Episode 70: Death Mark (XIII)

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Meal time as usual.

However, an unknown awkwardness remained between Suradel and I.

Bella looked at the two of us alternately, fixed her eyes on me, and spoke up.

“A few days ago, I heard that you succeeded in turning into an animal in practice with Suradel.”

“Yes. I can’t quite remember how I got back to being a human.”

“Then it’ll be fine if we go up to the center.”

As expected, the reason she didn’t return to the center must have been because I couldn’t animalized.

“…Thank you for your consideration.”

“No problem. It’s natural.”

“Madam Bella.”

When I looked at Bella seriously, she nodded, indicating for me to say what I wanted.

“I have something I want to tell you before I go up to the center.”

She must have noticed my nervous expression and realized it was a bad story.

Bella’s lips raised gracefully.

“Come to the office at your convenience after eating. Don’t wait.”

I met her eyes and nodded.

It was my intention to reveal that I was not a killer whale, and to be punished or forgiven.

Bella, who drank water and quenched her throat for a moment, shrugged.

“…More than that, if you’re going to have a lover spat in front of me, I’d like you to tell me a year in advance. Shouldn’t I be prepared too?”

Suradel quickly responded to Bella’s joke.

“There is no fight scheduled, but there will be my wedding next year.”

“Oh. That’s good news. Is it a marriage of love?”

“Of course.”

It was only at times like this that the mother-and-son worked well together. I scoffed.

“Who is marrying you?”

“Neither did I ever say that I’m going to marry you.”

Suradel shot back with a mischievous smile.

“Lia, will you come to my wedding too?”

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“If I’m going to attend as the bride, I’ll decline.”

“…Even so, wouldn’t a wedding without a bride be a bit dreary?”

I knew it.

Instead of looking dumbfounded, I let out a laugh and smiled a little.

Was it because I witnessed his weak side?

It was nice to have the usual brazen and smirking Suradel back.


“Yes, Lia.”

He glanced at me with a smile as if to ask what I was thinking, and I smiled back.

“It’s nice to see you smiling.”


After eating.

I took a deep breath in front of Bella’s office and knocked.

However, as soon as I heard the words of approval from inside, my heart, which I had tried to calm down, started pounding.

I didn’t want to be abandoned. But I didn’t want to fool Bella either.

Before going to the center, I wanted to reveal my identity to her.

“Looks like you have something to say, Lia.”


At this tense moment, I confessed my identity to her, suppressing the desire to run away.

“Madam Bella. Actually, I am not a killer whale.”


I mustered up the courage to confess that I was not a killer whale, but I received an unexpected reaction.

“Then what kind of demibeast are you?”

“Pe, I’m a penguin demibeast…”

“You must be cute.”

“Yes? Yes… eh…?”

“Oh, you didn’t hear it. I said you must look cute as a penguin, Lia.”

My complexion turned white.

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She seemed to think it was a joke.

“Madam Bella. I’m not kidding. I’m not a killer whale, really…”

Bella became flustered and hugged me as I mumbled nonsense.

“Don’t make that face. Alas, I have placed too many expectations and burdens on you.”

“…Madam Bella?”

“It’s okay even if you’re not a killer whale demibeast.”

It was something I wanted to hear so badly. What I had only dared to come across in my imagination.

The feeling of relief took the strength away from my legs. Bella picked me up and sat me on her lap.

Then, in a steady rhythm, she gently patted my back.

It was like soothing a child.

“I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t regrettable, but how can a person’s value be judged by his or her race?”

“But… I deceived Madam Bella…”

“No. I misunderstood and created a situation where you have to be a killer whale demibeast.”

Bella smiled and whispered. She had something to confess too.

“Actually, it’s been about a week since I found out you’re not a killer whale.”


Flustered, I rapidly blinked.

‘Did you already know? Is that why you were so calm?’

“After that, I watched you, and you have never pretended to be a killer whale. It was strange that I didn’t notice until now.”

“…I am not a killer whale.”

Carefully, I asked.

“Are you really okay, Madam Bella?”


“If I am not a killer whale, it will be difficult to increase the species.”

“Suradel has fallen for you, so I don’t mind that part at all. Well, it’s up to you to accept his heart, but I’d like to say…”

Her eyes were curved seductively. Her smile reminded me of Suradel.

“When you marry Suradel, I will become your mother. Although it’s technically mother-in-law. You’ll also get a father as a bonus.”

“…Madam Bella being my mother-in-law is kind of appealing, but I’ll politely decline the father part.”

“Oops. Primo isn’t a help at all.”

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After letting out a chuckle, Bella asked what she had been curious about. 

“By the way. So… are you the penguin Lord Reynos is looking for?”

“Um… yes.”

“When you first met me, you weren’t lying when you said you weren’t abused. You must have been the happiest penguin.”

“Yes. Dad always puts me first.”

There was concern in Bella’s voice.

“Don’t you want to see Lord Reynos?”

“I want to see him…”

Sitting on Bella’s lap and thinking about my father, tears welled up for no reason.

I wanted to act like a child.

“Because Dad hates prisoners.”

“Ah… I hadn’t thought of that part. Is that why you ran away?”

Instead of speaking, I nodded. Then Bella stroked my hair.

“Then I will respect your opinion. I’ll hide you as a killer whale in Weil until you don’t want it. When you’ve decided, go and confess to Lord Reinos.”

It was a very kind favor.

But I couldn’t readily answer.

‘Does my dad really…’

“Lia. The hearts and minds of parents who love their children will never change no matter what their child looks like.”

—It’s the same for me.

With a light smile, Bella changed the topic as if to turn the gloomy around.

“Lia. Now that I know you’re a penguin, there’s something I want to do with you, is that okay?”

“It’s fine… May I ask what you want to do?”

Bella quietly got up and faced me.

Then, she put her hands under my armpits and lifted me up.

Like a strong warrior, she did so easily.


Suddenly floating in the air, I stared down at Bella.

After looking at me for a moment, her cheeks turned pink like peaches.

Somehow, to her, it was a very exciting sight.

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“Flying penguin.”

…Apparently, there were no normal people in the Weil family.



Jerome’s head turned to the side.

With a cold gaze, Mama looked down at the boy on his knees.

“I was looking forward to hearing some interesting news, but the chilling news came first.”

She lifted Jerome’s chin with a firm grip.

“I hear that the killer whales have returned to the center. What happened, Jerome?”

“I tried to carry out Mama’s order, but she seems to have a deeper relationship with the Weil family than I thought.”

“Then you should have killed her without hesitation.”

Unlike usual, Jerome stared at Mama calmly. As if he had predicted this situation, he uttered with composure.

“Mama. Calm down a little, and listen to me.”


When Mama glared at Jerome in silence, he continued speaking.

“The sharks that Mama raised with love are all grown up, and we will go hunt the killer whales soon. I know that day is not far away.”

Mama’s head slowly tilted.

“But, as you know, the Weils have heavy surveillance, and we have an absurd lack of information.”


“Using that penguin, I can steal information from the Weil family. Maybe we can pick the best hunting date.”

“Are you sure it’s a penguin demibeast?”

Jerome’s pupils trembled slightly.

“…I pretended to be a friend and even checked her animal form, so it’s certain.”

Only then did Mama sit down in the chair, her anger quelled.

“Yes, now that I think about it, it would be a waste to kill it right away. In order to get information out of it, you’ll have to keep it alive for now. Hm…”

The corners of her mouth slanted upward.

“It wouldn’t hurt to shock her by revealing that the child is a penguin, not a killer whale. Let’s watch in moderation and reveal it.”

“Yes, Mama.”

Ame: Between last chapter and this, there’s just too many onions being chopped ;-; and Jerome, I have faith in you! Don’t fail us!

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