Chapter 178 The Mystery of the Key Place

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Zhang Yunyan was also very unlucky. Just as she went down the hill, Jiuyou Sage and the Four King Ghosts suddenly appeared. As a result, she was once again trapped in a terrible “hell” and was about to die at such a young age.


At that moment, it was strange and weird. She couldn’t help wondering if there was a terrible secret or scheme.


The devils came at the critical moment, so Yunyan could not escape.


Jiuyou Sage and the Four King Ghosts had entered the cave. She could have escaped from the horrible place safe and sound. However, Black Tiger was so bold to break into the Devil’s Cave at the critical time, which made Yunyan very anxious.


Zhang Yunyan couldn’t get rid of the invisible “rope”, so she also fell down when she was anxious. She didn’t know whether she was plotted against by someone or she was careless to slip...


These successive events might involve a plot or were predetermined by Heaven, or happened by accident. No matter what, the result was sad and terrible. Yunyan was in a desperate situation and would surely die.


Such being the case, it was no use for Zhang Yunyan to be frustrated and desperate. She could not change the cruel reality, but could only face it.


Hearing that Jiuyou Spirit Saint was seriously ill, Yunyan felt satisfied, and she asked, “Turtle Elf, what’s ailing that old devil?”


“I heard from the Yellow Hair King Ghost and the Green Hair King Ghost that Jiuyou Spirit Saint was so eager to cultivate that something went wrong with his training and he couldn’t control himself. As a result, the Qi in his body was in disorder, and any movement would cause dysfunction of Qi and blood. He was too painful to take care of himself. The two King Ghosts were unable to help him, so they hurried back to ask Jiuyou Sage to cure him.”


She asked again, “Turtle Elf, have these devils been with Jiuyou Spirit Saint all the time? Have they ever come back?”


“They didn’t come back, so I stay here alone. These days, I felt very good, and it was suitable for me to cultivate with a quiet mind. Unfortunately, with no ability to escape, I must wait. I don’t know if I have a chance in the future...”


“How is Jiuyou Spirit Saint? Is he dead or alive?”


“The old devil is not dead, but he’s already unable to act alone or go out to harm others. He is so sinful and has to wait for his death. That’s what he deserves.”


Zhang Yunyan sighed, “That’s good. There’s one less evil devil in the world.”


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Turtle Elf also sighed, “Yes, I hope Jiuyou Sage would also get lost during his training, so that he would not go out again and hurt others.”


Yunyan smiled bitterly and shook her head again, “I hope so. Alas, it was such a coincidence that Black Tiger and I met them as soon as these devils returned. If we came back earlier or later, Black Tiger and I would not fall into the Devil’s Cave, and wait for our death. Alas, since Black Tiger had died, I am also doomed. It’s so sad.”


Turtle Elf sighed, “Maybe this is what you humans call life. My friend, now it’s too late to say anything. Let’s figure out a way.”


Yunyan sighed, “There is no way to escape and nowhere to hide. What else can I think of? I can only resign myself to my fate.”


Turtle Elf shook his head and sighed, “Well, submitting to the will of Heaven, that’s the only thing to do. Well, there can be no delay. We must speed up and try not to be discovered by them.”


In the cave, it’s dim and dark. The road was full of twists and turns, and there was a stinky smell everywhere. The shouts of the devils and the howling of the evil wind scared all the frightened creatures.


Zhang Yunyan still didn’t know where Turtle Elf would take her. She could only follow him and run blindly, hoping to conceal themselves from the devil’s search.


She still had a flash of hope in her heart, and asked, “Turtle Elf, is there really no place to hide in the Devil’s Cave? Is it better to go to a remote place?”


Turtle Elf looked sad and sighed, “Those devils are very familiar with the cave. In order to find you, they will go everywhere and will appear anytime, so there is no safe place. I have no guarantee in my heart. I can only submit to the will of Heaven. Maybe I can let you escape for a while, or maybe the chances for you are small. But I wish we could succeed, and let’s hide for as long as we could.”


Hearing Turtle Elf’s words, Zhang Yunyan’s heart immediately sank, and her slight desire for survival disappeared in an instant. She could now only feel pain and despair...


Knowing that there was no place to hide, she no longer held any hope. She only wished that she could escape the search of the devils for as long as she could.


In the Devil’s Cave, the devils were still roaring, and the stinky evil wind was blowing, indicating that the ferocious devils were searching with all their strength. It seemed that if they didn’t eliminate the bold and reckless outsiders, those guys would never retreat.


Zhang Yunyan and Turtle Elf kept running all the way, but it was impossible to get rid of the roaring of the devils.


Yunyan was very nervous and depressed. When dying quietly was an unreachable dream, how could she survive? She had lost her hope for a long time. She was doomed to die here as miserably as Black Tiger.

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Since she fell into the Devil’s Cave, Zhang Yunyan had been tortured by the pain and despair. She had already been indifferent to life and death, and once she encountered the devils, she was determined to fight hard, shed her blood, and end her life tragically.


In the Devil’s Cave, roars came and went, reverberating and echoing. The stinky evil wind was cold and acrid, which was shocking. In the horrible “Hell”, there would be a bloody fight which could destroy the weak creatures.


Suddenly, there was a flash of fluorescence in the hole, which was shocking.


Zhang Yunyan suddenly froze. That was too bad. Was it the terrifying words of fate?


She stopped to look at the hole, feeling nervous and even more frightened.


Turtle Elf also stopped and looked back at Zhang Yunyan. It was surprised to find that she was observing the hole.


Frowning, it urged quickly, “Yun Feiyan, don’t look. This is the important place of the Devil’s Cave. They will come to search. We can’t stay here. Let’s go!”


Hearing this, Zhang Yunyan thought since this place was important for them, it was not ordinary. What could be in it? What was flashing?


She looked back at Turtle Elf who was shocked and motionless, still looking at the shining hole.


Looking inside from the hole, there was no word of fate, but something that kept shinning. Maybe there was an unknown secret.


In suspicion, a word flashed across Yunyan’s mind--“baby”, and she was surprised. Was there any treasure in it? Was it really a treasure shining?


Jiuyou sage had been cultivating for such a long time and his skills were so strong that maybe he had also refined treasures. But it was uncertain whether it was in this cave.


Thinking of this, Zhang Yunyan was tempted to explore and get the treasure.


Turtle Elf was nervous and scared. Hearing the roaring of devils and the screaming of wind, it was more nervous, and it kept urging Yunyan to leave quickly.

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Driven by a strong desire, Zhang Yunyan was in a mixed mood. She thought fast without moving.


She would like to go in and have a look. If there was a magic treasure, it may help her resist the devils and escape from the terrible “Hell”. Even if she couldn’t escape, she could fight with the devils with the help of the treasure.


In order to survive and to die peacefully, Zhang Yunyan couldn’t let go of any chance. She had to go and have a look. With only a short time in this dangerous place, she must go in and go out very fast. Even if she found nothing, she could not cause any trouble.


Yunyan was determined and she said, “Turtle Elf, I’ll go in to have a look, and I’ll come out very quickly!”


Ignoring Turtle Elf’s warning, she came into the cave before she finished her words.


Seeing that Zhang Yunyan insisted on going inside, Turtle Elf was so worried that it shook its head and sighed. It kept urging her while checking around.


Suddenly, Zhang Yunyan appeared at the hole again, waving to Turtle Elf and whispering, “Turtle Elf, come on, there is a man in it!”


A man? Turtle Elf was surprised, and its gut reaction was that the man was the devil!


It immediately denied the guess and thought that it would not be those guys, otherwise they would have come out and caught them, and would never let them escape, especially Yun Feiyan who had already entered the hole.


Turtle Elf was suspicious that in this important place, how could there be a man? It was hard for Turtle Elf to believe since there was no outsider in the cave except Zhang Yunyan. Who was that person?


It was very clear that this was the important place of the Devil’s Cave with demonic traps, and no outsiders could enter.


Zhang Yunyan was still waving eagerly, urging it in a low voice, “Turtle Elf, come in and have a look. He is a young man.”


Young man? Turtle Elf was more surprised. How could there be a man in it?


Its question was solved and it ran immediately to see what was going on without any concern.

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Indeed, there was a man lying on a big flat stone, and this person was really a man.


Lying on his back, he was motionless with eyes closed. This man was wearing splendid attire, as well as valuable accessories and diamond rings. At first sight, he was not an ordinary person, and his family must be very rich.


The big stone was shining with dim light, which did not bring much light to the cave.


In the dark, Zhang Yunyan and Turtle Elf could not see the man’s face clearly, but they could feel that he was a young and handsome man with a strong body.


Yunyan was very puzzled and she asked, “Turtle Elf, who is this person? How come he is lying here? Have you seen him?”


She wondered the relationship between the man and those devils and blurted out immediately. She wanted to know the answer.


Looking at the motionless man, Turtle Elf said, “Well, I haven’t seen this man. Who is he? There were no outsiders or any men in the cave. How did he lie here? When did he come in?”


Seeing that even Turtle Elf didn’t know this man, Zhang Yunyan felt he was more mysterious. This man must be the young master of a rich family, who was caught by the devils rather than their accomplice. It was out of Zhang Yunyan’s expectation that such a rich man had also been caught. Money couldn’t get people out of misfortune.


Turtle Elf was very confused, but it also thought of something, and it said, “Oh, I remember that he may be the man who was caught. The Sage had no time to deal with him, so he was locked here.”


Zhang Yunyan didn’t agree with it, “No, those devils didn’t catch anyone. I saw it clearly when I was on the mountain.”


“You misunderstood. I’m not talking about tonight. By the way, last time you came here, the Sage had caught a man. That man must be him.”


Hearing Turtle Elf’s words, Zhang Yunyan was shocked, “Last time. You mean he is the little monk? He is not dead yet? No, it’s been more than 20 days. How could he still be alive?”


Yunyan was surprised and couldn’t believe it. After such a long time, Shikong couldn’t be alive. His lifesaver had been killed by the devils. How could he be lying here without getting hurt? This man couldn’t be him.


Who was this man? Was there anyone else who had got caught?

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