Translators: shl, maripaz

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Editors: Miss Bookie, yecats
Proofreader: Librismuse

Li Erqin’s maiden campaign in competition had achieved unexpected results, so much so that her classmates, upon hearing of her ‘glorious war record’, drifted over one by one to the class ‘territory’ where they were all congregating. The first words out of each one of their mouths was, “Li Erqin, you placed first in the shot put?”

Li Erqin had never found herself so popular before. In the midst of all the exclamations of surprise and adulation, she looked helplessly at Rong Si.

Rong Si instantly understood her unspoken request and asked, “Anyone want to hear a ghost story?”

A large number of girls scooted off.

The brave ones remaining sat down with great curiosity. “What ghost story?”

“They say . . .”


He had only just started when he was rudely interrupted by a shrieking girl who dragged her friends away.

Rong Si grudgingly asked, “Is anyone else scared?”

Li Erqin said feebly, “Me . . .”

“Then I won’t tell the story.”

Everyone was confounded.

A male student put on a shocked expression. “Ah Si, *I’ve already taken off my pants, and now you’re saying you won’t tell us the story?”
(TN: This is possibly an internet slang phrase that was mistranslated from a Japanese forum and is used to express dissatisfaction. While not the original intent, it is now used when one has been expecting something and does not get a payoff. )

Someone made a “pfft” noise and spluttered in laughter.

Rong Si remained unfazed and said, “Then, put them on.”
(Minodayz : Such tell them to just ‘suck it up’, your girl comes first! lol)

Peng Zige guffawed.

The student was not satisfied. “No way. I have to tell a story before I go. It’s something I just saw.”

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Rong Si looked at Li Erqin and asked, “Do you want to leave?”

Li Erqin shook her head as she replied, “It’s ok. Maybe it won’t be that scary?”

The student laughed slyly. “You think?” After waiting for a while for Li Erqin’s response, he continued, “Then I’m going to start, ok?”

“Go ahead.”

“One day, a woman was looking after her friend’s three-year old daughter. This girl really disliked going to sleep and asked whether she really had to sleep. The woman told her that it was very late and that it was the ideal time for little girls to get a good night’s sleep. When the girl heard this, she pointed to the empty space beyond the doorway and asked, what about that girl?”

The student gleefully awaited Li Erqin’s reaction.

Li Erqin was also waiting. She waited for a long time before she asked with dawning realisation, “You’ve finished the story?”

The student nodded. “Yup! Was it scary?”

“Where’s the ghost?”

The student was stunned. “Outside the door! Didn’t the little girl point that way and ask?”

Li Erqin replied, “Maybe she was just joking?”

The student said, “That’s not the way to interpret it.”

Li Erqin looked at Rong Si again.

However, Rong Si couldn’t think of anything to say at this time.

The student asked, “Li Erqin, are you really scared of ghost stories?”

Li Erqin nodded her head in all seriousness, saying, “Very scared.”

“But you weren’t afraid just now.”

Li Erqin said, awkwardly, “You didn’t finish the story.”

The student was highly dissatisfied and asked, “Then, in your opinion, what would be a really horrible ghost story?”

Peng Zige and the others were also curious and unconsciously leaned forward to hear what Li Erqin had to say.

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Li Erqin thought for a bit before saying, “The girl pointed to the empty space beyond the doorway and asked, ‘What about that girl?’ This is where you stopped, right?”

The student nodded.

Li Erqin continued, “The woman turned to look outside, but there was nothing there. She thought the little girl was just making excuses for not going to sleep so she deliberately faced the door and said: Hurry up and come in to sleep!”

Everyone was listening intently.

Li Erqin carried on, “Then, she turned to speak to the little girl, ‘See, now you can both go to sleep together.’ The little girl asked, ‘Can you sleep with us?’ She said, ‘Ok.’ So, she lay down with her and waited until the little girl was asleep before getting up quietly to return to her room. Suddenly, she heard a soft, childish voice next to her ear. ‘Didn’t you say you were going to sleep with us?’ She turned to look and saw that the little girl was still lying on the bed, asleep. When she turned back again, she saw a little girl with a bloodstained face standing by the bed.”

Li Erqin finished her story without pausing for a breath and looked quietly at the boy who had told the original story.

With a plaintive expression, the boy asked, “Did you consider that really scary?”



Li Erqin said, “Because the ghost made an appearance.”
(Minodayz : LEQ you’re such a hoot! My goodness – the ghost made an appearance so it’s scary! Hahahaha – I love it!!!)

“What kind of logic is that ……” His voice was full of disdain.

Peng Zige, who deeply understood Li Erqin, lowered his eyes and said, “I’ll tell a scary story too, one that Li Erqin will definitely be afraid of.”

The boy asked, “What?”

“Once upon a time, there was a ghost….”

Li Erqin said in a small voice, “I’m scared….”

The boy could not stand it and cried loudly, “*Ohhhh c’mon, you guys are playing me!! Afraid of ghosts, my foot!”
(TN: All he said was literally: “Afraid of ghosts, psh!” 怕个鬼啊 pa ge gui ah, but the “of ghost” can also be a sarcastic, slangy qualifier that means she’s not really afraid.)

(Minodayz : I can help putting Casper here coz it’s so hilarious – PZG’s hilarious ghost story and LEQ reaction!)

In the end, the crowd of horror seekers turned into a comedy crowd. Plus, there was the added benefit of everyone’s mind getting sidetracked off the competition.

The mood continued to be merry all the way up until night time. Everyone in the boys’ hostel had washed up for bed and the lights were out when Peng Zige, who had not visited for awhile, crept under Rong Si’s blankets.

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Rong Si’s face was blank as he asked, “What is it?”

Peng Zige whispered loudly, a bit embarrassed, “I’m scared.”

“… of what?”

Peng Zige insisted on sleeping by the wall. “All I can think of is a little girl with a bloodstained face.”

“Zige,” Rong Si said lightly.


“If you sleep against the wall, it’s possible that in the middle of the night, you could turn around and the head you see on this pillow will not be mine.”


(Minodayz : i’m dying of laughter at PZG, LEQ really did him a good one! Lol Poor RS, I’m sure you’d rather LEQ there HEE HEE HEE *Perverted me”! hahahah)

In his entire life so far, Rong Si had never regretted his actions as much as he did that night. Because of his one little sentence, Peng Zige had held onto him tightly the entire night and refused to be separated.

So it was that the following morning when they had to run the 5000m race, Rong Si and Peng Zige were like living zombies after a bad night’s sleep. Peng Zige was hit especially hard because he had also had a lot of nightmares. He fervently wished he could have some kind of energy drink to perk himself up.

Even Li Erqin had started to worry about Peng Zige’s state. “Are you alright?”

Peng Zige had on a sour expression. “No. In the future, when people are sharing ghost stories, Li Erqin, you are not allowed to talk.”

(MissBookie: See! I told you! Precious! XD) (Minodayz: Hahaha PZG you dingbat!!! Only you’d react to LEQ ghost story!)

Li Erqin was speechless.

Su Zi suggested, “Do you want to back out of the run and not participate?

Peng Zige did not agree. “No big deal. The worst that can happen is I’ll just stop if I can’t finish.”

Li Erqin looked up to ask Rong Si, “Are you alright?”

Rong Si pinched his nose tiredly. He had yet to fully recover from his fever, and after such a night with Peng Zige, his whole head simply hurt.

He shook his head. “I’m fine.”

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Disbelief was written all over Li Erqin’s face.

A few girls had walked over to give Rong Si some encouragement. “Rong Si, *good luck!”
(TN: they used the common chinese encouragement 加油, jia you, “add oil”)

Rong Si said politely, “Thank you.”

“You must get first place!”

Rong Si smiled.

“You can do it!” The girls cheered him on one more time and then walked away with red faces.

Li Erqin was off to the side looking up at the sky.

Rong Si said good-naturedly, “What kind of expression is that?”

Li Erqin looked at the sky to the left and then looked at the sky to the right. “Whether you place or whether you don’t finish, it doesn’t matter.”

Rong Si looked at her quietly.

“The important thing is that you participated.” She lowered her eyes but still didn’t look at Rong Si. “You don’t have to place first.”

Rong Si bent down so that he was level with Li Erqin and said softly, “I know.”

(MissBookie: Be still my beating heart! THIS is why I’m still here, even if I’m at my wits end! God knows what I’ll do when they finally get together! -_-)
(MInodayz : I love how in tune they are and their concern for each other showing more and more)


With a loud start, the boys 5000m race began.

After five laps, the gap between the athletes began to widen. Many athletes dropped out at the sixth or seventh lap.

Li Erqin was standing with everyone else as they all encouraged Rong Si and Peng Zige, who were still persevering. Every time they passed by their class, all their classmates would yell their loudest to cheer them on.

Suddenly, someone asked, “Does Rong Si’s face look a bit off?”

“You’re right! There are already three people who have overtaken him!”

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