Chapter 113 Immortal Was Coming?

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Zhang Yunyan exerted this kind of feeling when meeting the little monk Shikong. It was not her imaginary and existed indeed. She did not know what this feeling was and why she would be like this.


Yunyan's unknowing feeling might not be related to these "if" and might have a little relation. Otherwise, she would not have this feeling by accident.


She did not know what the feeling was and sighed silently. Perhaps, she was a little nervous. After experiencing terrible dangers, she had such a psychological reaction.


In this regard, she still could not accept those reasons and did not know why. She could only keep this secret feeling in her mind. She did not know whether she could uncover this secret someday.


Zhang Yunyan thought of Shikong with high skills and felt envious. Her savor had reached such high-level skills at a young age, which made her respect him so deeply and even envy him.


She could not help thinking of the brother and sister who hurt her in the Yan Mansion. She felt emotional.


They were two young persons, although they were monsters. They looked like at her age but their abilities were much better than hers. The two monsters were also two extraordinary experts and she could not match them. She was both hateful and envious.


Yunyan was upset and wore a sad expression. She sighed silently. When could she reach this level and when could she learn those magical abilities?


Zhang Yunyan was upset and lamented. They were so young but their abilities were better than hers. In comparison, she was miserable and sad.


Yunyan was hurried to enhance her ability. She hoped to reach a high level as experts. However, this was a dream.


The dream of worshiping a master for more than a decade. Where should she look for a secret expert? When could she worship a master?


Ah, she really hoped that she could meet the immortal tonight and worship him to learn profound skills and to realize the long-cherished wish.


Yunyan searched around and had some desires and worries. She did not know whether the immortal in legend would come out.


Meeting the immortal was the biggest wish of Zhang Yunyan at this moment. She hoped that he could come out soon to help her without reservation, to teach her magical skills, and to realize her dreams.


Needless to say, if there was no immortal, it could be better to gain a magical treasure, which could resist the strong enemy in an emergency and reverse the crisis.


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In her praying, Yunyan thought of Xiao Tianlong and sighed secretly. He was her friend with generations. He had extraordinary skills but she could not worship him. She felt regretted.


She thought of Samuume and lamented. What if her sister was in her era? They could practice martial arts together and comfort her sadness of their apart.


However, the two experts with high-level martial arts had been blocked by the interval of thousands of years in Tianyue Country. Not to mention to worship them, they would never see each other.


In the thoughts, the figure of an elf flashed out. Yunyan smiled silently. Why did she think of it?


It turned out that she remembered the Ganoderma lucidum elf, Treasure she saved in Tianyue Country.


Yunyan thought of that encounter by accident and still felt clear and emotional.


Treasure was captured by Pingtian Saint and banned by some demon methods. It was nearly taken back to the monster's cave.


At the moment when Yunyan had no way to help Treasure to escape, the toad demon Free Saint passed by and found her and Ganoderma lucidum elf. Free Saint continued to attack the demon methods banned Treasure. The result was destruction to both sides.


After Free Saint escaped, Treasure broke the ban by accident and refreshed its life.


Zhang Yunyan thought of that encounter and felt emotional and pleasant. Although it was not her merit that Treasure could escape from danger, it was also related to her and she had tried her best.


If Yunyan did not meet Treasure, Free Saint would not find her. Ganoderma lucidum elf must be taken back to the cave of Pingtian Saint and would eventually die.


It was related to the second prince to save Treasure. If he was not captured by Xuanling Female Saint, Zhang Yunyan would not get into the mountain to search for him. Ganoderma lucidum elf must be killed by Pingtian Saint.


Although Ganoderma lucidum elf was low at cultivation, Yunyan could not match it. If Treasure was in her era, she could cultivate with it to enhance her inner strength and learn profound skills.


Unfortunately, this was another wonderful dream and an illusion. She could only use this to eliminate some depressed emotions. Of course, it was temporary, which had little effect on relieving emotions.


Zhang Yunyan thought of the beautiful sister in the alienated world and naturally thought of her beloved brother. She felt endless yearning and pain. She did not know what the second prince was doing and whether he still missed her so deeply.


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Ah, it was her fault to make her brother so painful. She was painful, too. The brother and sister would be tortured by the fruitless love in this life and they did not know when it ended.


The pain of yearning was too uncomfortable. Why could not she live in the same era as her brother?


Yunyan felt upset when thinking that her beloved brother would marry another woman. The position of prince concubine should be hers, but now it would be replaced by the other woman. It was miserable.


When she thought that there would be another woman lying in the second prince's arms, she would feel painful. She would feel envious to that woman.


However, this was an issue of the future. This was a reality. She had no way to get to Tianyue Country and could not stay with her beloved second prince for this life. The prince concubine was a woman in Tianyue Country.


Zhang Yunyan had experienced a lot since she was born. It seemed that everything would not follow her wish. The marriage was not that smooth.


Brother Jiaxiang was a good person. They grew up together and had a pure relationship since they were young. They built a sweet love.


She should have married her brother and they might have girls and boys. They would be immersed in happiness.


However, on the day they got married, a catastrophe fell down, which made they departed from each other. Her beloved man passed away and her sweet love was completely lost.


Yunyan did not know whether she should continue her revenge or not and who she needed to go for revenge. The enemy, Hua Taisui, had been killed by her, so let this issue end over there. Since then, she could only miss her brother Jiaxiang and felt pain.


Zhang Yunyan was lucky to time-travel to the Tianyue Country and built an unforgettable love with the second prince. Unfortunately, their love was blocked by the space of thousands of years.


It was another beloved man, a beautiful marriage, but she lost it again.


Since then, Yunyan bid a farewell to the second prince. The two lovers could only miss each other in two different worlds. They were painful endlessly.


Zhang Yunyan's flower of love was sweet and attractive, but there were no fruits. She should have been tortured by fruitless love and did not know when this would end.


Where was her beloved man? Where was her marriage? When could she fall into her husband's arms?


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Yunyan did not know and could not know. She could only feel the pain of losing the beloved one and be tortured by the fruitless love.


On Qinglong Mountain, it was dim. There were no insects calling. It seemed that this fierce killing had frightened them greatly, or they had fallen into a sweet dream with their accomplice.


Zhang Yunyan sighed. At this time, the immortal had not shown up. It seemed that she could not see him tonight.


She would leave tomorrow. She did not know whether she could realize her dream and when she could reach her dream.


She was a little sad and could only travel the Jianghu with her current martial arts to realize her dreams and end the long-cherished wish.


Yunyan knew that the road would be difficult and she might meet plenty of dangers. She might lose her life on the road but she did not give up. On the road of future life, facing difficulty or dangers would not change her determination to move on.


Zhang Yunyan had no fate to worship and felt disappointed. She still needed to cultivate harder to enhance her abilities. She had to complete those life-long wishes and fought for her dreams.


This was her mission and the motivation of living. For this, she would pay for everything until the day when her life ended.


The night was moving and the wind blew the ground. The dark clouds covered the stars and the moon, which made the forest more silent.


In the darkness, sighs raised from time to time, which added some uneasy trace to the forest.


Zhang Yunyan was still waiting and praying. She hoped that the immortal in legend could come soon.


In order to realize her wish to learn from an expert since her childhood, she would not give up any chance. Even if it was only one percent hope, she would pay for 100 percent to fight for.


She had to learn a tactic to defeat her enemy, so she could fight against the strong enemy. She would have a more profound ambition to go further. Then, she would become a real heroine who could frighten the bad people.


Suddenly, a continuous sighs came, which sounded really horrible.


Zhang Yunyan was shocked and immediately got up to have a check. It was silent in Qinglong Mountain and nothing had changed.


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Smoke! The word flashed out in her mind. She felt some nervous and hopeful. She looked around with her eyes widely opened, but she did not see any smoke.


She did not know whether the smoke she saw outside the village was an illusion or reality and did not know whether it was the place where the smoke raised.


Yunyan looked around and did not find anything suspected. There was no sound at the half of the mountain and no figure of the movement. No smoke raised up. It was quiet in Qinglong Mountain and nothing changed.


She shook her head and sat down. She was somewhat disappointed. Would not the immortal come out? Would not the treasure show up? This was the last night she would stay here and it was her last chance. Would she come back with disappointment?


Inadvertently, Zhang Yunyan looked in distance. It was shocking. The sighs at low sound were over there.


She found that a puff of black air surged in darkness from distance. The sound was deep and bitter, roaring sound.


She was very surprised and stood up at once, looking at the wildland which had been covered by the black air in distance. She thought, "Is the immortal in legend coming out? Is he falling on the ground?"


When Zhang Yunyan looked at the black air and heard the continuous rumble, she was nervous and desired. She also found hope.


Although the black air and the sound were not on the Qinglong Mountain, it was also the signs in the legend. The immortal might come here.


In the darkness and over the wildland in distance, the black air surged indeed. There was no doubt.


Zhang Yunyan did not waste her pray and waiting. The immortal would come soon.


It seemed that the smoke over the Qinglong Mountain was real, which reminded her to guard over there. Otherwise, it was too late if she departed from outside the village. She would lose this precious chance.


She was lucky to think about this and arrived at Qinglong Mountain timely, so she did not lose this good chance to meet the immortal.


The more she thought, the happier she was. She had seen the hope and it was no longer an illusion to ask the immortal for advice.


This was her fate, but she did not believe it. Perhaps, her struggling life would be changed.


Zhang Yunyan was waiting for the immortal in her mind and praying for worshiping him. He would teach her some magical skills to enhance her abilities as soon as possible.

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