Sui Li’er looked at the laughing Chen Ling, her face blushing, and her voice trembling as she said, “Drink, drink, Lord Hubby.”

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The cute appearance made Chen Ling momentarily lost in thought, and an image suddenly appeared in his mind. An adorable cat-girl always stayed by his side, calling out, “Master, Lord Hubby~”

“Hehehe~” His smile gradually turned sinister…

Sui Li’er: ???

“Chen Ling?”

“Huh?” Chen Ling snapped out of his reverie and noticed that Sui Li’er was looking at him with a strange expression. His face turned red in embarrassment, and he coughed before taking the water cup from Sui Li’er’s hand and finishing it in one go. He burped with satisfaction.

Seeing his reaction, Sui Li’er also smiled and said, “Hehe~ the secret code.”

Chen Ling smiled and handed her the water cup, “Burp, thanks, wife.”


〚 Ding~ Target Sui Li’er feels happy~ Points +1 billion! 〛

Happily taking the water cup, Sui Li’er bounced back to her room and recorded in her diary:

〚 Today, Lord God drank a water from my cup and he even called me his wife~ Hehe~ 〛

After writing, she leaned over the table in front of the water cup, blushing, giggling silly, her eyes fixed on the spot where Chen Ling had drunk. She pursed her small lips, not knowing what she was thinking.

Suddenly, she murmured, “I, I’m a little thirsty too~”

〚 Ding~ Target Sui Li’er is shy~ Points +1 million! 〛

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“It’s definitely not because of being weird!” After saying that, she gently bit her lip, picked up the cup, poured herself some water, glanced at the door, and saw that Chen Ling wasn’t there!

“Gurgle~” She took a big sip.


〚 Ding~ Points +1 million~ 〛

Then, she giggled again while leaning over the cup.

After a while, she suddenly thought of something, picked up the water cup, poured herself more water, blushing, and went to Chen Ling, saying softly, “Lord Hubby, drink some water~”

Chen Ling: ???

I just drank it 10 minutes ago.

Memory refresh? Can memories refresh like that?

“Drink, drink, Lord Hubby~.”

This was a level of coquetry that Chen Ling couldn’t handle, so he directly took the cup and drank it all: “Cough~ Thanks, wife… Burp~”


〚 Points +1 billion! 〛

Happily, she ran back to record:

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〚 Called him ‘Lord Hubby’ again~ Also, the second cup of water today~ 〛

Chen Ling understood now. This girl wasn’t resetting her memory every ten minutes. She simply wanted to hear him call her ‘wife’ every ten minutes.

Impressive, Sui Li’er…

As expected, after ten minutes, she came back with another cup of water. “Hehe~ Lord…”

“Won’t drink.” Chen Ling interrupted her directly.

Sui Li’er was taken aback, and her lips immediately pouted. “Tsk, why…” Oops, sorry, wrong expression. “Uh~ that’s fine then.”

Chen Ling couldn’t help but laugh and said, “I was joking. Thanks.”

He then took the cup from her hand and drank it all in one go. This time, he forgot to call her ‘wife,’ but Sui Li’er also forgot due to the little episode just now. Happily, she extended her little hand and said, “Hehe~ Chen Ling, if you’re thirsty, just tell me, okay?”

Chen Ling burped and nodded.

Afterward, Sui Li’er ran back to finish writing her diary and then came back to crawl onto the sofa, happily lying next to him. After a while, she fell asleep, and Chen Ling covered them both with a blanket before also dozing off.

The love life of a god is so ordinary, love and then sleep.

But Sui Li’er was not very well-behaved when sleeping. Her little hand kept crawling over Chen Ling’s body, and after a while, she had one of her legs resting on him while half her body lay across him as she slept.

Her head gently rested on Chen Ling’s shoulder, and sometimes she mumbled in her sleep, occasionally calling Chen Ling’s name or ‘Lord Hubby.’ Other times, it was gibberish, as if she was using a passive skill “Sui Sui Reads” in his ear.

Chen Ling didn’t find it annoying; he just thought she was cute. He didn’t bother and instead quietly listened to her sleep-talk.

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As she slept for a while, Sui Li’er woke up because she needed to pee, and seeing her waking up, Chen Ling immediately pretended to be asleep. Inner thoughts: Why did she wake up so quickly? It doesn’t seem like she slept for long.

Sui Li’er opened her eyes and saw Chen Ling still sleeping beside her. She raised her little head and suddenly froze: Huh? Why am I lying on top of him with half of my body!

〚 Ding~ Target Sui Li’er, feeling shy, points +10 million 〛

Blushing, she gently leaned against his shoulder, reluctant to leave. Her inner thoughts couldn’t help but wonder: Lord God drank so much water just now, why doesn’t he need to use the restroom? Could it be… Lord God doesn’t need to use the restroom!

Oh~ it’s great to be a god, no need to use the restroom…

After thinking about some random stuff, Sui Li’er couldn’t hold it anymore. She gently crawled out from Chen Ling’s embrace. Her face looked unwilling.

She whispered, “I’ll be back soon~”

Quickly, with a smiling face, she returned to Chen Ling’s side and snuggled back into his arms. Gently climbing onto the sofa, she burrowed into his blanket.

Her movements were very light, afraid of waking him up. But when she reached out her hand and wanted to place it on Chen Ling’s body, she hesitated. Too shy! Too embarrassed!

〚 Points +100,000! 〛

Ah, forget it. What if I accidentally wake him up…

But she also thought, Chen Ling sleeps so soundly, he shouldn’t wake up, right? I’ll just gently place my hand on him and lightly embrace him… It should be okay.

However, after reaching out with her small hand, she got scared again. “Ah, forget it, forget it…”

“Sigh~ I won’t drink so much water before sleeping next time, ah~”

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Just then, Chen Ling next to her suddenly turned over, and half of his body pressed against her whole body. Then, he tightly pulled her into his arms!




Her heart seemed to stop for a moment, then raced like a train, beating rapidly.

〚 Ding~ Target, Sui Li’er feels happy, points +1 billion! 〛

She raised her head in alarm and found Chen Ling sleeping with his eyes closed (pretending to be asleep).

Inner thoughts: Is he really sleeping…

Feeling blissful, she buried her little face in his embrace.

An invisible 〚 Still Mind Spell 〛 drifted into Chen Ling’s mind without Sui Li’er noticing. Inner thoughts: Cough, you straddled me just now, and now I’m straddling you, so we’re even. I didn’t take advantage.

But this time, Sui Li’er couldn’t fall asleep. She lay on Chen Ling’s chest, smiling happily, and listened to the powerful sound of his heartbeat. Inner thoughts: Lord God’s heartbeat is so fast~ Is it always this fast when he’s sleeping~

As she listened, she felt her own heartbeat speeding up uncontrollably, matching his rhythm. “Thump thump thump~”

Chen Ling had noticed before that Sui Li’er’s scent was very pleasant, and after spending time with her, he had grown accustomed to it. This girl seemed like a walking sachet, spreading a refreshing fragrance wherever she went. Unfortunately, in this world, only Chen Ling could smell it; not even Sui Li’er herself could.

The scent made Chen Ling feel extremely at ease, and in this intimate moment, he actually fell asleep for real

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