Wu Min had a good sleep all night. She felt like she was a small boat, parking in a wide and safe harbor. She hadn’t own this kind of feeling for a long time since she left home to come to this city. And this feeling had a little more sense of belonging than the one at home.

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When she opened eyes, she saw Gong Ping's sharp and handsome face, and she was sleeping in his powerful arms. Wu Min said with a smile, "Well, why am I sleeping with you?" Then she closed her eyes, and she seemed to plan to sleep again. But after ten seconds she jumped up. And with the screams that shattered the glass to express her complex mood at the time.  

"Ah…" She was worthy of the leader in charge of section 22. This scream was loud enough to make all monsters and ghosts escape.

"What's going on?" It seemed that Wu Min was shocked and she repeated this word.

Gong Ping yawned and turned his head and wanted to talk. Wu Min screamed again, "Turn around! Don't look at me!"

It turned out that Wu Min found herself wearing a men's T-shirt as a pajamas, and she felt cool. It was obvious that this T-shirt was her only clothes. And this T-shirt was not as big as the one that Sher Qianqain wore yesterday. So Wu Min blocked her hand on her chest and grabbed the hem of the T-shirt with one hand and tried to pull it down. At the same time, her eyes were looking around and she wanted to find something else to cover herself.  
"Where were my clothes?" Wu Min asked.

Gong Ping said, "Ma Fei washed them."

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"It's over." Wu Min screamed in her heart. "Not only did she sleep with him, but it was also known to people other than them."

At this time, there was someone knocking on the door outside. Wu Min shrank into the corner and did not dare to speak. She used her eyes to order Gong Ping to cope with. So Gong Ping asked, "Who are you?"

"It's me." Ma Fei’s characteristic and magnetic mezzo-soprano came from outside, "You can get up for breakfast."

"Oh, I know." Gong Ping said, "Are Little Min's clothes dry? She wants to wear them."  
Wu Min blushed again after Gong Ping asked it. "What a bastard! Others know I’m here now." She thought so, and her eyes became sharp. But Gong Ping did not care about it. Wu Min couldn’t wait to slap him, but she had to give up because of her current clothes.

Ma Fei replied outside, "I borrowed washing machine from Long Jiaojiao yesterday. They should be dry. I will get them right away."

"Wait for me." Wu Min suddenly jumped up, and now it was impossible for her to stay in a room with Gong Ping alone, and she wanted to pee. No matter what kind of beauty, those things that needed to be done every day were also indispensable. But how could she go out in a T-shirt? So she asked Gong Ping, "Are you wearing underwear?"

Gong Ping said, "Yes, what happened?"

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Wu Min stopped answering. She jumped over, and snatched the towel from Gong Ping and wrapped it on herself. Then she escaped from the room.

Although it was inevitably embarrassing to see Ma Fei, Ma Fei was a woman, and they had a great time last night, she could be called an acquaintance. However, Wu Min still blushed.

The yard was quiet and it seemed that she was not completely awakened.

"What time is it?" Wu Min asked.  
Ma Fei smiled and said, "It’s after nine o'clock in the morning. Fortunately, I am taking a break today; otherwise no one will take care of you." "You go to my room first; I will bring the clothes to you."

Wu Min also felt that her image was not suitable for running around even in a quiet courtyard, but she was the second time to come here. She did not know which room Ma Fei was in. When Ma Fei saw Wu Min’s confusion, she pointed her finger downstairs and said, "It’s the third room below, I live with Sher Qianqian. You just knock at the door. "

Wu Min remembered that Sher Qianqian was gossip, and then she said, "I will follow you. They... haven't gotten up yet."

Ma Fei smiled and said, "They generally can't get up so early."  

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Wu Min just felt relieved. But the more you were afraid of something, the more it would come. Wu Min was afraid that others would see her, but at the corner of the stairs, she was hit with a guy who was in a hurry. It was actually Xiong Jianguo! This guy has a lipstick on his face.

Wu Min resisted screaming again, and Xiong Jianguo was also embarrassed, and he fled after a few laughs.

Wu Min held the railing and felt that her heart was about to jump out. Xiong Jianguo, would definitely talk nonsense after returning to the bureau. Oh my God, how could she behave in the future! It was really a misstep.

She heard the gentle voice of Ma Fei, "Gong Ping is very good, you and he are a good match."  
Not to mention Wu Min, when Xiong Jianguo woke up, he found himself sleeping on a large and comfortable bed, and his whole body was naked, and his thigh roots seemed to be stained with a sticky thing, which was uncomfortable. He was fascinated to see the surroundings. This room was nicely furnished and full of charming.

"Are you awake?" Following the voice, Xiong Jianguo saw Long Jiaojiao sitting in front of the mirror. This beautiful woman wore a loose gauze pajama, and the wonderful part of the body was looming under the gauze pajama. She was carrying a slender Ms. Moore's cigarette on her mouth, cocking her legs, and the snow-white rounded part stimulated Xiong Jianguo's eyes.  
Xiong Jianguo’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated: Did he sleep last night with this woman...? In Xiong Jianguo's mind, Long Jiaojiao was definitely a distant existence. Although this woman was very coquettish, most people could take advantage of her on the mouth, and they must grasp the scale. They didn’t dare to take advantage of the Chief’s girl. He was a bit flattered once he thought that he had a romantic night with this woman last night.

Seeing Xiong Jianguo’s infatuation, Long Jiaojiao smiled and said, “What are you doing?”

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Xiong Jianguo said stupidly, "Why am I here?"

Long Jiaojiao sighed and said, "Men usually to dissimulate when they have taken advantage of women."

Xiong Jianguo buckled his head and said, "I really can't remember."  
Long Jiaojiao said, "I don't know whether you were really drunk or not last night, you held my legs and cried, saying that you had admired me for a long time, and you could die for me, the only requirement was to let me pity you... oh... I have no way, I have to pity you."

"Is that so?" Xiong Jianguo tried to recall last night's affairs. He only remembered that he seemed to be playing with a monster, but that monster seemed to be Sher Qianqian.

"What are you doing?" Long Jiaojiao stood up and swayed, and picked up a pile of clothes from the ground, and threw them to Xiong Jianguo, "Get dressed and get out of my room! I haven’t brought a man back since I moved here, and get your ass over here when nobody is outside!"  

Xiong Jianguo, found his genitals standing upright again, so he said with a smile, "Jiaojiao, can you pity me once again?"

Long Jiao Jiao scolded, "Don’t do it again. I pitied you last night."

"But I really don't feel anything." Xiong Jianguo felt wronged. Moreover, he realized the regret that Pig Bajie ate the ginseng fruit and did not taste its flavor.

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