Chapter 6: Dizziness (2)

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Naturally, this caused a major chaos.

News spread quickly, even people in the classes far away from the training soon heard the rumors.

Sure enough, the instructor came over to announce that due to the hardships of the summer, the afternoon training was temporarily canceled, and each student could go to the cafeteria to receive a free iced mung bean soup.

This exciting news brought the students great joy, and soon overshadowed the rumours that said “ There is a student who fainted, he fell and there was blood all over” , so no one knew if it was true and false news.

When Peng Zige went with Rong Si in the cafeteria to eat green bean soup, the rumors had now changed to: “I heard that a girl fainted, it was too late to revive her from death.“

Hearing this, Rong Si  smiled. He did not comment, just inadvertently swept a glance over the canteen.

Peng Zige could not remain so calm: “This is soo fake!”

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“Who knows!”

Peng Zige frowned, and then stood up and scanned the large canteen for a long time. Then he asked Rong Si: “Oh, have you seen Li Erqin?

Rong Si shook his head.

Peng Zi Ge’s brow wrinkled even more : “Don’t you  want to know what happened to her!”

“May be she is in on another floor.”

Peng Zi Ge felt his heart panic: “Maybe.”

Li Erqin came back to school on September 1 with all the other students.After the fainting episode in the training, her parents were no longer willing to allow their baby daughter to be tormented. She ate ice cream, wrapped gauze around her forehead and her parents agreed to all of this for their peace of mind

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On the day of school, Li Erqin removed the gauze, but in the injured place there was a small wound which was yet to be completely healed.

Because of her decision to stay in school, before leaving, Li Erqin tried to drag out the time she could stay for as long as possible until she could no longr delay, before opening the door. So when Li Erqin got to the classroom, most of the students were sitting in the classroom.

This was translated for MerakiTranslations You should not be reading this from anywhere but this site.

The slow natured Li Erqin slowly moved to the back door of the classroom, standing for a minutes at the door before going in. She had only walked halfway when her backpack was suddenly yanked downwards. Li Erqin did not have to look back to know it was Peng Zige, so naturally, she did not turn around: “What are you doing, Peng Zige?”

There was no sound behind her.

Li Erqin pouted and turned around. Then, she stood stiff in place.

The person standing in front of her was not Peng Zige, but was instead a smiling Rong Si.

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“Long time no see.” Rong Si laughed as he greeted her.

Li Erqin had never thought that Rong Si would also do something as childish as yanking on a backpack: “It was you who yanked on my backpack just now?”

Rong Si nodded: “There’s no one else around us.”

Li Erqin laughed foolishly, unconsciously: “Long time no see.”

Rong Si gestured towards his back: “Peng Zige and I sit there. He invites you to sit in front of him.”

Li Erqin was a bit shy: “Okay.”

Li Erqin followed Rong Si over to sit down. Peng Zige who had been talking to girls immediately diverted his attention, and laughed: “Li Erqin, I didn’t see you again after that.”

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“Oh, I fainted.” She touched her forehead: “So my parents didn’t allow me to come to military training.”

“You fainted?” Peng Zige immediately leaned over, and even Rong Si who had his head buried in a book lifted his head.


“The news about the girl who fainted, and who was unable to be saved was you?”

Li Erqin was surprised for a moment: “That was probably not me.”

When Peng Zige realized what he said, he was also startled. Then, he made a gesture in apology.

“It’s all right.”

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