Male God Chapter 8

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Actually Li Erqin could not figure out how she was found out by Rong Si  after three days of careful observation and familiarization of the school grounds and  all the prep before deciding on where to have her “taster”. This was way too mysterious. Unless Rong Si has was omniscient.

(literally : 3 heads and 6 tails” – all knowing)

Li Erqin mulled it over and then broke out in laughter.

At her laughter, Rong Si turned and looked at her, but Li Erqin wasstill lost in her own musing (fantasy world) and failed to noticed the attention.


During military training, Li Erqin had imagined that if ever she found herself alone with Rong Si, just like right now, sitting together, she would be quiet and not say a word at all. She felt that between  two people, there wasn’t  any necessity of constant chatter and excitement.
Gazing up at the the stars in the sky, Li Erqin was feeling a sense of tranquility and broke out in a song. Her voice was crystal clear and as the day’s heat retreated into the night’s colours, her voice reverberated in the stillness, a gentle soothing melody.

A surprised Rong Si turned towards her, however, a shy Li Erqin quickly stopped singing.

“It’s very nice (pleasant to the ears).”

Li Erqin replied inaudibly – “Thank you.”

Most updated and accurate translations are from MerakiTranslations

“What’s that song?”
“Teru no uta” (by Aoi Teshima)” she smiled at Rong Si, “it’s a song from Tales from EarthSea (Gedo Senki)

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(A link for those who may like to imagine how it could have sounded here)
Rong Si had nothing more to add, shortly after, he could only reiterate “It was really nice to hear.”

That night, Li Erqin following Rong Si, one in front, the other behind, walked back to class. While their classmates seemed not to have noticed them returning, however, that could not be said of Peng Zige.

He used his elbow to jab Rong Si just as he sat down “Were you together with Li Erqin?”

“Yup” a neutral and concise reply.

“How did you come to be together? Weren’t you on patrol duty this evening?”

Opening up his assessment workbook, Rong Si completely ignored PEngZiGe .
“Hey, why are you ignoring me. Why was Li Erqin with you?”
Rong Si gave a rough look at the question, took some working papers and began to calculate.

“What did the two of you do just now?” Pengzige unperturbedly continues, “was it just the two of you”

With Peng Zige’s frantic gestures bumping his right hand as he was writing, the action caused him to streak a line across the paper.

Rong Si finally lifted his head “Be quiet (shut up).”

Peng Zige wasstumped and held on a mere short three seconds of quiet before he scribbled on the working paper. Then using a pen head, he began to jab Li Erqin’s shoulder, passing the note to her as she turned backwards,

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Just as Li Erqin was reaching her hands towards the note, it was snatched away.

Peng Zige was startled, his mouth forming an “O” , “Oi, why did you do that?”

Most updated and accurate translations are from MerakiTranslations

Rong Si lowered his head and continued completing the question as he responded “This Friday is the mini mock exams, aren’t you going to prepare for it?”

“Friday? It’s still too early to prepare.” Peng Zige nonchalantly replied “Li Erqin, what day is it today?”

In the end, Peng Zige attention was thus successfully diverted.

The last mock exam paper on Friday was geography. Rong Si who had finished the paper way before everyone else was getting bored as he jabbed restlessly at his worksheets. Looking up from his exam papers, his eyes wandered and settled on the back of Li Erqin’s head, then neck. Fair and smooth, rather exquisite, fine loose hair sticking out, quietly sticking to the skin – the dark black hair causing the skin to look even fairer.

Rong Si was deep in thought for a while before suddenly standing up to hand in his exam papers. Under the attention of everyone, he looked forward steadily as he exited the classroom.

Li Erqin who had only completed half of her exams question looked at the exiting Rong Si with deep admiration and stared at the empty space for about three seconds  before lowering her head to continue with her answers.
Who said this…’comparing one person to another could anger one to death’? What profound truth indeed.

She took out a tissue to wipe her sweaty palms, glancing once again at the direction that Rong Si had left, then biting her lips, resumed persevering on her paper.

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Fifteen minutes  later, Peng Zige with a bang, stood up and rushed forward  to the podium to hand in his paper. In three big steps, he ran to the corridor looking about, then dashing towards basketball courts, shouting “ Rong Si! You jerk, wait for me!”
The invigilator immediately stood up and roared “Exams are in progress, you are not allowed to cause a ruckus/make so much noise here!”

“Teacher, then what are you doing!”

After making that remark, Peng Zige wearing a mischievous grin disappeared like a puff of smoke.

Who should expect that the remark would ignite amongst the students within the classroom a giggle here and there, finally a few daring ones erupting with a rambunctious laughter.

“Just be quiet all of you!” Came a very angry annoyed roar.

Li Erqin was quietly laughing, trying hard to hold back the reigns and stop laughing. For a moment, the classroom fell into total silence.

Li Erqin pursed her lips as she randomly drew two pens, then out of the blue, she burst out laughing “ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Most updated and accurate translations are from MerakiTranslations

Peng Zige hadn’t  been on the basketball courts for more than five minutes before Li Erqin was standing on the sideline slurping away on her yogurt drink.

Rong Si who was about to shoot a basket, paused and looked towards the sideline.
Li Erqin awkwardly touched her nose.

“So you’ve finished early too?” Asked Peng Zige.

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“Still had 3 more questions unanswered.”

“Then why did you hand in your paper?”


Jumping up and down drinking her yogurt, Li Erqin with a quick glance at Rong Si, blushed red as she replied “I was laughing too hard earlier, and was kicked out of class.”

Rong Si recovered quicker than Peng Zige from her declaration, spinning the basketball, he asked “ Do you know how to play basketball?”

Li Erqin shook her head.
“Come on.” He looked at her, “Peng Zige and I will teach you.”

Tranlsator : Minodyaz

editor : Miumiu

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