The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 57: The newly arrived shop mas ot at

Mason returned to his small shop with a full harvest.

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He was ready to try making a star-like gun tonight as his melee self-defense weapon to replace the engineering gun that couldn't keep up with the "version".

But plans can't keep up with changes.

As Mason returned with a good mood, he smelled a terrible smell coming from the alchemy room in the basement of the shop as soon as he opened the door. The smell was like the feeling of some kind of herbal medicine being cooked into a paste.

The herbal medicine shouldn't have been too smelly when brewed, but when combined together and inhaled, it gave a dizzy feeling.

The young man sighed, probably understanding what had happened.

He walked to the front of the basement door with tired steps, knocked on it, and then heard a clattering sound inside. Then, Harley, with a blackened face, opened the door for him with a forced smile.

Harley had changed into home clothes, and her white vest was bulging from her well-developed chest, making Mason immediately look away.

Then he saw the alchemy crucible burning with black smoke and Ivy, the poison vine girl, standing by the pot, trying to cover up the "evidence" in a panic.

"Let me guess."

Mason rolled up his sleeves and said, "You added the lotus seeds and aconite grass to the alchemical solution in a three-to-five ratio without pre-processing, causing a strange 'alchemy reaction' between the lotus seeds and the already toxic aconite grass.

Based on my experience, you had less than two seconds to react.

Unfortunately, you didn't catch this crucial time, resulting in the waste of this pot of medicine."

"Absolutely correct!"

Harley, who was following behind Mason, stuck out her tongue and said softly, "I told you, Ivy should have removed those strange lotus seeds first, but she didn't listen to me."

"It's okay. This is a common mistake for novice alchemists. I have also gone through that stage."

Mason didn't blame the disappointed Ivy, but quickly washed the alchemy crucible and took out Old K's alchemy notes.

He said to Ivy, "Look, there's a red line here.

This tells you that this step is very important and must be followed. Alchemy, although incompatible with modern science, is also a precise skill.

In addition, the handling of materials is also very important, which I will teach you later.

Now, Ivy, try again."

Mason pointed to the various materials on the table and said to the poison vine girl, "You can start by making the simplest alchemical solution. This material is the foundation of the foundation in subsequent studies."

"I have a question."

While Ivy was honestly handling the raw materials, she whispered, "How long will it take for me to learn to make those three types of potions that can regulate my emotions and thoughts independently?"

"Well, it depends on your talent."

Mason rubbed his chin and thought, giving an optimistic answer, "Given your perfect affinity with plants, I estimate that it will take you at most three months to try making a sedative. The more difficult elation potion and the extremely complex soothing potion may take six months or longer."

"What about you?"

Curiously, Harley, who was staring around, asked, "Mason, how long did it take you to learn all this?"

"Fifteen days."

Mason answered truthfully, "I'm a special case. After all, the talent of each person is not the same."

This seemingly modest but actually very boastful answer made Harley and Ivy look at each other.

But based on their experience of secretly trying alchemy while Mason was away for the past two days, they didn't think Mason was bragging or exaggerating the difficulty of this skill.

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It was really difficult.

Especially when there was no scientific measurement of time, and everything was pushed forward according to one's own will and free experimentation, it was simply like playing house.

But in this playfulness, there was ancient wisdom.

With the same materials, Mason could make two bottles of good blood tonic, but Ivy could only get a pot of toxic black smoke residue.

In the next half hour, Mason personally demonstrated the standard steps of alchemy to Ivy and taught her how to use four different-sized hourglasses to time.

This was not mandatory.

Of course, clocks and timers could also be used instead, but Mason felt that using hourglasses had a sense of ceremony and was more in line with the mysterious atmosphere of alchemy.

He instructed Ivy not to practice too late and left the basement, preparing to enter the suitcase space to see the situation. Before entering, Harley, who temporarily served as the signboard girl for Cooper's shop, suddenly told him, "In the morning, a handsome guy brought this box of medicine, and Ivy checked that they were all strange materials."

She pointed to the box behind the counter and said to Mason, "That guy also asked me to thank you."

"Don't pay attention to that infatuated guy."

Mason picked up the box and glanced at Harley, who was sitting behind the counter playing with her phone. He asked, "What about you? How are you doing? Do you have Harley Quinn talking to you in your mind?"

"Not that exaggerated, Mason!"

Harley snorted and pushed her glasses, saying academically, "And the description in psychology is not like that. I'm not split personality, Mason. It's just a psychological suggestion that only works under specific circumstances.

This morning, Ivy accompanied me to Leslie's clinic, and that cool doctor told me the same thing.

I need to go to her twice a week for psychological counseling. Actually, I feel like I can do this myself, after all, Leslie specializes in surgery.

And I am a bona fide psychology expert."

"Don't treat anything related to Zhou Kuo'er so lightly."

Mason shook his head and said, "If you feel uncomfortable, drink the medicine immediately. I will always keep three bottles of medicine for you in the counter. I'll rely on you to take care of the shop tonight. You can rest after closing at twelve."

"Oh, by the way, don't touch this box when I go in. If something happens, just knock on the lid and I'll know."

"Ah? What are you talking about!"

Dr. Harley was confused.

She couldn't understand Mason's words until she saw Mason open the suitcase and jump in with the medicine box in his arms.

The psychologist rubbed her eyes.

She watched as the vintage suitcase "swallowed" Mason like a monster, and immediately felt that her own stable worldview had been shaken.

She felt her stress level rising.

So she decisively opened the secret compartment of the counter and took out a bottle of sedative and drank it.

"Well, Harley, there's nothing to be surprised about. It's just magical powers."

She slapped her cheeks and said to herself:

"Haven't you seen anyone use magic before? Well, it seems like you really haven't. Hiss, this young man who looks ten years younger than me is really mysterious!

How many interesting things does Mr. K still have hidden?

He's much more mysterious than Mr. J."

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"Boss, you finally came!"

The Kite Man, who had been waiting in the box for a day and a night, immediately perked up when he saw Mason enter the space. He put down the wrench and screwdriver in his hand and placed the half-modified flying backpack there. He stood up and said to Mason:

"You have to see the condition of Jason Todd. It seems that the Kryptonian healing chamber can't handle his injuries."

"Really? Is it that serious?"

Mason put down the medicine box in his hand and followed Kite Man to the location of the healing chamber.

When there was still the magical apartment of Old K in this space, it didn't seem that big. But now that the magical apartment had been given to Scarecrow as a mage tower, this place was completely empty.

Things brought from Batman's laboratory and Batcave were scattered around, and on the outskirts, three-headed dog Furball, zombie dog Fang, and Miss McGee, who was fostered here by Selina, were chained.

The well-behaved Miss McGee no longer needed to live in a cage.

Mason saw that it was now lying on the head of the prototype Fennel War Armor, taking a nap.

In addition, there were many materials brought from the Caribbean world piled up here, and the Devil's Box was thrown on top of a pile of jewels.

For Mason, who liked everything to be organized, this kind of chaos made him uncomfortable. Perhaps he should take some time to plan the structure of this space later.

At a height of 50 meters, at least ten levels of areas could be created, so as not to waste this space.

"Hmm, it hasn't healed yet?"

Mason stood in front of the Kryptonian technology healing chamber brought out from the Batcave and looked at the almost lifeless Jason Todd lying inside.

After a day and a night, the torn buckets had already taken on a "humanoid" shape, but unfortunately, the essence of the Lazarus Pit remaining in his body seemed to have been exhausted...

He couldn't sustain self-healing anymore.

"Should we use unicorn blood to save him?"

Charles said beside him:

"That's a bit too wasteful, unless you plan to bring Jason into the K Squad.

This guy has strong combat power. He can confront Batman head-on. With specialized equipment, he can completely make up for our weaknesses.

But he's hard to control.

This guy looks like a hot-tempered and stubborn wanderer. Oh, by the way, boss, this thing! I found it in the ashes of Ra's al Ghul!"

Kite Man picked up the broken cloak of the Assassin King from the table next to him. This thing was also a magical item, but it was already damaged and required Level 3 tailoring skills to repair.

But what Mason was more concerned about were the several things wrapped in the broken cloak.

Three crystal bottles filled with green liquid, and a black, ancient-looking slender blade. It was the weapon that Ra's al Ghul used to fight Batman that night.

Mason reached out to touch the crystal bottle, and an information label popped up:

Essence of the Lazarus Pit

Quality: Legendary crafting material

Item effect: The Lazarus Pit of unknown origin possesses the power of resurrection and healing, making one almost immortal. However, the water in the pit is cursed.

Drinking it will stimulate the shadows of the mind, and long-term use will change one's thinking, will, and character.

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Creator: San Gong Mo

Item description: If you treat diluted blood of a dimensional demon god as a blessing, then you must be crazy.

Tip: When alchemy reaches Level 7, you can try to purify the evil power of the water. Purified water can be used as an important material for the "Elixir of Immortality."

The young man glanced at the almost lifeless Jason Todd in the healing chamber, sneered, took out a bottle of water from the pit, put it in his bag, and then reached out to touch the black, slender straight blade.

The attributes of this blade made Mason's eyes light up:

Demon Lord

Quality: Legendary forging/enchanting/inscription creation·Supreme craftsmanship

Characteristics: Close combat blade·Cursed penetration·Light as a feather·Cuts through iron like mud·High-level dark inscription [Life Drain]·High-level combat enchantment [Exorcism of Evil Spirits]

Creator: Lars Al Elgur

Item description: "Demon Lord" not only describes this blade, but also the man who can make the whole world tremble when he wields this blade.

Tip: This weapon can be further forged to improve its quality and craftsmanship. But Lars Al Elgur is not dead, he will come to reclaim his own sword.

The young man's fingers brushed over the all-black slender blade.

He waved it a few times and felt its perfect balance and the ability to cut through metal like mud. Especially the blade, which was only two fingers wide, made Mason immediately realize its best use.

He took out his modified penguin umbrella, compared the width of the blade with the width of Maxie Zeus's lightning scepter, and was pleasantly surprised to find that with just a slight modification, this blade could become the final accessory for the penguin umbrella.

And the handle of the blade, carved into the shape of a black demon's head, was also very suitable as the handle of Mason's personal umbrella. It was much cooler than a curved handle.Although I don't like close combat and I'm not good at it, I can't just go up and fight with my bare hands if I run out of ammunition when the enemy gets close, right?

I'm not a skilled boxer!

"So, tonight's plan is to first finish the two barrels of life-saving medicine, then polish my precious umbrella, and then find time to make a bone spirit."

Mason modified his plan.

High-tech star-shaped guns are very popular.

But unfortunately, I don't have time to make it tonight. There should be priorities in everything.

As he walked towards his alchemy table, Mason said to the Kite Man who was following him:

"Charles, you should go back tomorrow and tidy up while spending time with the kids. Then bring the vaccine with you. We'll go back to the Caribbean world tomorrow night.

If Selina is not available, it doesn't matter if we go alone."

"Okay, boss."

Kite Man had no objections to this arrangement.

He eagerly took out the modification blueprint for his flying backpack and showed it to Mason. This guy really turned Mason's previous suggestions into reality.

He modified his kite design.

Using two complete Night Pegasus wings as the main body and using special steel for internal reinforcement, he created a variable and movable wing.

Considering Charles' basic aerodynamic abilities as an air dynamicist, this thing should definitely be able to fly, but its effectiveness still needs further practice and modification.

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Mason made a few suggestions and suggested that Kite Man equip an emergency booster for the flying backpack. Then the two "craftsmen" started their respective creations without disturbing each other.

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But soon, Mason held the trembling Hunter's Pendant in front of his chest and thought with a frown:

"My badge is vibrating! Could there be a female sorceress nearby?"

At the same time, outside the Cooper's shop in the space of the suitcase, Harley Doctor, who was about to close the shop and go to bed after no one came all night, suddenly saw a beautiful girl wearing a magician's uniform, bold fishnet stockings, and a high-top hat appear like magic.

She walked straight towards Cooper's shop, her beautiful face full of anger.

"Where is John?"

Zatanna Zatara stood outside the Cooper's shop, looking at Harley Doctor with wide eyes. This well-tempered magician lady suppressed her anger and said:

"Tell that bastard to come out and see me!"

"Ah? Who is John?"

Harley Doctor said in surprise:

"This is Mr. Mason's shop, and I am his employee. Does this lady want to come in and see our magical potions? They are on special today."

"What's so interesting about these low-level potions? Besides the good craftsmanship, there is no highlight."

Zatanna heard that Zatanna was not here and stomped her foot in anger. She glanced at the small shop and said angrily and anxiously:

"He must have been here! My monitoring magic detected his trace. But it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to show up. We're done between us.

But tell him for me, something big is about to happen. Let him come back to the Mystery House as soon as possible!

I can only wait for him for half a month!"

At this point, the magician lady suddenly sniffed as if she smelled something strange, and she leaned close to Harley Doctor and sniffed lightly.

This action made Harley Doctor take a step back immediately.

She didn't really like such intimate actions.

"Well, good luck to you."

Zatanna looked at Harley with pity and said softly:

"The shadow has already taken root in your heart, and the bloodthirsty monster is trying to break free from the shackles of reason. But the person who cultivated and controlled her has already gone to hell.

You have to hurry up before you completely lose control, girl.

If you delay any longer, your illness will be incurable."

"Harley, who are you talking to?"

The voice of Poison Ivy came from the basement, and before Harley could answer, the magician lady in front of her disappeared like a bubble.

This made Harley Doctor blink her eyes.

She felt like she had encountered something strange again... um, maybe she was just hallucinating?

Forget it.

I'll just drink another bottle of medicine.

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