Episode 66: Death Mark (IX)

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I tried to hide my agitation and pretended to be calm.

“It must be wrong if it says that magic fades into history. Anyway, there is no law that says a prophecy must be right.”

“No. You haven’t read the diary, so you can say that.”

Nikita told me with confidence in her eyes.

“If the prophecy doesn’t come true, it’s not that the prophecy is wrong, it’s that fate has changed.”

‘Fate has changed…’

I didn’t know why it sounded like the original was wrong in my ears.

The Weil family, which did not appear in the original work, and Suradel, who was suspicious.

And the existence of a demibeast family that could use magic that did not fit the prophecy.

The magic of the Weil family, which Nikita pointed out, was exactly the part that was different from the original.

With doubtful eyes, I asked.

“So why did you come to Weil Castle?”

“I wonder if it’s okay to say something in front of a lady who is a killer whale, but…”

After a moment of hesitation, Nikita’s lips parted as she looked like she had made up her mind about something.

“Yes. No matter how much I think about it, I doubt that the prophecy was wrong, so I came to dig up the secret of the Weils.”

“Are you stupid?”


“You should have gotten a job with the Weils or found some other legal way, how do you plan to just break into the castle?”

Then, Nikita, who was very nervous—perhaps she wondered if she said it for nothing—sighed in relief and answered.

“I had no intention of breaking in.”


“I was just snooping around to see if I could see the Weils using magic, but my eyes wandered for a moment to a rare herb planted in the garden…”

“Ah. If that’s the case, I understand.”

If there was a pretty jewel in front of me that would be perfect for decorating my nest, I might have walked over as if possessed.

As if she had gained confidence in my response, she tried her luck, which was more finite than I thought.

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“Of course there’s a place I’d like to visit if I could get into Weil Castle.”


“The library.”

“Why the library?”

“There will be materials that detail the history of the Weil family from the time it was established until now, year by year. Big families leave detailed records.”

Maybe Nikita was looking forward to it just by imagining it, for she muttered with half-unfocused eyes.

“I thought if I could look at it, I might be able to find out when the whales started using magic. Then, when and where did fate change…”

Gripping the magic wand, I quietly asked.

“In other words, you tried to break into the castle because you wanted to dig into the Weil’s past?”

“You’re right. If I could just steal that material from the library… Hehe, hehehe!”

‘Are you already excited about solving the question?’

I was surprised that she was more composed than I had imagined, but after hearing her laugh, I knew why she was called a freak.

Anyway, why the hell did she affirm my words? Didn’t she just say that she had no intention of breaking in?

Well, it was beneficial to me if she said it without thinking.

Suddenly, I had a question.

“Nikita. Why are you obsessed with that prophecy?”

Then she shrugged like she would tell me something special.

“It may sound a bit out of the blue, but I am actually a good alchemist. It’s safe to say that there is no one on the continent who can follow me in alchemy.”

‘Yes. Which is why I was desperately looking for you?’

Whether or not she knew what I was thinking, she chattered on with an arrogant expression.

“Do you know how I got to be the best alchemist?”


I didn’t want to dance to her tune, but it was true that she was capable .

“Of course, it could have been possible because I have talent, but it’s because I constantly asked questions and researched to find answers.”

‘What does this mean? That she studied only by reading textbooks?’

“Actually, to me, this is no different from the study of alchemy. I can’t stand being curious.”

She couldn’t stand being curious. It was just what I wanted.

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I put a business smile on my face.

“그럼 나와 거래할래?”

“어떤…… 거래를 말입니까?”

“You must know many prophecies.”


“Are you willing to exchange prophecies with me?”

“Ah. That’s impossible.”

Unknowingly, one eyebrow twitched in dissatisfaction at the firm answer.


“It’s not that I haven’t tried to defy fate.”

“Have you already done something?”

“Yes. But no matter what I did, the fate foretold did not change.”

It was strange.

On the contrary, I think it was because the original work was distorted according to my actions.

I ran away from home, so the heroine, Anemone, couldn’t meet Theodore.

Instead of Anemone, I saved Theodore.

I lowered my head and read the Korean text written in Nikita’s notebook again.

<The world flows according to the predetermined destiny. However, what if someone with an unknown fate appears?>

…Was it possible for me to change the original story because I am a possessor with an unknown fate?

While I was lost in thought, Nikita shook her head in pity and continued.

“Perhaps even when I acted to change the prophecy, I was actually destined to act that way.”

“…What are you talking about?”

“In all honesty, even if I bite my tongue and kill myself right now, I will only follow my fate.”

I snorted, not hiding my feelings of boredom.

“Don’t talk about boring and difficult things. All the readers will go away.”

“What? What is that…”

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“Forget it. Don’t you want to know the meaning of the words in this notebook?”

Nikita’s eyes widened when those words came out.

“Listen, I know the meaning of this sentence. Besides, I can make it such that you can enter the Weil library you wanted to enter without question.”

“…What do you want from me?”

“It’s good you’re quick at understanding.”

I put my hand on her shoulder, flashing a satisfied smile.

“Nikita. Use your alchemy to prevent the extinction of pure-blooded humans.”

“…Yes? What is that all of a sudden?”

After a moment of bewilderment, she quietly lowered my hand that was on her shoulder.

“Didn’t I already tell you that it is impossible to change fate?”

“What if you could change it?”

“I can’t change it.”

Despite her determined attitude, I languidly rolled my eyes.

“Then how would you explain the Weil family’s ability to use magic?”


“Let’s do it.”

Cutting off Nikita’s words, I smiled and explained the current situation in one sentence.

“It seems that fate has already turned irreversibly.”

She stared at me with an absurd expression, then spoke with a smile.

“Hehe, why should I?”

Seeing her repeat the words I said earlier at the gymnasium, she must have kept them in her heart.

She seemed to think that I was flustered because I stayed still, and she uttered with much excitement.

“I guess you know some pure-blooded people, so don’t you have to show me more sincerity to ask for a favor?”

My lips drew a painted smile.

I gave her a choice because I didn’t want to continue with a bad relationship.


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When I raised my magic wand with a grim smile, she shuddered and backed away.

“Why why. Are you raising your wand? Are you going to torture me until I listen to you…?”

“I didn’t think of it, but thanks for letting me know. I will consider that method.”

Then, a look of dismay came over Nikita’s face. Like she just said it for nothing.

I traced the connector between the head of the magic wand and the wand, and took out the glass marble embedded there.

“Do you know what this is?”

“Magic stone…?”

“Deng. Close, but no. Look carefully. You will soon find out what this is.”

I blew mana into the glass marble.

Then, as Nikita’s and my face surfaced, a voice came out.

[In other words, you tried to break into Weil Castle because you wanted to dig up the past of the Weils, right?]

[You’re right. If I just steal that material from the library… Hehe, hehehe!]


After the short video, I raised the corners of my mouth into a smirk.

The video only contained one question and answer, but the content in it was unconventional.

Trespassing, and the desire to steal important material from the Weil family.

Among them, the biggest mistake was Nikita’s affirmation when asked if she wanted to dig into the Weil family’s past.

This was because there was a lot of room for it to be interpreted as saying that she was trying to plot something by uncovering the family’s secrets.

With a devilish smile, I whispered seductively to Nikita.

“Now, what will you do?”

I didn’t know that the function that Suradel had put into the magic wand would be so useful.

Nikita widened her eyes and cried out to me, full of resentment.

“You… bully! Fraud!”

“Since ancient times, those who were called gentlemen were closer to bullies or gangsters if you observe closely.”

I gazed into the distance and faintly groaned.

“Adélie penguins, the gentleman of Antarctica, or an island country called the gentleman’s country…”

Ame: Lia be collecting allies like collecting Pokémon

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