The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 13: Disarming bombs by hand has alway

In the desolate ruins of the Hogwarts Great Hall, Mason, wearing a torn pointed hat, listened to the crazy Sorting Hat's creepy words. He blinked his eyes and could tell from the guy's shouting that Hogwarts was definitely destroyed by a planned invasion. It seemed that there was a hidden truth behind the world's destruction besides zombies.

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So he asked casually, "Who are you seeking revenge on? Who destroyed this place?"

"Revenge... Revenge! The revenge pact is set, waiting... for my awakening... to be sewn! Sew me up first... it's not dignified..."

But the Sorting Hat didn't answer him anymore.

Like an old man's last breath, the voice quietly fell and the hat fell from the young man's head into Mason's hand without him having to reach for it.

Although the Sorting Hat said it would eat Mason, there was no curse or injury prompt on the character card. Thinking positively, perhaps the Sorting Hat was just simply crazy.

He shrugged and put the dirty thing into his backpack.

The young man didn't plan to hide anything. In a situation where he didn't even have a storage bag, it was impossible to conceal the loot from Old K.

But this didn't affect Mason's joyful mood after a "good start".

At least it proved that his character was not bad.

So he continued to search along the ruins of the Great Hall and finally found the destroyed school library after passing through a completely collapsed room after nearly two hours of exploration.

The bad news was that the books inside were already burned to ashes.

The good news was that Mason found a relatively intact Complete Collection of Alchemy and Potion Making on the shelves of alchemy and potion making, which was revised and annotated by Dumbledore himself.

This was one of the most valuable collections he had found so far.

After another hour, Mason, who was a little tired, sat on a lace-edged bed in the ruins of the witch's dormitory and looked at his harvest.

The dazzling things in front of him included:

Five magic bags of various sizes that were slightly damaged and could be repaired with tailoring skills, but the required skill level must be above Lv2.

A pile of magic materials found everywhere, including high-end goods cherished by academy mentors, which could be used for subsequent studies in alchemy, enchanting, and inscription.

Finally, a bunch of keys from various facilities in the academy, a "friendly gift" from dormitory administrator Mr. Agus Felch.

This unlucky guy who liked to complain was lucky enough to escape the disaster but couldn't escape his own cat turning into a zombie and attacking him in his room.

Mason ended the tragic life of him and his cat with a large deer bullet.

Speaking of zombie cats...

The young man took out the black birdcage that Old K had exchanged for him from his pocket.

This thing was a pure magic item, and the zombie tiger-skin cat transformed by Professor McGee was now locked inside, like it had been proportionally reduced.

He looked at this thing, and the information label quickly popped up:

Blackbeard's Voodoo Birdcage

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Quality: Excellent alchemy/enchantment item·Excellent craftsmanship.Status: Sealed object (Miller's McGee) has been marked, chanting can release or retract.

Effect: The Voodoo spell of sealing, created by the legendary pirate "Blackbeard" Edward Titch, who is also a great wizard of Voodoo, has a unique feature. This birdcage was handcrafted by him for his esteemed guests.

After marking the sealed object, it can be sealed and carried regardless of size and weight.

This birdcage only works on "dead" objects.

Item Description: The cunning and cruel Blackbeard prepared a gift for his distinguished guest, which won him the friendship of Lord K.


A mournful scream came from the black birdcage, and the zombie tiger-striped cat was restless inside, scratching the cage with its sharp claws from time to time.

It looked like a violent little devil.

Mason placed the cage on the bed. The moment he let go, the cage expanded to the size of a normal birdcage. He comforted the zombie cat inside the cage, snapping his fingers to get its attention, and said:

"Don't worry, there will be fresh meat for you soon."

As he spoke, a black shadow fell from the sky.

With the mechanical sound of the kite being collected into his backpack, the kite man, who was a little afraid and looked around, appeared in front of Mason holding a package.

"He's exploring the collapsed tower at the other end of the ruins."

The kite man patted the tablet computer that controlled the engineering bomb on his waist and lowered his voice, saying:

"Your prediction was correct, Mason. I saw that bitch just headed towards Lord K's direction with the drone camera you gave me. She's that guy's minion!"


Mason grinned, glanced at the kite man, and said:

"Is she doing well?"

"Okay, so-so."

The middle-aged man in his thirties shrugged, revealing a smile that all men understood. Obviously, he had released his stress from being actively pursued last night.

But both of them knew that they didn't have much time left, so the kite man quickly put the big package he was carrying on the bed and opened it.

It was filled with all kinds of bottles and jars.

He pointed to these things and said:

"These are all the things that look like medicine that I found in the ruins, maybe they are magical potions, but are you sure these things will come in handy?

I mean, you are risking taking apart the micro-bomb buried in your spine without any professional tools. Are you kidding me?"

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"If someone has to risk their life, it will be me first. What are you afraid of?"

Mason quickly searched for information labels on these bottles and jars while not even looking up, saying:

"I wrote it very clearly on the note. Even if I fail and get blown up, you can still join Lord K and continue to survive. That guy won't kill you so easily now that he needs people.

But if I succeed, we have a second path to follow!

You, who have followed the Joker, should know how happy it is to have a choice in dire situations."

"I know! Otherwise, I wouldn't risk helping you."

The kite man was still a little anxious, sitting restlessly and pacing back and forth, saying:

"But even if we dismantle the bomb, what then? That Lord K is very powerful. If we both attack him, we will probably be killed by his sword, and we can't escape.

Do you have a plan?"

"Yes, wait a minute!"Mason waved his hand to quiet down Kite Man.

He carefully looked at the various bottles and jars on the bed in front of him, the information labels on them flashing one after another.

"Hair growth potion, hiccup medicine, elation agent...none of these will do. Hmm, Lucky Elixir? Good stuff, this one is useful!"

The young man quickly took out a small black bottle and put it aside, then continued to search, reciting the precise names of these potions as he found them.

The process made Kite Man beside him widen his eyes.

"Bone Revitalizer? Maybe useful! Then...Blood Supplement Potion, this one!"

Mason quickly picked out three potions that he needed, holding the three differently shaped bottles in his hand to examine them, and their labels quickly popped up intact:

Detected advanced alchemy compound, analyzing...this item is "Lucky Elixir", a high-level magic medicine that brings "luck" to the person who takes it until the effect disappears (12 hours), making everything they want to do successful.

Note: The effective range of Lucky Elixir is limited to events that are highly likely to succeed. It does not have the ability to change the rules, and the medicine is toxic. Drinking it multiple times in a short period of time will cause serious consequences.

Alchemy skills and knowledge are too low to analyze the complete formula.

Bone Revitalizer, a high-level magic medicine that can regenerate missing or damaged bones in a short time.

Note: Using Bone Revitalizer will bring about unimaginable pain.

This blueprint has been collected.

Blood Supplement Potion, a high-level magic medicine that instantly replenishes lost blood and heals injuries.

Note: The process of making Blood Supplement Potion is simple, but the effectiveness of the medicine depends on the alchemist's skills. This Blood Supplement Potion was made by a great wizard and can instantly heal injuries below "serious" and replenish lost blood.

This blueprint has been collected.

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Mason breathed a sigh of relief, released an engineering bomb for flight, and let it hover over his head. He put the control tablet in front of him and made a simple "surgical live projection" with the camera. He then took out the swallow potion given to him by Old K and the surgical knife and forceps from his bag.

He glanced at Kite Man, who was even more nervous than he was.

Mason pointed to the sky and said, "Watch for me. If they come, hold them back. I need at least five minutes. If I fail, everything I have is yours. Remember to collect my body and scatter my ashes in the Gotham River."

"Do you really want to do this?" Kite Man looked at the surgical knife and the bottles of magic medicine in Mason's hand, clenching his fist and saying, "You're not just risking your life without any assistance. Maybe we can follow Old K. Although he's hypocritical, he's not the kind of person who..."

"There's no other choice! Charles!" Mason stood up and slapped him hard, shouting, "Listen to me! Don't expect someone like Old K to voluntarily defuse the bomb for you just because you're loyal to him! You followed the Joker before, and I followed the Penguin. I had to give Oswald a bullet with my own hands to escape the bleak future! I did that so that Batman would spare me. Do you understand what I mean?""Life is something you have to fight for! Don't rely on the kindness of assholes for your life. Now, watch over me and pray for my success, OK?"

"Got it."

Kite Man gritted his teeth, took a step back, and opened his kite, flying into the air with the wind over the ruins.

Meanwhile, Mason returned to his bed, looking at his neck reflected on the tablet in front of him. He took off his clothes and drank the Swallow Potion from Old K, allowing the healing effect to last for five minutes.

Then, he quickly picked up the Fuling Potion and dropped a few drops into his mouth. An indescribable feeling of confidence surged up, driven by the powerful force in his heart.

It seemed that a voice echoed in Mason's ears: "Go for it, young man! You will survive and give Old K a big surprise! You will achieve great things, starting from now!"

With this unwavering confidence, Mason took another deep breath.

He put the Dizzy Count's intracranial disruptor aside and then approached the bomb implanted in his neck with a scalpel in his left hand and forceps in his right hand.


Under Mason's incredible precision, the sharp scalpel cut open a V-shaped wound on the back of his neck, and blood flowed out instantly. However, it quickly stopped due to the healing potion's effect.

This was his chance.

With a piece of gauze in his mouth, Mason groaned softly as he inserted the forceps into the wound. The convulsing pain continued to assault his mind, but it didn't affect his finger movements.

This was why he had to reach Engineering Level 2 to attempt to remove the micro-bomb. Only the "nimble hands" trait at this level could ensure that he would not be tortured to the point of his fingers twitching.

The bomb was implanted in the spinal cord gap.

It was smaller than a fingernail. If Mason's hand slipped, not only would he fail to remove the bomb, but his spinal cord might also be injured, leading to his death.

But with the assurance of the Bone Spirit, even if his spinal cord was injured, he wouldn't have to worry.

He stared at the screen while using the forceps to accurately hold the edge of the micro-bomb. Perhaps the Fuling Potion was really effective, as this most difficult process went smoothly.

After confirming that he had grasped the bomb, Mason didn't even have time to pull it out bit by bit. He directly pressed the scalpel against it and cut off a piece of flesh with both hands.

The terrifying pain almost made Mason faint on the spot.

But he persevered.

He threw the scalpel away and punched the disruptor on the table. The electromagnetic wave it emitted was delayed by the micro-bomb that had been pulled out of the wound, preventing it from exploding instantly.

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While drinking the blood-replenishing potion, Mason threw the bloody micro-bomb fragment with forceps onto the birdcage on the bed. The zombie cat, which had been stimulated by the fresh blood, bit into the flesh and swallowed it.


Mason collapsed on the ground.

Covered in blood, he felt like he was about to die in the next moment.

But under the effects of several magic potions, his horribly mutilated wound healed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it was miraculously restored to its original state.He lay in a pool of blood, staring at the gray sky with wide eyes. His body was soaked through with sweat and blood, but a sense of relief washed over him, causing him to reveal a weak, pale smile.

On the semi-transparent screen in front of him, a line of belated prompts seemed to be celebrating his hard-won victory:

"Successfully completed an outstanding craftsmanship - high-precision engineering explosive dismantling, engineering skill proficiency increased by X40.

Successfully completed an excellent craftsmanship - rapid first aid for fatal injuries, first aid skill proficiency increased by X50."

"Oh my god!"

A few minutes later, Kite Man, who had descended from the sky, looked at Mason Cooper, who had climbed out of the pool of blood with his own strength, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

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He shouted, "You did it! You're amazing! Quick, give me a turn! We agreed on this earlier!"

"Let me rest for a while."

As Mason washed his body with water and rubbed his recovered neck, he glanced at Kite Man and pointed to the zombie cat in the cage on the bed that was howling and making a mess. He said, "Do you understand why I keep it now?"

"I do! After taking out the micro-bomb, in order to prevent it from exploding and being discovered by Old K, you need a carrier that stays close to you, making him feel like he's still in control."

Kite Man grinned.

Under Mason's gaze, he reached behind him and grabbed a large zombie mole that was squeaking and making noise. Its claws and teeth had been pulled out.

The third-rate villain snorted and swung the fat mole in his hand, saying, "I was prepared for this. I just caught this one."

"You know..."

Mason stared at the zombie mole in Kite Man's hand and stretched out his voice, saying, "Actually, I don't have to fulfill my promise to help you remove the bomb. You have to follow me honestly and walk with me until the end, right?"

Kite Man's expression changed slightly.

In the next moment, Mason pointed to the bed, revealing a smile of "Ha, you were scared," and said, "Go lie down there. It might hurt a bit later. But I've already told you, Charles."

The young man took out medical alcohol to disinfect the surgical knife in his hand and looked at Kite Man, who was lying on the bed and taking off his clothes, reminding him, "Once this is done, there's no turning back. I can only tell you all my plans if I trust you, and I hope you can trust me as much as I trust you."

"I understand. I'm a Gotham native, after all."

As Kite Man took off his clothes and bit a piece of gauze in his mouth, closing his eyes and speaking indistinctly, "You're my new boss from now on."

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