Chapter 63 The Bitterness of Love

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Zhang Yunyan raised her head to find a little boy only at 5 or 6 years old. His cloth was worn out and full of dust. His hands and face were also full of dirt.


The boy was searching for something in the ruins. She did not know what he was looking for.


Zhang Yunyan felt painful and her eyes were wet. Needless to say, this was a poor kid in a poor family. Perhaps, he was just a beggar wandering everywhere.


She felt upset when recalling the days when she was wandering around for a living. Those days were really tough.


When she saw the beggar in this alienated world, it seemed that she returned to the miserable years. She felt sorry for herself and heartbroken for this child.


Yunyan immediately walked over and held the kids' hands, asking, "Kid, do you lose something? Tell me, I can help you."


The kid looked at her and said, "There's no food in my home. I hope to find something to eat. If I could find some money, I can give my dad to buy some food."


When he was talking, the kid looked around and hoped to find some new discovery.


Yunyan felt painful again and burst into tears. It was said that the children in the poor family would support the family earlier. Indeed, such a small boy like him could worry about his parents.


The kid looked at her and asked, "Auntie, you're crying. Are you sick?"


When Zhang Yunyan found that such a poor kid could still care about her, she felt a sense of warmth and much more painful.


She wiped her tears, held back the sobs, and smacked the dust on his cloth. She said, "I'm not sick, but a little bit heartbroken."


"Heartache is a kind of illness. Let my mother give you a message. When I was sick, my mom would always do this for me."


Yunyan held this kid and her tears fell down again. She held back the sobs and sighed. This kid knew to care about people. He must be a good kid.


She sighed and said, "Good boy, auntie is not sick in the heart. I just, just recall a boy at the same age as you. Ah, he has been captured by a monster. It's dangerous and I'm worried about him."


The boy felt shocked when hearing her words. "Ah, was he captured by those monsters?"


"Not those monsters, it is... a monster elsewhere."

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"It's terrible. If those monsters run into the city, they would eat people."


Yunyan had already felt that the tender body was shaking. She was very heartbroken.


She comforted him and petted him. "Good boy, don't be afraid. I have driven away from the monsters. They dare not come over here again."


Looking at the lovely and poor kid, Zhang Yunyan could only comfort him. She knew that Ninth Heaven Condor and his fellows would not give up so easily. They would provoke a war sooner or later, killing people without any hesitation.


She hoped that those monsters would not reach their goals, so people on the land of this alienated world would live a peaceful life.


Yunyan hoped to help this boy and his poor family. Unfortunately, she had no money on this land. How could she help them?


She hoped to ask Xiao Tianlong for some coins and also wanted to ask the young master to help this poor family. However, this would not immediately ease the strain.


She was so anxious and helpless, but she could not ignore this. What should she do?


Yunyan thought for a moment and finally got an idea, leaving the rest of her silvers and coins to the boy to help them tide over the difficult situation. She hoped that it would be useful.


She took out a few slivers and coins left and took the silver plaque off her head.


Zhang Yunyan handed these things to the boy and said, "Kid, there're some silvers and coins, while this plaque's made by silver. There're no such things in this world, so they're rare and precious. Take them back to your dad and exchange them into some money or trade for some food."


It was the first time for the kid to see such shining things. He felt really curious and happy. He thanked her again and again and ran away happily.


Zhang Yunyan felt heartbroken and burst into tears when looking at this kid's leaving. She sighed for a few times and prayed in her mind. She hoped that the poor family could survive the difficulty.


She remembered her own experience of begging and sighed again. She hoped that this poor kid would have a happy childhood.


Yunyan looked at the little figure and remembered the poor Iron Egg. She did not know whether Black Killer came back or not and whether that kid was safe.


Iron Egg was alone there. Even if he did not meet any monsters, he would felt scared. He could not escape out of the Black Bear Demon's hands.


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Zhang Yunyan felt heartbroken and sobbed in a low voice. She felt pain for the death of Iron Egg.


She was in the alienated world thousands of years ago and had no way to look after Iron Egg. Even if he was in Black Tiger Cave, she had no ability to protect the kid, but stared at the poor Iron Egg who would be killed by Black Killer.


Zhang Yunyan hated the fierce brutality of Black Killer and her incompetence. Otherwise, he would not let the Black Bear Demon kill the kid or the other monsters continue to kill people.


She really wanted to worship an expert to learn some martial arts, so she could have the ability to fight against the evil monsters.


Yunyan naturally thought of Xiao Tianlong and sighed secretly. She felt helpless that such a good opportunity slid away.


She would say goodbye to the imperial master soon and could be farewell. The wish to learn from an expert would be postponed to someday. She did not know whether she could meet another expert like Xiao Tianlong and whether she could have such a good opportunity.


This happy wish had last for more than a decade. Yunyan had been dreaming of it for more than a decade, but it did not realize. She would continue to dream about this and wished it would realize one day.


Yunyan sighed because her dream could not be reached and her fate was so unfortunate. She also felt upset about her uncompleted dreams.


She remembered a person and sighed again.


Zhang Yunyan did not see that person but had heard about him for a long time. She was very envious.


It was also a woman named Yue Xiaomei. It heard that the woman was young and at the same age as her.


However, such a young girl was an extraordinary person with martial arts and was already famous in Jianghu.


She and Yue Xiaomei were at a similar age, but their skills were vastly different. She could not compare with Yue Xiaomei, which made her upset.


Yue Xiaomei was the same as Cloud-reaching Crane Bai Yunfei and Cloud Dragon Zhang Lianhu. She was a heroine who helped the weak and punished the evil. She was respected by people.


Yunyan had no ability to compare with the heroine and could only follow her back. She was envious and even jealous of her.


Zhang Yunyan recovered from the pain and sadness, looking at the ruins left by the war and the busy figures with sadness. She secretly sighed.


She hated the emperor of Yingtian Country more deeply and Ninth Heaven Condor and his fellows. Their provoking of the war was the direct reason to form this bad situation and hurt many civilians.

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Yunyan hoped that the emperor of Tianyue Country could pay attention to these suffering people and help them to return to normal life.


She hoped that Xiao Tianlong could take this matter as an important issue after the war and take effective measures to help the people tide over the difficulties and resume production soon, giving them the hope of life.


Zhang Yunyan thought of the brother in this alienated world and praised him in her mind. Although he was in a rich family, it was rare and commendable to care and help the poor.


She hoped that those rich families would lend their hands to help people like this brother, to help those suffering families, and to contribute to the reconstruction of the country.


Thinking of this, Yunyan shook her head and sighed silently.


She knew she was not a person of Tianyue Country and had no power, so no one would listen to her. What she had thought was useless.


This alienated world was similar to her own era where people were uneven and not everyone here was kind to do good deeds.


Some of those rich people were mean and even seize the chance to gain wealth during the national calamity. It would be a daydream to count on them to do some help.


Zhang Yunyan thought that the brother was rare in this alienated world and must become a pillar of the state. It was a blessing for people to have him there.


Thinking of the young master, she smiled silently and admired this brother even more, while a sense of love turned in her mind.


Yunyan sat down on a broken wooden board and took out a wooden hairpin out of her pocket. Before she pierced it into her hair, she stopped, looking at it while tearing down. She fell into painful thoughts again...


It turned out that this wooden hairpin was made by her brother Jiaxiang, though it was somewhat rough and not sleek.


At that time, she was a teenager. When she saw every girl had hairpin, she wanted one indeed. Therefore, brother Jiaxiang made her one of wood.


Although this hairpin was not good-looking and rough, it was precious in Yunyan's mind because it was made by her beloved one.


When Zhang Yunyan saw this wooden hairpin, she would think of brother Jiaxiang and felt heartbroken.


She remembered the days and nights of living with her fiancé. They had sweet and smiles...


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Yunyan grew up together with brother Jiaxiang and they determined to be lovers since their childhood. They played together happily and owned the purest love in this world.


It was the love between brother and sister, the love of family, and the love between the two who grew up together.


Later, Zhang Yunyan grew up gradually and she changed in both physical and mental parts. The love between brother and sister changed from time to time. She loved her brother deeper and deeper.


She felt really happy when staying with brother Jiaxiang. She had desire, delusion, and pursuit...


That kind of pure love was more than the brother and sister's affection, but the love of a girl. With the desire for love, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her beloved brother.


Zhang Yunyan lived together with brother Jiaxiang since childhood. There was no quarrel and no shyness of a girl. She could do anything she wanted and say anything she liked when stayed with her brother.


Although she could not reveal her love for her brother directly, she would suggest him in her words and behaviors.


In her free-spirited actions and the words of happy talk, there were both endless family affection and beautiful love. She did not know whether her brother Jiaxiang had noticed.


Zhang Yunyan quietly thought of brother Jiaxiang and loved him deeply for all the time, pursuing a perfect marriage in her mind.


She could not express her thoughts in her mind and could not realize her dream, so there was a piece of bitterness and a feeling of resentment in her sweet love.


Brother Jiaxiang was always kind and liked to help people. He was an eye-catching man. Yunyan's heart had long been occupied by the beloved one.


She could not forget him and give up this love. She prayed in her mind for this love and dreamed about a perfect marriage sometimes, so as a sweet love.


Zhang Yunyan hoped that her adopted parents could mention this matter and waited for a long time that they could realize this marriage.


Though there was no result for this beautiful love, she was always dreaming about this and waiting for this. She had an endless reverie of the day when they got married and was longing for building the family of her and her brother...


She did not know whether she could realize this dream and when it could realize. She was waiting for the day when she got married to her beloved brother.


Yunyan hopes to be able to be in her brother's arms, hoping that this day would come soon.


This day finally came and the moment should be beautiful. However, it was totally different. It was extremely painful and no trace of goodness in pain.


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