Chapter173 The Devil Suddenly Appeared

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Zhang Yunyan stared at the small hole, nervous and anxious. She was worried about the safety of her animal friend Black Tiger who had disappeared. And she was afraid that the devils would be disturbed and then kill Black Tiger and she would also die tragically.


Black Tiger had already moved. She couldn’t hesitate anymore. She had to make a quick decision whether to proceed or draw back.


Black Tiger was stepping forward without scruples, not caring if Zhang Yunyan followed up or not.


Yunyan had no way to retreat or any other choice. To live with her animal friend, she must enter the place of death.


She was going to die with no way to escape. Whether she entered or not, she would be killed by the devils. Death was no longer terrible to her since she would die sooner or later. It was meaningless to hang back.


Taken by this invisible “rope”, Yunyan could only follow Black Tiger with no time to worry about her own life. In any case, she wouldn’t let Black Tiger break into the Devil’s Cave alone.


She immediately grasped the Magical Dragon Sword and followed up, deciding to share weal and woe with her animal friend until the end of her young life.


Since she was going to die, Zhang Yunyan was painful and sad. She was sad for her short life and desperate for those unfinished missions. Doomed to die, she must act like a heroine to fight with the devils to the end.


Taking things as they come, she no longer cringed and scrupled. She would explore the horrible cave to see what secrets were hidden in the Devil’s Cave until she died.


Zhang Yunyan quickly caught up with the black dog and carefully felt her way with it. She didn’t want to alarm the devils too early so that she could explore some unknown secrets, or perhaps discover something unexpected, and get some weapons against the devils.


Despite being in a desperate situation, she couldn’t give up on herself. She must fight for temporary safety and try to elude those devils. Again, live her life as long as she could.


In the small hole with crooked roads and uneven ground, she didn’t know how deep it was and where it led to. With a faint fluorescence inside, it seemed that the luminous words of fate were at the front.


Zhang Yunyan stopped to listen. The cave was very quiet with a faint stench, which was disgusting and frightening.


She was afraid that Black Tiger was impetuous, and even more afraid of its screaming. So, she stroked its body from time to time, trying to make it quiet.


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Black Tiger looked around, very nervous and alert.


Yunyan walked carefully into the depth of the cave, and soon saw those luminous words of fate. Paying no attention to these touching words, she was always alert to any suspicious movement, preparing for sudden changes.


Zhang Yunyan wandered around with Black Tiger carefully. It seemed that everywhere was mysterious and untouchable. She didn’t know what secrets and how many secrets were hidden in the cave.


Suddenly, she discovered that there were two lines of words written on the left wall of the cave which were apparently different from those luminous words of fate. So, she immediately looked at them.


There were two sentences engraved on it: “Love and hate are determined by fate; right and wrong determine fate.”


There were finally other words on the rock wall. She stopped to watch with a fluctuating mood.


While looking at them, Zhang Yunyan thought the literal meaning of these two sentences was not difficult to understand. However, she felt there was mysterious message behind it.


This information was exuding from the flamboyant handwriting, which was moving but somewhat strange.


Although she had this feeling, she did not know the reason, nor did she know what the connotation of the mysterious information was. She was puzzled.


Zhang Yunyan felt that these two sentences were not new for her. She had seen them before, or had heard of them.


She was thinking and recalling where she had seen them and from whom she had heard of them.


Yunyan quickly remembered that it was in the cave where she was confined by the demon monkey.


There, she heard the incredible “millennium message”. The man who left the message claimed to have met her thousands of years ago and they were friends of life and death.


The man had mentioned these two sentences verbatim. Thinking about it now, it was even more puzzling and incredible.

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Moreover, in the cave beneath the Jade Dragon Lake in her hometown, she also heard the message of the so-called “millennial covenanter” a thousand years ago. That message was also these two sentences.


Thinking of this, Zhang Yunyan doubted: Is the Devil’s Cave also related to the so-called “millennial covenanter”?


If so, it meant that the man who left the message was the accomplice of these demons and devils. The so-called millennium message was a lie. There was no such thing as a “millennial covenanter”.


It seemed that the guy was indeed chasing her and it was difficult for her to escape tonight. Perhaps the guy would hand her over to Jiuyou Sage to ask those devils to kill her.


Yunyan was very nervous and scared. Although this was a conjecture, it was also possible and she had to be on guard.


She sighed to herself. Compared with Jiuyou Sage, the Four King Ghosts, and the so-called “millennial covenanter”, she was just a piece of cake. How could she guard against them?


The so-called guard was nothing but a kind of consciousness in her heart. It was an instinctive thought and behavior with no substantive meaning.


Zhang Yunyan sighed secretly. Regardless of the existence of the man, this matter was suspicious. Obviously, the old man was the accomplice of Jiuyou Sage, otherwise how could he say the same words as what were engraved on the Devil’s Cave?


Yunyan could not fully confirm or explain this. It was a mystery that was hard to guess. She sighed silently. It was no use bothering about it. So, let it be.


Zhang Yunyan looked at them for a while and still didn’t know about this mysterious feeling. She realized that this was a kind of witchcraft used by Jiuyou Sage or the “millennial covenanter”.


Thinking of Jiuyou Sage, Yunyan was even more nervous that she kept looking around and looked at vigilant Black Tiger. She did not dare to stay here and immediately walked along the cave.


She wandered around and came to the cave where the devils drank tea and played games again.


Here, there was a tea set on the stone table, and the unfinished game was still there without being moved.


Last time, Yunyan heard the Turtle Elf say that the countless words of fate and the unfinished chess game were not made by Jiuyou Sage, but by the master who had lived here. The game and the pieces had been sealed. Everyone, including the devils, couldn’t do anything to them.

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Looking at this weird cave and the weird things, Yunyan could only be suspicious, but didn’t know why.


At this time, Black Tiger stared at the hole and screamed, eager to try.


No, something happened! Zhang Yunyan paused for a moment, and then had an ominous premonition. She immediately became nervous, looking around and listening.


She heard that there was a sound of wind in the cave, which was getting louder from far to near and was coming here.


Yunyan was shocked and even more fearful. A name flashed in her mind: Jiuyou Sage! The terrible devil was coming, and the most worrying thing really happened.


Zhang Yunyan was extremely nervous with her heart pounding and she hurriedly pulled out the Magical Dragon Sword in case of accident.


Jiuyou Sage finally came, and then he would fight bloodily. Killing and death would happen in an instant.


Yunyan was extremely nervous that her body shuddered slightly, her face was stiff, her muscles contracted, and her fearful heart seemed to stop beating. Jiuyou Sage was coming and her life was coming to an end. There was nothing in her mind except that terrifying face.


A monstrous wind blew in with a strong smell of foul odor pouring into the cave, which was disgusting. Then, a ferocious-looking guy with red face and red hair was blocking the hole.


It was him!


Looking at the devil who came suddenly, Zhang Yunyan was greatly frightened and surprised. This guy was not Jiuyou Sage, but another fierce devil.


According to the introduction of the Turtle Elf and his appearance, he must be the boss of Four King Ghosts--the Red Hair King Ghost.


The situation suddenly changed, which was surprising and amazing. A red-faced and red-haired guy wearing a red robe suddenly appeared, making the gloomy cave more terrifying.


In the dark Devil’s Cave, the air was condensing and the terrible atmosphere was full of bloodiness. Zhang Yunyan’s body was stiff and her nerves were extremely tight.

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In the moment of shock, the “Hell” was extremely quiet that the sound of a dropping needle could be heard.


The moment of shock passed instantly, and the silence was immediately broken. The “Hell” was full of a foul smell and bloody atmosphere. The terrifying fierce devil would swallow the lives of two intruders.


The red-haired devil looked extremely ugly and one would be terrified to glance at him.


This guy had round eyes, a flat nose and high cheekbones, like a layer of skin wrapped in a dry skeleton. He was red-faced and red-haired. Also, his eyes were red and his face was fierce, which was terrifying.


The devil wore a red robe, and his whole body showed obvious edges and corners. His big hands were slender and sharp with a flash of blood.


The Red Hair King Ghost came with evil intent to kill these two fragile lives.


Zhang Yunyan’s body cringed, shaking slightly, and her heart seemed to be pounding in her mouth. This was the first time that she had stood in front of the Red Hair King Ghost. She was deeply shocked with her body and mind surrounded by the horrible atmosphere.


Yunyan was desperate. Her fearful heart was so wretched that she had no hope of escaping. After a series of disasters and misfortunes, her young life was destined to end.


Staring at the red devil that suddenly appeared, Black Tiger gave no roaring but its body was trembling, looking fearful. Facing such a ferocious guy, it was unable to control itself in panic, which was also an inevitable reaction before a fierce battle.


It crouched beside Zhang Yunyan, looking concentrated, and it seemed ready to attack.


Black Tiger did not pounce to bite but stared at the devil in front of it. It was waiting to see how the red-haired devil would act, how Zhang Yunyan would respond. It was thinking how to attack the terrible devil.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the Red Hair King Ghost who suddenly appeared, scared and sad. She was bound to die. With the end of her life, the vows in these years would fade away.


She had been begging for a living since she was a child. After countless difficulties and dangers, she survived and lived doggedly till now in order to fulfill those vows and achieve great ambition.


Unexpectedly, Yunyan would die in the Devil’s Cave before her wish was fulfilled. As life was gone, everything was over.

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