Chapter 61 (Epilogue/Short Story 2)

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There is nothing permanent in this world.

Li Erqin had never considered that there would be a day when Rong Si would forget her.

However, he did forget.

It was the second year after they had graduated from University, and the year before they were married.

It wasn’t as if anything serious had happened. When getting off work one day, a car had lightly grazed Rong Si. There were no open wounds; it was just his left temple that had a huge, swollen bump. He didn’t think anything of it. When he returned home, he applied a hot compress to it and didn’t even mention it to Li Erqin.

However, when he got up the next day, without any warning at all, he had completely forgotten everything.

Li Erqin was at work when she received Rong Si’s call.

Never before had Rong Si called her at work; even his texts were rare. So, when she received the call, she was highly puzzled, until the other party asked, “Excuse me, are you Er Lan?”
(TN: ‘Er Lan’ is LEQ’s father’s nickname for her, which Rong Si seems to have adopted.)

A familiar voice, but an unfamiliar tone.

Li Erqin was stunned.

In the middle of her shock-filled silence, the other party’s voice sounded. “You seem to be the person I most frequently contact on my cell phone so I figure you must be someone I know very well.”

Rong Si was not the type of person to play such a joke. Li Erqin gathered her wits and became serious. “Rong Si?”

“I’m having a bit of a problem,” Rong Si explained. “I seem to have lost my memory.”

“Are you joking?”


After hanging up, Li Erqin applied for annual leave and then dealt with the most important priority – to accompany Rong Si to the hospital for various tests, and then, to wait for the report.

Everything was normal.

Holding the report, Li Erqin quietly looked at Rong Si.

That person sitting opposite her, with the same expression; those eyes, indifferent and polite. This was his normal attitude towards other people.

Except her.

But now, it also included her.

Li Erqin smiled at Rong Si. “Are you kidding me?”

Apologetically, Rong Si said, “I’m sorry.”

“Then . . . if I told you that I am your girlfriend, would you think that I am pulling your leg?”

“I know.”


“I know that you’re my girlfriend.”

Li Erqin was just about to laugh when she heard Rong Si say, “But, I’m sorry, I can’t remember you.”

“And, so?”

Rong Si’s expression was full of apologetic regret. “We might have to be friends for a period of time.”

“I see . . .” Li Erqin’s mind was blank, but she still managed to smile. “It’s ok, I can understand.”

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“Thank you.”

When Li Erqin heard his response, the corners of her mouth turned down, but she quickly put on an indifferent expression and said, “I’m only going to have to suffer being wronged for this period of time. When your memory comes back, I will return (to being your girlfriend), too!”

Rong Si smiled distantly, with a distinct air of awkwardness.

A month later, both Peng Zige and Su Zi, who were aware of the situation, had applied for leave together to visit Rong Si.

Rong Si’s memory loss had affected his work, so he had been dismissed and found himself with plenty of time on his hands. The four of them simply decided to go on a trip together.

However, from Peng Zige’s perspective, the Rong Si who had lost his memory was still the same old Rong Si.

And it was Li Erqin who was not the same old Li Erqin he knew.

She was neither sad nor depressed.

She was excessively lively.

When Peng Zige, who was used to interacting with a ‘zombie-like’ Li Erqin on a daily basis, suddenly saw her being so bubbly, he was so shocked that he didn’t dare to speak aloud. “Erqin, why are you acting this way now?”
(T/N: He literally says ‘why are you walking this road’)

Li Erqin was at that moment holding up a boarding pass and excitedly telling Rong Si a joke. When she heard Peng Zige, she turned her head and shot him a glance. “What?”

Peng Zige said, “No. . . nothing.”

The itinerary and accommodation had been arranged by Peng Zige. He, who had long been extravagant in his spending, had booked a hotel by the sea. When the balcony door was opened, the deep blue sea was right in front of them.

Because Rong Si and Li Erqin were ‘just friends’ at the moment, Peng Zige was forced to separate from Su Zi and ‘suffer’ sharing a room with Rong Si.

That evening, Peng Zige accompanied his goddess Su Zi back to her room from a walk on the beach. He thought that Li Erqin would be stuck like glue to Rong Si’s side and therefore had planned on visiting the girls’ room for some covert “sweet times”.

However, the instant he opened the door, he felt a cool sea breeze, with a hint of salt. Li Erqin was alone on the balcony, sleeping on the deck chair in a crooked huddle. The pale moonlight shone coldly on her face, making her seem especially lonesome.

Peng Zige turned to glance at Su Zi. Unconsciously frowning, he asked, “Won’t she catch a cold?”

Su Zi remained silent. When she turned to look at Peng Zige, her eyes were already red.

In a panic, Peng Zige said, “Don’t cry . . .”

Su Zi still cried.

He immediately pulled her back out through the door and hurriedly comforted her. “Why are you crying? Aren’t the two of them ok? Li Erqin isn’t even sad, why are you sad?”

Su Zi was totally unable to stop her tears from falling. “What if Rong Si can’t ever regain his memory?”

Peng Zige didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. “That won’t happen. Maybe he’ll regain his memory tomorrow.”

The more Su Zi thought about it, the more her heart hurt for Li Erqin. “Looking at the way Rong Si treats Erqin right now . . . I’m afraid that he will fall in love with someone else before he can remember he likes Erqin.”

Peng Zige was at a loss for words.

“Anything can happen . . .,” Su Zi continued.

After lunch the next day, Peng Zige rented four beach chairs, and they lay down to rest at the beach. Li Erqin was in particularly low spirits that day. She had not eaten much at lunch and kept dozing off in the deck chair.

Peng Zige and Su Zi thought she was in a bad mood. They dragged their chairs closer together and held a whispered conversation about how to brighten the atmosphere.

Then Rong Si suddenly got up, left, and came back.

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Peng Zige hesitantly asked, “Ah Si, why did you go off?”

Rong Si gestured to the water bottle and pills in his hand. “I bought some medicine.”

“Are you not feeling well?”

Rong Si said, “Li Erqin is running a fever.”

In unison, Peng Zige and Su Zi said, “Ah?”

Li Erqin really did have a fever, and it was pretty high. When Rong Si tried to wake her up, she blearily opened her eyes. “Huh?”

“You’re feverish.” Rong Si’s voice was warm and gentle, something he himself did not notice. “Get up and take this medicine, then go back to sleep.”

It was then that Li Erqin realised her body felt as heavy as lead. She obediently swallowed the medicine and was just about to lie down again when Rong Si stopped her.

Li Erqin stared blankly.

Rong Si sighed. His right arm went around her back while his left arm swooped under her knees, and he lifted her up effortlessly in a princess carry.


“I’m taking you back to the room to rest,” Rong Si explained.

Peng Zige waited until the two figures were in the distance, then rubbed his chin thoughtfully and said, “It’s one thing to just send her back to the room, why does he have to do it in such an intimate manner?”

Su Zi was struck by a sudden realisation. “Is that why you held me back and wouldn’t let me walk with them?”

Instead of answering her, Peng Zige asked another question. “Could Rong Si be feigning amnesia?”

Su Zi could not help rolling her eyes. “What’s the point? You think everyone is like you, with nothing better to do?”

“I’m not like that.”

Su Zi couldn’t be bothered to deal with him.

Peng Zige laughed. “I’m busy every day!”

“Busy doing what?”

“Liking you!”

“ . . .”

“Of the 24 hours in a day, I don’t rest for even a single second!”

“Sweet talker.”

“Then, why are you smiling?”

“. . .”

“You don’t need to pretend, your laughter is spilling out.”

“. . .”

“Aiyo! Why are you hitting me again?”

Li Erqin’s sudden illness was not entirely due to being exposed to the chilly night air. People’s moods and emotions always need a form of release. If forcing oneself to pretend that nothing is wrong doesn’t result in psychological or emotional issues, then it will manifest in some physical ailment.

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Everyday, in front of Rong Si, she exerted all her strength and ability to brush aside her feelings. This way when she was finally by herself and able to be still, she was so exhausted that she would fall asleep before the wave of sorrow could engulf her.

She had never had the time to consider the depth of her sadness. Nor did she have the time to think about how long it would take for Rong Si to regain his memory, or what she would do if he never remembered her.

A month was neither long, nor short. Li Erqin had not even begun to be aware of the toll the situation was taking on her physical and emotional well-being.

When she awoke, the sky was not yet completely dark. Although the sun had dipped below the horizon, there was still a tinge of red above the sea.

She had slept so deeply that she was unaware that she had had an injection. She must have been sweating because her back felt sticky, and her throat was painfully raw.

The rooms in the hotel were all laid out in the same way so she didn’t notice anything unusual until a glass of water suddenly appeared in front of her.

In surprise, she followed the line of the hand in front of her, with its clearly defined bones and joints, until she looked up to see Rong Si.

She blinked.

Rong Si placed the glass on her bedside table. “Drink some water. It’s warm, not hot.”

Li Erqin didn’t care about the warm water. In a hoarse voice, she asked, “You remember?”

Rong Si shook his head.

“Not even a little bit?” She looked at him expectantly.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.” Li Erqin stretched out her hand and took the cup to drink some water. Just as the cup reached her lips, she muttered, “There’s no need to apologise. This situation isn’t something you wanted to happen.”

Rong Si quietly watched her drink little sips of water. When she put down the cup, he spoke again, asking, “Do you want some more water?”

“No need, thanks.”

Rong Si smiled.

Li Erqin looked at him hesitantly. “Do you have something you want to say?”

Rong Si nodded.

“Good or bad?”

In a casual tone, Rong Si said, “I think it would be considered good.”

Li Erqin let out her breath. “Go ahead and say it.”

Rong Si paused for three seconds.

The room was so still that it was alarming.

Li Erqin had the illusion that she could hear her own heart beating.

“I think I like you,” said Rong Si.


Li Erqin’s entire body was suddenly suffused with a strange sensation; she felt numb, but also as if something was swelling up inside her. This sensation accompanied the sudden fierce thumping of her heart. “What did you say?”

“I like you.”

“Have you regained your memory?”


“Then . . .”

“I definitely like you.”

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In front of Rong Si’s warm and gentle eyes, Li Erqin’s head buzzed and her eyes reddened. From the day Rong Si had lost his memory and called her until now, she had never broken down. When she heard Rong Si say, “I’m sorry, it looks like we might have to be friends for a period of time”, she had felt as if every bone in her body had been pulverised. Yet, she had not cried.

Who would have thought that it would be these four words that would open the floodgates.

“Ah Si,” she called out in a nasal tone.


“You’re done for.”
(T/N: The actual words are ‘你完了’ – you’re finished.)

Rong Si did not understand.

“You have no way to escape from me in this lifetime.”

Rong Si smiled faintly.

He knew what she was getting at.

Li Erqin burst into tears. “Even if you lose your memory ten thousand times, you’re always going to like me again.”

Rong Si reached out a hand to hold hers.

Li Erqin grumbled, “What are you doing holding my hand? Shouldn’t you be holding me at this time?”

Received [one hug from Rong Si].


Translator: shl
Editor: maripaz

‘Hurry Ah Si, we can’t keep them waiting!’ Peng Zige was trying hard to get Rong Si out the door, but Rong Si seemed to be his usual detached self. Even at this time, he was staring out as if he was solving some intricate problem.

‘Come on, Erqin would not be pleased if you are late.’ At that, Rong Si seemed to come out of his reverie and picked up pace.

“Su Zi, do we really have to do this?” Li Erqin tugged and fussed.
“Yes!” Su Zi replied, almost ready to call it quits! Li Erqin was near impossible.

“So how long more til we meet them?” Li Erqin asked impatiently.

“Peng Zige is driving so they should be there before us. Stop fussing and let’s get on the way too.”

“But….” Li Erqin did not get to finish her sentence because Su Zi was glaring at her.

“Oh ok…lets go.”

Standing where he was, Rong Si heard some rustling and hushed whispers. He turned back to see Li Erqin coming towards him. Somehow he never thought she could surprise him any further. He knew that he had liked her since High School, thru Uni and even the time when he had forgotten her. Yet his heart knew her, that she was his.

Li Erqin saw the look that came over Rong Si’s eyes. She was rather overwhelmed and remembered the time when he had rushed to her home after she was hurt. The same intensity that had spoke volumes, it spoke of his protection, his faith in her, his love for her. Back then it had began with a ‘like’ but through the years and their time together, it had turned into something so immensely unbelievable. He was hers.

When she stood before him, Rong Si felt the knot in his throat cleared. She looked up at him with eyes that were trusting and entrusting. Everything that had happened, everything that they had been through and everything that was happening around them seem to spin about like a whirlwind of memories. Finally as he held her in his arms and leaned down, her eyes brightened and were brimming with anticipation and promise. His lips found hers. He found home and tasted sweetness. He had his world in his arms, his wife for the rest of their lives and more.

Li Erqin, “when do I say I do?”

Rong si “……..”
“We already did, now where were we….!”

(Minodayz : ok that was so my spoof! Didn’t need me to say it too! I’m a major sop and wanted a nice wedding. So yup, here’s my add on.)

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