Chapter 115 Miracle

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In the dark cave, the sound of stones falling down disappeared. Everything turned into silence. It could be heard clearly even if a needle fell on the ground. The night was dark, but the moonlight could not enter, which made this cave darker and vaguer.


Zhang Yunyan was really poor. Her fate was so unfortunate. Since it came to the night, weird things happened one by one.


She originally wanted to solve the troubles to ease her bothering emotions to wait for the immortal. However, before she could calm her emotions down, she was shocked and tortured by those horrible things once and once again. She felt more pain and anxiety.


What was worse, she did not meet the immortal timely and missed the good opportunity to learn from the teacher. Not only did she lose the opportunity to visit the immortal, but also her young life also ended here.


Yunyan was really pitiful and miserable. With the disappearing of her life, the lifelong missions and lofty aspirations were dissipated like smoke.


Perhaps, it was an eventful night and a strange moment. Zhang Yunyan should stay at home instead of walking around to wait for the immortal.


As a result, she was alerted by the suspicious smoke on the Qinglong Mountain and her emotion to worship the immortal enhanced.


Later, she arrived at the half of the Qinglong Mountain to wait for the immortal. She met the little monk Shikong who fell in danger by accident. They helped each other to frighten the vixen Misty Flower away.


Then, she finally saw the sign of the immortal coming and saw the immortal by herself. She planned to visit him, but was frightened by his horrible face. In her hesitation, the great opportunity was lost and she regretted it.


In her regret, Yunyan decided to save the opportunity to visit the rare immortal. She had never expected that she fell into the deep cave and eventually lost her life.


This was her destiny. Although Yunyan did not believe fate, she was still controlled by the miserable fate. She was destined to end her young life here.


This cave was so mysterious, so strange, and unpredictable. There must be some hidden secrets. Perhaps, there were some terrible killing intents.


It was dark inside the cave and was hard to tell how deep it was. Everything was drowned in the darkness.


Inside, there was no sound and the silence was chilly. She did not know where was the immortal and whether the immortal knew she was falling down.


Time passed by. In silence and darkness, there was a faint sound.


The sound was weird. It could not tell it was a slight sigh or snort. Perhaps, it was a sad song.


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The sound arose from time to time, which made people hard to guess and feel nervous and frightened. No matter what the sound was, it meant that there were living creatures.


Was the immortal resting here and singing a song at a low voice?


In the darkness, a black shadow moved slightly and it was hard to tell where the sound turned out. The shadow was both ordinary and mysterious. It was not the immortal, but Zhang Yunyan.


It turned out that Yunyan was still alive but just out of consciousness just now. With time passing by, she woke up again.


She moved her body and opened her eyes slowly, seeing all the darkness.


She rubbed her body and could not help twitching for pain. She did not know how fierce her wounds were and felt deeply scared.


Zhang Yunyan closed her eyes to have a rest. She did not feel any discomfort and breathed smoothly. She moved her arms and legs again and found that she could flex and bend. In addition to the pain, she felt nothing serious. Then, she was comforted.


Yunyan looked around. It was dark, so she could see nothing.


She looked up. There were a circle and faint light over her head in the darkness.


What was that? Was the moon covered by the faint clouds?


No, the moon was not that big. Besides, it was not the night of the full moon.


If it was not the moon, what was it?


Yunyan looked at it while suspecting. She finally understood that it was the entrance of the hole. Because of the height, it looked small, so she mistook it as the moon.


Zhang Yunyan remembered that she had fallen down into the deep cave. It was lucky for her to still be alive.


She was puzzled. It was a long crack on the half of the mountain. How could it become a circular hole?


Yunyan was confused. Why did the place change so fast and weirdly? It was unbelievable. She fainted away just now and did not know what happened. Why did the entrance change into a circular hole?

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She recalled that when she was on the edge of the crack, it was too dark below and she could not hear anything. She did not know how deep it was and what was inside.


During the observation, she was upset and wondered why she fell down after a stun. Then, she was out of consciousness. She did not know how she fell down onto the bottom of the cave.


It was too dangerous. It was also a miracle that she did not die or get hurt when she fell down into such a deep hole with hard rock. She even got no wounds.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the high-hanging "moon" and remembered the immortal. She straightened her body.


She looked around and found no trace of the immortal. She sighed and felt disappointed.


Zhang Yunyan was unfortunate and fell into a deep desperate situation. Fortunately, she did not die or break her bones, or had even any scratch when she fell down into such a deep cave out of consciousness.


It was a miracle indeed to have such a good result. It was an impossible miracle, but it happened indeed.


This miracle was unbelievable and no one knew why. Even Yunyan was shocked.


Zhang Yunyan did not know how she fell down and what happened when she fell down. She did not know why she got no hurt and kept her life at a vital moment.


She thought of the immortal and thought of something. Perhaps, it was the immortal who gave her a life road and she did not get any hurt.


Yunyan had a hunch that the immortal knew that she had come in and was paying attention to her, so he took action to protect her.


It seemed that she was fated to the immortal.


Perhaps, it was the immortal's arrangement to make her fall down into the cave by accident and let her see him on purpose.


Zhang Yunyan was happy and eager. Worshiping an expert was no longer an illusion.


She would see the immortal soon and pledge him to accept her as his disciple. In her observation, there was no more person except her. That immortal was not there. Otherwise, he would have come out.


Yunyan had no time to think about those unrelated mysteries. She was surprised to find a small hole on the wall. She saw a glimpse of hope. This hole would lead her to the deep of this cave. Perhaps, the immortal was resting there and waiting for her to come.

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Thinking of this, she smiled in her mind. She felt happy.


The hole was round like the moon. There was a faint moonlight. There was no uneven place on the rock around the "moon". It seemed to have been polished.


She was somewhat confused. Why were all the holes round? Why did this immortal try to polish them so smoothly? Was this necessary?


Zhang Yunyan struggled to stand up, flexed, and stretched her legs and arms. She felt pain and could confirm that she did not break her bones. She eased her lingering mind.


She was constantly moving around and soon recovered to her original condition. Except for some pain, she had no more discomfort and could move as flexibly as usual.


Yunyan was deeply surprised and more fortunate. She did not get any hurt after falling into such a deep cave on the hard stones. It was incredible and could be called a miracle.


The reason why this miracle showed up was only that the immortal helped her. There was no more explanation.


The cave was wide and huge. The bottom of the cave was plain, while the wall and bottom were all hard stones.


This cave was as deep as a well. Although the wall was not plain, it was sleek. She could not climb up. It was as hard as reaching heaven for her to climb out of the deep cave.


Zhang Yunyan was emotional. This cave was extraordinary and was built into so scaring by immortal.


She did not want to leave and hoped to see the immortal as soon as possible. She would ask for worshiping him and realize her wish for more than a decade.


Besides, the immortal was watching her and arranging her a way for her to visit him. She must take this great chance and could not lose it.


At this time, Zhang Yunyan was very respectful and admiring to the immortal. She was no more nervous and fearful. She did not feel scared about the immortal's ugly face.


In her mind, the immortal's face was different. He was extraordinary and no one could compare with. Otherwise, how could he be an immortal?


She was happy and excited. Opportunities came at any time. Her dream to worship an expert since she was young would finally realize at this moment.


Yunyan was lucky to make friends with Xiao Tianlong and Samuume, but was regretful to have no fate to worship an expert.

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Now, heaven finally cared about her. The good opportunity came too easily. She could not miss it and had to strive for it.


Zhang Yunyan had no time to observe this cave and did not want to suspect the mysteries. She hoped to see the immortal at once. She did not want to waste those inconsequential issues. She moved into the "moon-like" hole and went into the deep hole.


The hole was uneven and curved. She did not know how deep it was and where it would lead to. There was a faint light inside and much brighter than the outside.


Zhang Yunyan listened to it carefully and it was really quiet. Although she did not see the immortal, she could felt his existence. She smelled a faint smell of blood, which was the trace of the immortal.


She soon discovered that there were many hand-writings on the rock walls on both sides, all of which were fluorescent. The light inside the holes was releasing from those writings.


Yunyan looked around while walking. She felt confused again. Those words were too many to count, but all of them were just one word, "Fate".


Strange, why did them all "fate"? Were all those words written by the immortal? What did he mean to leave those words of "fate"? Did he only know this word?


No, these hand-writings were extraordinary, which could not be written by a man without knowledge. These words were carved so delicately. It seemed that this immortal was knowledgeable and was a scholar.


Zhang Yunyan was thinking while walking. Why did the immortal write the words of "fate"? Did he believe the theory of fate so deeply, so he had done such a big effort?


It was just her suspicion and could not be confirmed. She looked at the words of "fate" while touching them.


Those hand-writings were carved deeply. Except for the uneven feeling when being touched, the color and quality were the same as the surroundings. The shining light could not be moved away.


She was somewhat puzzled. The walls of the cave were all integrated. There was no difference in the color and quality. Why did only the hand-writings show the light? Was it caused by some magical skills?


Zhang Yunyan was somewhat nervous. It was not just because of the fluorescent words, but also because of the secrets in the writings.


She was convinced that the reason why those hand-writings could be fluorescent was that they were injected with powerful skills. It must hide some unreasonable secrets.


Yunyan was upset to look at those words of fate.


It seemed that the immortal's cultivation was profound. He was good at martial arts and admirable. If she could get his instruction, she would not worry about how to enhance her cultivation and get magical skills as soon as possible.

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