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"What do you want from us?". Nicolas eyed Connard cautiously.

"Simple, I just want some tiny weeny infos from you two hmmm". Connard said and looked like he was really thinking. "like, you know, those simple things such as how your base operates, who are your superiors and the secret passages towards it, you know all those things already since that's your usual questions from those criminals you interrogated right? hahaha!". Connard says while laughing mockingly.

Silence engulf the area since Nicolas and Leila refuse to speak with regards to those questions.

"So you won't talk? don't worry I have other means to make you talk, just like that other guy who at first refuses to talk but in the end still decided to spill the beans hahaha!. Who's that guy again? Jonas? Jayden? Judas? ahh yeah! his name is Judas, I remember, he also seems like you, a very stubborn individual indeed hahaha! but, in the end he ends up doing everything that I told him to do so such as sending message to your base and ending up trapping you here hahaha!". Connard said then laugh manically.

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"What did you do to him?!". Nicolas asked and looked at Connard furiously.

"Well, too many to mention, such as torturing him and there but you know that is not what makes him concede, it is because I kidnapped the girl that he likes and in order to save her, he ended up betraying you hahaha!". Connard said while laughing like a madman.

'That must be myra, but even though he did it to save her, he should have made the right decision, saving one life or save many'. Nicolas thought in his heart but he feels conflicted, its okay for him if it is only him that Judas betrayed but it is the whole base and there is Leila which also became captive because of his stupidity.

"But you know, this whole thing is only effective because you are his best friend but if it were anyone else, of course knowing that it might just be a trap they would'nt believe this thing at all haha only you are dumb enough to trust your friend wholeheartedly hahaha!".Connard said then laugh at him again manically.

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'Yes, I admit I really am too stupid to believe it". Nicolas thought in his heart. "So, where is Judas now?". Nicolas asked.

"ahh him? well he is with his lover now, in another world I think? well I slit their throat so maybe they are together now hahaha!". Connard said it like the topic is only a casual talk. "Well, let's cut this boring talk, you two, hang him up". Connard instructed his subordinates. The terrorists hang Nicolas, since his hands were tied they tied him as his hands were tied upwardly and he was hanged like a punching bag lifted one foot from the floor.

"Now its time for our little game hahaha! You two get the whip". The two terrorist each get a whip from the table which is full of torturing tools.

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"You already know what will happen next right? so if you don't want me to continue just spill those infos okay? hahaha!". But Nicolas stayed silent like he didn't heard anything. "So you won't talk? hmp! go whip him!". Connard feeling slightly annoyed for not getting any reaction instructed his subordinates to start whipping Nicolas.

'whip. slash. whip'.

The two terrorist simultaneously whip Nicolas slowly but with a full force so that he will feel more pain. Nicolas just grit his teeth but he didn't even scream even though his insides is already screaming. He doesn't want to give his enemy the satisfaction of seeing him having any reaction.

Leila after she saw that they took a whip, she already know what they wanted to do. Now, seeing her commander being whipped she felt conflicted, she knows that as a soldier she could do nothing to save her superior and she also knows that if she is in her commanders situation she would rather choose death instead of harming their comrades. That's why she stayed silent during the whole ordeal and just bit her lips until it bleed due to helplessness, she wants to save her comrade but she can't do a thing.

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'whip. slash. whip".

The only sound heard inside the room is the continuous whipping of the two terrorist to Nicolas until Connard told them to stop. "So boring, you didn't even scream tsk! how annoying, I want to hear you screaming but you wouldn't even played my game tsk!". Connard said like he is a retard and a child that only wants to play. "Ahhh! wait, I am thinking of what to do with you!". After saying it, Connard directed his gaze to Leila. "Since it is so boring I want some entertainment. I want you to b*ng her". Connard said it to Nicolas as he was thinking that he will get a reaction from him if he instructed him to do it. But, Nicolas stayed silent. Leila even though she felt slightly nervous after hearing him said it stayed silent like it has nothing to do with her. 'I would rather choose death instead of becoming a play thing!'. Leila said in her heart as it will be very humiliating for her as a soldier if she became a play thing of a criminal.

"Arggh! How frustrating! Why don't you even react!". Connard is looking more like a madman for every second that he couldn't get what he wants started to act. "I'll kill her if you won't f*ck her. I'll give you choices either choose to f*ck her or let her die". Connard walk towards Leila then put his knife on her throat. Seeing all this happening, Nicolas can't stand it seeing his comrade will die in front of him if he has a means to save them.

"No sir! Don't do it! I would rather choose death instead of becoming his play thing". Leila said with full conviction towards Nicolas then look with full contempt towards Connard.

"So Nicolas what will you choose? I am waiting hahahaha!". Connard said and laugh like a madman.

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