Chapter 121 Revenge at a Rainy Night

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Zhang Yunyan thought the whole experience she fell into the demon hole. She felt puzzled. She was not deliberately entering the cave. She was out of consciousness and fell down.


She felt very strange. At that time, she was clearly sober and hesitating. Why was she suddenly falling into a coma?


In the coma, she fell into the deep cave and knew nothing about the experience. She did not know how she fell down to the cave and what had happened.


It was strange that she did not die and got no harm. It was amazing and incredible.


What the hell was going on? Why was this magic happening?


Previously, she thought that it was the "immortal" who reserved a path for her and protected her in the darkness. Therefore, she did not get any hurt.


It seemed that this was not the monster's help. This guy would not show any mercy to anyone, including Zhang Yunyan. He could not wait to catch her and eat her.


Since it was not Jiuyou Sage who fainted her with magic, nor the old monster to protect her deliberately, there must be some other reasons. Otherwise, there would not be such a magical thing.


This was an impossible miracle, which made her feel puzzled. What was going on here? Was there someone protecting her in the darkness?


This was also impossible. If someone protected her, she would not fall into the demon cave and suffer such terrible danger, or even let her almost die. Otherwise, such kind of protection was meaningless and useless.


This experience was both mysterious and strange. She unexpectedly fell into a coma, miraculously survived, and did not get any harm. It was impossible. However, this miracle really happened and was really puzzling.


This was a mystery which was really magical.


There was also another magical thing, the entrance.


In the demon cave, Zhang Yunyan saw a round hole like a completed moon. However, it was a wide and narrow crack when she was on half of the mountain.

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It was not a visual error, but a true fact. Why was it completely different inside and outside the cave? What was hell for such a big difference?


She could not guess out these mysteries or solve them, but could only keep those questions in her mind. Perhaps, she would not know the answer to the whole life.


The next day, Zhang Yunyan embarked on the road of revenge with grief. She did not change her mind and planned to avenge her parents. Then, she ran to her hometown to slaughter the Living Yama.


She met a person who was in danger and helped him. However, she was badly injured on her chest and arms.


Yunyan did not care about her injury, but still did not change her original intention. After bounding her wounds, she resolutely went straight to Yan Mansion of Shuanghe County. She swore to kill Yan Xiaopeng for her parents.


She stayed overnight and finally came to her destination.


Zhang Yunyan wanted to immediately enter the Yan Mansion to kill her enemy. However, the family members of Yan Mansion were searching for a sneaker inside and outside.


She was shocked and puzzled. Did the Living Yama know that she was coming to take revenge and looking for her? Unexpectedly, her action for this time met an accident again. Would she go back disappointedly again?


After Zhang Yunyan thought about it, she felt that her actions would not be exposed. Along the way, she did not meet any acquaintance or mention her revenge. No one knew.


Besides, when she came to revenge last time, she only encountered the two monsters, the banshee and a male monster. She did not meet anyone in Yan Mansion. She could not be exposed.


Yan Xiaopeng could not be so well-informed or know that his enemy would come to kill him. He could not know her trace. This accident was not because of her. There must be another hidden reason.


It seemed that this guy had numerous enemies. Someone else might seek revenge at the same time.


Zhang Yunyan was eager to find the one coming to avenge and could cooperate with this person to have a higher rate to win.


However, the Yan Mansion had been alarmed and was looking around. That person must have already fled, so where could they find him or her?

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Yunyan sighed and had to act alone. The Yan Mansion must have been alarmed and would be strictly guarded. Maybe, Yan Xiaopeng had hidden secretly. She could not take action abruptly.


Zhang Yunyan decided to take action at night when finding that it was at the dusk. She could have cover in darkness and few people would hang out. It would be easier for her to take action, while the Living Yama would be relaxed.


She came here to take revenge and made a thorough preparation. In any case, she could not give up. She would never allow Yan Xiaopeng to live tonight. She immediately hid in the woods, refueling and waiting for opportunities.


In the night sky, the clouds were black. The earth was quiet while the wind was blowing.


Zhang Yunyan glared at the Yan Mansion not far away. She felt that her heart was bleeding. The hatred in her heart for more than a decade made her straighten her body. All of her body and mind were surrounded by anger.


She was like a violent goddess. She could not hold her anger and needed to take action at once.


Yunyan looked at the dark night sky with clouds and shouted with her arms stretching, "I will revenge! Yan Xiaopeng, you such a b*stard, I will kill you today! I will kill you! I will kill you!"


The heroine was screaming. The goddess was shouting. She shocked all the creatures in their dreams. In the darkness, the shoutings were sharp. If her enemy was in front of her, he would be too scared to be frightened.


"Creak—" A strong lightning tore through the dark clouds, following with the rumbling of thunder. The earth was shaking. All the creatures were scared.


For a second, rain poured down.


Mountains, houses, flowers, trees... everything was drowned in the storm. They were hard to be seen.


Facing the fierce storm, Zhang Yunyan shouted thunderously from the heart, "I will revenge! If I can't kill the Living Yama, I swear not to be a human being!"


With a loud voice, all of her anger was released. She was standing on the ground like a steel-made tiger under the attack of wind and rain. She was also as an unstoppable goddess, glaring at the vicious cave.


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The torrential rain poured down, but did not wash out the heroine's angry expression. Thunders shook heaven and earth, but could not expose the hard ice of revenge. Glaring lightening tore heaven and earth and carved the serious figure of the goddess. The storm came with the wind, attacking the steel-made goddess. This serious heroine was fearless and difficult to change her mind.


Blood oozed out from the wounds on her arms. Her sleeves were dyed red under the rain. The piece of blood showed the vows in the heroine's mind and was the leakage of the goddess' anger.


At this moment, Zhang Yunyan only had hatred in her heart with anger on her face. "Revenge! Revenge! Revenge..." This word was wrapped in her body and showed up from time to time.


Hatred had cured internal injuries. The anger made her infinite. Yunyan was like a violent goddess, rushing in the wind and rain and running to the demon cave.


"Creak—" The thunder was rumbling. "Crashing—" Rain poured down. "Huh—" Wind wrapped thunderstorms, hitting the earth fiercely...


The night was horrible and the momentum was terrible, making all the creatures horrified.


Heavy rains smashed torches, drove away patrolling people, and drowned the houses and yards.


In the horrible night and shocking storm, all the houses in the big mansion turned into "island" one and another. They were like some twisted ghosts shaking in the darkness. The big yard fell into silence.


Zhang Yunyan went through the wall into the mansion. She seemed to enter a place without any person. She looked for her enemy Yan Xiaopeng and was hurry to express her anger.


The night was covered with dark clouds, while the whistling wind and rain occupied the entire mansion. People moved into houses. The lights were dim.


Zhang Yunyan searched for a few rooms, but all lived underneath. She did not find the trace of Yan Xiaopeng.


She was not anxious and annoyed, and continued to search for her enemies. She was convinced that she would kill her enemy in the night of the storm.


In the search, she came to the courtyard and saw that the door had been blown away by the wind. She went straight.


This was a two-story building. Under the dark night and in the storm, she could not see it clearly.

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The sudden lightning tore the darkness and this small building was also revealed. It looked chic and spectacular.


Lights were turned on in this building. Zhang Yunyan walked quickly to the wall to listen. There was a burst of laughter in the room, which sounded like a man and a woman. She could not confirm that the man was Yan Xiaopeng or not. She hesitated and did not want to give up. She must go inside to figure it out.


The door had been inserted. Zhang Yunyan heard the upcoming sound of stepping on the water before she tried to put the sword into the crack to open the door. She hurriedly hid in the dark corner.


Sure enough, a man in a long gown entered the yard and held a tarpaulin umbrella.


The man came to the eaves in front of the door, put away the umbrella, looked at the shoes filled with rain and the wet trouser and gown, and shook his head.


He looked at the endless storm and sighed.


The man looked up to see the second floor and heard a delicate woman's voice. A small smile flashed on his bitter face. Then, he sighed again and felt somewhat lost. He also had a sense of desire.


He felt some bitterness in his heart and had a delusional reverie. However, the woman in this building was noble that he could only look up to.


The man in the gown looked at the storm. He frowned, shook his head, and sighed. All of his sadness and sorrow were released out with the storm.


He looked at the second floor and shouted, "Master, we have searched inside and outside of the mansion and keep guarding everywhere. However, we don't find those persons in the fight, so I come to report. In this rainy day, they have already escaped."


The man in the room answered, "Yeah? It's weird. Those guys start a fight in my mansion but leave soon. It's really weird. If they have nothing to do with my family, why do they come to my house to make trouble?"


The man agreed and said, "It's really weird. Perhaps... they are enemies to each other. Some of them have no way to escape and hide in our mansion. The counterparts find them again and start a fight. Otherwise, they will not flee without hurting any person in this mansion. It seems that it was the same as the last time. Those persons have nothing to do with the Yan family. They come in accidentally."


"Maybe it is. However, this matter is not clear. It is still impossible to make a final conclusion. We should keep alert instead of relaxing. Things always happen in the stormy night. Those guys may make troubles in my mansion. We can't be careless and should keep guarding." A sigh came out after the man in the house finished.


Zhang Yunyan was suspicious after hearing the conversation. Did this thing happen before?

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