Chapter 134 Escape from Death

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When Zhang Yunyan was about to die, the man in white suddenly came down like a man of God, shocking the horrible "hell".


Yunyan was shocked by the sudden change and saw the hope of life, praying the coming man to save her life.


Yan Xiaopeng burned in anger and was reluctant to accept the terrible reality. However, he had no ability to stop it. The terrible thing would continue. He was too anxious to lament.


He clenched his teeth, widened his eyes, and shouted, "Boy, who are you? Why do you have to be against Yan Mansion? Tell me your name if you have courage. How do you know I am going to slaughter the enemy?"


Yan Xiaopeng hoped to know who this person was and could remove this terrible enemy in the future, lest Yan Mansion would not be peaceful.


The upcoming man looked at him disdainfully with fierce eyesights. He still said nothing.


Yan Xiaopeng said with anger, "Don't be arrogant. I am not a man who can bother. I can tell you clearly that Jiuyou Sage and the four King Ghosts are all of my good friends. You should know their reputations. I advise you not to make troubles and leave soon. Don't interrupt my family's issue. Otherwise, Jiuyou Sage will look for you. Until then, you will die in misery!"


The man in white was surprised and snorted. "Oh, I have not expected that you even collide with demons. You're really a bad guy! I advise you not to contact with those demons and change your bad behaviors to do more good things. You should spread the property to relieve the people and commit your crimes to those victims. You should feel sorry for what you have done in this life. Perhaps, you can have a better living in the rest of your life. If you insist on your own way and continue to hurt people, you will not have a good result. Good is rewarded with good, and evil with evil. This is commonsense in this world. I don't want to frighten you. If you continue to hurt people, you may not live longer."


Zhang Yunyan was also very shocked when hearing those threatening words from Yan Xiaopeng. She had not expected that this bully really had a relationship with the Sage in the demon cave in Qinglong Mountain. Needless to say, the tablet served in the room was for the demon.


She was even angrier and hoped to kill Living Yama at once to diminish this bad guy for people.


The man in white did not care about the screaming of the father and son. He looked around and took up Zhang Yunyan to jump up, stepping on the ridge and disappearing in a blink of eyes.


Living Yama was reluctant to let go of his enemy, leaving a terrible scourge for the family. In order to protect their lives, he must order to search for them with all the efforts. He ordered his servants to look for them at once.


He promised a big bonus that he would reward the one 100 taels of silver who caught Zhang Yunyan no matter she was alive or not. He would also reward those who made merits; If they could catch or kill the two enemies, he would reward him 300 taels of silver.

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100 taels of silver was attractive, but the lives were much more important. The family members were not that kind of stupid persons who cared about silvers instead of lives.


They deeply knew that Zhang Yunyan was as horrible as a monster, while the white ghost was a demon or god. They could not provoke them. It was much more difficult to daydream than to catch the two for bonuses.


Although they cherished their lives, they dared not disobey the instructions of their master. They had to search for them with weapons in their hands. They were making an empty show of strength and marking time.


In the house, in the woods, in the Yan Village, in the wilderness... They searched for the two everywhere, but found no trace of Zhang Yunyan, nor did the man in white.


They could only end this roughly. His horror was eased and he was no longer afraid of the two fierce gods.


Yan Xiaopeng was very depressed, fearful, and anxious when his enemy Zhang Yunyan escaped and the white ghost disappeared.


He knew that Zhang Yunyan had a deep hatred with his family, so she would not give up so easily. He would come for his life sooner or later.


He was even more afraid of the white ghost. The man in white's warning was still lingering. He did not know when he would come to Yan Mansion without knowing and took away his life.


Living Yama could not diminish his problems. He was sighing when thinking of it. He could not stop worrying about it.


He knew that there was no one in Yan Mansion who could protect him and prayed that Jiuyou Sage who he served for could come for help. Only if he could get rid of the enemy as soon as possible, he could avoid the disasters.


Yan Xiaopeng's worries were realistic and terrible. The enemy's descendant was so powerful that he could not prevent. It was difficult to tell when he would die.


The man in white was even more horrible. He must be an extraordinary expert or an elf with cultivation. Even if Jiuyou Sage was there, he might not prevent his attack. If he really wanted to make trouble with Yan Mansion, it would be easy for him to take Living Yama's life.


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Zhang Yunyan escaped, so as to the man in white. Yan Xiaopeng was tortured by anger and horror. He would feel shocked for any movement.


Fortunately, once the little lady Yunxia fell into his arms, he would feel warmth and happiness, which could ease his tight nerves temporarily.


The man in white took Zhang Yunyan away and disappeared in a blink of eyes. Where did they go?


It turned out that they came to the mountain behind Yan Mansion.


The man in white helped Zhang Yunyan clean up the wound and bounded up. Then, he took up an elixir for her to take in.


Zhang Yunyan's embers were difficult to be eliminated. She felt unbelievable. She was nearly killed in the "hell", but escaped from the hands of the death god. It was like a dream.


It was a miracle. This magical thing came too suddenly, too unexpectedly, and incredibly.


At that moment, this sudden change was extremely amazing. Zhang Yunyan, who was under the other's control, felt extremely surprised. The perpetrator Living Yama was so shocked, while people around were screaming.


The man in white was easy to move around with high-level martial arts. Was he an expert or an immortal?


Yan Xiaopeng was very frightened and anxious. There was no way to find out whether this person was an expert or a horrible monster. He did not know whether he had a name.


People experienced this horrific killing and met mysterious people. They did not not know whether he was an immortal or a monster. They regained plenty of unsolvable mysteries. They talked about it for the whole days. It had become a idle topic in public.


However, it was just their suspicion, but no conclusion. They spread it exaggeratedly, which made this man more mysterious.


The monster-like immortal or the immortal-like monster gave a deep imprint on the sinful mansion. No one could erase it.

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This incident was like having wings, flying towards all the directions. People heard Yan Xiaopeng was punished by the immortal and felt happy and cheered. However, this immortal did not kill the sinful Living Yama, leaving this horrible god of plague alive.


Zhang Yunyan was overjoyed for escaping from her death and appreciated her savor with tears in her eyes.


She was very grateful and thanked him continuously, "My savor, without your help, I will be killed by Living Yama. I will not forget your life-saving grace. Ah, I am not good at martial arts and travel around alone. Perhaps, I have no ability to repay you in this life."


The man in white smiled faintly. "Miss, why are you saying so? I know you're a heroine with people's respects. I can not ignore your death. I don't think about your repay. Well, don't say so. You get badly hurt and don't go to Yan Mansion again. You should find a place to cure your wounds and get recovery soon."


Zhang Yunyan was full of tears and felt gratitude. "You never ask for repaying and make me so respected. I will never forget your kindness." She was excited and asked again, "My savor, please tell me your name. Then, I can know who saves me and I will pray for you in the future."


The man in white shook his head. "Don't say so. This is what I should do. I don't think I have the kindness to you. This makes me feel uneasy. As for who I am, you don't have to ask or keep on your mind. I get to know you're captured by family Yan by accident, so I take action to save you. It's not a big deal. You don't deserve to die."


Zhang Yunyan tore down and felt excited. Although she could not repay his life-saving grace, she should know which expert or immortal saved her. Even if her savor was an elf with cultivation, she would be grateful for a lifetime.


Yunyan pleaded him to tell his name and would never forget his life-saving grace.


The man in white shook his head and smiled. "Miss, don't call me your savor. It sounds uncomfortable. Don't ask me who I am. No one should know I have saved you. You should consider we have never met before. You don't have to keep this issue on your mind."


"My savor... well, how about calling you my brother? My name is Yun Feiyan, showing my respect to you." She made a bow when she was saying.


The man in white hurriedly repaid. "My sister, I know who you are and know that you're a heroine who helps the good and diminish the bad. I am respected you and hope you can have a good future."


Zhang Yunyan was very happy to hear this. She still insisted and said, "My brother, you have shown great kindness to me and seem to be my parent. If I don't keep you on my mind, I will not deserve to be a human. If I don't know who you are, I will not live in peace. Please tell me your name, my brother. Don't make me feel regretful for the whole life."


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The man in white considered this faintly and did not think too much. He thought for a while and promised to tell her. However, he still had a request that Zhang Yunyan could not disclose this to anyone. Let alone his name.


Yunyan was happy to find his savor would like to tell her. She promised and swore to remember it in her mind. She would never tell anyone anything about her savor.


The man in white sighed and said, "Sister, don't forget my words and don't let anyone know. Otherwise, it will do harm to me and affect others. My name is Bai Yunfei, nicknamed Cloud-reaching Crane. Since we're good brother and sister, you don't have to take it too seriously. You will be closer to me."


Zhang Yunyan was shocked to hearing his words. She had not expected that her savor was the famous hero in Jianghu, the hero Bai Yunfei!


She admired Bai Yunfei very much and envied his high-level skills. Today, she felt greatly excited and pleasant to meet such a high-level expert. He not only saved her, but also built a relationship between brother and sister with her.


Yunyan was very happy and gave deep gratitude to Bai Yunfei.


Cloud-reaching Crane Bai Yunfei hurriedly returned to her gratitude and felt somewhat uncomfortable for Zhang Yunyan's respect.


He smiled bitterly and refused. "Sister, it's our fate to meet here. I hope we can meet each other someday. In nowadays Jianghu, it was chaotic, so you should be more careful."


"Thank you so much for your suggestions, my brother. I will be careful."


Bai Yunfei had already known that Zhang Yunyan had bloody hatred with family Yan. The flame of revenge had been accumulated for more than ten years. She was eager to avenge.


He was very sympathetic to Yunyan and sincerely persuaded her to slow down. She could not take action in a hurry. Yan Xiaopeng had committed plenty of crimes in his life, but no one dared to hurt him. It could tell that this old man was hard to deal with.


Living Yama was born in a family of martial arts. He was good at martial arts. Besides, he recruited a group of thugs. She could not be careless.


He persuaded Zhang Yunyan to learn lessons from this time and did not take action rashly. She should prepare well and wait for the right time to take action.

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