Translator: shl

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Editors: Miss Bookie, maripaz
Proofreader: Librismuse

Ruan Mingxian sat on the ground with Li Erqin at a shady and well-ventilated corner underneath the stands.

Li Erqin had regained consciousness while he was carrying her to the spot under the stands. It had only been a brief moment of unconsciousness, so it was nothing to worry about. The race that she had endured through gritted teeth had really been too much of a strain for her. Running 800 metres was the limit of her endurance, and she had run alongside Rong Si for four laps.

(Librismuse: that’s roughly 1600m!!!! I would faint as well haha)

Ruan Mingxian leaned his head against the wall and laughed at her. “Why were you so desperate?”

Li Erqin looked at him helplessly and could not say anything.

Ruan Mingxian raised his leg and rested his hand on his knee. “You do the math. How many times have I saved you?”

Li Erqin pondered for a bit before replying, “Many times.”

Ruan Mingxian was surprised.

Li Erqin smiled. She spoke in a quiet tone, every word soft and deliberate. “Every time you talk to me like an ordinary friend, you are saving me.”

Ruan Mingxian was startled. “Even at a time like this, you can still seize the opportunity to reject me?”

Li Erqin nodded.

Ruan Mingxian laughed in exasperation. “I’ve just saved you, can’t you say something nice?”

Li Erqin said seriously, “I like you very much as a friend.”

“Do you have to be like this?”


Ruan Mingxian had nothing to say.

Several people walked past, one after another. It looked as if the crowd at the finishing line had started to disperse.

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Li Erqin pursed her lips and looked up into Ruan Mingxian’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry for rejecting you every time.”

Ruan Mingxian had no idea what he should say.

Li Erqin tilted her head. “However, I don’t like being ambiguous. Like means like, don’t like means don’t like.”

Ruan Mingxian’s smile widened.

Li Erqin did not understand why and asked, “Why are you smiling?”

Ruan Mingxian blinked and replied, “You ought to thank me once more, because I’ve just saved you again.”

Li Erqin: “. . .”

After a while, Ruan Mingxian asked again, “Have you thought about how you’re going to thank me? Since I’ve ‘saved’ you so many times?”

Li Erqin said instantly, “I’ll treat you to a meal.”

Ruan Mingxian rebuffed the suggestion. “Are you that lame or what?”

Li Erqin said, “I’m very lame.”

It was Ruan Mingxian’s turn to be speechless.

“Li Erqin.” Ruan Mingxian’s voice took on a more serious tone.


“I just have one request.” Ruan Mingxian watched her expression carefully as he said, “Can I touch the top of your head?”


“Just pretend you are being touched by a dog.”

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“? ? ?”

Ruan Mingxian smiled as he said, “Since you’re not saying anything, I’ll take that as you’ve agreed?”

Li Erqin lowered her head. “You’re just touching my head, right? Go ahead!”

Ruan Mingxian paused.

Li Erqin haggled, “Just once!”

Ruan Mingxian placed his hand on the top of her head. Sure enough, just as he had imagined, her hair was soft.

Ruan Mingxian puffed out a laugh and pulled his hand back.

“What are you laughing at?” Li Erqin asked as she lifted her head.

Ruan Mingxian squinted at her. In a satisfied tone, he said, “Thank you for liking me.”

A few steps away from the stands but obscured from view, Rong Si stopped his approach towards them.

The two people not far from him were looking at each other and smiling at some joke only the two of them could understand.

Rong Si spoke up. “Erqin.”

When Li Erqin heard his voice, she immediately stood up and turned her head to look at him. “Rong Si.”

Rong Si’s face was completely devoid of any expression. “Why are you here?”

Li Erqin pursed her lips.

Ruan Mingxian stood up lazily and said, “Just now, Li Erqin did not feel well, so I brought her over here to get some air.”

Rong Si spared him a glance before looking at Li Erqin. “What happened?”

Li Erqin hastily replied, “I was exhausted after running. Are you ok?”

Rong Si said, “I’ve already rested. Are you feeling better now?”

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Li Erqin shook her head. “Definitely not better.”

Rong Si chuckled as he asked, “Should I take you somewhere else to rest?”

“Let’s go back to the classroom,” Li Erqin suggested. “We’d better find out how Peng Zige is.”

“He’s fine.”

Li Erqin looked toward Ruan Mingxian in farewell. “I’ve thanked you, so we’re going to be off now.”

Ruan Mingxian ‘impatiently’ waved his hand at them. “Go, then! Go!”

Li Erqin followed Rong Si. Although she had rested for a while, her legs still felt very wobbly.

Rong Si, who was walking by her side, suddenly shot out his right arm.

Li Erqin looked at him with uncertainty.

Rong Si laughed heartily as he said, “For you to hold on to.”

Afraid to miss out on this opportunity, Li Erqin immediately grabbed his arm.

All around them, there were students of both genders helping to support each other, so they didn’t feel awkward being like this.

They walked on quietly.

The sports meet resumed with other events. The campus broadcasting system started playing background music that was specially used for sports events, lending a sentimental air to the proceedings. Occasionally, the sound of a whistle could be heard from the field, and students would run past them shrieking and chasing one another in fun.

Rong Si asked, “Do you like Ruan Mingxian?”

Li Erqin nodded. “En”

Then she added, “I like him as a friend.”

“Got it.”

Silence once again.

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Their class area was in their sights. From a distance, they saw Peng Zige get up from the chair he had been sitting on and lower his head to talk to Su Zi, who had been sitting next to him and reading.

Li Erqin’s head drooped lower and lower.

Rong Si’s mood had lightened considerably after hearing Li Erqin’s explanation. “What are you doing?”

“I . . .”

Rong Si stopped walking.

Li Erqin lifted her head.

“I also like you.”

A flock of birds suddenly flew across the sky.

However, Rong Si’s world went absolutely silent*, leaving only their two voices.
(TN: 鸦雀无声 (ya que wu sheng) – lit. the crow and the peacock make no sounds; fig. absolute silence)

“Do you like me as a friend?”

“Not like that.”

“Do you like me as a classmate?”

“Not like that either.”

(MissBookie: Hallelujah! Sebastian, quick, now is our chance!!)

(Minodayz : wipes tears of joy finally she got it and he got his answer now! Ummm so do we get a kiss…. sing MissBookie, song Sebastian….. sha la la la!!!)

A blush crept up Li Erqin’s face and she felt her heart once again thundering in her ears like when she was running beside Rong Si earlier. She kept her head lowered, unsure how to meet Rong Si’s eyes, yet wanting to see his reaction.

Rong Si couldn’t keep a smile from appearing on his face. The moment when he had said he liked her, he was still uncertain of her reaction. He was beginning to second guess, did she understand what he had said to her there on the tracks. Looking down onto the top of her head, he realised how much he liked having her by his side. He felt his heart calmed and was somewhat reassured.

Suddenly Li Erqin stopped, and risk looking up at Rong Si who was surprised when she had stopped. His smile broaden as her eyes met his. Her eyes were glistening and brimming with expectation. Li Erqin’s face felt like it had been scorched. Her eyes was transfixed on him when Rong Si slowly leaned forward towards her.

“Li Erqin” Peng Zige cheerfully called out!

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