Wu Min was not a person who could suffer indignities. She quickly waved and said, "Forget it, I can't afford this service. Gong Ping, Let’s get to the point quickly."

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Gong Ping said, "Yes, right. Mao Dou, is she up?"

Mao Dou was only good for Gong Ping and Ma Fei here. She didn’t care for the one that Gong Ping just said. Therefore, she said, “She won’t get up until it is time to have dinner. She doesn’t sleep at night and stays in bed during the day..."

Wu Min thought it was right when she heard it, "The great scientists and great men all like to work at night."  
Gong Ping said, "Please go to call her, I have something to ask for her help."

Mao Dou said, "I can do it as well if you have something..." The invisible tail was shaking again.

Gong Ping smiled and said, "You can't do it. This is something only she can do."

Mao Dou was reconciled, "If I can't do it, there is still sister Ma Fei."

Gong Ping slammed his hand on her back and said, "If you can't do it, Ma Fei can’t either, so go quickly."

Mao Dou was caressed by Gong Ping, and her heart was happy, then ran.  

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Gong Ping coaxed Mao Dou away. When he looked back, he saw Wu Min's eyes wide open. It seemed that an explanation was needed, but Gong Ping didn't know where to start the conversation. He just laughed.

Wu Min was stupefied for a while, as if she was talking to herself, "I really can't see it." The implication was that Gong Ping was good at dealing with women.

Gong Ping recognized her meaning and was afraid to answer it. Wu Min would brainwash him if he responded it. Wu Min saw that he was not speaking, she felt more awkward, and no longer spoke. The two was quiet. Fortunately, it wasn’t long before they heard a noise outside, one of which was the voice of a delicate woman, the other accompanied by the howl of canines.  
"Let me down!"


The sound was getting closer and closer, and then at the door, someone suddenly flew into the door, properly speaking she was thrown in.  
The person who was thrown in was a woman, her hair was scattered, and she wore a men's large T-shirt as pajamas. It seemed that although Mao Dou was a girl, she was very energetic. She had smashed this woman into a big horse and her tongue had spit out. But the spit out of the tongue was a curse.

Wu Ming saw a woman who fell into a shawl and felt very funny at first. But before she laughed, she saw the woman's tongue. The woman's tongue was very thin, but it was three or four inches long, and ... the front end of the tongue was split! Under the circumstances, How could a normal people's tongue be so long, and it was still split at the front end?  
"Monster!" Wu Min's reaction was very quick. She jumped out of the chair and pointed the pistol at the woman's head as quickly as possible. Although she had seen a lot of files and internal reference photos, but she saw the monster face-to-face was still the first time, the hand holding the gun inevitably shook slightly.

The woman was dragged from the bed by Mao Dou and walked through the half of the corridor. Her face was on the ground. As soon as she raised her head, her head was locked against the muzzle of a black hole. Five seconds later, she yelled, "Yeah! Help me!" A gust of wind bounced from the ground and rushed out the door. Its speed was so fast speed that Wu Min couldn’t react. But the woman ran into a wall - in fact, Mao Dou pushed her again, and the woman bounced back, and this time she fell down again.  

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This time she didn't try to pick himself up, lying on the ground like a dead snake, and screaming in her mouth.

Gong Ping saw Wu Min holding a gun and shaking her hands. He gently pressed his hand on the gun and pressed it down slowly. This was mainly because he was afraid of Wu Min’s nervousness may let the pistol go off. Pressing the muzzle down, he took the gun down and put it on the coffee table and said to Wu Min, "It’s all right, they are all our own." He supported Wu Min’s shoulder and let her sit down.

After taking care of Wu Min, Gong Ping went to see the woman who fell to the ground, and he was about to reach out and lift the woman up. The woman’s arms wrapped around Gong Ping’s neck like a vine wrapped around the tree. "Gong Ping brother, Mao Dou bullies me again... I don't live in your house for free. Every night I take beer and barbecue for you..."  
The soybeans snorted, "Those are the rest of the guests!"

Gong Ping said with a smile, "I know, Qianqian, I actually let Mao Dou call you up."

Qianqian said, "If you have something, you can look for me directly. There is no need to ask Mao Dou to do it..."  
Gong Ping said, "You haven’t got up yet."

Sher Qianqian, "It’s no big deal..."In fact, she already saw Wu Min sitting on the side, so she deliberately said, "You have seen me... oh..." Gong Ping shut her mouth, so the following word wasn’t finished.

Wu Min’s head was now like six crows and seven sparrows in it. It was a bit confusing. But one thing was sure; the women here seemed to be very intimate with Gong Ping. Compared to the Sher Qianqian, Mao Dou was a normal woman.  
Wu Min stood up and said to Gong Ping, "You can stay here. I give you one day off and I am going to the scene."

At this time, Gong Ping took Sher Qianqian to the chair and sat down. Wu Min was about to leave, he smiled and said, "Why? We just found the expert."

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Wu Min saw Gong Ping’s eyes and said, “Expert? She?” She didn’t believe it.

Gong Ping said, "Whether you believe it or not, nobody is better than her at drilling holes."  
Wu Min looked her up and down again. Although the woman was slim, she still didn’t seem to be able to get into the small hole, but she immediately remembered the tongue she had just spit out. She thought: Since it was a monster, maybe she has some abilities...

When Sher Qianqian heard drilling a hole, she asked, "Drilling holes? What holes?"

Gong Ping said, "It’s our case, we need to go into a hole to do a site survey."

Sher Qianqian quickly said, "Don't look for me. The hole is dirty. I won’t go, and now it is afternoon, I have to do business at night."  
Wu Min didn't believe that Sher Qianqian had this ability. Now she saw that she didn't want to go. She said, "Gong Ping, Let’s find someone else."

Mao Dou said, "Don't listen to her. She just wants to bargain."

Gong Ping bowed his head and asked, "What? I ask you to help me, and you want to talk about the conditions?"

Sher Qianqian said, "Brother Gong Ping, I don’t have a fixed job. Do one day and earn a day. People always have to eat ..."  
Gong Ping said, "Tell me you conditions."

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Mao Dou said,"Master, don't talk to her, let me talk to her." Then she rolled up her sleeves.

Sher Qianqian put her head into Gong Ping’s arms and said, “Brother Gong Ping, look at Mao Dou.”  
Gong Ping smiled and waved his hand to Mao Dou. Mao Dou listened to Gong Ping’s word. When Gong Ping did not let her take an action, she went back to the door and sat down on the threshold.

Gong Ping said to Sher Qianqian again, "Ok, let's say the conditions now."  
Sher Qianqian said, "Drilling holes are very dirty, and you should treat me a sauna... And, I can’t go to work tonight if I help you. You should buy me one... No, two beer! This is the minimum condition, and it can’t be less."

Wu Min knew that she was a monster and saw her mentioning the conditions. She felt that her condition must be a monster condition, but she did not expect it to be so simple. Wu Min was also a straight girl; she couldn’t help but blurt out, "This condition! If Gong Ping did not agree, I promised you."

"Really?" She took a break from Gong Ping's arms and jumped in front of Wu Min, which shocked Wu Min.

Wu Min leaned back and said, "Yes... is true. Please be far away from me."  
Sher Qianqian twisted her face and saw the pistol on the coffee table saying, "If you promise me, I have to add one."

Wu Min said dissatisfiedly, "You still want to hike the price."

Sher Qianqian smiled and said, "You have to make sure you don't point your gun at me." 

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