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The whole world shook, startling the residents in various ways as a beam of almighty energy fell downwards onto a desolate cave.

???: "*Gasp* Such divine energy! Has the gods bestowed a sacred artifact or some kind of almighty treasure for mankind?!?

???: "Indeed, it must be so! I propose that we must start a plan that will help us in collecting the sacred artifact or treasure. I think that we must announce it as some kind of event in order to disguise the true purpose, as well as have our students work diligently and gain experience which will contribute greatly to their advancements and studies. We will also have our trusted men divide into groups and keep an eye for the sacred item, as well as for the safety of our students of course.




???: "Lord Father I just felt a strong, holy energy fluctuation that came from the East Forest!"

???: "Lord Father, I just felt the holy energy wave as well as my sister!"

???: "I know, I felt it as well! it seems like a powerful magical beast or a treasure has been born or created! Whatever it is, I, the King order the two of you, as the Crown Prince and the Eldest Princess of this Kingdom shall go and investigate this. If it is a beast tame it, if it is a treasure seize it. And whoever blocks your way, kill them. Now go..."




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???: "I sense great danger from this sudden energy. It seems the time has come, as the divination divined 30 years ago, the fools who are blinded by their sins shall doom this world along with many other!

???: "Are you sure about it prophet?!? If this is indeed true, then our tribe is doomed!"

???: "QUICK, Someone report to the Tribe Chief! He needs to be noticed about the prophet's divination!!"






The desolate cave, now filled with almighty light that shone out of it's holes suddenly stopped to shake along with the rest of the world as the almighty energy faded away.

And as the almighty energy faded away, a tall figure appeared on the cold floors of the desolate cavern, lying on the ground unconscious before the figure slowly opens it's crimson eyes with little groans accompanying it's awakening.

Simon: "W-*groan*-hat the hell just happened.... *sigh*....OOF! I REMEMBER!!"

The tall figure exclaimed as it jumped upwards from the ground and landed right on it's two feet, in a position where it's legs are slightly bent downwards while it's arms held forwards in front of him with clutched hands.

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The figure then shook itself before it looked around it's body and examining every nook and cranny of it.

The figure was none other than Simon of course, the Progenitor itself. *bet you didn't see that coming...*




After Simon examined his body which actually caused him to be satisfied and entertained as he played around with his black nails and his malicious fangs. He also kept making different expressions and poses while grinning or laughing out loud during some of the poses.

After goofing around with his new body, Simon started to look around the cave, and noticed that he could see his surroundings as well as the structure of the cave like it was under broad daylight!

`Well, it seems that one of the perks of being the papa vamp I guess." Simon shrugged off as he started to mess around with his powers.

He started to run around the cavern and explored it's structure from top to bottom and found out that it was just a small cave and did not have any sacred treasure or legacy of some kind, hell the cave itself was not even that big at all!

Simon then started to jump around inside the cave from wall to wall to ground to ceiling to wall to ground like a wild animal.... He jumped around in an extraordinary speed that is enough to put athletes to shame, but thanks to his agility and advanced mind processing he did not just crash into the walls or the ground but shifted his mass and movements perfectly so that he can maintain his movement speed while bouncing around and doing various moves like a trickster.

After he jumped around and got used to his new body, Simon slowly jumped around towards the entrance of the small cavern. A bit of bouncing later, Simon spun around himself one last time and landed right in front of the cave's entrance while he spun his arm around in order to enjoy the momentum and feel cooler.

Simon then grinned while slightly revealing his malicious fangs while he slowly walked out of the cave, letting the sunlight gently brush on his perfect skin and dark red hair. Simon groaned while he stretched his body around with various moves for a minute before he slowly turned backwards and walked towards the cavern's outer wall before he flung his arm upwards and randomly pressed his dark claws on the unlucky stone wall, which was easily penetrated by the claws like a knife cutting through butter but slightly harder. Simon then pulled his arm and flung himself upwards and repeated this move two or three more times in a wild and carefree manner before he finally reached the top of the stone hill.

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Simon gazed at his surroundings and thought about himself and the future, he wondered that what would this world hold for him and if it could provide Simon with enough entertainment... After wondering about the world and it's inhabitants, Simon's thoughts shifted upon himself. He wondered about what he should do and which path should he take. Should he act as a saint and protect the inhabitants, or should he play the demon lord and destroy all life from this planet... Simon pondered as he stopped looking at the horizon and started to stare at the arms with open palms held around his chest.

This went on for several minutes before Simon chuckled to himself as he tightly grasped his hands. He wondered that why did he need to stick to some pre-planned role... He decided that he will act upon whatever he desires, he will do whatever he wants WHEN he wants! It's not like God will punish him, will he?

Simon looked at the horizon once more and saw the gentle sun shining on the greenland, causing a great wonder of nature. He then smirked before exclaiming;

"From now on, I will only do whatever I please... It's not like some ethics will stop me... Yes... Today, I shall discard the name ''Simon'', as he is but a human who is bound by ethics and common law... Form this day onward, I shall be known as Zebel! Conqueror of Blood, Prince of Domination and the Lord of Shadows!...hehehe...HEHEAHAHHAA, WWWWWWWRRRYYYYYYYYYY!!!!"

Zebel shouted as he bent backwards and swung his limbs backwards, his screech echoed around the forest which caused wild animals to run away because of their instincts.

He then cracked his neck before jumping off the stone hill and began to slowly stroll around and enjoy the scenery around himself. He also constantly reminded himself to be cautious and that he might actually be weak here as he had just descended, he might be immortal but he still did not want to get his ass handed to him if he was indeed a level 1.





After strolling around quite a bit, Zebel was getting bored as he was thirsty for some plot juice but kept himself in check because of his current circumstances. And while he was pondering about the subject, he stumbled across a burned and destroyed village.

"Ooh, how intriguing! Maybe I'll come across something interesting." Zebel exclaimed as his face lit up with joy before he quickly jogged into the village.

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inside the village, dead bodies adorned the roads as the charred ashes scattered around the sky. Some of the bodies had signs of struggle, but most of them had fallen without being able to fight back... an ambush perhaps? Or were they far too weak to fend for their lives at all? Zebel also noticed that some of the bodies were mutilated and torn apart.

"Oh! How ecstatic indeed! Were they tortured, or just mutilated due to anger and rage? Was the frictions and big wounds as well as the collateral damage caused by magic or by some other cause? But most importantly, why did the aggressors decided to massacre this village? Gold... no, this village is not big or that advanced to begin with. Was it because of women... highly unlikely as the women, even the children were not spared from the killings, oh how vicious indeed... I am intrigued, why was this village attacked in such a way..." Zebel mumbled to himself as he happily strolled around the crumbling village while looking around with wonder and curiosity.

[Clank, crrRIING-Kkg]

As Zebel was touring around the village, a cranking noise started to come from one of the houses nearby.

Zebel quickly reacted towards the sound and flipped around to face the direction of the sudden noise. He walked towards the house and noticed that one of the wooden planks inside the rubble was shifting around and twitching ever so slightly, sometimes luckily colliding with the surrounding planks and causing a clanging noise.

Zebel grabbed the plank in an uncaring manner and simply flung it away. He then saw that inside the rubble, was a small child which was no bigger than 12 years. The child had short black hair running across her face in a muffled manner, and under her small brows, her blue eyes were large but tired and puffed due to non-stop crying. Her face was more beautiful than your average women but she was covered with incense and dust.

Zebel curiously held the child from her attire's neck which appeared to be a regular white cloth with no special design. From the looks of it's structure and it's denizens cloth, the village was poor one indeed.

He then lifted her up which caused the rubble of planks clang around a bit. Zebel then poked the child's head with his finger and asked;

"Hello there child, are you awake? And if you are, could you please enlighten me about what happened at this village?" in a kind and fluent manner.

The small girl was startled because of the sudden appearance and the actions of this weird man, but her face along with her body was so tired and strained that the expressions were not able to form.

And before she could try to reply towards the mysterious man, the strains on her body took their toll as she fell unconscious.

Seeing the small child fall unconscious while she is still in his grasp, Zebel let out a groan before he looked at the child once more before pondering what he is going to do with this event, and more importantly this child. He sighs once more as he gets lost on his thoughts...

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