Wei thought for a while, then clapped his hands and said, “I remember, I have seen the commendation wall.”

“You two are in a good relationship. Have you both gone to college? Where are you studying?” He opened half of the school gate and let them in.

Lu Xiao said, “In other provinces, thank you, I’ll come back and bring you a pack of cigarettes.”

Master Wei laughed and scolded: “Little bastard, don’t make any noise, the third year of high school is not yet on vacation.”

“Okay, I understand.”

After leaving the school gate, Ye Cheng punched him on the shoulder: “Put me down!”

Although Master Wei didn’t say anything, it would be embarrassing to meet the teacher in a while.

Lu Xiao didn’t let go: “Be good, don’t move, your shoes would be when you get off, I’ll let you go when you get to the teaching building.”

Ye Cheng glanced down and found that his white shoes had stepped on the mud.

The snow in the southern capital is thin and easy to melt, and the places where the snow is shallow are often mixed with mud.

Lu Xiao carried him to the second year’s teaching building and stopped.

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The long-lost Building 1.

The two walked upstairs holding hands. Unfamiliar faces were replaced on the wall of honor, and the positions of several classes were also adjusted and renovated.

The hallway was quiet, and the floor was covered with a layer of chalk dust.

When he reached the corner, Ye Cheng looked at the other end of the corridor from a distance.

“Remember we had a fight there, you idiot had to go to and run.” He pointed indifferently to the corner.

Lu Xiao angrily said, “If it weren’t for you being a hindrance, I could have beaten him.”

“Damn it, if it wasn’t for me, your head would have been broken.”

They went up to the fifth floor noisily, and Lu Xiao said in surprise, “Fuck, the old brand in our class has been replaced with a new one… Look, the classroom is even equipped with air conditioners! Why didn’t they install them when we were there? Damn it. It’s so hot in summer!”

Ye Cheng was also a little angry and peeped from the glass window face to face with him.

“The water dispenser and TV have also been replaced, why?!” He said speechlessly.

“The cheap bastards…” While complaining, Lu Xiao noticed that the window was open, and he hurriedly called Ye Cheng to see, “Baby, the window is unlocked!”

He decisively opened the window, turned it over neatly, and opened the door for Ye Cheng from the inside.

After graduating from Ye Cheng’s previous life, he never went back to his high school. He only occasionally invited a few teachers and classmates out for dinner, so he felt very strange.

He touched the table, touched the chair, and finally returned to his previous seat and sat down, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

“look here–”

Lu Xiao shouted from the podium, and saw that he wrote the names of two people on the blackboard with chalk, and also drew a heart very girly, and circled their names inside.

Ye Cheng burst out laughing, pretending to be serious: “This classmate, you are not allowed to have a crush on the handsome male classmate in the class, you must study hard and try to get into the ideal university.”

Lu Xiao collapsed and said, “But a male classmate is my ideal, what should I do?”

He stepped off the podium, walked towards Ye Cheng, looked him in the eyes and said,

“The first choice is him, and the second choice is also him.”

“Without him, how can you make me work hard?”

This male classmate is the rain at the end of that summer, the cicadas roaring on the trees, and the dense thoughts in the pages of the book…

Is ideal, is love, is lingering nostalgia.

Entwined in the slightly drunken wind, hovering under the yellow leaves of the sycamore.

Lu Xiao took his hand, bowed, and dropped a kiss on the back of his hand.

He raised his eyes, with a bright smile in his dark eyes.

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“Seatmate, summer is over, can I say I like you?”

Ye Cheng stared at him without blinking, smiled and was about to speak, when a voice pinched his throat and came from the back door: “I’m ready, you talk.”

They turned their heads, the back door was slammed open, and a group of people stood outside.

Jiang Jin and Zhou Minhao stood at the front, followed by Jiang Yirong, Tan Xiaoqi, Tan Mengmeng, Li Junxiao, and the two basketball teams, all with malicious smiles.

Zhou Minhao said angrily: “You can do it, brother, if it wasn’t for Jiang Jin, how long would you two want to hide it from me?”

“You’re the only one who missed it, don’t make me talk like a big mouth, you blame others for not being able to see it yourself?” Jiang Jin said immediately.

“Come on, aren’t you a big mouth?”

Lu Xiao covered his forehead, Ye Cheng couldn’t help laughing, and asked them, “You guys come to see the teacher? Why didn’t you invite us together?”

“It’s not to see the teacher, Lao Xu is already on vacation.” Jiang Jin curled his lips, “We wanted to have a meal a year ago, so we stopped by here and took a look. He was called Brother Xiao a few days ago, and he said that the company is too busy at the end of the year, you two can’t take it off, and will come out after the new year.”

Ye Cheng turned to look at Lu Xiao, he shrugged and said helplessly, “I’m not busy now, I can do it anytime.”

Everyone took a group photo on the podium, and several girls pulled each other to take pictures of each other.

The boys chatted in twos and threes in the hallway.

Zhou Minhao opened his mouth and said, “Have you really come out of the closet?”

He took out a pack of cigarettes to share with Lu Xiao, but Lu Xiao waved his hand, “I quit early.”

“It’s half out of the closet,” he said, looking at the snow outside the railing. “I guess there is still a tough battle to be fought.”

Zhou Minhao said, “Brother, I really admire you. Your family’s situation, coming out of the closet is no joke. By the way, when did you get together? I’m surprised, why don’t I know?”

Lu Xiao laughed, cleared his throat and said, “Since this is the case, I’ll give you some popular science and tell you how Ye Cheng chased me back then.”

“He… chased you?” Zhou Minhao dropped his jaw in shock.

Lu Xiao sneered, “Of course, he did everything possible to persuade Lao Xu in order to be at the same table with me. All of this has to start with his love at first sight for me…”

Ye Cheng and Jiang Yirong went downstairs. She said she wanted to go to the flag-raising platform to take a photo. Several girls said they didn’t want to go because it was too cold outside, so Ye Cheng accompanied her down.

After Jiang Yirong took the photos, she also helped Ye Cheng to take a few.

At this moment, a boy with a stack of books passed by hurriedly.

Jiang Yirong put down her phone and said, “Hey, this isn’t the dance from your class…”

Her words came to an abrupt end, and Ye Cheng also recognized the man and shouted in surprise, “Hu Jiawei.”

The man stopped and looked over, and it turned out to be Hu Jiawei.

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He looked a lot thinner, still wearing thick bottle-bottom glasses, his hair cut short, and more spirited than before.

“Ye Cheng, it’s you.” He greeted them in surprise.

“Are you back to school again?” Ye Cheng asked.

Hu Jiawei nodded: “I took a year off from school, and now my health is much better, so I want to come back and finish high school.”

Ye Cheng said sincerely: “Congratulations, come on.”

Hu Jiawei smiled and said, “I’ll go to class first, and I have to give them homework, so I’ll get back to you.”

After he left, Jiang Yirong sighed: “I didn’t expect him to be so bad before, but now he has recovered. Sometimes people’s willpower is really tenacious, and a small grass can bloom on a cliff.”

Ye Cheng smiled and said, “Why did you suddenly become literary and artistic?”

Jiang Yirong showed sadness: “I just think it’s too difficult to be a person, and there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life.”

“Miss Jiang is still unhappy?” Ye Cheng teased her.

She said, “My parents don’t agree with me and Jiang Jin. I sneaked out to meet him today.”

Ye Cheng was silent for a moment, patted her on the shoulder and said, “Take your time, aunts and uncles may not know him very well, there is nothing that time can’t solve.”

Jiang Yirong had to nod, “I don’t want to give up, you and Lu Xiao are more difficult than us.”

“It’s not difficult, I’m already very grateful to meet him again.” Ye Cheng said lightly.

Jiang Yirong didn’t understand what “again” meant, but before she could ask, Ye Cheng asked easily, “Would you like to eat hot pot later?”

Jiang Yirong’s appetite was immediately aroused: “Hotpot must be eaten. It is cold and there are many people, so we must eat hotpot. Let’s go, let’s get them down.”

They walked into the courtyard of the teaching building and looked up to see people standing in the corridor on the fifth floor.

Lu Xiao was still chatting with Zhou Minhao, bragging about how he used his terribly handsome face to fascinate Ye Cheng. Zhou Minhao heard a completely different version from Jiang Jin’s mouth, and everyone was dumbfounded, staring blankly at him dancing.

Ye Cheng put his hand close to his mouth and shouted, “Lu Xiao, tell them to come down, let’s go eat hot pot—”

Hearing the voice, Lu Xiao waved to him upstairs and said loudly, “Okay, wife—”

When the people upstairs heard that they wanted to eat hot pot, they all ran down with a rumble.

In the ice and snow, a group of people marched to the hot pot restaurant mightily.

Just like a few years ago, a group of students in school uniforms swaggered to eat crayfish under the scorching sun.

The stores near No. 13 High School were as crowded as ever, and the wind from Baize Lake finally blew on Shanhai Road.

The author has something to say: At the end of the text – typing these three words, I suddenly feel so reluctant to part with it.


T/N: The main text is finally over, I’ll post the extra later.

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