Chapter 151 Magical!

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Zhang Yunyan was imprisoned in the cave of the underworld. After encountering the millennium covenant, the horrible tragedy was re-enacted and her poor soul was about to disappear.


The stone bead and the "stone table" were all possessed by the expert who used to live here, hiding plenty of demon methods set by the experts to hurt this innocent soul. She could not stop or resist.


Yunyan was puzzled by the so-called millennial covenant. If the ancient person was real and he claimed that he was her life-and-death friend through generations, he should express his bias for her and take care of her to show his friend his friendship and warmth.


However, reality was exactly the opposite. The guy had allowed the demon monkey to take her life and imprison her soul here. He hoped the soul of his "friend through generations" disappeared along with the cave. How vicious he was! This was not a good friend, but a pure enemy venting deep hatred.


Perhaps, the demon monkey and the sika deer were the accomplices of the so-called millennial covenant or had been transferred by his demon methods.


The demon monkey and the demon deer might have existed for thousands of years. They had probably waited and appeared today, killing Yunyan and then imprisoning her soul in this cave.


Was it true?


Zhang Yunyan did not know and still guessed. She still knew nothing.


Yunyan could not figure everything out all the time. She'd had an interval of thousands of years with the millennial covenant. She did not know him and harbored no hatred for him. Why would he try to kill her cruelly and not let go of her soul?


The ancient man was really ferocious. He had not only killed a small person thousands of years later, but also talked about friendship with her. It was ridiculous and shameless.


How could the so-called millennial covenant and these horrible things be explained?


This millennium covenant, the high-ranking person who had lived there before, had no feelings for the "friend through generations" and did not care about her. He was trying to torture her. It was an indisputable fact. His actions were really puzzling and unacceptable.


Was this expert such a bad friend? He claimed to be friends of life and death with Zhang Yunyan, but had no friendly emotions for her and would be happy to destroy her. The words and deeds of this expert were different. What he did was totally different from what he said. How could one explain it? How could he feel his lies?


If she believed that the millennium message was true, the words of the expert had to be lies. He was a vicious man who hated it when people entered his cave and would kill Zhang Yunyan as well. He would like to destroy his "friend through generations" along with this cave.

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The so-called "millennial covenant" was really horrible if it did exist. He had not killed Zhang Yunyan in the cave under the Jade Dragon Lake. Instead, he had followed her here. He had not only taken Yunyan's life, but would also destroy her soul. He had really tried to kill her with all kinds of methods.


What was even more hateful was that this guy did not forget to beautify himself while he was hurting someone else. He claimed to be her friend and said that he would not forget their friendship. He wanted to allow this dying person to die without any hatred.


However, it was also difficult for Zhang Yunyan to confirm this explanation. She could not confirm the truth of the millennium message. Perhaps, it had been made by the controller.


The guy, who could walk in both the human world and the underworld, had arranged some demon methods in the cave. Then, there had been an illusion of randomness.


In short, Zhang Yunyan's encounters were traps set by demons and ghosts. She was unable to break free and be independent.


Perhaps, the so-called message-leaver was the demon monkey. It had killed Zhang Yunyan in the human world and would not let her go. Her soul was imprisoned in the cave of the underworld and would die along with the destroyed cave.


After Zhang Yunyan's soul had been locked up here, she had noticed another weird thing, which was puzzling, tense, and frightening.


These mysterious things were really troublesome. She could not suspect or draw a conclusion. Yunyan no longer wanted to think about it. Since her soul could not be kept and would disappear soon, she could only quietly wait for the destruction in the cave. After all, she had no ability to change reality or control her life.


Zhang Yunyan was not willing to accept it. She hoped to discover some secrets of the demon thing. She picked up the rolling colorful bead again.


Strange... The demon thing had changed greatly. It did not break free from Yunyan's hand, but allowed this hateful soul to observe it instead.


Yunyan was puzzled again. Why had this demon thing given up struggling and become so obedient?


This guy was really a monster. His temperament changed from time to time, so it was hard to guess.


Upon facing another weird mystery, she could not explain, nor did she put down the colorful stone bead. She observed it carefully, hoping to discover the secret information inside.


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The colorful bead was both extraordinary and delicate. It was a rare thing in both the human world and the underworld. It was hard for a person to put it down.


The process of the stone bead's appearance was weird. It seemed to have been born in the "stone table". Was it true?


Upon thinking about it carefully, she felt suspicious. This stone bead might have existed earlier, but now it had showed up in the preset procedure under the control of the demon methods. It was controlled by the demon method in the cave.


Zhang Yunyan still had some doubts about this explanation. If the theory of the birth was controversial, how could this beautiful bead have formed? Had it been refined by the expert who used to live here?


The colorful bead was really precious and possessed powerful force that could be considered a treasure. Since the expert had spared so much effort to refine it, why had he not taken it away?


The guy had put this rare treasure on the "stone table" after thousands of years. Why? Had he just been waiting for Zhang Yunyan's appearance?


This kind of explanation was also hard to accept. Yunyan had a feeling that this closed cave was related to her. The weird things and objects in the cave were also connected to her.


The "stone table" was like this, and so was the colorful stone bead. They had all come out for her.


If there was a relationship between these mysterious things and Yunyan, what was it? Did they just plan on torturing her and destroying her soul?


Zhang Yunyan could not figure the relationship out. She could not deny it or draw a conclusion. Her suspicion was plausible and inexplicable. It could be called a kind of gut feeling. She could not confirm that those demon things had some kind of relationship with her.


In the mysterious cave, the atmosphere of horror gradually faded away. All the tension had been eased. Only the deadly silence did not change, which made her feel uneasy.


Zhang Yunyan looked over at the colorful stone bead. Suddenly, she changed color and a horrified expression appeared on her face. It seemed that she had made a new discovery.


Yunyan widened her eyes and looked at the colorful stone bead. She was surprised as she shouted, "Ah, there are some words in it!”


It turned out that she saw the word "fate" on the red "ribbon".

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Yunyan was very surprised. She could not believe it. She looked at it for a while and confirmed that it was the word "fate".


She was horrified and suspicious. Did the other two "colorful ribbons" also have words on them?


Zhang Yunyan immediately turned over to check and finally discovered that there were words on the yellow and blue "ribbons". She widened her eyes and looked at the colorful bead, feeling both horrified and puzzled.


It turned out that, if one looked from three different specific angles, the word "fate" was written three times on the red, yellow, and blue ribbons respectively in the colorful stone bead.


Except for the three specific angles, she could not see any other characteristics of the word "fate". They were just three interweaved, fixed colorful ribbons.


It was amazing. The three words also interweaved but could be figured out based on the colors. It was amazing.


What was even more puzzling was why the words "fate" had showed up on the three "colorful ribbons"? They had not formed for no reason, so they had to hide some profound meaning. What was it?


Zhang Yunyan could not figure it out. She did not know what kind of secrets were hiding inside. However, she had a bad feeling that the meaning would be terrible and devastating.


During the observation, Yunyan understood some things. The ways the three words "fate" were written were different. One was soft like a dance, one was strong and powerful, while the other was relaxed and warm. All of them vented a strong, passionate feeling.


Upon facing this magical discovery, Zhang Yunyan was deeply surprised.


She looked at it and murmured, "I did not expect that the small beads would hide such a mystery. It's amazing and unimaginable. It's incredible!"


She stared at the bright colorful bead with an astonished expression. The more she looked at it, the more extraordinary and mysterious she felt it was.


Suddenly, Zhang Yunyan's body and mind were shocked and she widened her eyes. How had this demon thing changed again?


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She looked at the colorful bead, but her suspicion was not reduced. She felt way weirder and more incredulous.


There were some milk-textured things inside, yet it suddenly turned clear and transparent. There were no impurities. It had become a transparent crystal without any flaws.


This change was silent and instantaneous. It was so mysterious and strange that Yunyan did not notice it.


Previously, she had not seen any signs of change or the process of change. She did not know what it was predicting. She felt more and more nervous and frightened while thinking about it.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the stone bead and felt puzzled. If he wanted to implant the word "fate" into the stone bead, he could write it down directly. Why would he do so many unnecessary things? Using three colorful ribbons to show the word "fate" was mysterious indeed, but it would waste him a lot of energy. Was this necessary?


If this was necessary for the colorful stone bead, it would not be that easy to just pursue the mystery. It had to have a sinister purpose.


There were three colorful characters in the small stone bead. Their colors were different. What was the purpose of this? Was it related to the devastating disaster?


She did not know. It was at least impossible for her to know before the destruction of the cave. Perhaps, she would not know even at the time of the destruction. This would always remain a mystery.


Zhang Yunyan could not help thinking of the encounter in the demon cave on Qinglong Mountain. The word "fate" had been carved on the wall plenty of times. Those words had been different in size and brush strokes, which was both mysterious and touching.


According to the Turtle Elf, those words had not been written by Jiuyou Sage and his fellows. It did not know who had done this. Perhaps, the experts who used to live there had written them. Those words had been there a long time yet could not be figured out.


Both the demon cave on the Qinglong Mountain and this horrible cave had these mysterious characters, something that was reminiscent and suspicious.


There were countless characters with different strokes in the demon cave. All of them exuded touching auras and different flavors.


Although there were only three characters in this colorful stone bead, their strokes were different and possessed a unique appeal.


Why did two places have the word "fate" written all over them? Why did they both exude a sense of glamor? Were the two places related to each other? If they were connected, what was the connection?

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