Chapter 6 Uncle Nine

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When Wu Min, the intimate beauty inspector, patrolled again, she was not stunned. She always swayed Gong Ping’s silly face.

"I really don't know how Xiong Jianpong is against him... is he asking for himself... Who told him to fake the police?" Wu Min thought on the way, actually smashed the red light twice, and the traffic police saw that she was an inspector, so let him go.

Finally, Wu Min decided to stop the inspection in advance and go back to the office.

Wu Min's father is a high-ranking man in the province. She wanted to be a criminal police when she was a child. According to her dad's status, it is extremely easy for her to be a policeman. But who is willing to let their children fall into danger? Therefore, although Wu Min’s police was on the charge, she was operated as an inspector. She did not need to deal directly with criminals on the front line. Criminal police is one of the most risky occupations in peacetime.

But Wu Min is a very ambitious woman. She is not willing to accept asylum under the shadow of her parents. She always wants to make something big. She does not stay in the provincial capital. She stayed in Baofeng City is one of the examples of resistance. However, Baofeng City is also a provincial city, and she still has not escaped her father's control. Wu Min is still being taken care of in Baofeng City because her father. Wu Min was secretly determined to focus on the criminals directly. Gong Ping’s unfortunate to meet her in the daytime, and was shot by Wu Min as a sneak sneer, One of the bad elements of robbery. 

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Wu Min shouldn't be blamed to do anything not in detail. Gong Ping, who was awakened, was still wearing the old police uniform and could not get valid documents. How can this not cause other people’s doubts?

Wu Min entered the gate of the police station and saw that the upstairs and downstairs became a busy one. Almost everyone was fully armed, and even the special police team gathered in the yard.

"What happened?" Wu Min grabbed a familiar policeman and asked.

The policeman said in a hurry. "There was a suspect in the interrogation room who took some of our brothers as hostages and wanted to see **”

“**? Didn’t he sacrifice two years ago?” Wu Min asked strangely, but she thought," who is so fierce? There are at least two police officers in the interrogation room." Just as Wu Min was stunned, the policeman vanished.

Wu Min hasn't figured out a lot of things. She is trying to find another person when she sees her boss. Yan Fu, the director of the supervision room, comes over. When he sees Wu Min, he says. "I want to call you, Come on, the captain Zhao of the emergency team wants to ask you a few words."

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"Me?" Wu Min felt strange.

"Of course you." Yan Fu said, "The suspect is who you caught, you know the situation best."
"That is the dumb thief." Wu Min was disappointed, the man seemed to be insane, and he had no skills to subdue two police officers. Although she thought so, she went with him.

The efficiency of the police is high. In such a short period of time, an emergency office has been set up. It is made up of the elites of the police station. Even the nearby garrison sent a representative to the office. The scene is really big.

When they saw Wu Min, everyone was very happy. After all, Wu Min was the first person to contact and arrest the suspect. She knew the suspect best. Her arrival was very helpful in solving the current problem.

The head brains in the bureau asked Wu Min some questions, mainly asking about the suspect's situation and the arrest situation. Wu Min answered it one by one. The police chief Guan Taizhong listened and asked Wu Min to rest. However, Wu Min was very interested in this stupid suspect.

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"What did he? Can I look at the surveillance video at the time?" Wu Min asked. Captain Zhao said, "The video is only a little bit, there is no video of the fight, at that time..." He paused and then went down and said: "The synchronization of the recording equipment has gone wrong... When the recovery, the following struggle has already ended."

Wu Min listened with a sneer and said. "There is Xiong Jianguo in the person being clamped. I remember that I also handed him over to him. I haven't seen him since I came back."

Captain Zhao said with some embarrassment. " There he is." According to the police or the official position, any person in this house is taller than Wu Min, but Wu Min is not an ordinary woman, but she has a powerful dad, people in the bureau will listen to her more or less.

"I have already submitted a written report!" Wu Min began to complain. "Xiong Jianguo is uneasy. The last time he was suspected of torture, the case has not been settled. This time it must be played hard, so it raise trouble" In Wu Min’s impression, the suspect is just a thief, and even a little honest guy, this kind of person, weekdays he is extremely bully, but once you endure the limit, the attack is quite powerful. The so-called smoldering can not be blown up, but once it blows up, it must be earth-shattering. 

Although Wu Min has a background in the province, after all, it is others’ site, especially in the face of so many people, this can make leadership a little bit embarrassed, especially the Chief Guan Taizhong, his face suddenly became gloomy, thanks to the director of the supervision room, Yan Fu, quickly said, "Little Min, you just patrolled back, go and get a rest first." Then he dragged her out.

After Wu Min left, police chief Guan Taizhong began to deploy rescue work, the first principle is that the criminals can not be tolerated naturally, especially those who dare to make trouble inside the police station, but It’s easier to take a blitz action. The place where the suspect held the hostage was the interrogation room. This place was very strong. One of the purpose of the construction at that time was that the people inside could not run out. And the people outside the door can't attack. The interrogation room is in the basement, there is no window, the sniper can't be used. Only the door can go in and out. Even if the door is opened, there are many variables in it. Because one of the two police officers who participated in the interrogation carried the gun. That is to say, the suspect now has a gun in his hand; there is also a plan to attack from the ventilation pipe, and how to whisper through the rotating ventilation fan becomes a problem.

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While the emergency headquarters was busy with the development of the offensive plan, Guan Taizhong’s radio rang, and the leader of the first surveillance team on the scene was calling. He reported, “Uncles Nine is negotiating with the suspect.”

They were all stunned at once. Guan Tianzhong’s reaction is the fastest, and he quickly said, “Why don’t you stop him!”

The group whispered and said. "Nobody can stop Uncle Nine."

Speaking of Uncle Nine, that is also a celebrity in the police station. Nine's real name is Lao Jiugui. Because he loves to drink, he is dubbed the old drunkard, but the name of the old drunkard can't be called everyday. And he is old, so everyone calls him Uncle Nine on weekdays.

Uncle Nine was a good hand of criminal investigation. He was upright, but he was not good at social intercourse. He also made several mistakes because of drinking. He missed the opportunity of promotion. Therefore, he was still a big soldier at the age, and he could be a policeman was only because full of years of service. In recent years, Uncle Nine’s health was not as good as before. When he was young, he suffered from injuries when he was fighting with the gangsters. 

Therefore, when he was in the 22nd place (here the establishment was created by the author), he was taken there, and he was considered as a pensioner waiting for retirement, anyway, the case of 22 is always a "three no" psychic case (the case that was sent can not be broken, the broken case can not catch suspests, the arrest can not be killed), It does not matter to deal with cases or not. In a word, It is to let Uncle Nine had nothing to do. But now it is this uncle who showed the spirit of courage that a police should have.

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