The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 47: Apo alypti Shadow: Dark Tide Str


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Something locked in a rusty iron cage in the bottom of the merchant ship smelled the scent of fresh flesh.

As the four members of the K team approached, its pale eyeballs rolled over, and its twisted nostrils sniffed fiercely before roaring and rushing over.

With a bang, it hit the edge of the cage, and its twisted claws kept scratching. With this movement, the rotten wounds and withered flesh on its body emitted a disgusting stench.

The black magician Scum Kang looked at the thing in front of him, and his carefree face also showed a serious expression. As for Catwoman, who was still angry, she immediately thought of the disaster that had been covered up in Gotham just a few days ago.


Mason, with an ugly face, raised his hand and pulled the trigger.

A rotating bullet flew out of the gun barrel and blew the thing in the cage's head, and the headless corpse smashed into the damp and smelly deck, letting filthy blood flow out.

"'s another zombie!"

He looked at Kite Man, who had the same ugly face behind him, and said in a low voice:

"Go check the people on the ship. Anyone who has been scratched or in contact with zombies should be thrown into the sea directly."

"No need, boss."

Charles said in a low voice:

"The locals call this infection the 'Black Death'. According to the ship's captain, this disease has been prevalent in the old continent for more than two months, and there are said to be few survivors in Europe.

The merchants who run on the sea are now doing 'immigration business' in a frenzy, specifically sending living people from the old continent to the new continent for refuge, so they know how to prevent this danger.

Before we arrived, all the injured crew members on the ship had already been dealt with. They kept this zombie because it was the captain of this ship three days ago."

"Zombies appeared more than two months ago?"

Mason said in surprise:

"So, the official government of this world has not been attacked by the 'World Destroyer'? Also, it is impossible for a civilization that is still in the modern world to resist such a rapidly spreading biochemical disaster.

Those bastards don't need to go to great lengths to destroy the center of civilization.

They just need to drop the virus and let this world welcome the end in a rapid loss of blood."

Catwoman overheard the conversation between Mason and Kite Man and looked at Mason, saying:

"Isn't this the first time you've encountered a global disaster like this? Where did you get the zombie beasts you used to attack Blackgate Prison?"

"Another world."

Kite Man explained:

"It was the first world we were taken to by Old K. It was worse than here. The zombie crisis and the World Destroyer's attack had already turned it into a true wasteland.""That world doesn't have a living person anymore."

After speaking, Kite Man handed Mr. Porter's diary to Catwoman at Mason's signal. On the way up to the deck after leaving the cabin, Catwoman gave the diary to Trashcan.

When they all saw the sunlight again, even the carefree Constantine had no smile on his face. The warm sun from earlier now only made the four explorers feel a chill.

It was like a disaster was being replicated.

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Theft is never good, try looking at

Everything that happened in the Hogwarts world was being replayed in this Caribbean pirate world, and in a more brutal and bloodthirsty way through a "global survival game."

Mason remained calm.

He looked at the group of lost and exhausted sailors on the deck, as well as the people who had bought tickets and left the old continent to beg in the new continent.

According to Charles' inquiry, this group of people had two ships with 420 people on board when they departed from France ten days ago. After a disaster caused by an infected zombie attack on the way, only less than 50 people survived.

Everyone had lost hope, like mindless zombies waiting for the merciful release of death.


Mason shouted, "Do you have any objections if we take over this ship now?"

A middle-aged man with an eye patch who had lost one eye raised his head, his thirsty lips moved but didn't say anything, just silently nodded.


Mason took out a large box of compressed biscuits and several buckets of water from his luggage and threw them on the deck. This magical "miracle" immediately made everyone look at him.

Mason lightly kicked Trashcan, who was lost in thought, and the latter immediately understood and snapped his fingers.

A green flame appeared out of nowhere on the deck, forming a fierce skull that howled and pounced on the mindless crowd in front of them. The survivors screamed and fell down, scrambling to avoid it.

Although it was a cruel thing to do, thanks to Trashcan's magic, these guys finally had some reaction that living people should have.

"Wizards! They're wizards!"

The terrified screams echoed on the deck, still bearing the scars of battle. In this era, "wizards" were not a good word.


Mason raised his intimidating hand cannon and fired a shot into the sky. When the deck quieted down, he said coldly:

"Now, you are all slaves of the wizard lords! Come and get food and water, you poor creatures. The merciful wizard lords want you to work hard. Anyone who dares to be lazy will be hung on the mast to die in the sun!"This harsh statement had a miraculous effect. Over forty people on deck immediately rushed forward and, under the threat of the gun barrel in the hands of Kite Man, timidly lined up.

Catwoman picked up a compressed biscuit and handed it to several malnourished children with dirty faces.

She sighed.

Then she took out high-end snacks and candies from her pocket to relieve her boredom and handed them to the children, but the only thing in their eyes towards this most beautiful big sister they had ever seen since birth was fear.

But others were quite happy.

Although becoming a slave was a tragic thing, it was not a novelty in this era of booming triangular trade, and the arrival of sufficient food and water was nothing short of a miracle for this group of people who were about to starve and die of thirst at sea.

After barely filling their stomachs, Kite Man drove this group of poor people to adjust their direction and head towards the nearest dock city under Mason's instructions.

Mason found the ship's captain, a silent and middle-aged blind man who was the only leader left for this group of people.

K Squad now needed his experience of sailing all year round.

"Speak up."

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Mason took out a world map and placed it on the table in the dim captain's room. He also lit a handheld lamp and pointed to the map, saying to the sailor holding the biscuit:

"Where are we now? And where are you going?"

The sailor had never seen such a delicate map, but he quickly pointed to the map based on his experience and said:

"Wizard, we were originally going to Virginia, but the disaster led us astray here. According to my experience, we should be near Haiti now.

If we can navigate correctly, we can reach Port-au-Prince tonight.


Seeing that he was a bit hesitant, Kite Man impatiently said:

"Spit it out!"

"Uh, when we weren't attacked by those 'cannibals' on the ship, I heard some bad news."

The sailor hesitated to say:

"It is said that some smugglers have been blinded by money and accidentally transported some people infected with the Black Death to the New World.

It is said that Haiti is now a living hell.

Maybe we shouldn't go there. After all, we just barely survived the attack of the cannibals."

"Then give me some advice."

Mason looked at the map and said:

"We can't keep drifting at sea. Your ship is starting to leak."

"We can go to Tortuga Island!"

The sailor suddenly became spirited.He also intended to show his abilities in front of the "new captain" who possessed terrifying witchcraft. He ate a few cookies and pointed to a tiny spot on the map, saying:

"Although I'm a legitimate businessman, I have some friends who do some not-so-legitimate business on this sea. They told me that the pirate kings from all over the world have decided to gather on Tortuga Island to reopen the Pirate King Conference to discuss how to survive the end of the world. That was half a month ago. If everything goes smoothly, we should be able to catch up with that meeting when we arrive at Tortuga Island."

"A group of pirates discussing how to save the world?"

Catwoman sitting in the captain's room was like hearing a black humor joke. She held the hilt of her sword and said:

"So there is no one here who can handle this? Are we relying on the rats in the sewer to come to the forefront?"

"Selina, your words remind me of the tone used by young people born in peacetime... Don't be angry, I don't mean to mock."

Mason, who had seen the world after the apocalypse, sighed and said:

"I just feel that although you have witnessed how the end of the world came, you still don't have a clear understanding of the concept of 'the end of the world.' It's not that the pirate kings are arrogating themselves, but if they don't stand up, the world will have no chance."

"Yes, two great wizards!"

The boatswain waved his hand excitedly and said:

"It sounds ridiculous that pirates are going to save the world, but they do have this ability! I heard that Captain Barbossa, the legendary pirate of Queen Anne's Revenge, has taken out the cursed gold coins and is ready to summon an undead legion. And the Flying Dutchman, which has been missing for several years, has reappeared and brought the evil spirits of hell to deal with those who defile the undead. It is said that even the Royal Fleet has sent envoys to attend the meeting. After all, the noble king can only stay on the flagship with his wife and mistresses and dare not set foot on the cursed land. And Jack Sparrow..."

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Damn Jack still owes me thirty gold crowns.

But he also rarely takes the Black Pearl to Tortuga Island. It is said that he brought news about the legendary trident of the sea god that can purify all curses. As for the other pirate kings, they plan to request the protection of the wild goddess of the sea. Just think about it, great wizards, so many rare treasures gathered together can definitely defeat the terrible Black Death and at least protect the sea as our last refuge."The sailor clearly possessed the common characteristics of people who had been struggling on the sea during this era, such as being very superstitious, using vulgar language, and not being fond of cleanliness, etc.

But the news he spoke of made Mason's eyes light up.

He glanced at his companions behind him and turned back to the sailor after receiving everyone's unanimous agreement.


"Then let's go to the island of Tortuga and set off immediately!"


While the K team was experiencing the Age of Discovery in another world, Gotham City was already facing a midnight outbreak of evil.

The Gordon house.

Barbara Gordon closed her laptop with some exhaustion.

As the Bat Family's codename "Oracle," she had been busy lately, with a large amount of data and information to process, and follow-up information about Blackgate Prison needed to be sorted and stored in the Bat Database.

Not to mention the sword-shaped hard drive left behind by her boyfriend.

Although the data inside had already been deleted, she still had to find a way to extract some recoverable data. Batman said that the data was very important.

"I have to work overtime again tonight!"

The beautiful and gentle girl stretched lazily in her wheelchair, glanced at the night outside the window, activated the security system of the house, and then pushed her wheelchair out of her room.

She planned to get some late-night snacks before working overtime.

Her boyfriend had already returned to the small town of Blüdhaven near Gotham. He was the "Protector" there, just like Batman's role in Gotham.

But Blüdhaven was obviously not as exciting as Gotham City. Grayson had settled down there, and he had invited Barbara to move in before he left this time.

In addition to wanting to spend time alone with her boyfriend, Barbara also knew the underlying meaning behind his invitation.

Grayson obviously didn't want Barbara to continue working as a superhero. The incident where she was paralyzed by the Joker's gunshot almost scared Nightwing to death.

He almost thought he was going to lose his beloved.

"Sigh, like a child who never grows up, I seem very mature in front of outsiders."

Barbara sighed, just as she turned on the kitchen light, she suddenly felt something was wrong. This former Batgirl grabbed the kitchen knife next to her and stabbed behind her in a swift attack.

But her wrist was accurately caught by a strong and powerful hand, causing her to release the knife due to the pain and making it fall to the ground.A figure in a black cloak appeared next to Barbara. He released her hand and quickly took out all the weapons from the specially made wheelchair. He closed the device that Barbara was using to call for help and took off the bat watch from her wrist, throwing it aside.

Barbara Gordon's heart sank as she realized that whoever this was, they knew too much about the Bat family and herself.

"Are you afraid?" A hoarse voice sounded, with a hint of gloom.

The tall man walked in front of the wary Barbara. He did not harm the girl in the wheelchair. Instead, he crouched down and the strange and bizarre armor on his body made a clicking sound.

At the moment when he looked up and met Barbara's gaze, the man with the strange helmet extended his hand and took off his helmet, revealing the face hidden beneath.

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When Barbara saw the face in front of her, she was struck by lightning and was speechless. She wanted to say the name of the person in front of her, but he gently pressed his hand against her mouth.

He turned off the kitchen light and held Barbara's trembling hands in the darkness, placing them on his forehead.

"In one never-ending nightmare after another, I really miss you guys. Barbara, don't be afraid of me. I will never hurt you. I know you have a lot of questions, but you have to listen to me now. I need your help. And I can understand the hatred in your heart..."

"I don't hate anyone!" Barbara instinctively retorted.

"That was just a mistake! I won't waste the rest of my life hating a madman. I have my own life, and I have moved on."

"I didn't say you hate the Joker, Barbara." The man let out a low laugh and said, "You hate Batman... Bruce Wayne! The man who was supposed to protect you but failed to do so, the one who should have punished the killer but let the madman run free and cause more bloodshed. I know what you're thinking. You don't need to hide it from me, Barbara. Because I, like you, have been harmed by him. He thinks he's our father, but he has not fulfilled his duty as a father. He is the worst guardian in the world, and I have come back to correct this mistake."

The man stood up and gently picked up Barbara from the wheelchair, holding her struggling body in his arms and whispering in her ear."I won't let my brothers and sisters be led into one disaster after another by him. I will protect you. I can make you stand up again! Barbara.

I can come back from death, so I can also give you a new life.

Think of Grayson.

You will have a perfect life blessed by everyone, with your own family under the sun, even children... I can help you, Barbara.

But you have to help me too."


Barbara's struggle became weaker and weaker. It seemed that these words hit the shadows that had been hidden in her heart all along, and finally, she gave up struggling.

She leaned her head on the shoulder of the person in front of her and said softly:

"Are you going to kill Bruce?"

"No! He's my father."

The man whispered:

"No matter how bad a father is, he's still a father. I will give him a reason to retire, then take over his cloak and end all the chaos and filth in Gotham.

Help me, Barbara.

You became my target when you came into contact with that hard drive, but I won't hurt you! They have their eyes on you and Gordon. If you continue to investigate, you'll bring even bigger trouble to yourselves."

After a long silence, Barbara Gordon took a deep breath.

She whispered:

"Okay, Jason, I'll help you, but I have one request. You can't hurt anyone in this family!"

"I promise!"

The resurrected returnee said seriously:

"But don't call me 'Jason Todd' anymore. That's the name of the poor child who was abandoned in hell like you by that man in the past.

They gave me a new name.

Barbara, now I'm called 'Red Knight'.

And I'm here to make Gotham a city of red!"

(Volume One, End)

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