The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter .3: hapter 24 Mason has no general,

After entering the new world of engineering skills at Lv5, the next two days were uneventful for Mason.

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Mason resembled a young and dedicated office worker, shuttling between his small shop and the clinic where he worked every day. His monotonous life made the two waitresses living in his house feel that he had no entertainment in his daily life.

But in fact, Mason had many ways to entertain himself.

He had become accustomed to making various strange things to pass the time. Of course, he also noticed the increasing number of demon-style surveillance powers in the nearby corners, thanks to the reminder from the branch hat.

The demon knight Jason Brad, who roamed Gotham City, had obviously not given up. Mason had learned through the internal communication of the K team that there were similar surveillance devices near the Iceberg Lounge.

This indicated that the troublesome knight had gradually locked onto his target.

Although he didn't know how he did it, there was no doubt that danger was approaching Mason and his team.

On the day before they were scheduled to enter the world of the Snake Squad base for a mission, Mason and his K team made all the necessary preparations in secret. They wanted to permanently solve this problem.

"Jack, we can start now."

On the fifth afternoon after returning from the Star Castle to Gotham, Mason finished work at Dr. Leslie's clinic and bid farewell to the nurse Wendy, preparing to enjoy his weekend.

While riding his blue motorcycle, he took out the future technology communicator that Judy had given him as a token of friendship and made a call to Captain Jack, who was prepared at the Iceberg Lounge.

Announcing the start of the operation!

Jack was the first guy targeted by the demon knight.

Mason had enough reason to suspect that this reckless pirate was the breakthrough point for Jason Brad, making him the most suitable person to carry out the mission.

"You guys better keep up."

Captain Jack, who drove a cool luxury car out of the underground garage of the Iceberg Lounge, complained through the communicator:

"I never thought I would have any relationship with those damn demons in my life, let alone in this way. It's unbelievable."

No one paid attention to his complaints. The others had already headed to the meeting point in their own ways.

Kite Man and his two female assistants flew there, Catwoman rode the Batcycle from Wayne Manor, and Barrel and Scarecrow would set up an ambush in the container base.

Mason had to go to Gordon's house to pick up Barbara first, and then ask Commissioner Gordon for a leave of absence.

The nominal reason was to take Barbara out to relax over the weekend and make some new friends.

Thanks to seeing his daughter emerge from the shadows and become sunny again, Mason not only did not receive a scolding from the old man Gordon, but was praised instead.

With Barbara wearing a safety helmet and sitting in the sidecar of the blue motorcycle, Mason bid farewell to Commissioner Gordon, who waved goodbye with a satisfied smile, through the rearview mirror.

He muttered under his breath, "If Gordon knew what I was going to do with you, he would definitely pull out his gun and fight me. By the way, have you contacted Grayson since you came back these days? The great Casanova must be very happy to know that you've recovered, right?"

"Not yet, give it some time."

Barbara, sitting in the sidecar, played with the arm-mounted future technology microcomputer that her good friend Judy had given her, and whispered, "After I come back this time, I plan to surprise him. Mason, we won't have any missions for a short period of time after this, right?"

"Well, at least we should have a half-month break."

Mason cautiously observed his surroundings and glanced at his collar, where the kind Hell's Eye lapel pin was missing. He said, "Next is the K team's first forced exploration mission. I asked Judy about the mission, and she told me that it would be difficult for the current strength of the K team, but it should be completed smoothly."

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"Mason! I saw a taxi following me all the time!"

As soon as the young man's voice fell, Captain Jack screamed on the other end.

He shouted, "It must be that bastard tracking me! I've watched a lot of spy movies from your era these days, and that's how they always play!"

"Calm down and keep heading to the dock."

Mason advised.

Without him saying anything, Barbara in the sidecar skillfully "hacked" into the Bat Network with her new device and easily found Captain Jack, who was driving in the city, through the surveillance devices spread throughout the city by the master.

"There is indeed a taxi tracking Jack."

Barbara put on a specially made earphone and took over the K team's communication, saying to the other members, "Jack! I will plan your route, and you should follow my instructions. The rest of you should arrive at the meeting point within ten minutes! Jason, how is the situation on your side?"

"Constantine is setting up some evil stuff that I can't understand."

Barrel's gloomy voice sounded, reporting, "I am monitoring Miller Harbor and have not found anyone suspicious."

"Continue monitoring."

Barbara switched the communication very professionally. As Mason twisted the handlebars and the motorcycle soared into the sky, she gave instructions to the other team members according to Jack's route.

```"Charles, bypass the Odysseus District in front of you and enter the dock from above Nether Island. Also, your flight backpack data shows that you may be overweight, so try not to perform any dangerous flying maneuvers."

"Understood, Barbara."

The voice of Kite Man sounded through the team communication, with a hint of complaint:

"I don't know why the two ladies who look so thin are so heavy. Ah! Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Don't hit me! We're flying, after all!"

"Both of you crazy ladies, be quiet!"

Barbara grinned and then reported to the last member:

"Selina, you need to park and check your Batcycle. It shows that there are at least three trackers on your vehicle, one of which belongs to Bruce, and the other two are unknown signals. You're being tracked."

"It must be that persistent little brat!"

Catwoman complained fiercely:

"Damian has been pestering me to introduce him to you, Mason. He's very interested in our team. You have to find time to meet my child, otherwise he will annoy me with his antics."

"I promised his mother that I would take care of him."

Mason, soaring in the sky with his flight goggles, whispered:

"But recruiting a twelve-year-old child into an organization that requires desperate efforts in different worlds is not exactly taking care of him. Jason, are you interested in taking care of a burden? After all, theoretically speaking, that child is also yours."

"Damn it, Mason! Shut up!"

Two-Face interrupted Mason's next words angrily.

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A few seconds later, Two-Face spoke again in a cold tone:

"I have already seen Jack and the taxi tracking him. They are about 2,500 meters away. Can I shoot? I won't miss at this distance."

"Stay quiet there!"

Scarecrow, who had been silent, joined the communication. The Dark Mage warned in a tired voice:

"Even if you shoot Brad in the head with a sniper bullet, he won't die. Instead, it will expose our plan. Next, we need to enter communication silence. Everyone, listen carefully! The perception range of the Demon Knight is very large. After entering the dock, he can easily hear our communication. So, let's proceed according to the plan! I will force Brad into his demon form, and the rest of you buy me time to cast spells and attract its attention. This mission is very dangerous. It's best not to try close combat with it, or you'll be burned to death by the flames of the Inferno that the higher-level demon's body is wrapped in."


The responses of the others sounded in the communication device. Then Barbara closed the team communication, and Mason could already see the outline of Miller Harbor under the setting sun.

He glanced at Batgirl in the sidecar and found that she was taking out a uniquely designed black shotgun from her backpack.

Its minimalist design and the iconic circular grip represented its origin.

"Judy is really good to you, giving you a computer and a gun."

Mason said sarcastically:

Theft is never good, try looking at

"I'm starting to get annoyed why I'm not a pretty girl. Are you two in love? Barbara, you know this will hurt Grayson."

"Shut up, Mason. It's not what you think."

Barbara snorted and skillfully loaded the futuristic kinetic shotgun borrowed from Judy, saying to Mason:

"I borrowed this from Judy, and I have to return it later. Judy also said she can help me implant some intelligent prosthetics and teach me the hacking techniques of their era. To be honest, I'm a little tempted."

"You better not be tempted."

Mason lowered the height of the motorcycle and warned in a low voice:

"The implanted prosthetics used by them from the year 2077 are harmful to the body. In that era, ordinary people were always treated as expendable. Judy was born there and sees all of this as normal, but I don't want my team members to come into contact with those dangerous things."

"No, Mason."

But Barbara shook her head:

"If I voluntarily join the K Squad and want to help the suffering worlds, I must make some sacrifices. Judy described the mission scenarios to me, and with my current abilities, I am not yet capable of joining such dangerous battles. I also don't want to become the weak point of the K Squad. Besides, don't we have you, the alchemist? I believe you can minimize the damage caused by the prosthetics."

"Gordon will definitely kill me, and Damian won't want his delicate girlfriend to have some strange metal parts in her body."

Mason, without any captain's dignity, complained with a touch of resentment:

"So, for the sake of my life, you better think carefully."

After saying that, he twisted the handlebars and flew the flying motorcycle low, dropping two handguns and a sniper rifle from his bag. When passing by Kite Man, Mason threw him a complex folding light machine gun.

The flying motorcycle glided gracefully to another container, and Mason and Barbara jumped off the vehicle to form a defensive position on the spot.

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Batgirl held the shotgun, while Mason inserted a black and gray kinetic revolver into his waist and took out a precise rifle, half-kneeling on the ground.In just a blink of an eye, Team K had changed their outfits and formed a firepower net on the road leading to the container base.

In front of them, Captain Jack's luxury car had already arrived, followed closely by a taxi that was not trying to hide its pursuit.

Inside the yellow taxi, the expressionless Demon Knight Jason Brad had clearly noticed Team K in front of him. But he didn't care.

He even had the mood to finish his coffee, then stepped on the accelerator and rammed towards the attackers.

He had confirmed that these mysterious guys in front of him were definitely related to the previous invaders from another world.

Now that Batman was not in Gotham, it was a good opportunity to capture them.

As for how to make them reveal the truth, that was not something the Demon Knight needed to consider.

The higher demon inside him was already restless, so it was a good chance to relieve the suppressed violence in his heart.


Lying on a high point, Barrel Two fired the first shot with a high-tech sniper rifle.

The fully charged bullet accurately hit the roof of the taxi, easily piercing the engine and causing it to emit black smoke, allowing Captain Jack, who was fleeing, to create distance and rush into the container area.

The two female pirates waiting there were fully armed and threw two plasma pistols to Jack after he got off the car, signaling him to retreat underground.

As for the Demon Knight, he calmly walked out of the scrapped taxi. As soon as he got out of the car, he raised his hand and caught the second bullet fired by Barrel Two aimed at his head.

This cool action widened Barrel Two's eyes.


This is an accelerated sniper bullet!

It can easily take down an elephant!

Can you still catch it at this speed and impact? You must be cheating, right?

A burst of sulfur-scented flames erupted from the Demon Knight's hand, instantly melting and distorting the pointed bullet, which he casually threw on the ground as if provoking.

He moved his body, still wearing that old-fashioned dark red windbreaker, and strode forward as if nothing could stop him from catching these mysterious people in front of him.

"Normal bullets are useless against him. Zha Kang said this guy has precognition ability to dodge the trajectory in advance."

Mason held the Widow Maker, a technological rifle, and in the sound of the charging device dripping in the rifle, he whispered to Barbara beside him:

"So we need some unusual 'bullets'."


The fully charged precision rifle fired.

The engineering bullet flying out of the barrel flew towards the Demon Knight at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary bullets. The latter sensed the danger and wanted to dodge, but Mason's gun, which didn't play by the rules, had two accelerated muzzles and could shoot two bullets at once.

The first one was knocked away, but the second bullet instantly opened a blood hole in his chest.

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Then a chilling power erupted from the bullet that penetrated his body, not a cursed bullet, but an ice-frozen bullet made from the heart of the Ice Sea pearl.

In an instant, it froze half of the Demon Knight's body.


Mason gave the order.

Strong firepower came from the left, right, and sky. The firearms manufactured with future technology had astonishing destructive power. In the blink of an eye, the Demon Knight was covered in blood.

The most exaggerated was the Kite Man floating in mid-air.

He held his "new toy," nicknamed the "Defender," a kinetic light machine gun with square barrels, and fired a barrage of bullets at a rapid rate.

Within a few seconds, he emptied a bullet box.

But even after Mason's modification, this thing had a tremendous recoil when fired at full power. Only someone like Kite Man, who could adjust his position in the air, could use it well.

In order to restrain the powerful and dangerous Demon Knight, Mason had spared no expense. A whole box of ice-frozen bullets froze the Demon Knight and the surrounding area within a few meters.

To be honest, if it weren't for just mastering the convenient mass production of the alchemy array, it would have taken Mason two hours to manually make the bullet that Kite Man had just fired.

But now, as a blazing fire had already ignited in the frozen area, Mason stopped shooting and shouted into the communicator:

"John, hurry up!"

"Don't rush, isn't it almost done?"

Zha Kang's voice sounded, and in the strange and noisy chanting, a twisted magical power locked onto the Demon Knight, who was frozen on the ground.

Like a master key.

Roughly, it temporarily cut off his suppression of the demon inside him, amidst the angry roar of Jason Brad.

"John Constantine! You're seeking death!"

The intense and scorching flames of the inferno erupted in place, and in the hoarse howl of the Demon Knight, rotating pillars of fire instantly burned and melted all the nearby ice.

The humanoid form of the millennium knight quickly disintegrated in the raging fire.

In its place stood a nearly four-meter-tall creature, completely red with flames spewing from its mouth.

"Ah! When the human form is silent, the demon nature awakens! Where are the evil spirits? I will not spare any of them."

In the instant it appeared, announcing its arrival with a demonic language as symmetrical as a hymn, the temperature in the entire container area began to rise rapidly.The big guy with eyes burning like blazing light bulbs roared and charged in the direction of where Mason was, like a moving magma behemoth, forcefully crashing through everything along the way.

It almost disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Leaving behind only the wreckage of a container that was knocked open and melting, collapsing.

"The baiting mission is complete! Shacon has already drawn the hatred, let that raging demon wreak havoc in another world."

Mason put away his gun, pinched his nose, and shouted to his teammates who were still in a daze because they had seen the demon with their own eyes, amidst the unpleasant smell of sulfur flames:

"Team K, change your gear and set off! The new world is waiting for us."

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