Chapter 143 Magical Mystery

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For the millennium covenant and the so-called millennium message, Zhang Yunyan was puzzled. If the person existed indeed, she did not know when she would come to the ancient era.


In that unknown era, she did not know whether she would encounter terrible demons and ghosts, experience a horrible war, meet some different people, or make some resentments like in Tianyue Country.


Guess was just guess. The reality was just reality. This issue was incredible and unbelievable. Zhang Yunyan was still suspecting the millennium covenant and those messages left 1,000 years ago.


As Xiao Tianlong said, it was impossible and no one could make it or believe it. It was ridiculous, extremely ridiculous.


Yunyan was young and had experienced an accidental journey in the alienated world. How could this legendary experience take place? Let alone the real life. Even in a dream, she would not dream about ancient times thousands of years ago.


Needless to say, even if the millennial covenant existed and would come to her world someday, he would not care about such an ordinary person like her. That kind of magical travel to the alienated world would not happen to her.


This ridiculous thing was too bizarre and would never happen, except for Tianyue Country. Besides, nobody would believe it, including herself.


Perhaps, there was no expert living this cave, but just a trick made up by the monster to seduce her.


Perhaps, it was a trick made by those monsters who were "drinking tea and chatting". They might arrange some magical mechanisms and used those words to foul her.


As for why those guys did those useless things and said those absurd words to deceive her, Yunyan could not understand. Since those monsters did this, they must have their purpose. They might want to hurt and fool people.


It was another mystery. She could not explain it and could only guess.


Just when Zhang Yunyan was nervous and suspicious, millennium message rang up like a "legend" once again.


She was surprised again and observed it with her eyes widely opened. She listened to it carefully.


"Zhang Yunyan, I should go and never come back. The cave will be destroyed and the love of thousands of years will end. I am not willing to do this and feel heartbroken... Love, hatred, all of the emotions are determined in one's fate; Rightness, false, all of the justice decide one's fate. Zhang Yunyan, be careful. I should go, should go..."


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The hiding expert left, while the millennium message disappeared.


It was horrible and incredible. The cave was isolated from the outside world. Besides the only soul, there was no life anymore. How could those mysterious discourse come out? How could they come to her? Who did this?


For this, nobody knew about it. Everything was awkward...


In the cave, there was no sound and everything turned into its original silence. The silence did not calm down Zhang Yunyan, but made her feel more tense and frightened.


From his words, the so-called millennium covenant was an expert who lived here before. Although she could not confirm, she also could not deny. Otherwise, he would not claim that he was cultivating in this cave and had a deep relationship with it.


Was this guy a murderous demon?


Perhaps, he made this hole a cannibal, which was used to hurt people.


The reason why he did this was to swallow Zhang Yunyan's soul after 1,000 years later, right?


It was impossible. Otherwise, this man would not close the cave, but only kept Zhang Yunyan's soul here. Those words were clear and called out her name. He stated his meanings in a clear way and she could not deny.


The ancient man waited for a little-known girl for thousands of years. He really spared many efforts and tried his best.


She was puzzled for this person and this issue. For killing an ordinary young girl, should this guy spare so great efforts? Did he have such a deep hatred with Zhang Yunyan?


This was impossible. Zhang Yunyan lived in a different world from him and was blocked by an interval of thousands of years. They could not meet each other or acquaint each other. The young and old in two different eras could not have hatreds. It was idle talk.


If he existed indeed, he was so vicious since he paid much attention to a weak soul 1,000 years later and spared great efforts.


At this moment, Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and shocked. Although it was unbelievable, she had to believe.


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She would never have thought that a person from ancient times thousands of years ago would have known an ordinary person like her. It was bizarre and unbelievable.


What was even more frightening was that he would destroy her soul 1,000 years later. He was too vicious.


Zhang Yunyan really could not figure it out. She did not know the man in ancient times and had no hatred with him. Why did he not let go of her soul and insist on killing her?


She thought of the destruction mentioned in the millennium message and felt much more puzzled. She was still suspecting and did not know the reason.


Would the ancient expert destroy the cave? Would he have such great power? Since this cave was so complicated and hard, how could he destroy it?


After thinking for a while, Zhang Yunyan thought that it might not be a lie, for it was useless and meaningless to use it to fool her.


She looked at the cave and felt it dim and gloomy. With the disappearance of the message, the horrible disaster might take place soon.


She believed that if it was destroyed, it would happen for an instant and everything would disappear, including her soul. The power was magnificent, while the result was horrible and imaginable. Otherwise, the purpose of destruction could not be achieved.


Zhang Yunyan felt more and more nervous and felt this issue was true. She felt both anxious and fearful.


The disaster was about to come and she could not avoid or hide, but could only wait, wait for the disappearance of her soul.


This was the moment before the destruction. It was short and horrible. Her spirit was under tremendous pressure and torture.


In his lifetime, Zhang Yunyan did not know how many times she had experienced the moment of life and death. She had felt pain, nervousness, and desperate. Every time she would survive. Every time when she survived out of dangers, she would be surprised, lucky, and thankful.


Now, Yunyan was not that fortunate. She had died and left a soul. Then, her soul would fade away. She would disappear in the human world and the underworld.


She was very painful, nervous, and desperate, not only for her death, but also for those vows that had not yet been completed. Those were the missions given by the relatives of Zhang and Lin families. Now, everything turned into bubbles and she had failed her relatives' expectations.


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She hated herself for being incompetent. She was a sinner of the family. Let alone the souls of her relatives would be very painful. She would be extremely sad.


Zhang Yunyan also remembered her wish to worship an expert to learn some magical skills. It was an idle talk when she was alive. It would be an impossible dream after death.


If she could worship an expert to learn some magical skills, how could she be hurt by the bullies and monsters? She would not be killed so easily by the demon monkey and the demon deer.


She would work hard to complete her life vows and would help for poor people with her responsibilities and strength.


Yunyan cried and cried very sadly. She was lonely and helpless, unable to reverse this situation, but could only cry sadly...


In the cave, the tense atmosphere had reached its limit and the emotion of horror had melted everything. The entire cave seemed to have been condensed and fell into the dark abyss, disappearing...


The hiding expert was likely to exist. The so-called millennium message might be true. It was not an illusion created by the invisible.


Zhang Yunyan felt the terrible disaster must explode at once, which could instantly destroy the cave.


In desperation and despair, she was very nervous and could not take a breath. She was too scared and even did not know what was scary. Wait, she could only wait, wait for the moment of destruction and the moment for her soul to disappear.


In the cave, the silence and horror were continuing, while the tense atmosphere continued to increase. It had turned into a real hell. It was nervous and horrible.


Since things went on like this, Zhang Yunyan knew that it was useless to feel pain and desperate, which could only aggravate the pain of her body and mind. She took a deep breath and calmed down a little.


Yunyan thought about it for a while and still felt puzzled. The "millennial covenant" was good at cultivation, so where would he go?


It must be the human world. That demon must return to the human world and hurt people as he wished.


Zhang Yunyan was puzzled. The fierce monster had tried his best to build this cave, but to destroy her soul. Why should he do such an unnecessary thing?


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That guy had been cultivated very deeply and his skills were profound. He could kill her with a small skill, so why should he destroy the hole cave? He was making a fuss over a trifle.


The so-called millennial covenant claimed that he could not stay in this cave anymore. Why?


If the guy's words were true, he lived in this place for thousands of years. He said that he had a deep relationship with this cave. He did not try to protect it, but would destroy it by himself. It was hard to understand.


Was this man really so bad? He claimed that he did not want to ruin this place to live and would feel painful, so why did he do something against his will? Why should he destroy his cave?


These things were bizarre and incredible. She had no way to solve these mysteries.


Zhang Yunyan believed that whether he was a murderous monster or an expert who could travel through the human world and the underworld, he was a bloodthirsty evil.


In the cave in the underworld, the fierce monster set terrible evil things and magic and built this cave a vicious elf. It would swallow her life after thousands of years and would not let go of her soul.


In order to achieve his sinful purpose, the guy would rather like to make a fuss and give no chance for her soul to survive.


Zhang Yunyan was hard to understand this bizarre thing and still thinking and suspecting. This thing was too strange and weird. She could not believe it even more.


The world was complicated and everything was possible in both human world and the underworld.


Despite everything existing, Yunyan would not believe this kind of thing. It must be a scam.


This was a message left 1,000 years ago. How could it be? This thing was beyond bizarre. Let alone whether it existed. Just about the massage 1,000 years ago, no one in the ancient could predict what happened today.


Her skills were plain and she could only suspect about this. She did not know why. Few people could match Xiao Tianlong in skills. Even he did not believe such a ridiculous thing.


There were innumerous people in the human world and plenty of ghosts in the underworld. No one would know such a trivial person like her. Let alone an ancient person thousands of years ago.


These so-called millennium messages were definitely lies. They were made up in a really bizarre way and even ghosts would not believe.

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