Episode 45: It’s Best to Play (I)

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It was when I was absent-mindedly engrossed in the wand.

“Do you like it? You said before that you wanted to wield a magic wand. So I worked hard on it.”

“…Did you make it yourself?”


I blinked rapidly in bewilderment.

It was just something I said roughly to gloss over something.

A strange feeling came up when I thought that Suradel had worked hard for weeks to make this magic wand.

I didn’t know what he was doing for me.

I reached out to grab the magic wand he held out, then slowly lowered my hand again.

“…Thanks, but I’m a penguin, Su.”

‘What’s the point of having a magic wand when I can’t use magic?’

Previously, Primo, the head of the Weil family, looked at the mana in my body and said that I might be able to use magic…

Then, as if that part was not a problem at all, Suradel relaxed and parted his lips, saying,

“Lia, you asked me before if you could use magic. I replied that I could use it.”

“That’s… right.”

“I didn’t say that considering you were pretending to be a killer whale, I said that because you really can use magic too.”

I, who was neither a whale or a pure-blooded human, could use magic?


“Yes, really.”

I looked at Suradel’s face, wondering if it was a joke, but I couldn’t find a single lie in his face.

“Either way, I’m curious. What’s with the mana in my body that made Lord Primo laugh out loud when he saw me?”

“Ah. I knew Father found out that you are a penguin, but turns out you got caught because of the mana.”

Suradel gave a small chuckle, then lightly shrugged his shoulders like it wasn’t a big deal. What’s so funny? 

“…Well, he must have been surprised by the vast amount of mana in your body.”

“…Massive mana?”

I widened my eyes limply.

I didn’t think Primo would have laughed out loud just because I had a lot of mana.

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I guess he was just surprised.

It was a bit uncomfortable, but if it was intentionally hidden, it was clear that he would not tell me even if I asked.

I quickly gave up and decided to ask something else.

“Then, my species trait is to generate mana inside my body like a pure-blooded human?”

“No, Lia, you are different from pure-blooded humans. It’s a species trait that’s completely different from whale demibeasts.”


“You know that pure-blooded humans use magic with the mana generated within their bodies, right?”

I nodded.

I also knew that the amount of mana produced by each person varied greatly.

That’s why, among pure-blooded humans, there were people who could barely use magic.

“However, unlike pure-blooded humans, demibeasts do not produce mana in their bodies. Here, the species trait unique to whale demibeasts shine…”

I focused on his words.

This stemmed from my curiousity about the species trait of the whale demibeasts.

“The whale demibeasts’ special ability is high mana affinity. Whales use their species trait to draw mana from the air and use magic.”

Using magic with the mana in the air?

“Oh my god. That’s possible?”

“Mhm. Mana has its own will, so it covers the user.”


Having guessed that the species trait of whales was that they generate mana in their bodies like pure-blooded humans, I really didn’t expect they were using magic that way.

“It’s an amazing ability.”

Suradel’s lips curled affectionately.

“There is a saying that whales have been spiritual creatures since ancient times.”

It was a species trait that went well with whale demibeasts.

“Unfortunately, the conditions are tricky, so it hasn’t been long since they realized their special ability.”

It took a while for whales to become aware of their species trait?

I felt like my eyes were wide enough to pop out.

When did it start to change from the original?

“Then, since when did the whales use magic?”

“Around the time when Weil Street was being built.”

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(TL/N: I cannot remember if it’s actually explicitly stated in earlier chapters I don’t think so, I feel like I mostly typed residence/mansion. ‘Weil Street’ is where the Weils stay when they’re in the capital, and ‘Weil Castle’ is their so-called main home in their estate/territory.)

About 20 years ago. It was older than I thought.

I thought that I would raise suspicion if I asked more deeply, so I quickly took care of my expression and asked another question.

“Then how can I use magic?”

“Lia’s special ability is probably…”



I looked up at Suradel nervously. Then he paused and stared at me.

How many seconds have passed like that?

Suradel, who was standing as firm as ice, suddenly tapped his cheek with his index finger.

“If you kiss me here, I’ll let you know.”

“Haha, it’s a little difficult to do it with the lips, but I can make my palms meet your cheeks.”

“…I prefer to be beaten with penguin wings, the palm is kinda bad. I will decline.”


I clicked my tongue and let out a brief regret.

“Stop kidding around. So, what is my special ability?”

“It wasn’t a joke.”

When I silently showed my palms, Suuradel raised his hands and pretended to surrender.

“Perhaps, Lia… being able to store mana in your body is your species trait.”


I was a bit embarrassed by the species trait I had never thought of.

‘Is it just a save function?’

‘You mean I can’t produce my own like pure-blooded humans, and I can’t use mana in the air like the whales?’

I stared at Suradel with eyes that couldn’t give up hope because I wanted to deny reality.

“Ha, but didn’t you say that there is a vast amount of mana in my body?”


“Then where the hell did those mana come from? If my species trait is only saving, it probably isn’t my mana.”

“You’re sharper than I thought, Lia.”

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Suradel replied with a meaningful grin.

“Well. You were born in the Magic Tower, and Lord Reynos, the owner of the Magic Tower, took care of you every day, so it is possible for you to accumulate mana.”

“Is that… so?”

I was lost in thought, unable to erase my bitter feelings.

So, in summary, if I were to compare Suradel’s words to food…

[Pure-blooded human — Farming ✓, storage ✓]

They can farm on their own. The scale of farming and the size of storage differ from person to person.

[Whale — Farming X, storage X]

They don’t farm, but they are friendly, so they get food at the right time from their neighbors.

[Me — Farming X, storage ✓]

I can’t farm and have no relations, but I have a large storage. Once filled, food can be taken out and eaten at any time.

‘…Is it roughly like this?’

“Pure-blooded people are cheaters.”

Suradel shook his head after hearing the words I had unknowingly uttered out of dejection.

“However, since the amount of mana generated is innate, there are more restrictions on the magic that pure-blood humans can use than the whales.”

“…The whales are cheaters.”

“That’s not true.”

When he denied my words, saying that both were not cheaters, I asked with a somewhat puzzled expression.


“I told you that whales use the mana in the air.”

“Yes, you did.”

“That’s why, unlike pure-blooded humans, an additional process of persuading mana is required.”

“The process of persuading?”

“Mhm. So, unlike pure-blooded humans who can use magic by drawing a magic circle and calculating formulas, whale demibeasts have to recite magic spells too.”


Did this mean that whale demibeasts have to draw magic circles, calculate formulas, and chant spells at the same time?

…Magic must be something that only geniuses could use.

I spoke in a very embarrassed tone. I still wanted to deny reality.

“B-But when I was in the Magic Tower, I saw humans also reciting magic spells?”

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“Ah. It’s not a magic spell, it’s just something they say so they don’t confuse the formula they’ve calculated in their head.”

“Then what about you? When you casted movement magic to the Weil family territory earlier, you did so without any chanting.”

“Yes, I am a genius.”

‘…Does being a genius explain that?’

After wondering about his identity for a while, I smiled and gently pushed the magic wand he was holding with both hands.

“I give up on magic!”

“Why? Before, you said you wanted to use magic.”

“I’m not good at calculations. I’ll be a mess at drawing magic circles and calculating mathematical formulas. Besides, my species trait can only store mana. How do I use magic when I don’t know when it will run out?”

“Hmm. You don’t have to worry about running out of mana. In the first place, your mana capacity is incomparably bigger than that of pure-blooded humans…”

Blurring the end of his words, Suradel’s eyes curved seductively. 

“If you run out of mana, I can fill it up for you.”

“You can?”

“Mhm. I think it can also be recharged with mana stones? Even pure-blooded humans can make up for the lack of mana that way.”


“But mana stones are expensive and very inefficient, so it’s better for you to ask me.”

“Eh. Then my body will contain the mana you give. I don’t want that.”

Hearing what I said, Suradel suddenly covered his mouth with his hand. He seemed to be holding back his laughter.


‘…Why is he like that?’

After chuckling for a while, Suradel smiled and continued.

“Anyway, since you have enough mana, as long as you learn how to draw magic circles and calculate formulas…”

“But Su.”

I cut Suradel’s words off and put my hand on his shoulder.

“This is the life motto of the penguin I respect the most.”


When Suradel tilted his head to one side and asked, I uttered reverently.

“It’s best to play.”

Ame: Isn’t the mana in Lia’s body Suradel’s? (〃^▽^〃) It’s okay Lia, don’t think too much, it’s best to play!

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