Chapter 79 Magical Skills.

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Zhang Yunyan was both nervous and surprised when noticing a monster coming to her. She was hurriedly taking away her Magical Dragon Sword and preparing for resisting it.


Under the sun, that object was extremely bright. It seemed to have a small body and its momentum was unstoppable. It rushed down to her fiercely and made her shocked.


Yunyan was very nervous and knew that it was made by the white dragon. That object might be transferred by the monster or the white dragon. Perhaps, it was a treasure from it to kill her.


The demon object was horrible. Although it was difficult to resist, she had to guard against it.


It seemed that that white dragon had a sensitive perception. It came after her immediately as soon as finding its prey running away.


Zhang Yunyan just escaped from "Hell" and had not expected that the monster came to her so fast. It was really a disaster.


She had no way to escape and nowhere to hide. She nearly lost her life and there was no way to retreat. She could only fight against the monster. It was the moment of life and death.


When Yunyan saw the monster had come over to her, she was shouting to motivate herself and to ease her nervous body and mind.


She did not want to be passively defended. Besides, she had the Magical Dragon Sword in her hand. She stood up at once and fought against. Even if she would be attacked to die, she would show out the power of this sword.


"Dang!" After a crisp and loud sound, this sword shook, following a blinding flash of light. She could not help closing her eyes.


At the moment of shock, Zhang Yunyan quickly opened her eyes and fought against the monster.


En? Did the monster disappear?


She was puzzled and hurriedly searching for it. However, she still did not see it, nor the trace of the evil dragon.


On the top of the mountain, it recovered to the original peace. There was nothing changed.


Strange, where did the monster go?


Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and surprised. She still looked for it, but there was nothing special.


What kind of monster was that? Why did it disappear after taking a slight hit?


She did not believe that the monster would leave on her own and might be the embodiment of the evil dragon. It might take the treasure back or hide to find opportunities to attack her.


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Yunyan dared not relax and looked around by holding her sword tightly. She tried her best to survive and would not give the evil dragon any chance to hurt her.


She was still alive, so she needed to fight hard. Despite facing the horrible evil dragon, she needed to strive for a glimmer of life.


In the suspicion, Zhang Yunyan was aware that the sword was shaking. Glancing at it, she was shocked again. She had not expected that the Magical Dragon Sword had inserted into its scabbard.


En? Where did the scabbard come from? Why did not she feel anything? It was not here when she was preparing for the attack, so when did it happen?


In the suspicion, Zhang Yunyan suddenly woke up that the scabbard was the coming object.


She was shocked and hurriedly took out the sword to have a check. The Magical Dragon Sword was still shining and the blade was complete and sharp. Making sure that there was no scratch on this sword, she was finally assured.


Yunyan inserted the sword into the scabbard and it was suitable. Looking at the scabbard that was accidentally flying to her, she was still doubtful.


The scabbard was silvery and shiny. The surface texture was the same as the patterns on the blade of the Magical Dragon Sword. It seemed that they were part of each other.


Where did the scabbard come from and why did it come to her after she flew out of the demon cave instead of other times?


Zhang Yunyan looked at the scabbard coming to her accidentally. She thought for a while and was still confused.


What was even more puzzled and she did not know why the scabbard knew that location of the Magical Dragon Sword. How could it fly to the precious sword by its own and come to the one without any deviation?


This was another mystery and was still unexplained.


In the course of the dangers, there were plenty of mysteries and nothing had been figured out. She kept them in her heart.


As the saying went, the debt was not overwhelming. She would not consider them as important issues when the mysteries were countless.


Zhang Yunyan did not want to be bothered and it was useless.


The scabbard accidentally flew towards her and made the sword much more completed. She was really happy and wore a sweet smile on her face.


The green hills were accompanied by green trees, while the mountains were surrounded by clouds, forming into a beautiful scenery. Between heaven and earth, clouds were twining with sunset glow. It was majestic and grand.


Zhang Yunyan was passionately applying the sword skills and finally stopped. She was still appreciating the Magical Dragon Sword and acclaimed for it. She could not give it out any more.


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She remembered the evil dragon and felt nervous again. She deeply knew that the white dragon would not let go of her. She needed to run away from this dangerous place as soon as possible before the monster found that his treasure was stolen.


Yunyan was worried about not only the white evil dragon but also the black evil dragon. Perhaps, the white one was coming towards her with its accomplice. She could not delay for a moment, hurriedly running down the mountain.


Zhang Yunyan came down to the foot of the mountain and wanted to rush to the Village Yan to kill Yan Xiaopeng. Then, she sighed again exhaustedly. She was tired and scared of her body and mind after experiencing this horrible disaster. She could not calm down her complex emotions for a while.


She was somewhat worried. It was not the right moment for her to take revenge in her body condition. Perhaps, she would get hurt like the last time she met the living Yama.


The experience of the last revenge was terrible. Yunyan's memory was still fresh and she could not forget the bloody lessons. She could not take risks anymore. She needed to avenge for her parents when she had enough force. Otherwise, it would be counterproductive and the consequences would be unpredictable.


The revenge was not in a hurry, so Zhang Yunyan decided to rest for a few days first. She would come after Yan Xiaopeng after having enough rest. Then, she would be much more assured to kill him.


Before Yunyan planned to leave, she saw the peaceful water surface by accident. She came up with an idea and looked at the water.


The puzzle came to her mind again. In the sealed cave, she was immersed in the water all the time, so why was not she drowned?


Yunyan looked at the calm lake and wanted to try again. She hoped to figure out whether she would drown in the water.


She stopped at once before she planned to get into the lake. She looked around the surface and felt so nervous and fearful.


She was very worried that the evil dragon might be in the Jade Dragon Lake.


If that monster was there, she was looking for death when she entered the lake.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the calm lake and wanted to know if she really had a magical underwater skill. She still did not want to leave and hesitated.


She looked at the vast expanse of the lake and thought in her mind, "Jade Dragon Lake is really large. Perhaps, that white dragon is in a faraway place. I will try it at the shore of this lake. Then, I will leave there as fast as possible. I will not alarm the monster."


In hesitation, Yunyan could not help but be eager to get the magical ability, so she decided to try.


She looked around and there was no sound around. She looked at the peaceful surface again. There was nothing special. It seemed that there was no danger.


Zhang Yunyan calmed down the tension and immediately jumped into the lake, immersed herself in the water. Then, she took a breath and did not have the feeling of drowning.


She was moved and felt a glimpse of hope. Then, she stabilized her emotions and slowly took a deep breath. She was not chocked by water.


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Zhang Yunyan finally regained confidence and took another breath. As expected, she felt that she was still on the ground and no chocked feeling.


She was very excited and took breathes continuously, feeling that there was no difference from it on the land.


Yunyan was very surprised and shouted excitedly, "I have..."


The fear made her hurriedly close her mouth. Then, she felt that it was the same as she was in the cave. There was no discomfort when she was shouting.


Zhang Yunyan was overjoyed and laughed like a child. "I have a magical skill! I have a magical skill..."


The laughter spread over the lake, alarming the fishes.


Zhang Yunyan saw a big fish escaping from her, so she decided to play with the fish like a child.


She smiled and chased after it. Her swimming speed was fast and her movement was acute. What made her more surprised was that she could catch up with the escaping fish and capture it.


Yunyan was very excited. She relived the fish and swam in the lake. Her speed surpassed the fish. No fish could catch up with her.


She ran at the bottom of the lake and seemed to be on the land. There was no resistance to water.


In the excitement, Zhang Yunyan took out the Magical Dragon Sword and waved it.


The sword was shining and her movement was acute. She jumped up flexibly and felt no difference from on the land. She showed her skillful martial arts to the extreme.


Suspicion, joy, excitement, and desire... all kinds of unbearable emotions were intertwined and were raging intensely. The handsome face was very bright, like a spring breeze or bright sunshine.


At this time, Yunyan was like an unfettered child and felt happy in the emotions. Nothing could cover her pure feelings and she could release her emotions as she liked.


This skill was amazing and came to her by accident. She could not imagine.


She was a little woman with no singular powers. How could not she be ecstatic when she gained such an amazing harvest by accident?


Zhang Yunyan unfortunately encountered the Black Killer and was captured by the evil dragon to be kept in the cave. Then, she suffered great pain and torture and miraculously escaped.


Unexpectedly, she was blessed in disguise and gained this magical underwater skill. It was a piece of luck out of misfortune. It was grateful.


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This was a great comfort to her soul with fear and also a great encouragement to her future life.


Where did this "great luck" come from?


Zhang Yunyan recalled the experience and guessed, hoping to solve this magical mystery.


However, this magical skill was very weird. It came for her secretly and she had no way to know the reason.


She was puzzled and had to give up.


In any case, this was a good thing. Thanks to this magical ability, Zhang Yunyan had not died in the underwater cave. She would not have a new life.


In the surprise, Yunyan was somewhat uneasy. She did not know how long this magical skill would last. She hoped that she could keep it forever and accompany her life.


Zhang Yunyan finally settled down and glanced at the bottom of the lake and the surroundings with excitement. She was full of joy.


Suddenly, she looked nervous and somewhat fearful. She ignored the situation because of her happiness. What if she alarmed the evil dragon?


Yunyan dared not neglect and swam back to the shore at once. She finally felt eased when finding that the evil dragon did not show up and no huge wave surged on the surface.


She took a sigh of relief and wanted to tidy her cloth. She was shocked that the inside and outside of her cloth was not wet at all.


Strange, she stayed in the water for such a long time, so why did not she get wet?


When she was in doubt, Zhang Yunyan immediately woke up that her cloth seemed not to get wet when she escaped out of the horrible cave,


She recalled that she was very scared and surprised at the time, so she did not care about her cloth. She did not feel wet indeed. Perhaps, her cloth was dry at that time and she did not care about it.


Magical, this skill was amazing. It was relative to her wearing. It was incredible.


Unbelievable, it was really unbelievable. Zhang Yunyan could not solve these incredible mysteries and did not worry about these intractable mysteries anymore. She was still excited about the unexpected harvest.


Suddenly, a breeze blew over and it was obvious to feel at the silent moment.


Yunyan was shocked and hurriedly looked around. She held her sword by instinct, preparing for resisting the attacker.


During the inspection, her eyes fixed on one place. There was a situation indeed. It was tense and shocking.

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