Chapter 131 Continuous Troubles

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In the lobby of the county, the atmosphere was terrible and chilling.


The officer wanted Zhang Erlin to know the difficulty and retreat. However, this farmer still wanted to sue Yan Xiaopeng. He was angry and glanced at him.


The officer claimed that as a governor, he needed to be responsible for all the civilians, including Zhang Erlin. Yan Xiaopeng was also a person under his jurisdiction. He must be fair.


He did not listen to Zhang Erlin's remarks at all and asserted that there were many beautiful women around Yan Xiaopeng. All of them were fascinating and attractive. They were better than a village woman. There should not be such a thing.


Needless to say, if there was something like this, Mrs. Zhou must tempt him. She was dead for her own reason and it was nothing to do with Yan Xiaopeng. Zhang Erlin slandered a gentleman. It would be better for him not to be punished. How could he entangle with the governor? He shouted at him to get outside and warned him not to contempt good persons.


Zhang Erlin was full of grief and anger. He had no fear. He would not give up before he reached his goal. He was still talking about Yan Xiaopeng's crimes. This vicious bully not only killed Mrs. Zhou, but he had also persecuted uncountable people. He hoped that the officer could arrest the murderer and kill him for people.


The officer was angry and shouted, "Be quiet. How dare you shout in the lobby? You such a bad person. How dare you stir up the court?! You insist to slander a gentleman. You must be a village coward. How can I let go of you? I have to punish you. Come on, give him 20 planks!"


Zhang Erlin did not succeed his sue, but had been beaten. He was angry and hateful. He deeply agreed with Mr. Wang's words. This officer was collided with Yan Xiaopeng and ignored the laws.


He was so painful and frowned to stare at him, adding some anger towards the officer in his misery.


The officer looked at Zhang Erlin and sneered. He asked, "You such a stupid guy, will you still sue master Yan? It will be fine if you end your sue. Otherwise, I will punish you severely!"


Zhang Erlin was a straight and stubborn man. He was trying to revenge his wife and had no scruples for the indignation in his mind.


He endured the pain and stared at the corrupted officer with anger. He insisted to sue Yan Xiaopeng to the end. Since he could not succeed here, he would go to the province government. He not only would sue Yan Xiaopeng, but also would sue the officer in this county for covering the murderer.


The officer was angry and shouted, "You such an unruly person, how dare you sue me? Come one, beat him 30 sticks more. And then, take him to do some servant jobs. Hum, let's see how can you go to sue me?"


Zhang Erlin was beaten and fleshy. He was bleeding. He was sick before. Now, his illness degenerated for the anger.


In the past few days, he lay on the bed and could not get up. After more than 10 days, he left the three young kids and passed away.


Little Yunyan lost her parents, so she had to live up with her brother Yuntian and sister Yunxia. Under the help of the villagers, they did not starve to death.


The neighbor Li Gousheng cared the three kids and gave them the warmth of family.


Li Gousheng had two children. The elder one was a boy, who was one-year-old elder than Zhang Yuntian, named Li Youchuan; the younger girl named Li Youyuan, who was at the same age of Yunyan.

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Li Gousheng lived up for fishing and would naturally like fishing boats, so he named his kid "Youchuan".


When he had a daughter, the little swallows under the eaves also came out and they kept calling, which gave this family blessing. Then, they named their daughter Youyan.


Li Youchuan and his sister were good friends with Zhang Yuntian and his sisters. Now, they became even more inseparable.


When their mother was forced to death by Yan Xiaopeng, Zhang Yunyan was still young, listening to the discourse of her father and villagers, so she remembered the hatred clearly. Then, her father died, which aggravated the hatred in her mind.


She swore she must kill Yan Xiaopeng to avenge her parents.


After Zhang Erlin's death, the three little brother and sisters lived together and struggled. They would burst into tears when thinking of the death of their parents.


Only three young kids were left in this good family. What should they do later on?


Fortunately, with the care of the villagers, the three little kids survived.


One day, Little Yunyan played outside the village with her sister Yunxia.


Here the green grass was everywhere, the flowers were blooming, and beautiful butterflies flew around.


What was more playful was that the stones on the grassland were different. Kids in the village often came there to play. They climbed up and down, having a good time.


There was a big and most special stone. It was round without any angle. There was a big hole on the other side. The edge of the hole seemed to be a big nose of an elephant, so it was called Elephant Stone.


Children often drilled under the "Elephant Nose" and had fun.


Little Yunyan and her sister were playing there. Suddenly, they saw a hare on the grass and sneaked towards it.


The hare was very clever and ran away.


Yunyan hoped to catch this hare, so they could have a good meal. She asked her sister to wait there. Finding that the hare ran away, she came after it at once.


Little Yunyan went into the woods to follow it closely. She ran for it for a long time, but still not catched it up. She still ran after it.

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She saw the hare drilling into the small hole beside the mound. She was very happy. She folded a thin bamboo branch and reached into the hole to force the hare to come out.


After a while, the hare did not come out. She put the bamboo branch in the hole and picked up a stone to block the hole, looking at the protective hole and smiling.


She climbed onto the big stone and took a break to think about how to catch the hare.


There was no wind in the woods. Everywhere was green and really quiet. In the silence, birds sometimes called, so as to some insects calling, which made the rich green scenery more vivid.


Little Yunyan was bent on grabbing the hare and waiting there quietly. She smiled and did not move. She seemed to think about something and mouth watered. Then, she laughed.


It turned out that she was eating the tasty hare meat in her mind. Unfortunately, it was just her illusion.


Little Yunyan was thinking about it. She suddenly heard a slight noise. She turned around and there was a hare running away from another hole.


She wiped her mouth and hurriedly chased it. After a while, it disappeared. She had nowhere to find it. Then, she gave up.


The tasty hare meat had disappeared. The illusion also disappeared. She was very annoyed and sat on the ground. Looking around, she had already run far away somehow.


There was a bird singing on the tree. Little Yunyan was watching them while learning the birds' calls.


"Puh..." The birds flew away.


She shouted at the birds, "Don't fly away. I will not hurt you."


The birds did not care about her and disappeared in a blink of eyes.


Little Yunyan was hopeless and had no interest. She had to return. She was walking while playing. When she reached the stone, her sister disappeared.


She panicked, shouted and looked for her sister. However, she did not see any trace of her sister. She was too anxious to cry.


Suddenly, she found that a piece of paper on the "elephant nose" was moving with the wind. There was something written on it. She immediately walked over it.


Little Yunyan was angry and pulled off the paper with the handwriting. She tore it into pieces and threw them away.


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She still felt angry and picked up a stone, throwing it to the "Elephant Nose". "Crack!" It fell on the ground and a piece of Elephant Nose had been cracked down.


She glanced at the "Elephant Nose" with anger, turning around and running away.


Back to the village, she started looking for her sister with her brother Yuntian. However, she still did not find her. She was too anxious to cry.


Li Gousheng and his wife had to comfort the little brother and sister. Then, they looked for little Yunxia everywhere with the villagers. They also found no trace of her. They were all very anxious.


Yuntian and Yunyan could not stop crying. Their sister who lived with them all the time disappeared. What should they do?


Little brother Li Youchuan and his sister Youyan stayed with them all the time. They were always comforting them.


A few days later, brother Yuntian asked Yunyan to stay at home to wait for him. He decided to look for sister Yunxia alone. Then, he disappeared.


Little Yunyan was alone and had nothing to miss in this empty home. In order to find his brother and sister and reunite, she left home.


She walked through a village and another village, a town and another town. She had no trace of her brother Yuntian and sister Yunxia.


She was young and weak, living on begging. Then, she lived a wandering life...




Every time when Zhang Yunyan thought of the bloody hatred, she would feel greatly painful and could not stop crying with indignance. The family hatred was like a sword piercing into her heart and hurting her. She bore the pain of bleeding, which was also a kind of strength for her to revenge. She kept cultivation and prayed that she could revenge for her parents one day.


At this moment, she had been caught by Living Yama and would die soon. She had no hope to complete her vows to revenge. At this vital moment, she felt angry and overwhelmed by grief when thinking of those bloody hatreds...


For more than a decade, Yunyan had experienced countless hardships and difficulties. Then, she grew up. With the guidance of the adopted father Lin Hailong and adopted mother Yang Yufeng, she learned good martial arts and also had the ability to avenge her parents.


With hatred and faithfulness to win, she returned to Shuanghe County and went straight to the place where her enemy was located—Yan Mansion in the west of the county.


This was the first time for her to come back home after leaving her hometown. As a result, she encountered Black Killer and the white evil dragon. She was nearly killed by the two monsters.


Zhang Yunyan came to Yan Mansion for the second time and swore to kill Living Yama to avenge her parents and complete an important vow in this life.


Unexpectedly, the road to revenge was not smooth. She met a male demon and a female demon when she just got into the enemy's mansion. She was greatly injured and nearly died.

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Yunyan finally got recovered from injury and embarked on the journey of revenge once again. She entered the home of her enemy and determined to complete the vow of revenge.


She had already forced Yan Xiaopeng to death and nearly killed her enemy. However, things changed. She easily believed Living Yama's words and was trapped by the ecstasy. She was caught and was nearly killed.


At this moment, Zhang Yunyan thought quite a lot. She knew that there was no hope of revenge. The anger was full of her sad mind.


She had no way to break free from the bound or had the ability to resist. She could only wait for the upcoming death...


Zhang Yunyan thought of the tragic death of her parents and her brother Yuntian and sister Yunxia who she had no news of. She felt desperate. The emotion of anger faded away gradually. The endless sorrow was floating in her mind.


She had no violent momentum. The angry heroine had already become the "lamb" on the cutting board.


The braveness of the goddess had disappeared. She was like a desperate "prisoner" who was waiting for death.


The laughter upstairs was like a sharp arrow and stabbed into the mind of the "lamb". Her heart was bleeding and felt even more sorrowful.


The lightning stroked the body and mind of the "prisoner", and she was anxious to break free from the bound and kill Living Yama.


However, the reality was too cruel. The wish of revenge had been crushed. She was desperate and overwhelmed by grief.


Zhang Yunyan did not want to die and could not die. Her bloody hatred had not been completed. However, she could not make her own claim.


She was not willing to wait for her death and must make a difference. However, she had to face reality and was unable to break free from the bound. She was pushed to death by the ruthlessness of time.


At this time, her bleeding heart was surging. She was yearning, indignant, angry, and desperate... Except for those feelings, she had nothing. She could only walk into death involuntarily and had no hope of surviving.


Outside, the storm finally stopped. Heaven and earth were silent and dark.


In the small building, there was the sound of snoring in the "human world". The two happy souls had already entered a dreamland.


Downstairs, in the "underworld", the lonely soul was exhausted. She was sleepy in her indignance, wasting her cherished human time.


The happy dream of the "human world" was totally different from the desperate dream of the "underworld". They fell into completely different dreams in the totally different "worlds".

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