Chapter 24 Invitation

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Gong Ping continued to touch his neck. From then on, it was his habit to touch his neck. However, the combination with the headless Gong Ping (Xing Tian) also made him to accept another part of the memory. But this memory included both the ancient times and the past ten years, so it was too disorderly to be properly arranged. Even so, Gong Ping was very different from a few minutes ago. Many questions that couldn’t be understood were suddenly clear at the moment. So he put down his hand on his neck and sat up on the rattan bed and said, "Death can't change you to pretend to be a philosopher."

** Smiled, "Some problems can't be changed in a few lifetimes and some problems that don't need to be changed. I am not you. I don’t have the spirit of the ancient war god Xing Tian and unfathomable ability. I have nothing but a mouth." He turned to Mao Dou and said, "Am I right? Little puppy" He reached out and tried to touch the back of Mao Dou. Mao Dou flashed and snorted.  
**retracted his hand and smiled, "A dog biking at Lu Dongbin, not recognizing a kind hearted man. No wonder everyone else calls a dog slave."    

Gong Ping said, "You are a lonely ghost and dare to claim to be Lu Dongbin? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even have a place to live! Your soul flew away." As soon as he said it, he was also stunned and murmured," What happened to me?" Because these words were blurted out, it didn't go through the brain. Now he thought about the scene at that time, it seemed to be there, but he couldn’t remember it.

** understood his confusion and explained, "Your body has accepted the memory of five thousand years, and naturally it is not suitable for you. It will be better. As for my affairs, I really want to thank you. "  
Gong Ping said," I just flashed your business in my mind. But I can't think of it now."

** said, "I wanted you to take it easy, but I am short fuse. I can’t bear to see you lose your memory. Let me tell you about this. When I was concealed, my soul was about to disappear. You saved me and helped me to gather my soul together. What’s more, you created a space for me in the old office building of the police station. So I did not become a ghost."  
Gong Ping suddenly remembered something and said with a smile, "Yes, you always ran to me to eat and drink. And the old police building is still haunted."

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"Haha, you think of it! That's it." **pointed to Gong Ping and laughed.  
Gong Ping looked around and said, "So, here is the heterogeneous space I created. It is also called enchantment."

** said, "I prefer to call this place your world."  
Gong Ping looked at his hands and said, "But I am just an ordinary person. How can I have such a great ability?" I heard from Ma Fei that this was a brilliant spell."

**shrugged his shoulder, "The ancient god, he is awesome. Although you are now a cottage, your ability is still great."

"I don’t care." Gong Ping looked around and said, "Just I am here, where did they go?"  
** said, “They are still in the orphanage in the real world. This is your world. Without your invitation, it’s very difficult for them to come in."

Gong Ping said, "How can I let them come in too?"

** said, "You are confused by the thunder. Your world is in the charge of you. Why do you ask me?"  
Gong Ping smiled embarrassedly and said, "I really can't think of it."

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** shrugged and said, "I can't help you. I am gone. There are a couple of renters coming to the old police station. I am going to scare them." His feet drifted away from the ground. He didn't forget to hook it on the chin of Mao Dou. Mao Dou went up a bite. Although ** didn't flash, his hand turned into a cloud of smoke. The teeth of Mao Dou collided with each other, and it bit on air.

Gong Ping saw it and couldn't help but smile. Mao Dou saw Gong Ping laughing, she approached Gong Ping. The little half of her ass sat on the rattan bed. Gong Ping almost instinctively reached out and touched Mao Dou’s head. Finally, he licked her on her neck. Mao Dou looked very comfortable and her eyes almost closed.  
"Ha ha ha ha!" ** hadn’t floated out the door, and he laughed and said, "Gong Ping, you really see her as a dog."

Gong Ping was out of his mind, and he immediately retracted his hand. He was annoyed and ordered Mao Dou said, “Go and bite this wild ghost!”

Mao Dou was really obedient. It instantly turned into a white light and rushes into **. His body turned into smog and scattered away, only the wild laughter echoed for a while.

When Mao Dou returned, he saw Gong Ping staying there in a dementia, holding a group of clothes in his hand. It was her clothes. It turned out that in order to faithfully execute master’s order, Mao Dou showed the original form. She left a pile of clothes on the ground. and they were picked up by Gong Ping.    
Although Mao Dou was in its original state, after all, it had been a long time for her to be a human being. Although she was in front of the master, it was very embarrassing to not wear clothes. So she smacked forward with a mouthful of clothes and ran to a quiet place. She humanized and got dressed. 

Gong Ping was shocked when he saw Mad Dou’s original form. He thought that Mao Dou was an ordinary dog, but she was a wolf monster. Fortunately, she was a snow white wolf; she was also a rare species. What Gong Ping couldn't understand was that Sher Qianqian claimed to be a big viper. In fact, she was just a snake. Long Jiaojiao always considered herself to be dragon specie. In fact, she was just a flood dragon. Mao Dou who was a wolf pretended to be a puppy. God, the monsters were also fake and shoddy. What about Ma Fei? She maybe was a scorpion or a donkey... Maybe she was just a zebra.Knockoff was popular in this monsters.  
While waiting for Mao Dou got dressed and returned, Gong Ping took in a lot of knowledge that he suddenly got. But after all, it wasn’t clear in his mind, so he asked Maodou, "This is the space I created.If I can decide who comes in.”

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Mao Dou nodded hard.And if she had a tail now, she would certainly shake it hard.

"That's easy!" Gong Ping stood under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, his eyes closed slightly, his hands stretched out into the air and said,"My beloved friends, now I open my space and let you freely enter and exit. ......"  
There was no change for half a day. Gong Ping turned around and said to Maodou, "Maybe my spell is too Western fantasy?"

Mao Dou nodded hard.

Gong Ping said, "Then I’ll change one." Then he cleared his throat, and sang, "Oh......”

No response.

"Most Exalted Lord Lao helps me in a hurry!" 
No response.  

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"The soldiers are coming to you!"

No response.

"My Lord Jesus gives you power!"

No response. 
Helpless, Gong Ping turned round and said to Maodou,"Is this space really built by me?"

Mao Dou nodded hard.

Gong Ping touched back of the head and said: "You can just nod." Then he meditated: “There have been two of me in the past ten years, one in the hospital bed, and one in this place. Now that the two are one, I can't be either. Fortunately, I don't have schizophrenia, and it is a blessing. “He spoke to himself and looked around again. In addition to Mao Dou that only nodded, no one could help. Even Mao Dou was impatient. she found a bench and sat down with her hands on her chin,staring at Gong Ping with her big eyes.  
"Dead dog! You are waiting to make stories out of me." Gong Ping smiled and screamed, and shouted to the sky: "The Virgin Mary of curtsy..." Suddenly remembering that this Western thing may not be able to manage the East, so mischievously changed his mind and said, "Ozawa Maria of curtsy.” 
He shouted at random, and he didn’t treat conscientiously. He didn’t expect that when the words came out, the head of the wind suddenly changed, and a thunderbolt collapsed. Gong Ping was afraid of being thundered, he hurried rush to the side. Thanks to this jump, with the thunder and screaming, a bunch of women fell from the air, like a rugby-like smashing into a stack. Fortunately, Gong Ping jumped off in time; otherwise it would have to bottom out.

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