Chapter 106 The Shadow under the Moon

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Zhang Yunyan had been praying to meet an expert to learn skills from him. She would reach high-level cultivation. She really hoped that she could realize this dream that she had pursued since she was young.


She had been dreaming for this for more than a decade, but did not realize until now. She felt frustrated and upset when thinking of it.


No matter how depressed or upset she was, Yunyan did not give up this beautiful dream and would keep on dreaming about it. It might last to the day when she realized this dream or passed away.


Although the dream was good, she did not know whether it would realize. For this, Zhang Yunyan did not know and nobody would know. She hoped that her dream would not die.


The mountains here were not high and really bare. Trees were high or short and sparsely scattered. It was not bare, but looked inertness. In the mountains, the river was meandering, clear, and gentle, quietly flowing to the distance.


The night fell and the stars were escaping from the clouds and blinking. A crooked moon quietly revealed its white face out of the clouds, looking down the creatures on the ground.


On the ground, it was dark and silent, which made people feel uneasy.


By the river, there was a village that looked large. In fact, the houses were not many, scattering in the shadows of trees.


In the village, there were dozens of households. The houses were low and worn. At first glance, they were poor. Most of the villagers' last names were Yan. Therefore, it was called Village Yan.


Under the night, the village was dark and the lights were scattering, which were as dim as the light of glowworms. People might have fallen into sleep or immersed them and their sorrows in the darkness for saving the candles.


Under the night sky, it was dark and silent. It was too quiet to make people feel cold.


The dogs were willing to sleep. They were barking from time to time in the darkness. They were not willing to fall into the darkness and tried to fight against it. They were trying to show out their anger and barking with agony.


The west of the village was a listless mountain. There was a huge house not far from the root of the mountain.


A small river flew through the big mason. The water was clear and winding.


This large mason was not normal, which was much better than the unlively mountains and the poor village in front. The huge mason was full of greenery, surrounded by trees, forming a luxurious style.


In the large mason, the houses were tall and spacious. The style was splendid. Most of them were quadrangle courtyards. A few were two-story buildings, each with its own characteristics. It was unusual.


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In the large mason, there were bridges, pounds, and pavilions, which were pleasant to enjoy.


Among the courtyards, the kinds of flowers and trees were abundant. The bamboos were green, while trees were shaded. Flowers were blooming and giving out pleasant scents, attracting bees and butterflies. It was a different scene.


Needless to say, the owner of this house was unusual and wealthy. It must be a rare and prosperous family.


The night was dark and the lights in the large mason were everywhere. The courtyards and the houses were everywhere, while the lights were shining. Laughter was continuous, revealing the vitality.


Suddenly, a black shadow went over the wall. Its movement was acute, which was like a cat, rushing into the bush.


The person was holding a steel sword and looking around. She was alert and keeping an eye on any movement.


The person looked around for a while and quickly ran into the side of the woods.


It turned out that this person was Zhang Yunyan. She sneaked into this large mason and tried to kill her enemy Yan Xiaopeng, planning to revenge for her dead parents.


The entire house was completely covered by the night, and despite there was full of light, she could not be seen clearly by the tree and the side of the houses. In addition to the call of insects and the laughter from the houses, it was really quiet in the big mason.


Suddenly, a black shadow fell from the sky and fell silently in front of Zhang Yunyan.


Yunyan was shocked and stopped to have a check. She was both nervous and suspicious, staring at the coming person without movement.


How could this person fall from the sky? Was it a horrible elf or a harmful monster?


The coming person was dressed in black, blocking her way. He stared at Zhang Yunyan angrily and prepared to take action.


In the faint night, Zhang Yunyan could not see his face. She could only figure it out partially.


This person was in a middle height. Although he was a little bit thin, he had shown out his majesty.


His movement was agile like a swallow. There was no sign when he fell down and no sound when he stepped on the ground. Only a piece of wind raised by his movement. It was easy to figure out how awesome his skills were. No wonder she did not notice.


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He wore a square scarf and a short coat. The night clothes were tightly wrapped around him. It was neat and tidy.


Under the shadow of the moon, his eyes were shining with the awkwardness of vigilance and anger. It was shocking.


The face was a little indifferent and was covered with a thin veil by the faint night. He looked like a snowflake in the night, white and cold. Anyone seeing him would feel chilling.


Zhang Yunyan had no fear when facing the coming person. She stared at him with the Magical Dragon Sword held in her hand. She was trying to revenge for her parents and complete her long-cherished wish for more than a decade. She did not care about who was coming.


Yunyan's eyes flashed with anger, and asked coldly, "Who are you? What are you planning to do? Are you looking for death?"


"Hum, hold your temper. It's you who are looking for death!"


The opponent was more disdainful and snorted coldly, staring at Yunyan tensely.


Zhang Yunyan was blunt and felt shocked. It was a woman from the voice.


She was very surprised. This woman seemed to be young. How could she fall from the sky?


This woman was so young, but even had the flying ability. It was hard to imagine how deep her cultivation was. It seemed that she was not a human being, but must be a transferred elf or a harmful monster.


Zhang Yunyan confirmed that she was a monster and might be a vixen. Facing an extraordinary banshee, she immediately became nervous. Her heart beat fast for fear.


Yunyan was really unlucky. When she was taking revenge, how could she encounter a monster again?


On the last time Yunyan went back home for avenge, she met Black Killer and the white evil dragon. She nearly died here.


This time, she did not go well. She met a banshee before she could find her enemy Yan Xiaopeng. It might not only be hard for her to complete her lifetime vows, but she might also be at a closed end and could not escape from the danger.


Although Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and felt fearful, she did not retreat. Under the encouragement of revenge, she must slaughter her mortal enemy and could not allow Yan Xiaopeng to live in the world.


The flying person stared at her and ignore Yunyan's inquiry. She asked, "Girl, I have to ask you what you are doing here?"


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Zhang Yunyan's eyes widened, revealing an angry look. The emotion of hatred was full of her mind and body. In order to kill Yan Xiaopeng as soon as possible, Yunyan would show no mercy to a man or woman, a human or a demon, who had blocked her way.


Her words were firm and forceful. "I will kill my enemy. Anyone on my way, I will kill him!"


Yunyan was full of anger. The hatred was full of her mind, which dispelled the fear and nervousness in her mind. She made up her mind to fight against the monster.


The counterpart did not show weakness, and glaringly responded, "I will also kill my enemy and the blockers!"


Zhang Yunyan's skills were largely enhanced. With the help of Magical Dragon Sword, enhanced inner and outer strength, and improved martial arts, she was confident to fight against the counterpart. Although she was facing a banshee, she was not afraid.


She sneered and curled her lips up. "You're looking for death. How dare you insist to fight against me? I will get carter today. Give out your life!"


Yunyan was eager to take revenge, fearing that she would alarm the guardians in the mason if things went on and Yan Xiaopeng would make preparation. She needed to to get rid of the monster as soon as possible, so she immediately rushed to wave her sword.


The banshee saw Zhang Yunyan coming towards her. Her eyes widely opened and took out of her sword to resist Yunyan's attack.


This sword was trembling when being taken out.


The blade was nearly at the length of three feet and the width of an inch, which was like an expanding plat steel cone. It was unique. The blade was as cold as the face of the young woman. It was shining and even the moonlight could not be compared.


It seemed that it was not an ordinary sword.


In the blink of eyes, the hitting sound of two swords continued, piercing the quiet night sky, stunning the trees, and frightening the insects.


Although they had never met before, they fought against each other like facing their deadly enemies. They attacked each other and did not show any mercy. It was hard to stop this fight and was really shocking.


The longer the fight last, the stronger Zhang Yunyan would be. She was like a tiger and seemed to have endless strength.


She made a flying knife to take the opponent's front chest, while the banshee rushed to resist this attack with her sword. Then, she waved her sword with the tactic of Goose Spreads Its Wings in Dark Wind.


Zhang Yunyan dared not be careless and avoided. Then, she waved her swords for a few times to mislead the opponent.


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The woman hid her body and retreated. Then, she attacked with a tactic of Phoenix Calling for Ninth Heaven.


Zhang Yunyan rushed back and resisted. Then, she waved her sword...


In this way, the two did not yield to each other and it was hard to stop this fight.


After plenty of rounds, Zhang Yunyan gradually took the advantage and felt more confident. It seemed that the banshee had low-level cultivation. She did not have to fear for her and she must win this fight.


Thanks to her enhanced internal and external strength in Jade Dragon Lake of her hometown and acute movement, she could fight against the opponent.


Yunyan regained confidence and deepened her attack. She hoped to kill the banshee at once and went for Yan Xiaopeng for revenge as soon as possible.


Just then, a voice suddenly sounded, "Sister, stay away. I can handle this arrogant girl!"


The banshee heard the words and hurriedly jumped to the side.


Zhang Yunyan was shocked, turning around and finding there was a person hiding by the tree. From the voice, it was a man.


Yunyan became nervous again when finding that the banshee had a helper. Since this person dared to help the banshee, his ability must be better. The situation was not advantageous for her.


Facing a female and a male monsters, Zhang Yunyan felt nervous and frightened. She did not want to escape, and she insisted to beat them and went to kill Yan Xiaopeng.


The banshee looked at the coming person and felt surprised. "Brother, it's you. I haven't expected that I can meet you here."


The man answered, "My sister, I just came here to have a check when hearing the sound of a fight, finding that you are fighting against the girl. Stay away and I can handle her!"


"You don't have to. I can kill her on my own!" The banshee sneered and stared at her, screaming, "B*tch, you might not know who I am if I don't show out my true skills. Well, let you taste the 'Magic Cloud Sword Methods'!"


Then, she jumped to the side and activated her inner strength, pointing at Zhang Yunyan with her sword.


The sword was flashing with a white blaze, which was much more shining than the moonlight. It aroused the wind screaming and clouds fluctuating. Fog covered surroundings and the cold air rushed towards her. The Fog was forming into a white dragon to attack the opponent. The strong momentum and fast speed were shocking.


When Zhang Yunyan saw her show the demon method, she was shocked. She had no ability to resist or hide. For an instant, she was thrown away by the demon intent. "Bomb!" She was hit on a big tree.

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