Chapter 123 Goddess Coming

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Zhang Yunyan looked at the serving tablet and felt suspicious of the four words of "Jiuyou Sage". She was thinking.


She soon remembered that the Sage was called Jiuyou Sage in the demon cave of Qinglong Mountain.


Yunyan frowned and felt deeply surprised. Was the Jiuyou Sage served by Yan Mansion really that Sage?


If in this case, Yan Xiaopeng would be more unscrupulous when colluding with vicious monsters. He would consider killing people as a game. She would not let go of this sinful guy.


Yunyan did not believe that Yan Xiaopeng would know that monster. Perhaps, Jiuyou Sage was another person, an immortal that the family Yan served for. He might be an immortal somewhere.


Family Yan served for this Sage to protect the life and property of their mansion and for bring prosperity to their family.


This tablet was not for any ancestor of the family. Zhang Yunyan no longer cared about it and did not want to offend this immortal if destroying this tablet.


She could not help thinking of the two monsters she met when she came to revenge for last time. Did Yan Xiaopeng collude with monsters? Were the male and the female the accomplices of the Yan Mansion?


Perhaps, it was. The Living Yama would do everything vicious and make friends with good and bad persons. He might collude with monsters and demons. If so, this bully was even more sinful and she would not allow him to live in this world. She must get rid of him.


Zhang Yunyan turned around and left. She had no time to care about it and was hurry to kill Living Yama to avenge for her parents.


She stepped onto the wooden stairs silently and was afraid to make any noise to disturb the people upstairs.


On the second floor, two large candles were lit, making the room bright.


On the bed, there was a fat and tall man at nearly 50 years old. He was holding a young girl to do some intimate things...


Zhang Yunyan could confirm that this old man was Yan Xiaopeng.


The woman looked only at 17 or 18 years old. Her face was like a peach blossom, ruddy and light. Her eyesight was full of charm and shining. Her voice was soft and attractive, which could alert men's appetence.


The enemy she thought of day and night was in front of her. The heroine with hatred was already furious, jumping upstairs and heading straight to the bed.

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The man on the bed did not have time to react and was forced by the Magical Dragon Sword.


The two on the bed were suddenly stunned and widened their eyes, staring at this goddess who came suddenly. They were trembling and scared.


On the small building, the laughter disappeared instantly, so as to the atmosphere of joy. Suddenly, they were covered in a terrifying situation. It was chilling.


Zhang Yunyan was like a violent goddess, showing her agony in her eyes. Her beautiful face was somewhat stiff, cold and horrible. She was trying to kill her enemy at one to vent her long-lasting hatred.


Using the Magical Dragon Sword, the heroine screamed and asked, "Are you Yan Xiaopeng?"


The comer looked like a fierce god, suddenly falling here. It was surprising and shocking.


The man on the bed hurriedly pushed the woman away who was shaking in his arms. All of his lust had disappeared instantly.


He was so scared that he could not say continuous words. "Ah... you..."


The woman screamed and curled up in the corner of the bed. Her body trembled, while her face turned pale. A terrified expression showed up on her face. She could not say any words except for the snoring.


At this time, Zhang Yunyan was like a violent goddess. She was aggressive. She did not know when her hair was scattered. Her long hair scattered on her shoulders, sticking together after getting wet. Her hair lay on her back or attached to her cheek.


Her face was stiff and she wore a resentful expression. She was cold and pressing. Under her delicate eyebrows, her eyes were burning, forcing the candlelight to tremble. The atmosphere inside the house was even more horrible.


Yunyan's body was tightly wrapped in wet clothes. There were two pieces of dark red on her left arm and chest. It was particularly clear, indicating that the steel-like goddess was difficult to vibrate.


The angry eyesight was like a sword. Her shining sword was moving with her eyesight.


This momentum and this expression would frighten the monsters away and was difficult to be found.


Zhang Yunyan widened her eyes with anger and asked, "Quickly, are you Yan Xiaopeng?"

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The man was totally scared and slightly trembled when facing such a fierce god. He was too scared to sweat down.


He stuttered to say, "I, I am, what, what are you going to do?"


Yan Xiaopeng was extremely frightened and stared at the killing goddess and that scaring sword. He was nearly dying.


The heroine heard his certain words and felt agony at once. She shouted in the room, "I will kill you! Kill you!"


Her words were forceful and lofty, which were like thunders and made people feel scared.


At that time, Yunyan's expression became more ruthless. Her angry eyesight seemed to pierce her enemy, while the flame of revenge rose instantly. It was like a magma bursting up, overflowing with splashes and turning everything into ashes.


Yan Xiaopeng was almost swooning with fright and extremely scared. The bed even shook with his trembling.


Facing such a horrible person, he struggled to ask, "You... Why are you going to kill me? I don't know you."


"B*stard, I will tell you the reason before you die!"


The heroine was raged and could not wait to cut her enemy into pieces.


Yan Xiaopeng trembled and stared at the cold face of the goddess and the scaring sword with fright.


"Yan Xiaopeng, do you remember Zhang Erlin you killed more than a decade ago in Lianhu Village?"


"Lianhu Village? Zhang Erlin? I don't know him or hurt him. You must remember wrongly. You, you must misunderstand me. I have never done this..."


"Huh, you don't know, but I remember it clearly. I have firmly kept this hatred in my mind for more than a decade and will never forget it for this life!"


"You are planting me. I have never done this!"


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This was a matter of life and death. At the vital moment, Yan Xiaopeng was frightened. Whether it was true or not, he must deny it. He did not remember this poor villager. Besides, it was for more than a decade ago.


He had done quite a lot of things for decades. Perhaps, it was true. In order to protect himself, he would not admit even if he had done this.


Zhang Yunyan was raged and shouted, "You colluded with county magistrate to kill Zhang Erlin. I remember this in my mind. You can't avoid your crime."


"I, I don't know that person or hurt him... You, you don't figure it out clearly and misunderstand me. I am a good person."


"Huh, how dare you call yourself as a good person? It's really a joke. Living Yama, it's useless even if you don't admit your crime. I will allow you to die with everything clear. For more than a decade ago and in the small building by Jade Dragon Lake, don't you remember how you force Mrs. Zhou to jump off the building?"


"Mrs. Zhou? I don't know her. It's nothing to do with me!"


The heroine was furious and shouted, "Living Yama, I know you'll not admit it. You can't be alive even if you deny this. I will kill you, such a vicious person, for my beloved ones and people!"


Yan Xiaopeng trembled with fright. He spat out a stuttering discourse, "Wait. Let me think about it. Let me think... Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou... I, I may remember this woman, but she jumped off the building for some reason. It's nothing to do with me. I have no hatred with you, so why do you sneak in my Yan Mansion at night and force me? How can you ignore the rules and laws?"


"Bulish*t, Mrs. Zhou was raped by you and forced to jump off the building. How dare you say it's nothing to do with you? Living Yama, you have killed plenty of people. Uncountable families are destroyed by you. How dare you talk about the laws with me? You b*stard alway ignores the laws and bullies people. You deserve to die!"


"You, you frame me up. I am a local noble person and follow the rules. Don't listen to someone's false words and frame me. Needless to say, it's nothing to do with me for the death of Mrs. Zhou. I don't push her off the building. Besides, it's a matter many years ago. It also has nothing to do with you. Why are you revenging for her?"


"I have hatred of death with you!"


The heroine stared at the enemy with rage. Steel-like words came out from her stiff and trembling mouth. She said firmly.


Yan Xiaopeng knew that if her sword fell down, his life would be ended. He was so scared and could not stop trembling.


That woman had already curled up in the corner of the bed, wrapped her trembling body with a quilt, and dared not look at Zhang Yuyan or say anything.


Zhang Yunyan said angrily, "Yan Xiaopeng, listen carefully. Zhang Erlin is my father! Mrs. Zhou is my mother! You killed them and I come for revenge today. I will kill you to end this bloody enmity!"


Those words were powerful and vocal.

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Yan Xiaopeng could not deny that. Those words were like arrows piercing into his sinful mind. He nearly lost his life. He saw that his enemy was coming for revenge. It was horrible and he was trembling.


In eagerness, he was still struggling and explaining with a shiver, "I, I remember. At that time, I don't force her. It's true. At that time, I, I am... ah, I have a trade with Mrs. Zhou. We are both satisfied. Of course, I am also helpful. You can't frame me up..."


He tried his best to extricate his guilt and beautify his evil deeds.


Zhang Yunyan felt angrier when hearing this, "Bullsh*t! You forced my mother to die but slander her now. I will not let go of you!"


Facing the victims' daughter, the killing goddess, Yan Xiaopeng knew that it was useless for him to say anything. He was going to lose his life.


In the hell-like building, Zhang Yunyan's words were like thunders, "Living Yama, it's the moment of your death. I will send you to meet the real Yama in the hell!"


Following the "thunders", shining Magical Dragon Sword was held up.


At this moment, the furious heroine, the killing sword, the upcoming bloody scene... were all like thunders, which would destroy this "hell". It was full of fear and suffocation...


At the moment when the bloodthirsty sword was going to fall down, a screaming burst out from the woman who curled up in the corner of the bed. It was miserable and desperate.


Her beautiful face was as pale as a dead person. She closed her eyes and could not help snorting. All of her body was trembling, which shook the whole bed.


Still at this moment, Zhang Yunyan could not help glancing at this woman with the flame of revenge.


However, at the moment when she was abstracted by the screaming, Yan Xiaopeng seized a chance to reattack. This bully knew that he was going to die and seized this chance to kick Zhang Yunyan fiercely.


He was still struggling and tried to fight for life with the fierce goddess and strive for a glimpse hope of life.


Zhang Yunyan had no prevention for this dying person, so she stepped back to resist his attack.


When she just stood firmly, Yan Xiaopeng had already got off his bed and immediately rushed over like a wolf with his steel sword in his hand. He was planning to kill the killing goddess with one tactic.

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