Episode 40: Be Careful of What You Wish For (XIII)

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I jumped up, kicking off the stones and running towards the door.

Swiftly, I thrust my body through the crack of the door that hadn’t fully closed yet, and hung onto Suradel’s trousers.



I pulled him with insignificant strength, so of course he didn’t even budge.

But as if he noticed that I wanted to drag him into the room, he meekly moved.

“Are you asking me to come in?”


“Yes, yes.”

When Suradel entered the room completely, I jutted my chin towards the door.

“You want me to close it?”


He closed the door without much retort.

It was very suspicious that he was calm even after knowing that I was a penguin.

I put my hand on my waist… Okay, scratch that, I couldn’t do that. Instead, I narrowed my eyes sharply and questioned him.

“Wiii! Wheen! Yueeng! (You just called me Lia!)”


“Wheyeng! Weeng! (Your calmness is also suspicious!)”


“Ween! Whieeeek! Weeeng? (And! Why did you take a photo in that situation?)”

Suradel, who had been listening with a serious expression, spoke with confidence when I finished my words.

“I understand everything.”

…He didn’t understand a thing.

I thought about how to convey my words.

It would have been better if there was a penguin-like interpreter, like Iprus.

Suradel tilted his head as he watched me roll my eyes here and there.

“Ah, did you ask why I wasn’t surprised when I saw you as a penguin?”

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“Wheeng! (Yes!)”

I nodded my head violently up and down in a hurry.

However, doing that made me look as if I was dancing, so Suradel burst into a small chuckle and parted his lips, speaking with a pleasant smile.

“Well, I knew that you were Adelia from the moment we first met?”

“Ik…! (That……!)”

I stared at him in shock, then shook my head and denied reality.

“Yueeng! (Lies!)”

“It’s not a lie.”

“Ween! Whieeek? (What, how did you understand what I just said?)”

“Lia, with that expression, I think I can’t help but understand.”

‘So, did you just let me pretend to be a killer whale even though you knew I was a penguin?’


‘Even if Suradel is like that, isn’t it hurting Bella, who firmly believes that I am a killer whale?’

It was when I was squinting, trying to understand his intentions.

“Anyway, it’s been a while since I met you in penguin form when you are awake.”

He blushed shyly.

“I knew that you are the same as the human Lia, but seeing your sober appearance after a long time healed me.”

Suradel got down on one knee and tried to make eye contact with me.

He lowered his head and brushed his hair, gazing at me in my penguin form.

The red-hot eyes were vivid.

“Ah… . Your angry eyes are the best.”

It’s not eyes, it’s just white fur.

It annoyed me when he treated my white fur as an eyeball even though he knew it.

“May I dare touch your belly?”

He thought it would work?

Anger welled up at the mention of wanting to touch my precious belly fat.

Eventually, I started to mercilessly peck all over his body.

“Wheyeng, weeeng! (It’s my precious belly fat!)”

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After a long temper tantrum, I huffed and withdrew, and Suradel’s face came into view.

Strangely enough, however, he didn’t seem to be in pain or upset…

He appeared to be overwhelmed.

“Oh my gosh. Lia, did you just kiss me?”


Come to think of it, my ‘beak’ would be the ‘lips’ for a human, and the act of pecking him all over his body with my lips… 

Thinking that far, I let go of my anger when I realized that I had been caught up in his pace before I knew it.


‘Kissing, what nonsense… are a bird’s beak and human lips the same!?’

It was then.

Took. Degur.

At the sound of something rolling, Suradel and I simultaneously turned our heads to look at the source of the sound.

“La, Lady Lia…?”

Ipres, who I didn’t know when she came, dropped the basket and stared at the two of us alternately as if trying to figure out the situation.


It was the moment I was about to run to Iprus to tell her what Suradel had told me.

Iprus bit her lower lip with a look of resentment on her face.

“Why did you get caught while I was away for a while! I should have seen that funny scene…!”

‘Hey, do you think it matters now?’

After beating herself up for a while, Iprus raised her head and asked, as if she had remembered something.

“Sir Suradel, what about the video sphere?”

“Sorry. I forgot about it because it was so sudden.”

“Huh? Forgetting that important thing, what the hell did you do right?”

“Oh, I came back and took some pictures.”

“…As expected! I believed in you, Sir Suradel.”

“Haha, I don’t think you have any faith in me at all.”

Realizing that there was something agreed upon between the two, I glared at them with eyes full of betrayal.

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Then Iprus, upon hearing my voice, nodded her head in agreement.

“I see. Lady Lia has a point.”

“Oh, what did she say?”

At Suradel’s question, Iprus glanced at me and said,

“Lady Lia says that the right side of her face looks better in photos than the left.”

That cow… it was very cowardly of her to interpret it in a way she was comfortable with only at times like this.

Angry at Iprus’ crappy interpretation, I started pecking at her leg.

“Heuk. It hurts, Lady Lia.”

She whined, claiming it was painful, but I didn’t care and continued pecking hard.

Suradel looked at me blankly and asked.

“Lia, if you feel it’s unfair, shouldn’t you return to your human form and say it yourself?”

That’s the way…!

I hurriedly tried to transform into a human, but I soon realized I didn’t know how.

With my mouth open, I looked at Suradel blankly. He responded with a face that made it seemed as if he was at a loss upon seeing such a cute expression.

“Oops. Even if you look at me with such a cute face, there is nothing I can do for you, Lia.”

It was clear that he said it knowing I couldn’t humanize.

I narrowed my eyes and glared at him.

“Whehe, ween? (I didn’t look at you with that intent?)”

“Haha, I don’t know what to say, but it’s cute. Be more angry.”

The sight of him laughing really made me want to hit his stomach hard.

But he would love it if I started hitting or pecking him.

It was around the time when I was glaring at him, unable to do anything about it. Suradel tilted his head. There was something he was curious about.

“Lia, since you managed to animalize by your own will, going back to your human form would have to be manual. But do you know how to go back?”


What, wouldn’t I automatically become human after a while?

“Animalizing due to unstable humanization is a temporary phenomenon, if the cause of animalizing is resolved, you will become a human again.”

I quickly nodded.

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As he said, even if I turned into a penguin, as long as I managed my emotions well, I would return to being a human before long.

“But this time, didn’t you animalize by your own will? So you’ll have to humanize yourself.”

Crazy. Was it like that?

Tomorrow was the day the Weils and I were supposed to head to the estate, but a big problem happened.

The corners of Suuradel’s mouth went up in a crooked way as he saw me panicking.

“It’s a big problem, Lia. What if Mother gets disappointed in you and kicks you out of here?”

Hearing those words, I took a sharp intake of breath and stiffened.


Suradel noticed the oddity and called my name, but nothing came to my ears. The words ‘disappointed’ and ‘kick out’ were stuck.

My heart was throbbing. There was a fast pulse. At the same time, breathing became difficult.


‘No. No…!’

Suddenly, I came to my senses after being in a state of panic. And hurriedly searched the room, dragging a small bag with my mouth.

Then I took a few stones, the clothes I was wearing as a human, and the emergency money I had hidden and dragged them to the feet of Iprus.

Iprus, who silently watched my actions, narrowed her eyes.

“My lady, are you sure you want to run away?”

Why not?

If I left Whale Street before I got caught, I would have left on my own.

No one would think I had been abandoned.

I couldn’t bear to go through a situation where Bella looked at me as a burden.

“Where are you going to go in the middle of the dangerous night?”

Quietly, I stared at Iprus. I meant to stay at her house.

“Oh, you’re totally welcome…!”

Swiftly interpreting the meaning of my gaze, Iprus was deeply moved. Then, after a glance at Suradel, she flinched and suddenly began to calm me down.

“Um, but wouldn’t it be better to think again? It seems that neither the head of household nor Sir Suradel dislike you being a penguin, Lady Lia.”

Suradel also took care of the situation with a rather serious expression, perhaps surprised by my extreme behavior.

“I’m sorry, Lia. It was just a joke. I didn’t expect you to be so shocked.”

Ame: Our poor Lia, if only you knew how lovable you are and how they would never abandon you…! You have a place in this world bby!

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