Chapter 27 Prologue: Stealing Mesona

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(All padding parts had been completed; the following was a wonderful story of the cop with supernatural power)

Long Jiaojiao had always been somewhat afraid of Uncle Nine.

There were only three or four people who knew Long Jiaojiao was a monster in the entire police station. Even Wu Min, the deputy director, didn’t know it. Although Uncle Nine was senior, his level was not high, he didn’t know about it. However, his eyes were sharp and he could definitely see the differences.  
It was another Monday. Long Jiaojiao tried to summon up a smile in front of the reception desk, in fact, her mind already flying away from the sky. At this time, a scorpion suddenly filed on the reception desk, and Xiaojiao was shocked. When looking up, Xiong Jianguo looked at her with a smile.  

"Hey, what are you doing, you scared me." Long Jiaojiao grumbled in a flirtish manner with her hand on her chest. Women, especially beautiful women, were inherently lethal to men. So many monsters, even males, liked to morph women in the human being world. Such monsters were often called "transvestite."  
However, Long Jiaojiao was not a transvestite, she ranked NO.1 policewoman in the bureau. She seemed to be unclear with the Chief to the outsiders, so it was quite gratifying to take advantage of her.

Xiong Jianguo felt very proud as he scared Long Jiaojiao. He smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? You are a policewoman." In fact, Long Jiaojiao couldn’t be scared by a mortal such as Xiong Jianguo. She just pretended to be so.  

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Long Jiaojiao said, "I am still a woman. You should take pity on me."

Xiong Jianguo said with jealousy, "I don't dare to take pity on you." His subtext was: You are the chief's girl. How dare we treat you like that?  
Long Jiaojiao whispered, "Don’t do this. Say it now if you have things. I am busy." In fact, she did not do anything at this time, and there was nothing for her to do.

Xiong Jianguo said with a smile, "You are so indifferent. Our squad helped you a lot this time."  
Long Jiaojiao said, "Bridge is bridge, and road is road. When did section 22 and the serious case group become friendly units?"

Xiong Jianguo said: "Okay, don't grind your teeth. Where is your director? I really have something to do with her."  
"She was clearing up archives in it." Long Jiaojiao said. It was kind of directing the way.

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"What is her mood like today?" asked Xiong Jianguo. Wu Min took him lessons when she was an inspector, so Xiong Jianguo had a lingering fear. This person was actually not a good policeman. He used torture to coerce a statement from time to time. Wu Min often made him lose face, and Wu Min had a background, Xiong Jianguo could not do anything with her.  
Long Jiaojiao was amused when she saw Xiong Jianguo, and deliberately exaggerated the facts and said in a strange voice, "Her mood? Very good, I have never seen a smile since I have been in section 22."

Xiong Jianguo was breezing, but his was stubborn, “I am here to help her today.”

Long Jiaojiao said, "That is true. People never hit the one who send him gifts. In fact, she can’t in charge of Uncle Nine and I, it is no wonder that her mood is naturally bad. Poor Gong Ping, he is busy with work all day long."  

Xiong Jianguo sighed and said with sympathy, "Brother Ping is an honest man." He packed up the file and went to the office area.

When Wu Min saw Xiong Jianguo coming in, she did not raise her head. She just asked coldly, "What happened?"

Uncle Nine was old, and his temper was not as hot as he was when he was young. He politely asked Xiong Jianguo to sit down. Gong Ping got out of files, and gave Xiong Jianguo a cup of tea.

Xiong Jianguo thanked him. Seeing that Wu Min still didn't look up and was only busy with her work, he was dissatisfied, but he did not dare to show it. He had to be careful, but said with pride," Director Wu, there is a psychic case. Our group helped you solve it."  

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"What?" Wu Min was surprised. Although the bureau leader had already raised a claim that they should achieve zero breakthroughs, it was not her section 22 to break through the first psychic case. It was kind of losing face. So she asked: "What case? Have you caught the suspect?"

Looking at Wu Min’s expression, Xiong Jianguo smiled in his heart: You also have this expression when you are facing me. So he said slowly, "The suspect is...he escaped for a while, but it is only a matter of time to catch him. We have arranged everything. As long as he shows up again, he can't escape from the palm of our squad even if he puts on his wings."  
Wu Min sighed with a sigh of relief and said, "This is a broken case? Everyone knows that section 22 is a three-no case. The case that was sent can not be broken, the broken case can not catch suspects, and the arrest can not be killed. You only carried out the first stage; you called it a broken case? And why do you say you help us solve a case of supernatural power?"

"This..." Xiong Jianguo suddenly lost his tongue.  
When Wu Min saw that Xiong Jianguo could not find rhetoric, she no longer cared about him. She bent her head over her business. She left Xiong Jianguo alone there, and he was very embarrassed.

Gong Ping had always been soft-hearted. He also knew that although Xiong Jianguo had the meaning of meritorious service, he went here to help. He then put down his own work and asked, "JianGuo, which case you are referring to?"

Xiong Jianguo got a life-saving straw, and said, "It’s the case about stealing mesona..."  

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"Stealing mesona?" Gong Ping thought: Is there a story of the white snake? While thinking, he was trying to hit a few times on the computer keyboard, the result was blank. He had to ask Uncle Nine: "Uncle Nine, my database hadn’t fully finished. Do you have data on stealing mesona?"

In fact, Uncle Nine had opened the file cabinet to find it before Gong Ping asked him. In the past few years, Uncle Nine did not let himself idle, and the files were all sorted out by him. Therefore, he almost memorized the position of every file. The file had been found before Gong Ping’s voice fell.  
Uncle Nine was also very interesting. He found the file and he did not give it to Wu Min. He directly handed it over to Gong Ping. He knew Wu Min would naturally come over when they talked about it.

Gong Ping took the file and roughly turned it over. Uncle Nine said at the side, "The case of stealing mesona happened in November of four years ago, and it was already the early winter season. A Ganoderma lucidum fossil with a history of 13,000 years of the City Museum of Nature had been stolen. Because the legendary Ganoderma lucidum has the effect of returning to life, the case code is called stealing mesona."

Gong Ping asked, "For more than 10,000 years, it must worth a lot."  

Uncle Nine laughed, "In the eyes of people who understand it, it should be invaluable. But the natural museum has lots of more valuable things than this. Not to mention others, there was a natural jewelry tour exhibition when the Ganoderma lucidum was stolen. Although it was a rough stone that had not been polished, it could be a piece of value. The strange thing was that Ganoderma lucidum was stolen. "

Gong Ping also smiled, "Maybe the white lady stole this to save Xu Xian."

Uncle Nine also smiled and said, "So this case was handed over to section 22."

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