Episode 86: The Ties That Bind (XV)

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The day after receiving the invitation.

Anemone, who treated us like we were invisible every day, talked to us for the first time.

“Are you coming to Lady Adelia’s birthday banquet?”

I blinked at the intriguing question.

Besides, there was a bit of ridiculousness in asking, ‘Are you coming?’

It was because the invitation contained a subtle threat that if we did not come to the banquet, there would be a disadvantage in the trade of magic items.

Other families who had received the invitation would also attend the banquet.

Since the Weil family was a family with magic, they might be free from threats like that, but… 

Rather, it was all the more difficult for the Weil family to not attend as they were the family with the most frequent exchanges with the Magic Tower.

‘Actually, there are many families that hate pure-blooded people.’

‘What was Dad thinking when he sent such an invitation?’

I bit my lips and responded slowly.

“…Yes. I’m attending.”

“…Thank goodness.”

Seeing her relieved expression, I hesitantly asked what I was curious about.

“Uh… Anemone. Is it true that Lord Reynos’ lost penguin has been found?”

“Yes, it’s amazing. She was in a completely unexpected place. We had a hard time finding it, but now that we’ve found it, it’s okay.”

Having said that, Anemone muttered as if making a promise to herself.

“We will never lose again.”


Confusion arose at the expression and tone of voice that really seemed to have found Adelia.

What kind of penguin did they find that they firmly believe it’s me?

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“Well then, after finding the penguin, how is Lord Reynos?”


Anemone stiffened for a moment as though she had become ice, then answered, avoiding my eyes.

“Tears… He spilled it.”

I didn’t know if I should be happy that he cried after finding me or be sad that he cried while looking at a penguin that wasn’t me.

Anemone, who had taken care of her expression while I was thinking, turned her back like her business was over.

“Anyway, it’s a big birthday party to celebrate the return of the precious Lady Adelia, so I hope you’ll come celebrate with us.”

—I’ll see you at the banquet.

—Our poor lady who had to pretend to be a killer whale.


The morning of my birthday was bright.

It was my first birthday as a human being, but I couldn’t be happy.

A penguin birthday banquet would be held at the Magic Tower.

It was definitely just a place to celebrate Adelia’s return and her birthday.

Ironically, I, the person involved, was not in the Mage Tower.

I was trying to soothe my complicated mind that was overfilled with various thoughts from morning when Iprus entered the room with a knock.

“My dear lady, happy birthday!”

As soon as she entered, she jumped towards me and ran all over the place.

Maybe Hanu wanted to wish me a happy birthday, as unlike usual, he came with her.

He slowly approached me and smiled.

“Happy birthday, Lady Lia.”

My anxious mind was blown away by that steadfast appearance, and a big smile was formed without my realization.

I had no idea how fortunate I was to have other people by my side who love me.

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“Thanks for the congratulations, both of you.”

“Hehe, what? I just wanted to say it.”

It was a natural greeting.

The memories of my previous life, where I was dying alone without anyone congratulating me on my birthday, flashed through my mind.

For once, thinking about the past did not make me depressed, but excited.

Now there were people who would sincerely congratulate me on my birthday.

“Come to think of it, this is your first birthday as a human! On a day like this, we should throw a special commemorative party. It’s a shame.”

Iprus, who had been laughing cheerfully, lowered her eyes sullenly as she talked about the party.

“Well, after all, a banquet is being held for my birthday. I should be there too.”

“Aren’t you really sad?”

“I was a little confused, but since you congratulated me, it’s okay.”


But the celebration didn’t end there.

After washing up as usual, I entered the dining room and faced a surprise.

As soon as I entered, everyone in the Weil family congratulated me on my birthday, starting with Primo, followed by Bella, then Suradel. Were they waiting for me?

“Happy birthday, Lia!”

Suradel came up to me with a cake.

“You’ll be sad if I don’t blow out the candles, right?”

On the cake, there was a cute picture of a penguin standing majestically stepping on a killer whale.

The drawing was interesting, but I laughed for some reason when I saw the candle stuck on the cake.

After 4 years of possession, I realized that I had truly reincarnated.

Primo and Bella each gave me a present.

The gifts were separate, but the dress and accessories matched well as if they were prepared together.

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It was a chiffon dress with a gradient design; starting with a light sky blue and going down to blue.

I liked it.

I was going to try it on right away, but I decided to put it off upon realizing that there was a banquet this evening.

“Thank you so much…”

I smiled broadly as I hugged the box of dress and accessories.

Then I turned my head and stared at Suradel.

It meant, ‘Come and give a gift.’

It was pure shamelessness, like taking the money already entrusted to me, but Suradel appeared flustered.

“Sorry. You said you wouldn’t accept jewels because they were like marriage proposals, and Mother and Father fought over the dress and accessories, so I haven’t picked out a birthday present yet.”

There was no way he forgot my gift. He couldn’t have not bother to prepare a gift.

He must have worried and hesitated because he wanted to give me something better.

Suradel looked at me with an anxious face.

“If there’s anything you want, can you tell me?”

“Hmm… I can’t think of anything right now, is it okay if I tell you later?”

Theodore’s gift was not accepted for various reasons, but Suradel was fine.

Since Suradel always gave me birthday presents even when I wasn’t human.

It would be even weirder not to accept it now.

It was like proof that I cared about my relationship with him.

Maybe because I wasn’t particularly offended, Suradel smiled brightly, sweeping his chest as if he was relieved.

“If there is anything you want, just tell me. It’s okay if it’s not necessarily material…”

Something flashed through my mind like lightning when he said that it was okay even if it wasn’t material.

In an instant, heat rose in my face, and I hurriedly fanned with my hands.

Even if it was subconscious, I couldn’t believe I thought of that…

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‘Crazy, crazy…’


Arriving at the banquet hall a bit late, I looked around and found Suradel.

I came with Suradel to the Magic Tower, but I told him to go in first because there was a small problem with my dress.

It was not even a banquet that required a partner, so I wondered if I should go find Suradel, but then again, I didn’t really know anyone in this banquet hall… 

Just two, Suradel and Theodore.

Primo and Bella didn’t bother to attend the banquet, because it was acceptable even if only one member of the family attended.

And… Everyone was gathering and talking about this and that, what was I doing all alone?

I needed a companion.

The Magic Tower, which I hadn’t been to in a while, hadn’t changed at all.

It was nice to see that fact.

But on the other hand, I also thought that even without me, the Magic Tower would be able to run just fine.

I shook my head quickly.

There was no need to spoil the mood by thinking bad stuff.

Soon after, I found Suradel standing with a bored expression.

But I had no choice but to halt instead of moving closer to him.

There was a strange air around Suradel.

It was a crowded banquet hall, but there were strangely few people around him.

Come to think of it, back at the Igle family banquet, it seemed that there was no one around him except for the lady who wanted to dance with him.

I didn’t notice then because I was part of the commotion.

I observed Suradel, who stood alone. He seemed familiar with the situation.

There was fear in the gazes of those who were just a short distance away.


‘Have you always lived with this kind of gaze?’

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