Chapter 35 Night Banquet

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"The current thing is advanced." Gong Ping said with a shock when he saw that the hard disk had bounced out the recorded disc. The hard disk camera not only could synchronize audio and video recording, but also could record. Gong Ping had never seen this equipment before, but he did not expect what Uncle Nine and Xiong Jianguo did before they came back.

After the cave was detected, the site survey work here was almost done. Wu Min and Xiong Jianguo began to contact Long Jiaojiao of the police dog team and Mao Dou of Regional Crime Unit. At this time, it was late, and the police chief Guan Taizhong was also very concerned about the first case after section 22 reorganization. He came to the scene and announced that the night meal subsidy was reimbursed by the bureau. Everyone was very happy when they heard it, because they could blatantly pay meals by the public money.
Xiong Jianguo was responsible for organizing, and almost all of the people involved in the operation today were called. In addition to Regional Crime Unit and section 22, the police dog team and all the related personnel, they arranged several tables. Guan Taizhong made an opening speech first, and then everyone cheered, and the lively posture was like the case had been cracked.  

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Wu Min was originally unwilling to come, but Nine Uncle said to her, "Anyone could choose to not come, but you can't really do it as a middle-level cadre." As a result, she came to discover that she should drink alcohol. Except for Guan Taizhong, the leaders of Regional Crime Unit, the police dog team all came, and they were all the main targets of being attacked (persuasive). Fortunately, there were also two main players on her side. One was the glamorous Long Jiaojiao, the other was the veteran Uncle Nine in the bureau. Now her side added Sher Qianqain who sought beer. With these three people, Wu Min’s impact was relatively reduced. Her side was divided into two distinct groups; one was the main battle group including Long Jiaojiao, Uncle Nine and Sher Qianqian. They could not only protect themselves, but also took the initiative to attack. The other group was passive with Wu Min, Gong Ping and Mao Dou as the main body. They all believed in the truth of eating more food and speaking less on the wine table. They never took the initiative to attack. If it was in peacetime, it wouldn’t attract anyone’s attention, but today it didn’t work. Wu Min, as the leader in charge of section 22, naturally couldn’t escape. And Mao Dou went to track with Regional Crime Unit, and they all admired her, they thought Mao Dou was: professional and dedicated. She lost track of the suspect through the footprints and residual tastes until he went to a chemical factory. Mao Dou was annoyed. She thought that she didn't do anything well. She didn’t know that the distance she followed had far exceeded the distance than Regional Crime Unit and the police dog team. 
"Teacher Mao (because the brothers of Regional Crime Unit didn’t know the identity of Mao Dou, so they called her teacher) was too dedicated, and sometimes used her mouth to taste the mud on the ground." Little Li of Regional Crime Unit was all along with Mao Dou. At the moment, he came to toast with a glass of wine. But there was still one thing he didn't say. The skill that teacher Mao’s tracking skill was really super strong, that was the action... always a little weird... a bit like a dog...

Mao Dou was not good at communication, and when Little Li was looking for her to drink, she looked at Gong Ping. Gong Ping smiled and nodded at her. Mao Dou saw the owner's approval; she didn't say anything and drank up a cup of wine.

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"Hey straight..." Little Li praised her, and wanted to say more, but seeing Mao Dou so straightforward, it was not good to say anything more, he had to swallow the glass of wine. This is a curse. Everyone saw that there was a straight drinker here; they all wanted to respect the expert. Mao Dou didn’t refuse the people who came here, and they didn’t say a word. They just drank it up. When Wu Min saw it, she used her elbow to touch Gong Ping. "If she drinks more, she will be drunk."  
Gong Ping smiled and said, "She is laborious and she could take relax."

There was another accident, when the captain of the police dog team came over to toast Mao Dou, Mao Dou’s suddenly beamed with delight and made an unexpected action. She suddenly smashed the captain’s collar and used her nose to smell him. Then the corners of the mouth upturned, actually revealing a smile. It never happened, because even Gong Ping had never seen Mao Dou laugh. The captain was very serious on weekdays. He never made jokes, especially the jokes between men and women. He came to toast according to rituals, but he was harassed by Mao Dou. He would definitely be furious, but this time, he actually blushed with a look of incomprehensible. It was quiet for a few seconds. Uncle Nine quickly made a joke to cover the embarrassment.  
Wu Min’s face was also red, and she was not as serious as usual. So she touched Gong Ping again, and said, "Come on, or your people will be someone else, haha.”

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Gong Ping also drank a few cups and relaxed a lot. He said, "It doesn't matter, she’s not my wife..."

Sher Qianqian stuck her head out from the side and said, "I am afraid that she will become a drunken dog. She won’t look after our house and let the thief steal the things of us."

Gong Ping smiled and said, "The wealthiest person in our house is Jiaojiao. Even if we are stolen, she lost most."  

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Sher Qianqian usually liked to bicker with Long Jiaojiao. After listening to Gong Ping, I felt very happy, and she laughed with Gong Ping. Long Jiaojiao heard the end of his word on the other side, and then he asked,“What did you say? Did you say evil things behind me?”

Gong Ping and Sher Qianqian quickly denied.

Wu Min already knew that Sher Qianqian was a monster, and Mao Dou as an "expert" invited at the same time was naturally not a human being. Wu Min also guessed a few points what she was. When Gong Ping said that Mao Dou was not his wife, she felt happy. But later she knew that Long Jiaojiao also lived in Gong Ping’s house, and her heart was sinking again: how come one after another? Is Long Jiaojiao also a monster? She was so coquettish and she must be a fox! She couldn't help but laugh when she thought about it. She felt relaxed and she was drunk. She grabbed the bottle and took the initiative to drink it. It was terrible when a woman was crazy.  
When Guan Taizhong struggled, he also came over and drank a few cups with Gong Ping. He heard that the two "experts" were invited by Gong Ping; he also changed the view of Gong Ping. So they came to encourage him. Then, he took the time to ask Long Jiaojiao something. Long Jiaojiao smiled and said, "You just know it. Section 22 has to rely on Gong Ping." 

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