Chapter 90 The Dreamy of Love

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When Samuume looked at Zhang Yunyan and the rich young master, she smiled silently.


She said with a smile, "I did not say anything wrong. You're really fated. However, it's not easy to keep fate and hard to get. There will be quite a lot of twists. Haha, it said that good things take times. It's inevitable. You two will be much sweeter after experiencing a lot. Fate is beautiful and hard to get. You should cherish it and treat it in a good way.


Zhang Yunyan heard the fate theory again and even more frank. At this moment, she felt really embarrassed and could not say anything.


She turned her head to glance at Samuume. Then, he lowered her ruddy face without saying anything. She was too embarrassed to say anything.


She blamed her in her mind secretly, "Sister is too bold. How could she say such words in front of her brother? It's too embarrassing. I even want to find a hole to sneak in."


Samuume laughed when finding Zhang Yunyan lowered down her head and her face became brighter and brighter.


Zhang Yunyan heard her laughter and knew that she was laughing her embarrassment. She felt even more awkward. She dared not raise her head to look at her. She really wanted to find a hole to hide.


Although she was shy, she still felt sweet in her mind. She hoped she could have fate with her brother as Samuume said.


Yunyan knew it was impossible for her to have such a fate, but the affection was somewhat comforting for her at this moment.


When Samuume saw Yunyan lowering her head all the time in shyness, she was even happier. She intentionally touched Yunyan and squinted her eyes to tease her.


Yunyan showed out a serious expression and stared at her sister. Then, she smiled and lowered her head. She dared not look at this "bold" person.


Samuume happily teased Yunyan and unconsciously came to the side of the main road.


She looked around and no longer mentioned the fate theory. She repeatedly advised Yunyan and bid farewell.


Zhang Yunyan and the young master said goodbye to Samuume. Then, she stepped towards the elephant stone.


Yunyan looked at this strange big stone, while the homesickness raised in her mind and decreased her embarrassed.


She sighed again and again and did not know when she could go back home, to calm her anxiety.


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The young master saw Zhang Yunyan wore a sad expression and did not know why. He was somewhat worried about her.


He asked questioningly, "Sister, why did you sigh? It seems that you have some relationship with this stone. You look a little sad. Is there something wrong?"


Zhang Yunyan sighed again. "Yes, there is a similar stone in my hometown, so I recall my home when seeing this elephant-like stone. It's memorable."


The young master was emotional when hearing this. "Hometown always recalls people's memories. It's no wonder that you're so upset when looking at this stone. At the moment I was caught by the enemy and faced death, I recalled my hometown and my loved ones. That kind of thoughts is too sorrowful and painful.


Zhang Yunyan agreed with him and sighed again when looking at the elephant stone. She recalled the memory to her hometown, Lianhu Village.


The young master was sad and sighed. "Sister Samuume's words make... ah, it's just a good wish. It's hard to realize. It's just a beautiful dream..."


He said and sighed with a faint sorrow.


Zhang Yunyan's thoughts were pulled back by the young master's words. She felt moved and sad. Her brother's words were true. It was impossible to realize the fate in her sister's words. The thoughts were just good illusions. She would not realize it.


With her brother staying with her, Yunyan should not stay here longer and had to leave this elephant stone that made her recall her memory.


She saw that her horse was eating grass nearby and asked her brother to ride it back home.


The young master refused gently. "I'm not good at riding and the distance is far. My sister, you should ride the horse. The soldiers are over there, so I can go for them. It's more convenient to go home by carriage."


Zhang Yunyan did not refuse anymore when hearing this. It was safer for him to be protected by soldiers.


The young master looked at Yunyan and got wet. It was hard to ease his complicated mood.


He said with deep affection, "Today, without your help, I would not come home with safety. I might die in the wild mountains. I am really appreciated for your help. I want, want to stay with you for my whole life. Can I realize my dream? Ah, it's hard, it's really hard..."


He had both gratitude and affection, so as a sense of faint sadness.


Hearing her brother's words, Zhang Yunyan said nothing. His words were so straightforward and she could not respond. She felt the love of her brother, while her heart was fluctuating.


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The brother was upright and kind, caring about people's situation. He was an incomparable man, who was rare to meet. He was admirable.


Such a handsome man was the right person for her to love. If she could live with him for a lifetime, she would be happy.


Zhang Yunyan was somewhat upset when looking at her brother. She shook her head and sighed silently.


She had to face the reality that they were from different worlds with thousands of year’s interval. Love? Marriage? All of these were all illusions.


Needleless to say, even if she wanna stay, it was hard for her to say it out. They met in a short time and did not know each other clearly, so how could they fall in love with each other?


The man wore a complicated look when looking at the leaving direction of Samuume.


He sighed softly and then turned around to leave. He murmured while leaving, "Fate, ah, it's hard. It's just a sweet wish..."


Zhang Yunyan also had this kind of feeling. It was hard to contain this fate. It was only a beautiful dream.


In the sorrow, she watched her brother entering the carriage. She waved her hands to say goodbye when seeing him doing the same thing.


It was not weird for Yunyan to meet the brother in the alienated world and raised affection. However, the interval of thousands of years would block their rare love.


She knew it was impossible. She just met her brother and it did not matter a lot to leave. Their affection of brother and sister would fade away with the time passed by.


If she fell in love with him, it was temporary and could only stay in her heart for a moment until it disappeared.


This feeling could not tell from Zhang Yunyan's face. She could not calm down in her mind and could not control herself at this time.


In her mind, the brother was very adorable indeed, while his martial arts were good. Besides, he was a reasonable and kind man. If he could accompany her for the whole life, she must be very happy and satisfied.


This unrealistic thought quickly passed. Zhang Yunyan sighed silently, feeling that she was ridiculous and somewhat unbelievable. She and her brother lived in two different worlds. How could they be paired together? It was an illusion.


Needleless to say, even if she had this chance, she could not reach this. The two lovers with thousands of year’s interval had no way to be together.


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She would not leave her own homeland to live here and could not give up those incompleted vows.


Similarly, the handsome man would not abandon Tianyue Country and stay away from his loved ones to a strange world.


Such kind of marriage was incredible. If the two young people in different spaces got married, it would be much more miserable than Cowherd and Weaver Girl. They even had no chance to see each other at the different sides of Milky Way.


Zhang Yunyan was upset and did not go back immediately. She looked around the elephant stone and thought for a while.


She could not focus on anything because of her fluctuating mind. She was still thinking of the sudden-met rich young master, the brother in this alienated world.


A piece of affection raised in Yunyan's mind. Although she could not marry the handsome man, she could not forget it. She missed and loved him silently. She even dreamed of their marriage and babies which would not realize.


At this moment, she was sitting next to the elephant stone. Her mood was complicated, including her present mood and her homesickness...


Zhang Yunyan sighed and no longer thought about those troubles. She got up and moved around the "Elephant Trunk". Her thoughts returned to her hometown, the Lianhu Village, and to her childhood.


The elephant stone in her hometown gave her childhood joy and the pain of losing her sister.


In front of the "elephant stone" in the alienated world, she felt happy and endless sadness.


Yunyan thought of sister Yunxia and her brother Yuntian who had never come back after going to look for her sister. She tore down and was immersed in painful thoughts again...


The sky was blue while the white clouds were floating. Birds rang sometimes, rendering the beautiful scenery.


The forests were quiet with the sound of insects. There were countless creatures in the greenery.


In the quiet, it was immersed some faint sadness, infecting the nearby creatures.


Zhang Yunyan looked at the "elephant trunk" and remembered the time when her sister lost. There was a paper attached on the elephant trunk. She shook her head and sighed.


In this regard, she regretted it when she thought of it. At that time, if she was not that impulsive and kept the paper with the handwriting. She could ask Mr. Wang, who was a teacher in the village, to see what she was writing.


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She thought that the piece of paper was likely to be relative to her sister. The clue must be hidden in the scraps of paper. One possible clue was destroyed, rendering her nowhere to find.


Perhaps, what she tore up was the only hope to reunite with sister. There was no other chance, so she felt regretted...


Zhang Yunyan thought of the experience when she met Xiao Tianlong in the cave of Black Killer and came to Tianyue Country of this alienated world unexpectedly. She sighed again.


Life was unpredictable and she never dreamed that she could ride the magical Tongtian Precious Carriage and time-travel thousands of years to experience this magical journey.


Suddenly, Yunyan looked nervous and lamented. She burst into crying. What should she do now...


It turned out that she thought of Iron Egg who was hiding in the Black Tiger Cave.


Yunyan felt heartbroken. Such a little boy was alone and had no one to rely on. He would be really fearful.


She could do nothing and could only pray silently. She hoped that Iron Egg did not leave the small cave to look for her or was not hurt by Black Killer.


Her eyes got wet and hoped to go back to protect Iron Egg at once. However, she was in this alienated world and could only pray for the poor kid silently. She hoped that he was still alive and she could come back to save him as soon as possible.


Zhang Yunyan thought of the first prince of Tianyue Country and hoped that he could escape from the monster, waiting for the imperial master to pick him up and returning to his home.


She remembered the walking dead whose souls had been absorbed. She sighed again. Those elves' souls were still in the Tongtian Precious Carriage. Nobody knew what the situation of their flesh was.


Yunyan felt that everything was not ready yet and it could not be completed at once. Black Killer would not push them into the alchemy furnace temporarily.


A beautiful figure flashed by her mind, which was the vixen Misty Flower.


Although she felt shameless of Misty Flower's behaviors, she also felt worried about her. Black Bear Demon had already been obsessed with the beautiful elf, so she did not know whether this monster would overage on her.


Zhang Yunyan was confused and leaned on the elephant stone to sit down. When she thought of today's encounter, she fell into meditation again...


She thought of meeting two beautiful elves in two different worlds with thousands of year’s interval. One was Samuume, the other was Misty Flower. She was filled with emotions again.


Both of them were so beautiful, while their skills were superior and incomparable. They were rare to encounter.

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