Chapter 86 Go to the Cave alone

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Zhang Yunyan deeply knew that this trip would be full of dangers, so she had to be as cautious as possible. She could not be found by the monster. Otherwise, she would be in great trouble and die in this place.


Yunyan passed through the bamboo grove and found a gate at the foot of the mountain.


The gate was not big but irregular, which was partially covered by the weeds. It was hard to find without full attention.


During the inspection, Zhang Yunyan accidentally discovered that several characters were engraved on the rock by the gate: "Immortal Cave of Kamiyama". It was obvious.


She looked at these characters of "Immortal Cave of Kamiyama". The typeface and strokes were good, showing out a piece of power.


Yunyan silently snorted. She had not expected that this spider elf thought so highly of herself. She not only claimed herself as Xuanling Female Saint, but also named her demon cave as the home of gods. It seemed that she was an arrogant person.


She was very nervous and had some scruples. Since this monster was so arrogant, it showed that she was extraordinary in skills. It was really dangerous.


Indeed, since even Samuume dared not provoke the monster, let alone Zhang Yunyan. Saving the second prince was as difficult as going to the sky.


Yunyan looked around and found no monster around. Then, she stepped to the gate carefully.


She stretched her head to look inside, but she could see nothing since the cave was curved inside. She could hear nothing and could not help frowning with doubts.


Was not the Xuanling Female Saint inside? Was not the second prince caught by this monster?


Looking at the dim cave, Zhang Yunyan was worried. She frowned and sighed. If the second prince was not here, she really had nowhere to find him.


No matter what happened, she would get inside to have a check. Then, she would adjust her plan depending on the situation.


Yunyan saw the gate was covered by a gleaming big net and took out her Magical Dragon Sword to cut it off. However, the treasure sword did not break the big net, but was bounced back.


She was shocked and cut it for a few times. The net did not break, while the sword was still bounced back.


Yunyan was very suspicious and anxious. She felt helpless when looking at the strange big net she did not know how to get rid of the big net and get into the cave.


When she was anxious, Samuume stepped to her side silently.

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She pointed at the big net and said, "It's a mechanism arranged by Xuanling Female Saint to protect the cave. Swords could not break it."


The beautiful elf picked up a piece of bamboo branch and read a spell silently. Then, she blew her breath to the bamboo branch and it burned up immediately


Zhang Yunyan surprised when witnessing what she had down. She had not expected that her sister was so great and break the demon magic without any effort.


Samuume handed the burning bamboo branch to Yunyan and said, "Xuanling Female Saint's cultivation was not that deep, and so I can still break this kind of mechanism. Keep this bamboo branch with you. Perhaps, it might have another use."


Zhang Yunyan looked at the extinguished bamboo branches with puzzle and felt puzzled.


Samuume found that she was doubtful and could not help smiling. She asked Yunyan to keep it. When coming to the urgent time, the bamboo branch would light up.


Zhang Yunyan kept the bamboo branch and found that Samuume had something to say but said nothing. She admired her sister's skills and hoped she could come inside to save the second prince.


However, if the sister was there, she could not avoid meeting Xuanling Female Saint. They would form irreconcilable feuds and she would never have a peaceful life. Her sister would be in a dilemma. She must care about her sister's future and she understood.


Yunyan could not insist and required more. She could only sigh silently.


Samuume was worried and still advised Yunyan to leave here. She could not change her sister's mind to save the second prince. She could only sigh and said something more. Then, she left silently.


Zhang Yunyan looked at Samuume's departure and shook her head. She really hoped that her sister could come inside to save the second prince with her.


She sighed silently and was helpless. At this moment, she felt lonelier and could only enter the demon cave alone.


At this moment, saving the second prince was the most important thing. Yunyan stopped thinking more and stepped into the cave slightly to check whether the second prince was here.


She was silently praying and hoped that she would be fine during this investigation and everything would be smooth.


Although her mind was good, she did not know whether she could realize her goal. She could only listen to the will in this alienated world and follow her own fate.


Zhang Yunyan did not know whether the second prince was captured by Xuanling Female Saint. A glimpse of hope showed up in her mind. No matter how dangerous it would be, she must go for a check. Then, she would not regret this trip.

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The gate was not large while it was curved inside. She could not see clearly the situation inside. As she stepped inside, the cave was dim and had a musty smell, which made people feel unpleasant.


Zhang Yunyan was walking while observing. She did not find anything suspicious or any sound. It was quiet.


She frowned and suspected in her mind. Did not the Xuanling Female Saint come back? Was not the second prince here?


Yunyan was a little discouraged. A worrying expression turned on her beautiful face. If there was nobody inside, she needed to look for him elsewhere. Where should she go to find him in such a vast mountain?


She sighed and walked deep into the cave to see it clearly, eliminating the doubts in her mind.


There was a light sound arising. It seemed that someone was talking, breaking the silence in the darkness.


Zhang Yunyan became alert. Xuanling Female Saint must be inside and she immediately became careful. She walked at a quiet step to the direction of the sound.


Yunyan was listening while walking. Indeed, someone was talking over there and she felt even more nervous. Since someone was talking, Xuanling Female Saint was not alone. She hoped that the second prince was there.


Yunyan must be well-prepared because she was going to face a monster. Once there was a danger, she could react in time. She eased her nervous emotions and held her Magical Dragon Sword to move towards the sound silently. She hoped to figure out who was there.


A woman said, "Man, I like you so much. For you, I could not sleep well and miss you so much. My love for you has never changed. Today, I could finally be there with you. I'm so happy. Just relax, I won't hurt you. I hope to get married to you and be with you for the whole life."


A man was sighing. "No, you can't force me to do so. I will not agree even if I die here."


The woman advised, "Men, I love you with all my heart and I am willing to pay everything for you. Although I am an elf, I am much special than ordinary people. I am better than the others in every aspect. You won't be regret to be my husband."


"It's impossible. We are not the same kind. How could we get married? What if we become sworn brother and sister? We can contact each other in this way."


The man refused directly. It sounded that he was reluctant, so as nervous and frightened.


Zhang Yunyan realized that the woman must be Xuanling Female Saint and she was forcing the man to become her husband.


The man could be the second prince and must find a way to save him out. Even if he was not the second prince, he was also a victim. She could not ignore him and should save him out.


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Still, facing such a powerful banshee, how could she rescued the man? It was just an illusion.


Zhang Yunyan dared not alert Xuanling Female Saint and hoped to take the man away secretly. The spider elf was with the man now, while she dared not face the monster directly. How could she save him?


She was eager to think of a way but she could not find out a suitable one. She was anxious and could only wait for the right opportunity to save the man successfully.


Suddenly, the voice raised in the hole again, "En? How could someone get inside? Just wait, my love. Let me have a check who dares enter inside my cave without my permission."


It was Xuanling Female Saint's voice.


Zhang Yunyan was shocked. This monster was too tough. She could even find out someone entered in before having a check. She was a tough guy to deal with indeed.


She dared not stay here and hurried to find a place to hide. However, she had nowhere to hide. When she was running back, she heard something was coming after her. She had to stop and prepare for the danger.


Looking at the monster that appeared suddenly, Yunyan was very nervous. She had not expected that she would be found so quickly. It came to the time for life and death again.


This monster was a young woman. Although she was not that beautiful, she was not ugly. Her body was slim at symmetrical type. Her face was a bit dark.


With sincere comments, her figure and appearance were nice. She was extremely coquettish, showing out an attractive charm.


Her eyes were shining. It could tell that she was not easy to deal will at first glance.


The monster was in front of her, so Zhang Yunyan could not escape out of the demon cave. She was forced into a desperate situation, so she could only fight hard.


She wanted to quietly save the man, but she had not expected that this banshee was so acute and could feel any change in this cave. She was too powerful.


Did the spider elf have a strong perception? Did she arrange some demon mechanisms which could notice the outsiders?


Zhang Yunyan did not know and could not know. At the crucial moment, she could not think about these irrelevant things.


She had already known Xuanling Female Saint's extraordinary skills from Samuume. Even her sister with great martial arts would be afraid of her, so she could not have enough power to fight against. She knew it clearly that it was impossible to save a person from such a powerful banshee.


At this moment, Yunyan had been in a desperate situation. She was in a dangerous situation and at a close call. She had no time to care about the man who was captured. She was worried about her life and death.

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She had a bad hunch, and it seemed that Samuume had guessed right that she would lose her life.


Xuanling Female Saint stared at the uninvited guest who broke into her cave. She was surprised and angry.


She asked, "Girl, who are you? How dare you come to my Immortal Cave of Kamiyama to find some troubles? Tell me your name quickly!"


Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and frightened, but her momentum did not decrease. She stared at the banshee. Since the banshee had captured someone, she could not ignore.


The man who was arrested was probably the second prince and must be saved. Even if he was not the second prince, she could not ignore the victim, so she still needed to try her best.


Yunyan did not answer the banshee, but asked, "Who's that man? Why do you force him to become your husband?"


Xuanling Female Saint was stunned and angry. "So, you have heard what we said. You're really hateful! It's none of your business who the man is. Don't ask too much. Just leave if you're sensible. Otherwise, I won't allow you to have a good result."


Yunyan did not retreat and shouted, "You're the Xuanling Female Saint, right? Let the man go, now. Otherwise, I won't treat you good."


Xuanling Female Saint was very surprised and stunned. She had not expected that this young woman came to save the one she loved most.


She immediately came to the air and shouted, "Bad girl, since you know my name, how dare you come to look for death? Are you tired of living? For your interruption, I have lost my interest. It's frustrating. I won't let you go so easily. Give out your life!"


After that, Xuanling Female Saint no longer cared about Yunyan, holding a sword and throwing it over. She could not wait to give her a stab at her heart.


Zhang Yunyan had no retreat. Facing such a powerful opponent, she could only fight to the end. Let alone save people, she had to try her best to fight against to keep her own life.


At this moment, the man who was captured came to her and joined with Zhang Yunyan to fight against Xuanling Female Saint.


When the banshee saw her beloved person helping the outsider to deal with her, she was somewhat surprised and dissatisfied. She forced him to go away at once. She was scrupulous and dared not slaughter in case of hurting the man.


In the fight, Zhang Yunyan glanced at the man and was totally surprised. En? How could it be him?


She was very surprised and even more nervous. She also felt a faint sense of loss.

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