Chapter 81 Was It an Elf?

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Tianyue Country suffered from the war and the second prince was unfortunate. Zhang Yunyan was very angry and hated the devils and monsters who always killed people. She hoped to do a few efforts to save the prince from the monster.


She knew that her abilities were limited, but she could not retreat and had to do her best under the urging of the righteous chivalry.


Yunyan regained some confidence with the experience and temperament of breaking the Octagonal Heaven-swallowing Formation and the help of the Magical Dragon Sword.


She kept on going and bravely moving forward. She reached the mountains soon.


Facing continuous mountains and dangers, Zhang Yunyan felt awkward and anxious.


The forest was very quiet. The beasts appeared from time to time. Birds sang songs while insects called. There was no ominous sign in silence.


Zhang Yunyan did not know where the second prince had been captured to and did not know what the monster would do for him. She was worried. When she looked at the forest, everything was strange. She did not know where to go to find the monster and to save the prince.


Yunyan was anxiously searching around. There was nobody around. She could not ask someone for advice, but had to rush to find some suspicious points.


She was running along the road while listening. Suddenly, an unusual expression showed up on her beautiful face. She felt that the surrounding scenery was familiar and immediately looked around.


The mountains were undulating and were covered with abundant forest. Flowers boomed among the grass in the crack, attracting butterflies to dance and bees to sing. It was a quiet and peaceful scene.


Zhang Yunyan recognized this place where she killed the evil wolf and saved the little sika deer. She had not expected that she could come here again.


She patrolled back and forth. There was nothing suspicious in the absurdity and no sound could be heard in the silence.


Yunyan thought of the strange little sika deer and provoked the suspicion in her heart: the special sika deer with a plum spot on its left leg and shining fur, which could understand human words... All of those mysteries were confused and memorable.


According to the imperial master, there was no this kind of deer in this alienated world. She had never seen this kind with a plum spot in her own era. It seemed that it was not an existed kind.


Since there was no this kind of deer in both ancient and modern worlds, this little sika deer must be a special case.


Strange, such a special case was extremely rare. Why did she encounter it?


The sika deer was very magical and mysterious. It seemed that it had a deep implied meaning and was an unsolved mystery.


Zhang Yunyan was searching for it. In suspicion, she suddenly saw the huge stone that caused her homesickness—the elephant stone. Then, she came down from the horse to watch it and sighed and recalled memory.

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She was in a hurry and could not delay. She must rescue the second prince as soon as possible.


Where should she look for the evil monster? Was the second prince still alive?


Zhang Yunyan looked around in vain and did not know what kind of monsters had captured the second prince. She also did not know where it was. Since it was so, she could look around and talk about it.


She felt that since there were wolf elves and mysterious sika deer, some other monsters might also hide there. Perhaps, the monster that took the second was nearby.


In the mountains and forests, there were stones and weeds all around. It was winding. She had no way to go, so she could only leave the horse and started to walk.


Zhang Yunyan walked through the mountains and forest. All the way, except for the beasts who occasionally looked for food, she did not find anything suspicious or any other monsters.


She was a little tired and all of her cloth had got wet in sweat. Finally, she found a large rock to sit down.


She wiped the sweat and frowned. She was worried. If she continued to look for him in such a blind way, when could she find him since the hope was so slight?


If things went like this, she might not find the monster and was unable to rescue the captured second prince. The poor prince must die.


The mountains were undulating and boundless. The forest was continual. Numerous lives were in the continual green with hustle...


Zhang Yunyan did not know where the second prince was caught to. She hoped to find the monster and save him, but it was too hard or impossible.


It was not far away from the foot of the mountain, while there was a lush forest. Plenty of large and small stones scattered on the edge of the wood. There were weeds and low trees, showing a desolate atmosphere without any sense of life.


It was very quiet and windless. The weeds and leaves were motionless and seemed to be sleeping.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the rolling hills, the forests, and the rocky gullies... She felt confused in her mind.


She did not know where there was and where the monster hid. She was always worried about the safety of the second prince. She was nowhere to relieve herself.


The mountains and forests were endless and winding with countless birds and beasts. Devils and monsters showed up from time to time. It was full of dangers and difficulty.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the winding forest, both anxious and worried. Where should she go to find the monster and save the prince?


It was too hard and embarrassing to find a person in an isolated mountain, which was like finding a needle in the sea.

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She felt lonely and helpless. She did not know how many monsters were in the mountains and could only worry about her own safety.


Yunyan was looking for the monster and saved the prince. Facing the rolling hills, she naturally thought of the group of monsters of Ninth Heaven Condor and she felt somewhat frightened.


She knew that if she met those guys, she would not have the ability to save the prince and might also fell into danger. She had no ability to fight against them and would die.


Zhang Yunyan thought of the Ninth Heaven Condor who was a master in this alienated world. It was hateful and everyone was trying to avoid it.


She could not help thinking of the God of Ground in her own era. That old monster was much more powerful than Ninth Heaven Condor and all of his commits were much eviler. Nobody could conquer him and he was an insurmountable hegemon.


Under the sacredness of the God of Ground, people were even more miserable and tried their best to avoid him.


In the alienated world, people were bullied by monsters, while in her own world, people also were killed by monsters. It was hateful and fearful.


Zhang Yunyan hated those devils and monsters. At the same time, she was also sympathy for those victims. She had no ability to get rid of those commits, but could only be angry. Her ability was plain and not enough to protect people, so she could only be hateful and sympathy.


Yunyan was in the alienated world and had on the ability to save the poor Iron Egg. She also could not care about the suffering families. She lamented for a few times and prayed in her mind.


When coming to this, she would naturally think of the heroes like Cloud-reaching Crane Bai Yunfei and felt envious and upset. When could she have this kind of skills like them and could compete with those strong enemies?


For more than a decade, Zhang Yunyan had been eager to learn from an expert but was unable to realize this dream. She was praying and hoped that this heartfelt day would come soon.


At this moment, the most urgent thing was to rescue the second prince and had no time to care about other things. She made up her mind but had nowhere to find him, which made her really anxious.


It was too difficult to save a person in the boundless mountains. It was hard to imagine.


Despite this, she must go all out to strive to save the prince from suffering.


When she was anxious, Zhang Yunyan fixed her eyesight in one place with a suspicious expression on her face.


Strange, what was that? How could it move around?


It turned out that there was something in the gap between the trees not far away, which was constantly shaking.


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She looked closely, finding that this thing was not like a small animal, nor a bird. It was not the movement of leaves or branches since there was no wind.


It was weird. How could this thing keep moving?


She was very confused, but could not figure it out since she was distant from it. Then, she decided to go there to have a check.


Zhang Yunyan quietly took a step, not wanting to alarm the suspicious thing. Otherwise, she could not confirm what it was.


She gradually approached the woods. It was still shaking and seemed not to be unaware that someone was approaching.


Yunyan stopped and had a close look, but she still could not figure out what it was. She could confirm that it was not a bird or a beast, nor a branch or flower.


She was even more surprised. What was it? It seemed to be a living thing since it was moving all the time.


In order to solve this mystery, Zhang Yunyan no longer cared about whether she would alarm this suspicious thing and decided to stay closer.


Facing this weird thing, she was afraid that things would change, so she held the Magical Dragon Sword and was ready to face any situation. In the alienated world and in the wild mountains, there were full of weird things. She could take reaction once there was any danger.


Zhang Yunyan calmed down the nervous emotions and got closer step by step. She lifted her feet in a silent way and did not want to alarm the weird thing.


Suddenly, the thing did not move and seemed to find someone was coming.


Yunyan was stunned and immediately stopped, looking at the suspicious thing nervously.


The thing did not escape, nor did it take any action. It seemed to observe her and prepared for an attack.


The thing was about two feet tall whose body was long and strong, while slightly curved. The color of the whole body was nearly dark brown. There was an irregular flat plate at the top, whose color was even darker and nearly black.


Yunyan figured out clearly that it was a big ganoderma lucidum.


She was confused about how it could shake by itself since there was no wind. Why did it stop when she got closer to it? Could it find someone was coming to it?


If it was so, this ganoderma lucidum was not a normal thing. It could feel and move. It might be an elf with cultivation.


Thinking of this, Zhang Yunyan was even more nervous and prepared for an emergency.

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Suddenly, a voice came, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"


This voice was very slight, which came from a distance, but it sounded clear.


Zhang Yunyan was surprised again, hurriedly looking around. She did not know who came here, so she had to be alerted.


In the mountains, it was silent and no one was moving, nor any moving shadow. The silence seemed not to be peaceful. The atmosphere was still tense, making people felt uneasy.


In her inspection, Yunyan did not find any suspicious things. She was puzzled and frowned.


Who was it? Why could she only hear its voice but see no figure? Was it mastering the art of making itself invisible? Was it an expert at high-level cultivation or a monster?


Thinking of this, she shocked in her mind. Her nerves immediately tightened. She took out Magical Dragon Sword at once, observing while listening, in case of any sudden danger.


"Who are you? What are you doing here? Are you going to kill me?"


The voice came again, which was still slightly low. Although it came from a far distance, she could hear it clearly.


Zhang Yunyan was looking around nervously. It was quiet over the surroundings. She did not find the speaker or any sign of an active figure.


In the tension, she was even more puzzled. The guy had no trace and nowhere to find, so how could she kill it?


The speaker could hide its figure. It seemed that it was a monster or an expert. With such profound skills, it must be superior.


Facing such a strong enemy, she might not have the ability to resist, while she did not know how to resist.


"What are you looking for? I'm in front of you. Who are you? Why don't you tell me?"


It was a slight voice at a far distance but still clear. It heard to be hostile.


In front of her? Zhang Yunyan was shocked in her mind. She looked around back and forth. There was nobody, not even a bug.


She was puzzled and very vigilant. She kept alert and held Magical Dragon Sword tightly to prepare for the danger.


It seemed that this guy knew the art to make itself invisible. It was impossible to find it.

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