Translator: shl

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TL Checker: maripaz
Proofreaders: librismuse, Miss Bookie, kira

After lunch the next day, Li Erqin went to the broadcast studio as usual.

Rong Si was sprawled on the table, asleep.

Peng Zige and Su Zi were whispering to each other, secretly making plans to help Rong Si overcome this sudden onset of ‘adolescent depression’.

There were a million and one possible methods, but they didn’t know if Rong Si would be willing to cooperate.

Peng Zige wearily exchanged looks with Su Zi.

At the same time, the noon broadcast commenced. A clear, clean female voice issued from the broadcast studio.

However, today’s routine was different.

Peng Zige and Su Zi, as well as the entire teacher and student population, simultaneously heard the broadcasting girl say, “I am Li Erqin, please enjoy the music.”

Then, the music suddenly played.

The song had a very fast tempo. The male singer’s first word was, “Re.”


(Minodayz : I wish the author had given us more clues to the song as I was trying hard to find it and dying to know. Any guess what that song might be?)

Peng Zige and Su Zi stared at each other open-mouthed.

As Li Erqin had once again broken the rules with her broadcast, the entire class began to whisper. A few classmates playing around nearby turned and asked Peng Zige loudly, “I say, Zige, how many times has it been now that Li Erqin has broken the rules?”

Peng Zige counted. “This is the third time.”

“Whoa, she shouldn’t attempt that more than *three times!”
(TN: 事不过三 (shi bu guo san) – an idiom that means, literally, a thing should not be attempted more than three times i.e. don’t make the same mistake over and over again.)

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(Kira: nosebleeds)

Peng Zige pursed his lips. “She will be reprimanded again!”

Li Erqin broadcast the song twice. The third time, it was only halfway through when it was abruptly cut off.

Someone laughed loudly. “Looks like she’s been caught again!”

Peng Zige agreed gloomily, “I think so.”

(Minodayz : it seems that LEQ no longer is an unknown but the classmate are aware of her now – funny and sweet in their own way.)

From the moment Li Erqin had put on music once again, he could vaguely guess that the reason for her unusual behaviour would be the same as Rong Si’s.

Moreover, Rong Si was still sprawled, motionless, on the table, which further confirmed his hypothesis.

About fifteen minutes after the music had stopped, Rong Si stood up, suddenly and without warning, and charged out of the classroom.

Peng Zige stared in stupefaction for some time at the back door that Rong Si had exited from and then took out a book to read. With his head lowered, his expression could not be seen. However, he knew that his present expression would best not be seen by anyone.

No matter how hard one tries to pretend to be indifferent, it is impossible to deceive oneself about one’s true feelings.

He liked Li Erqin. He had liked her before, and he liked her now.

It’s just that he didn’t like her that much, in that way, anymore.

It was possible that he knew Rong Si liked Li Erqin even before Rong Si himself knew it, and he knew that Li Erqin had liked Rong Si way before she had realised it too. After all, he was the first one to start understanding the attraction between a man and woman.

However, he was also the first among them to realise that, when it comes to liking someone, sometimes, the person who is first is not always the victor.
(kira: words of wisdom)
(Minodayz : Puppy dog – how you’ve grown. To even be able to have this monologue! I salute you bro!!!)

When Rong Si didn’t find Li Erqin at the broadcast studio, he ran to the third floor staffroom.

He stopped after turning into the corridor from the stairs.

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Li Erqin was leaning against the windowsill outside the staffroom writing in her self-reflection book. She was using a pencil and was currently erasing away a mistake with great effort.

He stood where he was and watched her.

When Li Erqin had finished erasing the word on the page, she raised her hand and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

She was crying?

Rong Si frowned subconsciously and walked over to her.

He hadn’t taken more than two steps when she sensed him. She turned her head and her eyes were clean and dry. She was not crying.

It was only when she saw Rong Si walking slowly towards her that her lips trembled and she finally burst into tears.

When the teacher had stormed into the broadcast studio to give her a tongue-lashing, she had not cried.

When she had been disciplined in the staffroom, with many forehead pokes, she had not cried.

Knowing that she was in defiance of the rules, yet still playing the song she wanted to, and even at the end, not seeing the person she had waited to see – even then, she had not cried.

However, he had actually come.

She suddenly felt wronged.

Rong Si approached her with his hands in his pockets. He asked lightly, “Writing a self-reflection?”


“How many words?”

“No stipulation.”

He took a quick look at the page which she had just about rubbed holes into. “Had no inspiration to write?”

Li Erqin nodded.

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“Where’s the teacher?”

“Don’t know.”

Rong Si leaned against the wall next to her. “I’ll dictate, you write.”

Li Erqin wiped away her tears and looked at him.

“I’ll say a phrase, and you write it down.”

Li Erqin finally got it.

She could not help but concede that Rong Si was Rong Si – his ‘self-reflection’ was more profound than anything anyone else could have come up with. In a short time, she had filled an entire page with words.

Li Erqin checked through it several times and then looked sideways at him to ask, “Why are you so good at writing self-reflections?”

Rong Si remained leaning against the wall. The afternoon self-study session had been in progress for a while.

Rong Si laughed self-mockingly as he replied, “I’m just making it up.”

Li Erqin didn’t say anything.

“Do you have to wait for the teacher to return?” Rong Si asked.


Rong Si shifted his weight from one foot to the other and remained silent.

Li Erqin copied his silence for awhile and then called out his name. “Rong Si.”

Rong Si turned his head to look at her.

“Are you going to ignore me again afterwards?”


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“Thanks,” Li Erqin said.

“You’re welcome.”

Li Erqin gave a strange smile. “It’s no use being angry anyway.”

Rong Si didn’t understand.

Li Erqin did not try to explain. The previous time, explaining herself had led to a bitter conclusion. This time, even if he threatened her with death, she would never tell him: Even if you’re angry with me again, you’re still the best in my heart.

When the teacher returned and saw Rong Si, he was not the least bit surprised. He even smiled faintly and asked, “Why? Are you here to rescue her again?”

Rong Si admitted as much by his silence.

The teacher shook his head. Looking at Li Erqin, he said, “This is the last warning. The next time you do this, I’ll remove you from your position as a school announcer.”

Li Erqin knew that she had committed a grave offense and said seriously and repentantly, “I won’t do it again, I promise.”

The teacher looked up at Rong Si and laughed. “Take her away*! Both of you get back to the self-study session.”
[T/N 领走 (ling zou) – to lead (somebody or an animal) away, to collect (someone e.g. a child from someone else’s care)]

They walked back to the classroom, one in front and one in back. The two of them had no idea how many times they had walked back like this before.

Since Li Erqin had not asked him anything, Rong Si was really curious.

He turned around while Li Erqin was several steps higher up than he was.

“Li Erqin.”

Li Erqin stopped. “Hm?”

“I wasn’t angry.”


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