Chapter 96 Deep Love

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Zhang Yunyan refused this beautiful marriage and lost her beloved second prince. It was very painful and contradictory. She could only comfort herself.


However, this self-consolation mentality was useless. She still felt sweet when thinking of the brother in this alienated world. She was also tortured by the loss of pain.


After all, this was the reality at this moment. Yunyan could not avoid it. The idea of "considering it as an illusion" would no longer exist and would disappear without any trace.


Just after the end of the war, there were plenty of issues needed to be solved in Tianyue Country. All the ministers were arranged respective duties, so the imperial master did not have to solve them by his own.


The king and the queen were worried about the first prince. They would always be anxious until finding the first prince back. It was the most significant issue to find him back. It needed to take time.


The King and Xiao Tianlong agreed to leave immediately and went to the era of thousands of years later to pick up the first prince. At the same time, it would also satisfy Yun Feiyan's wish to return home.


It was time to go. Zhang Yunyan naturally thought of her beloved brother. It was hard to give up and felt heartbroken.


It was a handsome man who worried about the country and people. It was hard to meet. It would be a farewell to leave. It was shameless.


She could marry the second prince and had a lifetime to stay with her beloved brother. It was impossible now. She could only think of it and dream it in her fantasy.


Zhang Yunyan was still missing her beloved second prince. The loss of pain was torturing her bitter soul. The brother figure in this alienated world showed up in her mind. She seemed to feel that her brother was still sad for the loss of this marriage.


She silently lamented that secretly blamed herself. It was all about her fault.


She hoped that Xiao Tianlong did not mention the proposal to the king, so that the second prince would not get hurt and would still be lively and happy.


Zhang Yunyan was about to leave. All the ministers presented the king to see her off.


At this time, a figure appeared behind the bushes not far away. It was the second prince. He also silently bid farewell to his beloved sister.


Zhang Yunyan saw the figure who was reluctant to leave. She felt surprised and heartfelt, so as to the pain of loss. She felt bitter and burst into tears.

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She saw a sad face and could not help sighing. She felt greatly painful in her mind.


A confusion flashed by her mind. Had Xiao Tianlong mentioned the proposal to the king? Had the second prince known their love would not continue?


Ah, if it was so, it would hurt her and her brother.


Zhang Yunyan saw the second prince, while the prince also saw her. She waved her hand to him.


She could not pretend to ignore him. It was a farewell to them. She had to say goodbye to her brother although she was reluctant.


The two lovers met each again, while their moods could not be smoothed.


The second prince looked at her beloved person and felt even painful. He could not help bursting into tears.


Zhang Yunyan was hurt in her mind and she burst into tears. She sighed in her mind and felt helpless. She was upset and felt sorry for herself and her beloved one.


She understood that the second prince did know about the marriage and was sad because his wish would not be reached.


Yunyan was very helpless and really helpless. She did not mean to do this. It was about the interval of thousands of years. For this, the brother and sister had no other choice and could only accept this reluctant result.


It was time to say goodbye and might be a farewell. In the future, Zhang Yunyan and the second prince could only be separated in two different worlds with an interval of thousands of years. They would miss each other and no longer see each other.


Thinking of this, Yunyan was very sad and burst into tears.


The second prince burst into tears and felt painful.


At this moment, the brother and sister were not only sad for the undone marriage and felt the pain of the farewell.


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The two lovers knew clearly in their minds. Since today, their separated love would never be complete again, while the relationship of brother and sister would end.


This was a very short time and the most beautiful and desirable moment. It was also painful and passed by so soon.


In the short and beautiful time, they met, got to know, fell into love, and needed to bid a farewell to each other. They could not express painful feelings.


The sweet time would pass away. Then, the pair of the handsome man and beautiful woman would involve in the beautiful illusion of love. The lovers in the dream would fall into the dream whether it was sweet or painful.


They would not felt the sweetness of love and could miss each other as the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. The love was just an illusion and never had the bridge meeting on July 7th every year.


Needleless to say, even if the magpies liked to make them a chance to meet, they had no ability to build a bridge with an interval of thousands of years to make the two lovers meet again.


The pair of brother and sister was painful and very helpless. It was really helpless.


Zhang Yunyan saw that the second prince's eyes were red and swollen. She knew that her brother was said for their undone marriage. He must cry for a long time and be afraid that he did not sleep well last night.


Ah, when a man cried and felt sad for the losing love, he must love her so deeply. How deep this love was.


It was a miserable pain. Her brother's mind would not be healed, neither would hers.


Zhang Yunyan sighed in her mind and blamed herself. It was her fault to make her brother so painful. She had failed her beloved man.


She burst into tears and felt heartbroken for hurting her brother. She felt painful for fruitless love.


Facing the brother in this alienated world, Yunyan was helpless and felt guilty and very wronged. Should she blame herself?


No, it was not her fault. She hoped to marry the second prince. However, it was hard for the love of two different worlds to be reached. She was involuntary.


Zhang Yunyan did not want this cruel result, neither did the second prince. It was the reality that could not satisfy both sides that separate the two.

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As it said, it was helpless. It was really helpless.


The second prince looked at Zhang Yunyan with tears in his eyes, and sobbed. "My sister, it will be a farewell from today. I will miss you so deeply. I don't want you to go. Can you stay?"


At this moment, he no longer suppressed his emotions in his mind and expressed his love without any scruples. His eyes were full of sad emotions. He burst into tears with expectation filled in his eyes. He was desirable.


Hearing this, Zhang Yunyan was even more painful and cried.


She had no strength to suppress the emotions in her heart, revealing her inner resentment and pain. "My brother, I will also miss you so much and hope to stay. However, I... I can't stay here. I can't abandon my hometown. I have quite a lot of things to do and have to go back. Don't blame me, my brother. I have no solution. I can't find a way out indeed..."


She no longer concealed her love and sincerely revealed the love and tenderness in her heart.


The second prince sighed and the words were full of pain. "Ah, I can't reach my dream for this lifetime. How miserable my life is..."


"I know how painful you are, so do I... Ah, it's all my fault to make you so painful. Perhaps, I should not... should not get there..."


Yunyan's words were chocked in her throat. She was tearing down and could not express her sadness.


As for whether she should come to Tianyue Country, it was not an issue that she could control. For this, even Xiao Tianlong could not make a decision, letting alone Yunyan.


Perhaps, Zhang Yunyan should have this magical journey, this fruitless love with the second prince, a farewell to her lover, and the endless pain...


The second prince wiped the tears and sighed again. "You're leaving, so I can't say something more. It's not your fault, my sister. I can understand your situation and your mood. However, I... I can go with you, my sister. How do you think?"


He was still expressing his mind and striving for his love for the last moment, hoping to reach his goal. There was endless pain in his eyesight. A sense of desire filled in his tears. He looked at his beloved sister without a blink of his eyes.


Hearing this, Zhang Yunyan was quite surprised. She was stunned. Her brother was even willing to leave Tianyue Country where he grew up for her. This payment was too heavy and had to make.


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At the moment of pain, Yunyan saw a glimpse of hope again. It was good to be like this. She could get married to her beloved brother and stay in her hometown. It was a good method to satisfy both sides.


Before she felt happy, she sighed in her mind and wore a sadness on her face. She felt shameless for her selfish attitude.


For her, it was the best solution and she would be satisfied. However, she could not ignore her brother's situation just for satisfying her will. If her brother followed her back, he would miss his hometown and relatives. He would have the same kind of pain and become depressed.


If she agreed his solution, her will would be satisfied but it would hurt her brother's feelings. She would fail the fancy of the king. She should not accept it. It was shameless.


Zhang Yunyan shook her head gently and sighed helplessly.


Although she was reluctant, she still had to stop him. "You think it too simple, my brother. If you come back with me, it will be hard for you to return to your hometown. The feeling of leaving home is too difficult to accept. It will destroy your mind. I have felt it. I left my hometown since I was young. I went back for more than a decade. It's quite miserable to be homesick, letting alone you will be in a world with an interval of thousands of years. Things change so fast. We can't control the change. Once there is a change that causes you can't go back, what should we do? Ah, when it comes to that moment... I dare not think about it..."


"I know what you mean. I have thought about it for a long time. I can't think too much. If you agree, I can go with you. I am willing to go with you no matter how difficult and tired it would be. I will be satisfied to stay with you forever."


Facing such a spoony brother, Zhang Yunyan hoped to come back with him. However, the reality was so merciless. She could not just care for herself and ignore his brother's situation.


Her face was full of tears and smiled bitterly. She was still persuading, "Brother, this is your life event. Don't be impulsive and need to consider it again. This is your hometown where your relatives and friends live. You have your career here, so you can't leave and should not leave. Tianyue Country needed you." She sighed. "Although I hope to stay with you for the whole life, it's just an illusion. Ah, this is my fate..."


The second prince firmly said, "In order to be with my sister, I am willing to bear all the hardships and abandon everything."


His words contained pain and desire.


Zhang Yunyan was moved and wore a bitter smile on her tearing face.


She sighed and persuade, "My brother, you're too impulsive. This idea is too naive. Once you are away from home, you will be miserable. Besides, the king and the queen will not allow you to leave. You can't go that far away to live in an unknown world. Otherwise, they will also worry about you. It will not be peaceful."


"My sister, you're right. However, I can't think too much. What I should do depends on you. I am waiting for your words."


Zhang Yunyan saw that the second prince was so firm to follow her. She burst into tears painfully. If she was not in the public, she really wanted to hug her brother to cry.

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