The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 18: Hogwarts: The Final Night

"Why don't we just go back tonight?"

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At the shore of Hogwarts' lake, Kite Man sat by the campfire, holding his own plate of food and asking:

"We don't really need to wait for the train. We have the flying motorcycle that can take us straight to the London station. The small motorcycle is very fast, much faster than the train."

"That's true."

Mason slowly scooped up rice with his spoon and chewed it tastelessly. He glanced at the blue motorcycle parked by the lake and said:

"But that bike doesn't use oil, Charles. It uses special alchemical oil, which I can't make right now."

"Oh, I see."

Kite Man nodded immediately.

The boss meant that the oil in the motorcycle should be saved for escape in case of danger. This made sense.

Then he saw Mason put down his plate and wipe his mouth with good dining etiquette. He casually threw a delicate leather bag over, which fell right in front of Kite Man's feet.

Kite Man was stunned. He picked up the thing and looked at it, saying:

"Isn't this the magic pocket that old K hangs on his waist?"

"Yes, the travel backpack, with an internal volume of 50X50X10."

Mason picked up the suitcase next to him and explained:

"Just like old K said, it's like a small portable warehouse. The password to open it is 'hunter,' just think it in your mind. It belongs to you now, and you really need the old clothes inside it. Although there may only be two of us left in this world, it's not good for you to always be naked."

"This... is for me?"

Kite Man was a little confused for a moment.

He looked at the magical creation in his hand, scratched his head, and said:

"Um, why don't you take it and use it first? You seem to need it more than me."

"No need, I have something better."

Mason glanced at him and patted the suitcase in his hand.

Obviously, this thing was also a large-capacity storage tool, a relic left to him by Harry Potter's father. It had a small and retro exterior but an insanely large interior capacity.

The information label said that the internal volume of this thing was 500X500X50, equivalent to carrying a small estate with you. This capacity was much more exciting than old K's travel backpack.

What's even more amazing is that this traceless stretchable item made by the top alchemists and tailors in this world can have its internal structure freely planned by the user.

In other words, if Mason wanted to, he could really build himself a set of small villa that only he could freely enter and exit in this suitcase.

But this is far from the limit that the wizards in this world can reach.

At least Mason knew that there was once a great wizard who built a complete "small ecosystem" in his suitcase and domesticated at least a few hundred magical creatures in it.

"Well, I won't be polite then."The Kite Man chuckled.

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He casually tied the backpack to his belt and played with his "new toy" like a mischievous child. Mason had already checked the contents of the backpack.

K was really poor. Besides his alchemy notes, some pharmaceutical materials, and enough bullets, there were only a few pieces of clean clothes left.

"We'll divide the spoils when we get back, okay?" Mason said.

But the Kite Man shook his head and said to him, "No need. You did all the dangerous stuff, and I didn't help much. The magic leather coat and this backpack are already enough to make me happy. Besides, I can't move freely since we're going to Gotham. Don't forget that K broke me out of Blackgate Penitentiary, and I'm still a fugitive."

Mason also shook his head and said, "Fair is fair. It's not a matter of whether you want it or not! And don't forget, I used to be a member of the mafia. I know how to do things."

"Then... it's up to you," the Kite Man shrugged, glanced at the suitcase in Mason's hand, and picked up his gun to stretch his body. "I'll check the surroundings and have a snack."

Obviously, he knew that Mason was going to inspect the contents of the suitcase. As a henchman, it's better not to be curious at this time.

This guy who followed the Joker was really good at being a person.

Thinking about it, those who couldn't be a person in the Joker's gang had probably been thrown out to feed Batman a long time ago.

Mason took a few bites of rice and opened the black suitcase in his hand. Since he didn't activate the spell of traceless extension, only a layer of ordinary miscellaneous items appeared in front of him.

The first thing that caught his eye was a few irregular blood-red translucent crystals in a dark green jewelry box.

At the moment he saw this thing, Mason held his breath.

He knew what it was.

As soon as he touched it, a large amount of garbled text appeared in the young man's field of vision, and finally converged into a prompt after two seconds:

Contact with high-level alchemy creation... Analyzing.

Name: Ancient Alchemy Stone/Philosopher's Stone/Nicolas Flamel's Magic Stone

Quality: Legendary Alchemy Creation·Perfect Craftsmanship

Characteristics: Material Transformation·Low-level Reality Rewrite·Immortality·Magic Medium Touch·Fragment Residue

Effects: Holding the magic stone can greatly extend the user's natural lifespan and retardation of thinking, but cannot delay mental fatigue.

Using the magic stone as an alchemy medium can greatly improve the quality of alchemy products.

When using the magic stone as alchemical raw materials and having a complete formula, the "Elixir of Immortality" can be produced.

When alchemy reaches level 2 or above, the magic stone can be used as a medium to refine the quality of the creation or change the physical and magical properties of various materials.When alchemy reaches level 4 or above, using magic stones as the alchemy medium will increase the chance of creating "ultimate craftsmanship" alchemical creations.

When alchemy reaches level 6 or above, using magic stones as the alchemy medium will increase the chance of creating "perfect craftsmanship" alchemical creations.

When alchemy reaches level 8 or above, using magic stones as the alchemy medium and holding the complete recipe may allow for the creation of "legendary quality" alchemical creations.

When alchemy reaches level 9, attempting to analyze the production principle of magic stones and recording the production recipe is possible.

Producer: Nico LeMay

Item description: A priceless treasure for alchemists and anyone who seeks immortality!

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Important note:

The magic stones have been shattered under external forces. Although the fragments do not affect the value of the magic stones themselves, they cannot be restored to their original form.

Therefore, when used as an alchemy medium, they will be consumed with each use, please use them properly.

Mason placed a blood-red magic stone fragment in front of him, and in the next moment, he looked around cautiously, not because he did not trust Kite Man's grateful heart at this time.

Mainly because this thing is too hot.

Old K came to this world just for this thing. According to him, there has been a lucrative bounty mission to find magic stones within the Star Alliance, but no one has been able to find it.

This shows that even in the Star Alliance, where one can freely traverse the world and plunder treasures, magic stones belong to the category of "treasures".

Mason's current knowledge is completely insufficient to use this thing, except that he can live forever by carrying it...but the young man is only 17 years old now, even if he adds his past life, he is only in his forties. Considering this issue is obviously too early.

So he cautiously closed the magic stone jewelry box and activated the traceless expansion curse of the box, throwing it into the bottom of the box space to hide it.

Mason patted his face to calm himself down.

Mr. Potter must have had a purpose for putting the magic stone in the box before he died. The young man felt that he needed to continue investigating.

Maybe he can uncover the truth about the world's encounter with the end of days?

Compared to the shattered magic stone, the other things in the box are much inferior, but they cannot be too bad when placed next to the magic stone.

For example, the broken elder magic wand next to it.

This thing is the last of the Deathly Hallows and the most severely damaged. The character card cannot give a specific label, only indicating that it requires a level of enchantment, inscription, and jewelry processing of level 8 to have a chance to repair it.

In addition to these, there are two books in the box, one large and one small, both in the traditional style of magic books, with metal covers and locked with black chains.Mason picked them up and found that they were the magic books of Grindelwald and Voldemort, respectively recording the Encyclopedia of Dark Magic and the research on Horcruxes.

Mason was not a wizard and had no intention of becoming one, so these precious knowledge meant little to him.

He continued to search and found a palm-sized diary wrapped in a red ribbon in a blood-stained lady's coat that was folded up, looking exquisite.

This was Mr. Potter's diary, the only evidence that could unravel the mystery of the world's doomsday.


Just as Mason opened the diary, something fell out of it and hit the box in front of him, making the young man blink and pick it up.

A golden, exquisitely crafted key, full of the weight of time and years, was given a unique label by the character card:

Headmaster's Office Key

Maker: Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw

Effect: Safely open the door to the Headmaster's Office without triggering any counter-magic.

Item Description: Find the door, insert the key, then open the door and leave with the item. How difficult could it be for an adventurer?

"So, the Headmaster's Office should still be intact."

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Mason held the golden key and turned to look at the ruins of Hogwarts in the center of the lake behind him at night. He thought to himself as he played with the key:

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"That place is hidden somewhere in this ruin, but unfortunately, I'm too tired now. Otherwise, it's really worth a good search. Well, let's leave it for next time."

The young man lay by the campfire, resting his head on his backpack to make himself more comfortable. He put Mr. Potter's diary in front of him with a mind to unravel the mystery.

The handwriting on the first page was very messy.

It was definitely not something a wizard with a status could write. The scattered notes seemed to prove that Mr. Potter was already in a very bad situation when he wrote this.

"Hermione is dead."

This first sentence made Mason widen his eyes, and he couldn't wait to read on:

"She was crushed by the red light falling from the sky and the shattered earth in front of me, and along with her, the elite Aurors of the Ministry of Magic were also destroyed.

We were no match for them and were routed.

And there was only one enemy...

Professor McGonagall's guess was correct. This disaster was man-made.

As I write this line, I have just escaped back to my alma mater from the battlefield of the Ministry of Magic. I am waiting for Hagrid to escort the young wizards to meet me.

At this terrible moment, Durmstrang Institute came to our aid, but communication with other schools and the Ministry of Magic has been completely cut off.

I don't know if the whole world is safe, but I doubt it."But what I'm most worried about now is whether we still have a chance to survive in the apocalypse.

The pen in my hand trembles, and I can feel the magic and energy around the academy gathering abnormally. The sky darkens, which is a bad sign.

There is not much time left.

If someone can see this diary, please remember that this zombie disaster was caused by the dark things hidden by those "destroyers" around the world in advance.

They also attacked the major governments at the same time, and I saw Buckingham Palace being leveled by the black storm that fell from the sky.

Ordinary people's weapons are as powerless as our magic when facing them. I saw at least thirty death curses hit the red light, but they couldn't harm the other party at all.

When I fled, the military of ordinary people was already preparing to use nuclear weapons.

I know that this is a counterattack in desperation, but I am pessimistic about the effectiveness of this weapon.

I cannot guess the mental state of the destroyers, but I know that they have long had a plan. Today's destruction is not the beginning, it means that everything has ended before we react.

The virus is still spreading. My wife Ginny told me that she and ordinary people's biological experts have studied that virus together.

That thing actively seeks all life and infects it, and our current magic and technological means cannot decipher its secrets in a short time.

As for the infected, they were already dead when they were infected.

The survivors are just shells used for evil, and I feel particularly uncomfortable in my lungs now... maybe...

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Oh my god, she's here! She descended like a goddess in the black storm and lightning, and I saw Ravenclaw Tower being crushed like a sandcastle.

I saw the light in her eyes.

She won't spare us, just like killing a nest of mice.

Ironically, in the last moments of life, I remembered those happy days.

Especially when I saw Hermione die with my own eyes, I suddenly felt that I should have been braver back then, instead of being fooled by stupid blood purity. This may be a bit sorry for Ginny and the children, but who cares.

We are all going to die.

Ah, Shakespeare has depicted the apocalypse countless times in his imagination, but I guess the great poet has never seen the arrival of the apocalypse with his own eyes.

If we were not about to be destroyed, I would say that this scene is really spectacular.

The end has come, right in front of my eyes.

The whole world has dimmed, and all hope has been extinguished at this moment.

Perhaps the shattered resurrection stone produced a strange reaction in my heart, anyway, I saw Dumbledore and Snape, as well as my parents and Sirius, and Hagrid who laughed loudly behind them.

Mrs. McGee still likes to turn into a cat at this time...

Hmm, Miss Know-It-All, is that you?

Don't worry.

You're just one step ahead."I'll catch up..."

The writing of the diary abruptly stopped, like an unfinished movie that left people uneasy. Mason closed the diary, and his face was not calm under the light of the fire.

He found the answer.

But it didn't make him feel satisfied at all.

Feeling confused, he leaned against the tree trunk and fell asleep after an hour of silence. The beginning of this dream took place on top of a tower in Gotham City, where Mason saw the apocalypse described by Mr. Potter as soon as he opened his eyes.

A black storm swept across the sky, and a dazzling sun fell from the sky.

The distance was all barren, and the ground was piled with pale skeletons. Their black eyes looked at him, surging like a lake, engulfing the young man who couldn't escape.

Mason shouted anxiously in his dream.

Where is Master? Where is Big Chao? Where is Wonder Woman?

Don't you see it's the end of the world?

Can't you guys help me out?

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