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It was still dark. After Leila sent an S.O.S signal to the headquarters, the officers in charge of watching their computer for any intel saw it. At first he thought the spy is only some low ranking officer but after learning that Leila's partner is none other than Colonel General Adrianno which is a high ranking millitary officer as he has two hundred thousand soldiers under his disposal. And so, he immeadiately informed the head of the intelligence department.

The head of the intelligence department immeadiately informed General Adrianno which is also known as the field marshal which holds the highest authority in the field army next to the commander-in-chief which is President Maxillano.

General Adrianno were turning sixty this year but his body is still healthy and look a decade younger than his age. It was ten in the evening when he receive the message informing him of his son's predicament. And so, after learning about it, he immeadiately bid farewell to his wife but decided against it to tell her what happened to their son so as to not get her worried.

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He immeadiately called the secretary-of-the-state which is Secretary Orwell to conduct an emergency meeting inside the courtroom of the headquarters with the President and other high ranking officials in millitary. After explaining to Secretary Orwell about the reason of the meeting, Secretary Orwell immeadiately informed the President and the millitary officials involved.

As it is already late, and some are already resting, the meeting starts around ten-thirty in the evening.

The courtroom only has a simple black and white decorations. It has an oval shaped table which has twelve chairs. Infront of it, there lies a huge flat screen tv hanged in the wall.

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The room consist of the high ranking officials such as President Maxillano which is the commander-in-chief of all the millitary forces, the field Marshal which is the five-star General Adrianno, Fleet Admiral Cairo which holds the highest authority in Naval field, Air Chief Marshal Guillermo which holds the highest position in the air force, the tacticians and some minor officers in millitary. The room is quite huge but it only has around twenty persons inside it right now. And, of course, their agenda is how they are going to save Nicolas and Leila.

"So, tell me how did Col. Gen. Adrianno fall in the enemies' hands?". President Maxillano inquired massaging his brows as he is confused how did that boy made such a grave mistake. Well, he is friends with the Adrianno family so he really is familliar with that boy but what bothers him is that Nicolas is also a very cautious man how could he act dumb right now?.

"Sir, base from our intelligence department it was not supposed to be Col. Gen. Adrianno who should have performed the espionage job but an agent named Pierro. According from the said agent, earlier in the morning Col. Gen. Adrianno received a message from his friend which named Judas which is also one of our soldiers. Based from him, he found out the enemies territory which we could not find for almost two months now. After informing him they tried reaching him again but they could not contact him and being too anxious and worried for his friend, he decided to just believe his friend and save him but only now that our intelligence department found out that it has been three days since that agent disappeared and so they now concluded that maybe the whole thing is only a trap made by the terrorist to lure Col. Gen. Adrianno". Secretary Orwell explained to President Maxillano.

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"That b*stard son of mine! how could he become so careless! I never thought that, that Judas will betray my son! If I saw him again I will tear him to pieces and also that son of mine, once I saw him, I will knock some sense on him!". General Adrianno lengthly exclaimed though he is spouting some venomous words but he is truly very worried for his son right now.

"*sigh* Old man Adrianno, your son is only human who can make a mistake and besides this is only the first time that he made a mistake and he only wants to help his friend, so be more lenient with him". Admiral Cairo said to pacify General Adrianno's wrath. These two old men were good friends so they do not care about how they addressed each other.

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"Yes old man, this old Cairo is right, he is an excellent boy, I'm sure he will also find a way to get out of their predicament but we need to also help them so Old man calm down. We'll be able to save them!". Chief Guillermo added.

"Hmp! whatever you two say but if anything happens to that boy I will bomb that whole place to ashes to bury those son-of-a-b*tch with my son!". General Adrianno said but he is seriously anxious right now and feeling worried if his son is still alive since they do not receive any message from the terrorists.

The old men which consist of President Maxillano, General Adrianno, Admiral Cairo, Chief Guillermo and Secretary Orwell along with the tacticians and minor officials, they talked about millitary tactics on how they were going to save the two. Since the fortress is located in a mountainnous region it is very difficult to infiltrate as the trail is too slippery and steep, although it is still possible to pass through but for a large platoon to pass through it is quite difficult as it will attract the enemy before they would be able to get near the fortress. It is only possible to infiltrate stealthily for one or two persons.

They decided that the best solution right now is to lure those snakes out of their lair then battle them in the open field near it. But the question is, how will they do it?.

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